Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1014: 1st person on earth

Pei Junlin does not feel schizophrenic, because he is still a unified whole as a whole.

"Go, go back and catch all the fish that missed the net." Pei Junlin waved his hand, and the five emperors and Yuanshen flew in five directions.

After he was promoted to enter the Yangshen Realm, these five emperors and great Yuanshen naturally also rose in height, and it was natural to deal with some demons of the Yinshen Realm.

After the Five Emperors Yuanshen left, Pei Junlin waved a golden monkey in front of him. You are the congenital body of the congenital body, and also a pair of skin bags prepared by the Heishui Emperor for himself.

What the emperor can see must be the treasure of the world. This kind of thing is even more precious than Chaos Lingbao, but it is something that was born and raised in chaos.

The golden monkey Pei Junlin carefully observed, the more he looked, the more he loved. I am afraid that the purest thing in the world is not as good as this congenital body.

As long as people born in this world are born, they will be born with some turbidity. The entire cultivation process is the process of removing this impurity or poisonous gas from the body.

But this kind of Tao Yuantai is different. They are born at the end, and the body is horrible and pure without any dirt.

Therefore, the body of this congenital body is often pure and flawless, and the speed of cultivation is amazing, even a mysterious physique.

It is a very difficult process to refine this congenital Taoist body into its own incarnation, or second avatar. Which involves some mysteries of the soul, Pei Junlin did not dare to try or set foot at will.

However, Dao Yuanyuan is too tempting. If you do n’t try you, Pei Junlin feels very sorry for herself. After all, this is a great opportunity.

If you can practice successfully, then there are two yourself. Even if you are dead, you can also use the golden monkey to respawn.

In other words, Pei Junlin has only one person, but has two bodies. This golden monkey is equivalent to Pei Junlin's avatar.

At that time, the **** silkworm son would pay a huge price, that is, he took a fancy to the inborn Taoist body. Therefore, they will **** this thing at all costs, and eventually lose a lot, and return.

"What's this?" Wang Ziyu and Sister Wang Qiong walked in and were surprised when they saw the body of the golden monkey.

Although he is a monkey, he is so handsome that he can be called the Monkey King. Especially every detail of the whole body makes people feel a flawless feeling.

Coupled with the feeling of this congenital Taoist body, it is like a person seeing the fruit, and he wants to take a bite.

"Sister-in-law, this thing looks so good, is it a puppet? Why doesn't it move?" Wang Ziyu walked over and touched the golden monkey with his hand.

Pei Junlin stopped talking, and was speechless.

Because this golden monkey will be his other body in the future, Wang Ziyu now touches the golden monkey as if he is touching himself in the future.

However, Pei Junlin could not break the words, otherwise Wang Ziqiong would have no way to pass it. Can only be fooled, I have to repeat the origin of this golden monkey.

"No, brother-in-law, this is the legendary metaphysical tire, my goodness, you actually got this kind of treasure." Wang Ziyu covered his mouth and shot a surprise in his eyes.

Wang Ziqiong was also a little stunned. A pair of beautiful eyes looked back and forth on Pei Junlin. It seemed that he was very proud of the chance of Fu Jun.

"Oh, I think this thing should be called Tao Yuanyuan, how do you call him Yuantai Yuantai?" Wang Ziqiong is well-informed. She likes to delve into something when she is okay, and it is estimated that she also understands these things.

Pei Junlin waved his hand: "In fact, these two names make sense, and the meaning is roughly the same, but the name is different. Whether it is a Daoyuanyuan or a round-body Taobao, it is actually the same thing."

"Brother-in-law, what's the use of this thing? Wouldn't you like to make him your second incarnation?" Wang Ziyu's eyes flickered, and his face turned red.

She touched the golden monkey just now, and suddenly thought of what it felt like, which was very embarrassing.

Wang Ziqiong also instantly thought of a possibility, his eyes were a little weird, and he looked at Pei Junlin with a smile.

Wang Ziqiong was a little embarrassed to see Pei Junlin with such eyes, and he could only cough hard with his scalp twice, and then he said, "It ’s a pity that this golden monkey is a man, otherwise I will give you two of you. . "

"Huh? Give it to me? I'm afraid you're just being polite. Give it to your own wife. How can I have my share?" Wang Ziyu turned around and walked out directly, leaving Wang Qiong and Pei Junlin The atmosphere in this room was a bit weird for a while.

"Fujun, will this thing really become your second incarnation in the future?" Wang Ziqiong's face looks strange.

