Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1039: Sign a contract

Sometimes it seems that the third prince is a businessman who is covered in copper, but now it seems that the third prince is still very humane, not just for profit.

"Brother, I have only one request. Can you help me with the goods when selling those demon races? You can rest assured that I will pay for the pit fee." Prince San Zhuzi made a request towards Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin was a little speechless. It turned out that the third prince was actually hitting this idea. But this is no exception. People are businessmen after all, they have to eat.

Mankind has reached this stage and resisting the invasion of foreigners has only just taken its first step.

If it is really possible to broadcast live on the Thor platform, Pei Junlin is confident to enhance the popularity of the earth.

If the earth was indeed a desolate and depleted planet before, the best way is to hide it. But now the earth is like a pearl, it is recovering its light, and hiding cannot hide it.

Strike a punch, lest a hundred punches come.

This time is to take the initiative to take the initiative, occupy the commanding heights of some public opinion, take the initiative to recommend the earth to some races in the universe, and strive for some human races floating in the universe to return to the earth.

Only in this way can the earth stand in the tide of recovery and survive in the cracks.

The recovery of the earth is like a great opportunity. Every day, new opportunities and new treasures are born. This is why the extraterrestrial demons covet the earth.

A drop of blood dripped on the contract of Thor's platform. This peculiar contract text immediately exuded a golden light. There is a profound and profound mysterious power slowly forming in the void, and Pei Junlin feels a hint of spiritual power entangles himself.

This is the power of the blood curse, it is difficult to violate the above rules after signing this contract.

However, signing a contract with Raytheon platform is only good for Pei Junlin, and there is no harm. After all, these terms are not overlord clauses, and there is no restriction on Pei Junlin itself.

What Pei Junlin may lose is just a little privacy, because according to the terms of this Thunder platform, the Thunder God platform has the right to broadcast Pei Junlin at any time.

Of course, this can be live broadcasted by Pei Junlin by default. If Pei Junlin actively closes the signal source, the Thor platform cannot force the live broadcast.

"According to the contract on the contract, your first live show will be in three days, you should prepare for these three days, and the platform will also build momentum for you." Prince San saw the contract signed successfully, face Shangxiao became an old chrysanthemum.

Pei Junlin nodded, somewhat confused.

But Prince San is very excited. He told Pei Junlin: "I'm afraid you don't know yet. Your name is now famous in the universe. There are fans on many planets. Your live broadcast It will definitely attract many people to watch. "

On this point, Pei Junlin believes that because these demon races he arrested, they all have family members and friends, and they will definitely come to watch when the time comes. These audiences alone are huge.

After sending away the third prince, Pei Junlin announced the news to everyone, especially the old fairy Yuan Ping.

Although Pei Junlin's status is now no less than that of Yuan Ping's old fairy, even in the eyes of many people on the earth, Pei Junlin's status has already far exceeded Yuan Ping's old fairy.

But there are some things that Pei Junlin does not want to be arbitrary, it is better to consult with teacher Yuan Ping. However, there was no objection to the decision made by Pei Junlin, and everyone voted unanimously.

"Boss Pei, is there a live broadcast platform in the universe?" Yuan Fei's face showed a curious look.

For the unknown universe, everyone knows very little, except Pei Junlin.

"That's because the natural universe is a huge collective, and there are even countless stars. As far as I know, the galaxy is just a grain of dust in the entire universe. The entire universe is really too large, and the population is countless as dust. "

After Pei Junlin said these words, he saw the curiosity on everyone's face. He said again: "The universe is still very developed. The future way of the earth must be only the stars and the sea, rather than standing still and shutting down the country."

Everyone nodded their heads, fearing and expecting the earth's fate.

"We only have one master of the Yangshen realm on our planet, which is too weak compared to the many races of masters in the universe." Zhang Pingping walked out of the crowd and said towards Junlin.

After all, it's a girl, and the angle of looking at the problem is always a bit negative.

"Don't underestimate the details of the earth. The earth can dominate the entire star field in ancient times and suppress all demons and ghosts. There are certain reasons." Pei Junlin's eyes shone with light.

At this moment, Pei Junlin showed strong self-confidence, and even Yuan Ping's old gods swept away the decadence, showing a look of reverence and expectation on his face.

