Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 105: There is a woman, Joan, and it is like a sun!

Qingzhou, in the quiet room of Fengyeshan Villa.

Now, a full week has passed since Pei Junlin started to practice alchemy. In this week, except for the first day and the second day, the rest of the time is huge for everyone. torment.

Every day and every day, people around the quiet room are watching closely the movement of the quiet room, which makes people want to wear it. There has never been a moment in which everyone is living like a year.

Wang Ziqiong was unconscious and put down her most passionate cause. She was waiting outside the quiet room every day. In just one week, she had reduced a lot of people and it was distressing to see.

From this moment on, Wang Ziqiong was so worried about her husband. Before Pei Junlin went out, he probably hadn't seen the real life of Pei Junlin himself, so he didn't worry too much.

However, this time it was different. Pei Junlin practiced alchemy under her eyelids. Wang Ziqiong realized that a person's strength is not the kind of person who can become a fat person with one qualification. On the contrary, he has to pay for the great achievements Several times the sweat with achievement.

Everyone in this world can't get it for nothing. Many people have seen how the people standing at the top of the pyramid pay attention to, but they have ignored how much hard work these people have paid for it.

This time, Pei Junlin did not eat or drink alchemy for a week, making Wang Ziqiong realize that she may have been too lazy to practice, even if she is qualified again, if she does not work hard, the final result will be with Pei Junlin. The distance is getting farther and farther ...

Unconsciously, Wang Ziqiong had been deeply imprinted with Pei Junlin's imprint in the bottom of his heart, but she did not even notice it, maybe she did. Two people who are equally arrogant in character, but no one wants to admit it ... ...

This is another year after a year-long night. On this day, early in the morning, the sky is overcast with dark clouds, and a storm is coming.

Prince Qiong, who had stayed overnight, had just fallen asleep for a long time. Suddenly, a sudden knock on the door awakened her. When he opened the door, he saw that there were two people, Hong Tianlei, Lin Qianmo, and Lin Shukang. People's faces were covered with gloom, which was more gloomy than the dark clouds in the sky.

"Butler Hong, you are ..."

Prince Qiong's heart jumped, sensitive as if she had expected something bad, but still forcibly suppressed her inner panic, and calmly asked.

"Ma'am, the big deal is bad!"

Hong Tianlei said anxiously: "I just received the news from Jinling City, saying that the ancestors of Pei family have already left the customs. At this moment, they are leading the team toward our Qingzhou side!"

"The threat is to uproot our Pei family in Qingzhou, and never suffer from it!"


As if struck by a thunder, the expression of Wang Ziqiong's calm face suddenly changed, filled with a shock that was difficult to conceal.

Since contacting with Pei Junlin, she can be regarded as more or less aware of the grudges of Pei Junlin and Jiangbei Pei's family. The two sides are definitely an endless end. In this regard, Wang Ziqiong has already been prepared.

If this time the two wars, Pei Junlin in case of any accident, she will not live alone, the province was arrested and humiliated by the people of the Pei family in Jiangbei, she and Pei Junlin died in everything.

However, what Wang Ziqiong didn't expect is that even if she had already made such psychological preparations, she did not expect that Jiangbei Pei's counterattack would be so fast, and she chose to be in a special stage such as Pei Junlin ’s retreat. !!

For a moment, the prince Qiongjiao, who heard the news, shivered and reached out to support the wall before he could barely stand still, but the beautiful face was so pale that it was already pale.

She has always been hailed as the business queen by the outside world, and she has only done something in business. In the face of the grievances of Pei Junlin and Jiangbei Pei's family, she has no psychological preparations. All this is planned by Pei Junlin assumes!

"Ma'am, what are we going to do now! Sir, he is still retreating ..."

Hong Tianlei asked anxiously that he also lost a square inch in the face of a hegemonic power like the Jiangbei Pei family. Especially more serious is that this time the old ancestor of the Pei family who has been reported to have approached the 100-year-old mark is also out!

In fact, he did not have a message, that is, since the Pei family ancestors went out of customs this time, it is likely that they have broken through to the supreme innate state!

Congenital Strong!

As long as I thought of this word, Hong Tianlei also felt a chill from the soles of his feet and burst into cold!

The strength of such realms is by no means what the great masters can handle!

Even Lin Qianmo and Lin Shukang, who were standing behind them, were flustered in their looks. The moment they received the news, they were shocked!

"Otherwise ... now wake up Pei Junlin quickly! I am afraid that only he can handle this crisis situation!" Lin Shukang suddenly said.

"Our status is very embarrassing today. In fact, we can't participate in the war. Otherwise, it might shock the forces behind Jiangbei Pei's family ..."

This is another bad news. Wang Ziqiong and Hong Tianlei were so heavy that they were almost out of breath.

"Ma'am, why don't you wake up Mr .... now we really can't bear this situation ..."