She thought of a possibility, and there was some confusion in her mind. Because she had only one husband, if Pei Junlin had a second incarnation, what would it be?

In a sense, the second incarnation is actually another body, which means that a person has two bodies. Fighting power increased by two times, and can take different cultivation paths.

"Actually, you shouldn't drill the horns. This second incarnation can be used as a magic weapon to worship." Pei Junlin suddenly thought of another way.

Separating a trace of consciousness to control the battle of the golden monkey's body does not need to separate his soul completely to dominate another body, which is acceptable to Pei Junlin.

After all, it is still very dangerous to practice a second incarnation. Once it fails, it is likely to involve the body.

Pei Junlin has always been a little hesitant, but now if he uses this method of sacrifice, he can omit this link.

"If this monkey speaks to me with your tone and tone, then I must be very difficult to accept, because only you are my husband in my heart." Wang Ziqiong finally expressed his concerns.

Pei Junlin nodded, he thought of another way.

"I may have to leave for a while, and you will take care of you at home." Pei Junlin intends to leave for a while to finish all his own affairs.

In fact, it takes a certain amount of time for this incarnation to resolve. Once successful, the combat power will double.

"I'm your wife. What do you say so politely to me? I should have supported you behind my back." Wang Ziqiong's face turned red, and he looked at Pei Junlin.

The two don't need to say too much nasty words, as long as they have one look, they will understand each other's intentions. Pei Junlin nodded and didn't say much.

That night, Pei Junlin started to leave. What are his latest recovery goals?

Recently there are some rumors that Kunlun Mountain is about to recover. This Kunlun is not the current Kunlun Mountain, but the legendary hometown of the gods, the real God Mountain.

The legendary Kunlun Mountain is the ancestor of Wanshan, the source of Wandao. Now finally recovering, Pei Junlin intends to explore some.

At night, a figure flew into the sky, and Pei Junlin flew directly towards the extremely cold land. The speed is very fast, and one roll of the swinging body method is hundreds of kilometers. In a few blinks and breathes, Pei Junlin will soon reach Kunlun Shenshan.

The so-called Kunlun Mountain is not the Kunlun Mountain in the actual geographical position. The modern Kunlun Mountain is only added by the word Kunlun later.

And the Kunlun Mountain, which is the latest recovery, is the real home of all gods. Before Pei Junlin set foot here, he will have a pious will. When he came to the foot of this Kunlun Mountain, a reverent, vast mood sprang up.

Standing at the foot of the mountain and looking up, the mountainside is above the clouds, and the snow covers the whole mountain.

A team of beautiful people walked past Pei Junlin. They made a five-step, one-step, ten-step, and one-time gift ceremony.

Pei Junlin can see that there is no fluctuation in the cultivation of these young men, but they are very thin, but they are not afraid of the cold, and their physical qualities are very strong.

If you look closely, you will find that a purple gas hangs over the heads of these people, protecting them from the cold.

Perhaps this is the power of true faith.

Pei Junlin did not say hello to these people, and these people did not take care of Pei Junlin, just as Pei Junlin did not exist at all.

Pei Junlin's figure flew across the snow, and a few landings flew towards the mountainside. But slowly Pei Junlin found himself flying harder and harder. It seems that there is a strong force on this Kunlun Mountain to prevent someone from flying.

Later, Pei Junlin gradually found out that it was not straight and could not fly, even walking here was very difficult.

He is now in the state of Yang Shen, surpassing Yuan Ping, the old fairy standing almost at the top of the planet. Even some of the recovery powerhouses have not exceeded the strength of the Yangshen Realm.

Pei Junlin does not know whether there will be anyone in the future who will exceed the level of Yangshen, but now it certainly does not. He is now the first person on earth ~ ~ his realm can no longer fly on Kunlun Mountain, then others Not even more, and even walking uphill feels very difficult. This shows that no one else should have stepped on this mountain. Pei Junlin felt that he should be the first to come here.

Although he was almost breathless under the huge pressure, Pei Junlin had no negative emotions in his heart.

In ancient times, people were often in awe. When passing by temples or some sacred sites, they would dismount horses and sedan cars or actively stop flying the sword.

The sacred place of Kunlun Mountain can only walk uphill, which is reasonable. Although there is a divine force pressing his shoulders invisible, Pei Junlin walked very patiently at every step.

Suddenly Pei Junlin stopped, because he saw something.

Is that a horse?

At the foot of the Kunlun Mountain, Pei Junlin takes every step and still has to bear the weight of the thousand. How can there be a horse here?

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