Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1029: The melee begins

The gray robe man stared at a gray fruit, which contained a humanoid fruit. The fruit of the human form seems to be punching, full of a vague artistic concept of boxing.

Pei Junlin observed the gray-robed man with his bare hands, and seemed to be a master of boxing skills. He should have strong attainments on the martial arts.

Pei Junlin was not surprised with the humanoid fruit that the gray-robed man was staring at. He was most concerned about the **** silkworm.

As long as the **** silkworm's eyes stay in two places, one of them is the golden monkey fruit that Pei Junlin fancy. Another one, the **** silkworm is fancy with a butterfly.

"If I remember correctly, the silkworm turned into a moth instead of a butterfly." Pei Junlin suddenly said to the **** donkey beside him that the sound was deliberately loud and let his **** silkworm hear.

Sure enough, after hearing the words of Pei Junlin, the **** silkworm's face changed greatly. With a cold hum, the whole body exuded a strong murderous air.

He glared and shot two sword lights, as if to pierce Pei Junlin across the sky. But Pei Junlin didn't care. Before, he wasn't the opponent of the **** silkworm, but now it is not known who will kill the deer.

What about the flesh of the real **** realm? Pei Junlin is now promoted to the second level of the undead, and he is also not afraid of this **** of silkworms.

The only worry is the gray-robed man, who is also because of the human race, but the attitude is indifferent. If the person intervenes at that time, things may be in trouble.

"You can rest assured that if the gray-robed man dares to intervene, I will help you clean up him." The **** donkey seemed to see Pei Junlin's inner worry and offered to take the initiative.

The **** donkey's pledge to accompany Jun Lin was relieved. After all, the four people here are all strong, and no one is weak. If the **** silkworm really united with the gray robe man to deal with himself, Pei Junlin could only escape by looking at the wind.

At this time, the Dao Yun fruit tree suddenly turned around. A piece of brilliance illuminates the surrounding world, and at the same time a sound of fairy language can be heard.

"This is not really someone playing music, but the sound of the resonance of the avenue. How about, listen comfortably." Big black donkey raised his ears and closed his eyes for a look of enjoyment.

But Pei Junlin did not dare to relax in any way. He knew that the most critical moment was coming soon. Perhaps this is the most critical moment of this trip to Kunming.

Just as the central fruit tree bloomed, the folded walls around the space seemed to be slowly disappearing. At this time, the **** silkworm and the gray robe man were not staying, and they rushed towards the central Daoyun fruit tree.

"Let's go too, we can't let those two guys **** the good stuff away." The gleam of the **** donkey's hoof blooms at an astonishing speed.

Only Pei Junlin slowed down a bit, but he performed the swinging body method, which also instantly made up for the previous loss.

All four of them are masters, and their speed is so amazing that they reached under the tree of Yunguo almost at the same time.

The grey robe man reached out and grabbed the humanoid fruit, while the **** donkey had a clear aim and bit his cow-shaped fruit in one mouth.

Only after Pei Junlin and the **** silkworm stared at each other, caught the golden monkey fruit at the same time.

This **** silkworm was deliberately opposed to himself, and Pei Junlin was furious. The blood in his chest was agitated, and his hands exuded a dazzling silver light. On the other side, the **** silkworm also exudes a strong divine spirit, and he will sweep away the fruit of the **** monkey.

On the other hand, after the **** donkey and the black robe man got the fruit they wanted at the same time, they didn't leave immediately, and they didn't grab the other fruit after looking at each other.

This rhyme tree is very magical, everyone has only one chance. There are also exceptions. Some people have different talents, and it does not exclude that they can collect fruit for the second time.

But the **** donkey gave up his second chance. He wanted to help Pei Junlin guard Pei Junlin's flanks and prevent the sneak attack of the gray robe man.

The gray-robed man seemed to be content after he got the humanoid fruit and stopped. A pair of eyes looked at Pei Junlin, with a smile on his face.

The situation is not good, Pei Junlin, who is playing against the **** silkworm, and feel the threat from the gray robe man. Pei Junlin realized at this time that the gray-robed man had been with the **** Silkworm Princess since the beginning, and the two pretended not to know each other, in fact, to set themselves apart.

After seeing clearly, Pei Junlin shot instantly, his hands blossomed out of Shenhua, and attacked the **** silkworm.

The man in black robe outside also played a kind of punching technique, like rolling mountains and rolling mountains, turning into a huge high mountain and suppressing towards Pei Junlin.

The punching method has never been seen by Pei Junlin. He was enemies in the stomach and back in an instant. Before that, the **** silkworm bloomed and the palms rolled towards him like a grinding disc.

Behind him is a grey-robed man's fist like a heavy mountain, stacked mountains, and towering mountains, generally suppressing towards him.

There were wolves before and tigers after, but Junlin didn't seem to see the gray-robed man shooting himself. He believed in the old donkey because the **** donkey had promised before.

