Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1027: Zongzi Tianjun

This time I finally got some benefits, whether it is the Five Thunder Zheng Fa or the Five Thunder Zheng Tian Fu, it is a great treasure, even more than the Pure Yang Fire Bell.

This time, Pei Junlin was still very satisfied. Even if there is nothing else to gain on the way down, this trip to Kunlun is worthwhile.

"Big black donkey, open your storage ring and see what's inside." Pei Junlin's eyes glowed.

Although he got Wu Lei Zheng Tian Fu and Wu Lei Zheng Tian Fa this time, for Pei Junlin, these gains are far inferior to this **** donkey.

The **** donkey had a quick eye, and took the lead in putting that day's storage ring in his pocket. The treasures among them must be endless, but they are the treasures of a heavenly king.

But after hearing Pei Junlin ’s words, the **** donkey behaved dumbly: "Do you have a pit in your brain? Do you think it is a storage ring? The body of Tianjun is obviously a return to the ruins that was intentionally introduced by people. Medium. Do you think they will keep these treasures in the hands of Tianjin before throwing their bodies? "

The **** donkey sent three questions of the soul one after another, and carried out spicy torture on Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin was really asked dumbly at this time, because the logic in it was too simple. It's just that he was blinded by lard, and his eyes were full of that baby, so simple logic forgot to think about.

"I don't think it's too bad, even if it's not a storage ring, can the thing carried in Tianjun's hand be ordinary trash?" Pei Junlin reached out and pressed the head of the **** donkey, stroking the top Hair comforted.

The **** donkey is not used to being touched by the head with his hands. It feels like his father touched his head when he was a child, and was a little annoyed.

Shaking his head hard and flicking Pei Junlin's palm away, he said angrily: "I've seen it. This thing is simply an ordinary ring. It's not even a treasure. There are no runes. And mana fluctuations. "

Facing the encounter of the **** donkey, Pei Junlin almost laughed out loud.

The **** donkey was quick-sighted, and the picture of a ring snatching was still vivid. The thought of the **** donkey's frustration now makes Pei Junlin feel funny.

"Really? It turned out to be an ordinary ring. Why don't I believe it? Show it to me." Pei Junlin reached out to the **** donkey to ask for the ring.

The **** donkey had no precautions for Pei Junlin, and tossed the ring in his mouth.

Pei Junlin took it in his hand, and a mana force ring poured into it, really as the **** donkey said, without reaction and fluctuation.

Now it seems that this ring is really an ornament, not a ring or a magic weapon at all.

When Pei Junlin wanted to laugh out loud, he suddenly discovered that there was a small line of writing on the ring.

This discovery didn't make a difference, and Pei Junlin's spirit was shocked. Could this ring have other meanings?

"He is her first and her final ..."

The pale yellow characters are hard to find if you don't look carefully. The line of small characters engraved on the ring was incomparable to Juan Xiu, obviously from the hand of a woman.

It seems that this ring should be a token of love, but I didn't expect Zongzi Tianjun to have his own perfect love.

Pei Junlin looked at this dog food from ancient times, and was a little dumbfounded. Open your mouth, don't know what to say.

This earth-flavored love story that spans time and space is indeed ridiculous. In fact, this seemingly beautiful love turned out to be a tragedy.

Pei Junlin's smile slowly faded, and a sad look appeared on his face. Thinking of myself and Wang Ziqiong, if something like this happens in the future, how tingling the other half will be.

Thinking of this, Pei Junlin was suddenly not so afraid of the Tianjun who had just become an old dumpling. Perhaps that day Jun was also a handsome beautiful boy, and had a perfect love story with a young girl.

It's just that the dumpling Tianjun later encountered an unexpected accident, and the iron chain bound to his body became a bait.

"What's the matter? Is there any secret on the ring?" The **** donkey has been watching Pei Junlin's expression.

Seeing that Pei Junlin's expression was uncertain, the **** donkey grabbed the ring back. Staring at the ring with wide eyes, he soon discovered this line of fine print.

"I'm going, it seems that this is a token of love, but this thing is really useless, so I gave it to you." The **** donkey looked disgusted.

After Pei Junlin took the ring and groped it carefully with his hands, Jane weighed it away.

Something is really useless, but it hides a beautiful story. If Pei Junlin feels lucky to meet the original hostess of this ring, maybe she can tell the story to the other party.

The two had become friends unconsciously, walking from side to side to now.