"Even the earth's details can't be fully understood even by me. Even if the earth had fallen in ancient times, this does not mean that the earth is not as good as those demon clan outside the territory." There are words in Pei Junlin's words.

He once experienced in the universe and knew some secrets. In the universe, there are still many human races proliferating outside, looking forward to the day when the earth becomes stronger again.

If live broadcasting can really be started, Pei Junlin believes that some human races outside the domain will definitely return to earth. As for the huge force of the extraterrestrials, it may reverse the situation in the future.

"Boss Pei, when can you take us to take a look at the extraterrestrial planet, just to see it." Xia Houping looked forward with a look.

However, interstellar travel is based on human's current scientific and technological means. Spaceships and other things are in the eyes of those powerful people outside the domain, just like flies and mosquitoes.

But for Pei Junlin, this question is in his mind. This group of brothers, the future is the mainstay of the earth. The purpose of cultivating them is to cultivate the future leaders of the earth. Pei Junlin will naturally not refuse their demands.

"This is a good question. Since you want to go out and broaden your horizons, let's go out, but not now. I'll talk about it after I deal with the auction." Pei Junlin agreed happily.

Hearing that he could actually walk out of the earth and go on an interplanetary journey outside the realm, almost everyone was dumbfounded, revealing an incredible look.

It turned out that Xia Houping was just talking about it casually. I didn't expect Pei Junlin to really agree.

Out of the understanding of Pei Junlin, the Chinese people all know that Pei Junlin's words must be practiced, and the things he can promise, it must be reliable.

Although there are still some doubts in my heart, excitement has overwhelmed all emotions.

"Boss Pei, can you say that these demon clan can sell a good price? I think our main sales target is their family, relatives and friends." Sun Kai is still very economically minded.

He was the first to stand up and give advice to Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin nodded, and Pang Yue, who was standing not far from him, also said: "As the saying goes, gold has price and jade is priceless. Although the strength of these demon clan is not very good, for their family members, they still It ’s important. If we can get a shot from their loved ones, then we ’ll be able to make a fortune.

"Have you seen this thing before?" Pei Junlin had a lot of Tianyuan jade in his hands.

The translucent oval stone contains a trace of rhythm and amazing aura. The crowd widened their eyes and said they had never seen them.

"This is the currency in the universe, and everything in the universe needs to be paid for with this thing." Pei Junlin distributed the Tianyuan jade in hand to everyone.

"Boss Pei, I feel that this thing is more precious than some Elixir. The Tao Yun contained in it is something that even the Elixir does not have." Bai Yulong's eyes are more poisonous, and he sees the key points.

Pei Junlin nodded approvingly: "Why can gold become a hard currency on our planet? That's because gold has rarity and uniqueness and its own value."

Tianyuan jade can become a universal currency in the universe, and it has its own truth. This rhyme contained in it is not ordinary. It can only be compared with the power of the true king level. jade.

The power of a real king realm can suppress the existence of a star field. Such a character's mastery of the coinage right itself is an affirmation and guarantee of the value of this currency.

"This thing should be of great value, and each one is equivalent to a top-level panacea. If you use it to practice, it is really too extravagant." Hua Muzi face with a reluctant look.

The white jade hand held this natural jade, and some could not put it down.

Pei Junlin smiled faintly ~ ~ I feel that my brothers and sisters are still too knowledgeable. There is nothing precious in the universe except strength.

Everything is used to serve the strength. As long as the strength can be improved, then all the things that can be consumed are consumables, and there is no value.

"Three days later, you all have to participate in the first live broadcast, and the benefits you get will be distributed equally by the time. Tianyuanyu is only, and then this thing will no longer be precious to you." Pei Junlin's face was proud. look.

Hearing that Pei Junlin was going to split the income from the live broadcast and share it with everyone, everyone was surprised, and then he was ecstatic.

For Pei Junlin's words, everyone did not show an unexpected look. Because everyone is close to each other, and friends are good brothers will naturally not be polite.

When it is beneficial, they share equally, and when there are difficulties, no one will escape. When it is time to desperately, no one will spare their lives. This is the common belief of Pei Junlin's group of friends.

For this first live show, Pei Junlin still attaches great importance!

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