Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1042: The auction starts

Princess Long Thirteen always said nothing, her face was red, and a pair of angry eyes often flew across Pei Junlin's face.

For the Dragon Clan, it is a supreme humiliation. When will the Dragon Clan be sold out as a slave, it is a shame.

However, the silent Princess Thirteen of the Dragon Tribe aroused the enthusiastic response of those audiences. Many people began to make appointments, eager to try, and seemed to want to bid the price.

"No one should rob with the old man, the old man is the pink devil and the young girl likes it the most." A guy with a pink name in the live room issued a bullet.

His name is different from others, showing pink, according to Pei Junlin's guess, maybe this guy is a VIP member of the Thunderbolt platform.

"This pink old demon is not simple, likes female color, that is the famous big color demon in the universe." The voice of Prince Zhu's voice sounded in Pei Junlin's ear.

Pei Junlin glanced at Princess Thirteen with a blank expression, and at this moment a look of terror and anger appeared in the eyes of Princess Thirteen.

It seems that the old pink demon has a reputation, even the thirteen princesses have heard of it, and now the old pink demon actually named to take the princess thirteen, which caused panic to the thirteen princess.

The auction of the Thirteen Princess is just a guise, just to cause the outbreak of public opinion and attract more people's attention.

Pei Junlin didn't really want to sell the thirteenth princess, so obedient and beautiful like this, and the maid Pei Junlin with a personality, of course, was not willing to sell it.

At this time, Thor's platform also cooperated with Pei Junlin very much, and made today's live broadcast debut into a huge poster to play on the home page.

The gimmick of the Thirteen Dragon Princess is large enough to be printed on the homepage, attracting more people into Pei Junlin's live broadcast room.

In less than ten minutes, the number of people in Pei Junlin ’s live broadcast room has exceeded 10 billion.

Although these audiences are not entirely human races, human races only account for a very rare part of them, most of them are extraterrestrial demon races and some unknown races.

"We welcome anyone to bid, but we do not welcome this threatening language. This is the first time I warn that if there is a second time, I will be banned from the live broadcast room directly." Pei Junlin immediately said to the pink devil's words. In response.

Pei Junlin's toughness also makes many people in the live broadcast room feel enjoyable, but more people think that Pei Junlin is miserable. This pink old demon itself is an old monster of the Tianjun level, and most people can't afford it.

If there is no strong strength support, the pink demon does not dare to threaten to take pictures of the thirteen princesses of the dragon family, because it angers the dragon family, and the consequences are equally serious.

"Boy, are you tired and crooked? Believe it or not, the slap of the old man can squeeze the earth you are in?" The old man of the pink typed a line in the live broadcast room, directly threatening Pei Junlin's body.

If it is an ordinary period, it is really possible for a Tianjun to punch a small planet with one punch, but the earth is protected by a fairy array. Even an old monster of the Tianjun level such as the pink old demon would not be able to enter the earth at all.

So Pei Junlin was not afraid of him at all, with a cold smile on his face, Pei Junlin said again: "I do n’t know what this guy named Red Pink Demon is really about, but if you threaten me, I will practice The words just now banned you from the live broadcast room forever. "

After that, a line appeared on the barrage, and the pink demon was permanently banned.

Pei Junlin's thunderbolt method also shocked everyone in the entire live broadcast room, but this is a big man of the Tianjun level. The seal is sealed. Isn't Pei Junlin afraid to offend him?

In front of him, is this handsome man really from a native planet? Why is it so crazy? Why is it so lawless?

In fact, not many people know that the planet Earth exists. Even if the demon tribe invades the earth, it is just some demon tribe planets nearby. No matter how far away, no one notices the earth where Pei Junlin is located.

But at this moment, many people put their attention towards Pei Junlin and appreciate his behavior.

"Before the auction starts, I want to say a word to all the people who saw this live broadcast in the entire universe." Pei Jun paused and looked at the screen and said.

"The invasion of the demon clan tens of thousands of years ago made the earth completely depleted, and some people entered the deep seal to survive the winter. Others entered the sea of ​​stars and went to explore to desperately."

"But no matter where you are, your roots are always on the earth. The earth is your mother. I hope that everyone will return to the earth as soon as possible after seeing what I have said, and work together to fight the current crisis of the earth."

After Pei Junlin said something, there were a lot of barrage in the live broadcast room. These people all said that they were from the human race of XX.

Some people said that they would rush back to the earth as soon as possible to help the earth resist the invasion of foreigners, and some people said that they are now in a big business.

They expressed that they would express some materials to the earth through courier companies in the universe to cultivate excellent talents in the earth and support their hometowns to fight against the demon.