Finally, Hong Tianlei also said.

Unexpectedly, Prince Qiong, who had been sleeping and eating hard every day, wanted Pei Junlin to come out immediately, but resolutely resolutely said: "No!"

Seeing the doubtful look of the three men, Wang Ziqiong took a deep breath and explained, "Junlin has been insisting on alchemy for a week now, maybe it is really the most important moment. We must not make mistakes at this time. , Thereby undermining his efforts! "

The faces of Hong Tianlei, Lin Qianmo, and Lin Shukang suddenly became unsightly. If Pei Junlin does not appear, then the crisis is absolutely dead.

"Hong Tianlei, I ask you, how long does it take from Jinling City to Qingzhou?"

Suddenly, Prince Qiong said.

Although Hong Tianlei was puzzled, he replied, "It's three hours fast, and three and a half hours slow ..."


Wang Ziqiong interrupted Hong Tianlei's words, and the beautiful face on the beautiful face showed once again the calmness and wisdom that the business queen should have, and a strong gas field in danger. Such a calm and calm attitude, even Lin Qianmo and Lin Shumang Both sister and brother were surprised.

It seems that unexpectedly, Wang Ziqiong will suddenly have such a big change!

"Now your husband is at a critical juncture of alchemy, so I'll leave it to me!"

Wang Ziqiong calmly and decisively ordered: "Now give me an order and immediately summon all of my Linlin International in Qingzhou, except for some who cannot walk away, others must be present! Especially the bodyguards under the security of the Eagle, as long as People from Qingzhou all gather at the bottom of this maple leaf mountain! "

"At the same time, we will call out all of our well-known media in Qingzhou, bring equipment and equipment, and live broadcast!"

"I don't believe it. His Jiangbei Pei family is brazen and brazen, and dares to take action under these eyes? The anger will not be achieved ?!"

Wang Ziqiong ’s face of Zhang Qingli ’s peerless beauty revealed an unprecedented hegemony and determination. The gas field was getting stronger and stronger. Looking directly at Lin Qianmo and Lin Shukang ’s sisters and brothers, his eyelids jumped wildly!

They found it completely gone!

This Pei family is far from being strong alone. Once the prince Qiong in front of him is powerful, his aura and posture will not be half behind that of Pei Junlin!

The famous business queen is definitely not vegetarian!

At this moment, I could only hear Wang Ziqiong stubbornly say, "Even if I use human tactics, I have to delay time as much as possible to stop the pace of Jiangbei Pei's attack!"

"Maybe I am selfish this time, but I have to do it !!!"

"Yes! Madam!"

Seeing Wang Ziqiong's resolute attitude of abandoning everything, Hong Tianlei just felt a rush of blood and rushed to his heart. He did not hesitate to run towards the outside and gathered the troops!

Fortunately, due to Pei Junlin's retreat and alchemy, two-thirds of the guru masters were gathered in the Maple Leaf Mountain, while the other people were all in urban companies. Only a small number of people were performing tasks outside the city, so forget it!

Someone once counted about how many people are there under Kinglin International today?

A rough estimate is at least tens of thousands!

This is not a far-flung man operating in other regions, but only in Qingzhou.

As the leading enterprise in Qingzhou, Junlin International is involved in a wide range of businesses. The number of elite bodyguards of Eagle Security alone is more than 3,000!

In addition, His Majesty International also includes a number of businesses such as real estate, communications, hotels, nightclubs, etc. ~ ~ Tens of thousands of people are estimated to be less, and it may be close to the 20,000-person mark!

When Wang Ziqiong called out a few times, the whole city of Qingzhou suddenly shook, and the people of Qingzhou saw an unforgettable shocking scene.

I saw hotels, nightclubs, communication companies, facade shops, streets and alleys, and even suburban factories ... a fleet of fleets of dragons gradually emerged, and they went straight to the city center!

At the same time, all the media in Qingzhou have also dispatched. These talents are the kind of goods that look busy and not too big. After hearing such a big battle from the famous Junlin International, they almost got excited. One by one, the staff carried long guns and short cannons to maximize the speed of the vehicle and launched a live broadcast ...

Such a huge movement naturally shocked various departments in Qingzhou. The phone numbers of the police, the traffic police brigade, and the dignitaries in the city were almost exploded. After hearing the news, Mayor Tang Jicheng and the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee had a big head!

In such a big battle, tens of thousands of people gathered at the same time. If nothing happened, their heads would be kicked!

Mayor Tang Jicheng called Wang Ziqiong on a phone call. He didn't know that Jiang Pei's family was coming. When he heard this amazing news from Wang Ziqiong, the whole man almost collapsed in his chair!

There is only one thought in my mind, and that's it! It's over!

I'm afraid his career is over!

This book's first release comes from 17K Novel Network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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