Sometimes Pei Junlin will take the opportunity to lie on the back of the **** donkey and let it carry him for a while, but soon he will be directly dropped by the **** donkey.

It seems that because the ring did not contain any treasures, the **** donkey was depressed all the way until Pei Junlin agreed to give Professor Wu Lei Zhengtianfa to the **** donkey.

"You can't tell me your origin? I don't feel any demon spirit in you, you are not a demon race outside the domain." Pei Junlin expressed his concern about the origin of the **** donkey.

However, the reaction of the **** donkey made Pei Junlin more and more puzzled, because he is not Gu and he is changing the topic, and he does not face this problem directly.

"Okay, if you don't want to talk about your origins, that's fine. Big black donkey. In the future, the two of us will be friends. Can you carry me for a while when I walk?" Pei Junlin finally said the point. .

He wanted to conquer this **** donkey as his mount, but for now, there are definitely some unlikely.

"What do you want? Want to eat fart? Let me be your mount." The **** donkey stared at Pei Junlin fiercely, shaking his head and said: "The nobleness of my identity is beyond your imagination, maybe let me catch It ’s almost like catching a human to be a mount. "

Catch a human to become a mount?

A funny picture suddenly appeared in Pei Junlin's mind. A donkey was riding on a person's head. The picture was so beautiful that it made Pei Junlin feel laughed.

"Okay, since you don't want to be my mount, we will be friends and brothers in the future. Let's take advantage of the opportunity now, let's stick incense and worship." Pei Junlin said casually towards the **** donkey.

Along the way, Pei Junlin did feel that the **** donkey had a good character. No, it should be a good donkey. The origin of this guy is very mysterious, especially the big hoof with golden light, even if Jun became a red-haired old dumpling that day, he was restrained for a moment.

"I don't believe that set." The **** donkey didn't even give Pei Jun a face.

While Pei Junlin was about to find something to satirize the **** donkey, he saw that the **** donkey stopped and looked at the front with a pair of eyes that seemed to surprise.

Pei Junlin looked along the **** donkey's line of sight, and was also stunned. I saw an ancient tree growing on the hill in front, and every leaf of the ancient tree exuded a silver light, and there were countless fruits in it. The tree was shining with aura.

Obviously, the fruits on this treasure tree should be some top-level spirit fruits.

Not only is it inexplicable, but even the power of some rules and the flow of Tao Yun can be seen on it.

This level of Lingguo eats one, it is absolutely comparable to the panacea, even some big medicines can not be comparable to it.

"There is such a thing here, it's really strange." After the surprise, the **** donkey showed a look of consternation on his face, which seemed to be puzzled.

Pei Junlin's gaze also stayed on the fruit on the tree, but he suddenly found that the fruit on the tree was not the same and the same, but each fruit had its own independent attributes.

"I'm going! This tree is a zoo. Why does this fruit look like animals?" Pei Junlin was a little surprised.

The fruits are lion-shaped, tiger-shaped, leopard-shaped, and human-shaped. They are always all kinds of strange-shaped creatures. Even things that Pei Junlin has never seen before, are presented on this tree.

I have heard of ginseng fruit, but never heard of animal ginseng fruit.

"Old donkey, after eating these fruits, won't it become the shape of these animals?" Pei Junlin was a little surprised.

The **** donkey gave Pei Junlin a strange look and shook his head like a rattle. A pair of Pei Junlin looked like a country gangster.

"This is called Dao Guo, and each one contains the hardship and rules of these souls becoming enlightened. It is a great chance to eat one. What else do you want?" Pei Jun, spread the girl and rush towards the tree.

Last time, the **** donkey seized the opportunity and took the ring away. UU reading www.uukanshu. Com accompanies Jun Lin this time to learn a lesson, naturally it will not be one step behind.

Eyes fast and fast, grabbed the tail of the **** donkey directly.

However, the speed of the **** donkey is too fast, and he directly dragged Pei Junlin away.


The **** donkey stopped directly, his neck snapped, and his body hit a transparent wall in an instant.

Even Pei Junlin was bumped into this wall, and he was hit with seven stars and eight eyes.

After they got up, they found that there was a transparent air wall around them, which directly surrounded this one to the fruit tree ground.

It is not a formation, but a force of spatial rules. After careful inspection, Pei Junlin can only look at the ocean.

"It seems that the fruit of this rhyme is not fully mature, they are here to wait for some time." The **** donkey showed superhuman endurance at this time.

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