Seeing what he said before played a role, Pei Junlin also smiled. At this time, the **** donkey appeared behind Pei Junlin, pushed Pei Junlin away, and said to the camera: "No more nonsense today, the auction is now on. Whoever has more money is wholly, if you have money, you can Smash it out heartily. "

"Who is this donkey? I really like it, is it my donkey family?" A barrage from outside the audience issued a barrage, which greatly appreciated the **** donkey.

Undoubtedly, today's **** donkey robbed Pei Junlin's limelight, whether it is dressing up or his words and deeds.

The carrot-thick cigar was held in the mouth of the **** donkey, which attracted the attention of some viewers outside the domain. They were curious. What the **** is this?

Some people suspect that this is some kind of panacea, and some people suspect that this is some kind of magic weapon.

People have asked the **** donkey to announce the information of the cigar on the barrage, saying that they want to buy it.

Pei Junlin was a little speechless. I did n’t expect to go off the topic before today. Today was originally intended to auction those demons. I did n’t expect these viewers to be interested in cigars on earth.

"I will put this thing at the end of the auction and say," Don't leave the studio. "The **** donkey is very cunning and has successfully attracted everyone's attention.

When the **** donkey pressed the auction function in the live room, the first auction finally began, and the auction item was the thirteen princess of the dragon family.

The light hit from the air and gathered the thirteen princesses of the Dragon tribe under the spotlight. Her skin was creamy, her legs were long and her waist was thin, and her face was slightly cold. She was a veritable goddess.

Thirteen princesses are not only white and beautiful, with long legs and slim waist, but also have a goddess temperament on their faces.

What is more important is not the appearance of Princess Thirteen, but the bloodline of Princess Thirteen. She comes from the dragon family and even has the blood of the colorful dragon. This noble identity is what makes many men in the universe really look forward to and value.

But at the beginning of the auction, there were not many bidders, only a few dozen. Moreover, Pei Junlin felt curious that these people were all anonymous auctioneers and dared not reveal their real names.

Raytheon's platform allows anonymous auctions, and their uniform avatar is a face mask with a black hat.

The starting price is 10,000 Tianyuan jade, but in the blink of an eye, the value of the thirteen princess of the dragon clan rose to 160,000.

For a princess of the Dragon tribe, this price is not too high, but in Pei Junlin's view, this is simply a sky-high price, 160,000 Tianyuan jade, a piece of inferior Lingbao is worth 10,000 Tianyuan jade.

There are some loopholes in this method of measurement. After all, the worst Lingbao is worth ten thousand yuan. However, ordinary spirit treasures are basically more than 100,000 Tianyuan jade, so it seems that the value of the thirteen princess of the dragon family can be more than two spirit treasures.

"Three hundred thousand Tianyuan jade!"

A blood-red barrage appeared, attracting the attention of everyone in the live broadcast room.

Pei Junlin glanced at the three pigs sitting below, his face showing a confused look.

The third prince of the pig was the trustee of the bidding team, which raised the price exclusively, but doubling the price one time at a time was obviously unprofessional.

Such a large increase may scare away all the remaining auctioneers, which may eventually lead to this genre of auction goods or be smashed into your own hands.

The third prince spread his hands and made a helpless expression towards Pei Junlin. Pei Junlin immediately understood that the person who bid for 300,000 was not the one arranged by Prince San.

Pei Junlin also had some headaches. I did n’t expect anyone to bid such a high price to buy the thirteen princess of the Dragon Clan. Could someone from the Dragon Clan take action?

At the same time, on a dragon planet in the starry sky, a young man was staring coldly at the screen of the live broadcast room.

He gritted his teeth with a black face, clenched his fists, and it seemed that he was cursing Pei Junlin.

"300,000 once ~ ~ 300,000 twice ..." The **** donkey was holding a hammer in his hand, ready to fall at any time.

When he was called to 300,000 for the third time, his movement was surprisingly slow, and the hammer fell on the table. This process was incredibly slow.


At this time, new prices appeared again on the auction board of the live broadcast room, and some people bid for 310,000.

Pei Junlin once again looked at the third prince, this time the third prince also expressed helplessness.

With the price up to this point, Prince San has no need to raise the price. This price can't be too high, because Thor's platform still deducts a 5% handling fee.

If the price of the thirteenth princess is one million, then Pei Junlin will lose 50,000 Tianyuan jade, which is also a wealth for Pei Junlin.

In any case, Pei Junlin will not let the 13th son auction out, because this is his bottom line, she once promised to the 13th princess.

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