Pei Junlin completely gave up the defense of his back, but concentrated on dealing with the **** silkworm. As for the safety of the back, it was completely handed over to the **** donkey.

The **** donkey really lived up to the expectations. A pair of hoofed golden divine glory fought with the grey robe man.

That majestic fist like a mountain was not effective against the **** donkey, and a pair of hooves forwarded Jinhui constantly attacked the gray robe man.

Pei Junlin is also indifferent here, and the flesh of the second undead body is not lost to Peng Shen silkworm.

The power of the Heavenly Tribulation above the Broken Domain Sword in his hand is even more daunting to the God of the Silkworm. The Force of the Heavenly Tribulation has a restraining effect on the Demon Race by nature, and the red lightning flashes, so that the God of the Silkworm keeps receding.

A sword splits the **** silkworm, and Pei Junlin grabs the fruit again in the future, but this time, there are two lights and shadows leaping over behind him, rotating around Pei Junlin, seeming to want to cut Pei Junlin.

"That's how you do it. If my dragon is a paper tiger, you are at most a paper cat." Pei Junlin didn't put the **** silkworm in his eyes, and suddenly punched him towards the **** silkworm princess.

The martial arts of the world are fast and unbreakable. After Pei Junlin entered the second weight of the undead body, his speed has greatly improved. He punched with a layer of ghosts.

The thunderbolt rune flashed on Pei Junlin's fist. This time he punched a punch, not only the punching method, but also contained the thunderbolt secret of the five thunder Zhengtian methods.

With a punch in Pei Jun's pen, a thick lightning fell on the sky.

One punch exploded in the air, and a dazzling thunder was directly radiated. Countless arcs exploded in all directions, and the **** silkworm flew out with this punch.

Wu Lei Zheng Tian Fa and Wu Lei Zheng Tian Fu cooperated with Pei Junlin's boxing skills, and they have never moved forward. Meet God to kill God, encounter Buddha.

Pei Junlin didn't put Pei Junlin in his eyes, and immediately suffered a big loss, and half of his shoulders were burnt to black by lightning. The flesh opened to reveal Bai Sensen's stubble, and there was a smell of burning smell.

On the other hand, the decisive battle between the **** donkey and the gray-robed man also became fierce. The **** donkey turned into a carcass and turned into a majestic black donkey.

The hoof bloomed with golden radiance, and continued to attack the gray-robed man sharply.

The grey-robed man's punching method is steady and steady, with calmness in nature and sharp defense with imperviousness.

Among his evolved boxing techniques, there are some ancient boxing techniques of the earth, Taijiquan, Xinyi Liuhe Boxing and so on. Pei Junlin saw this with Yu Guang, and his heart was horrified.

The identity of the gray-robed man must be the ancient recovery powerhouse. As for why he came together with the **** silkworm, this is due to the fact that Pei Junlin has no time to investigate.

Pei Junlin did not expect that these ancient boxing techniques, which can be seen everywhere before the resurgence of the earth's spirits, showed such great power in the hands of this gray-robed man.

Opened and closed, murderous, surrounded by sand and rocks, the world will collapse.

Pei Junlin observed that the gray-robed man was attacked with a punch, and even some small cracks appeared in the space. If it was not too big, the black donkey would have been killed under the fist.

The **** donkey can only be said to be in an undefeated place now. It is impossible to defeat this gray-robed man. The grey robe man's fist has reached the realm of change, which is the legendary realm of rain and airtightness.

The battle situation on the **** donkey made Pei Junlin gritted his teeth and determined to defeat the **** silkworm in a short time. If the front is stretched and the time continues to be delayed, then the **** donkey may be unable to support it.

Once the **** donkey can't support it, then he will face the danger of being enemies on his back. After seeing the key factors, Pei Junlin's body mana surged, and he used ten out of ten forces.

"Little animal, how has you been progressing so fast recently? What is going on? What adventure did you get?" The **** silkworm was a little surprised by Pei Junlin's progress.

Before in the Blackwater City, Pei Junlin was still a small character in his eyes, UU reading www.uukanshu. com can only hide and watch on the side when he is fighting with the **** monkey.

It's different now, Pei Junlin has suddenly become a master at par with him. And in the match, he was completely true, and he was still injured after a steady fight. Of course, there is an element of the carelessness of the **** silkworm, but it also shows that Pei Junlin's strength has grown tremendously.

"You are scolding yourself. Between the two of us, only you are a beast, and I am a human being." Pei Junlin was not angry, and he could laugh and scold when he shot.

Pei Junlin's palms spread out, and the five thunder Zhengtian flew out of the palm of his hand, turning into a thunderbolt rune, and instantly burst into a violent thunder.

The amount of thunder was caught by Pei Junlin's hand and turned into a thunder spear.

Seeing this scene, the **** silkworm showed a surprised look. With a spit, a huge silk screen looked around him, trying to stop the lightning spear accompanying you.

"I said I'm going to catch you today, and I will cook it and eat it, you can't escape it." Pei Junlin has completely controlled the battle situation.

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