Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1046: Maritime war

Even the chaotic spirit treasure on Pei Junlin's body is also under the calculation of the **** silkworm. While there are no masters of Yangshen coming to the earth outside the territory now, he is like a fish, and a person can enjoy the treasures on Pei Junlin alone.

In the eyes of the **** silkworm, Pei Junlin is a prey. All the treasures in Pei Junlin will be his personal treasures, and no one can touch them.

"You guys, give me all your strength to kill later. One of these guys was present. When I got the benefit, you can share a soup." The **** silkworm said to the people behind him .

Chen Chuyi, the master brother of Xuan Tianzong, immediately showed a flattering smile. He came to the **** silkworm and said in a low voice: "That's nature! For your dedication, it's our pleasure."

"It's so cheap." Pei Junlin's hearing is amazing. He naturally listened to Chen Chuyi's words, every word.

"Isn't that the **** silkworm? My goodness, he is still on the earth." Someone in the broadcast room saw the **** silkworm and immediately showed a surprised look.

"Who is this person? Is it famous?" Someone asked the barrage.

"In the piece of Donglai Starland, the **** silkworm is a famous genius. Less than a hundred years later, he was promoted to the real **** realm, what do you say?" Someone sent out a barrage to stand for the **** silkworm.

At this time, Thor's platform also initiated an activity to conduct a quiz on the battle between the **** silkworm and Pei Junlin.

At this time, Pei Junlin could not care about so much, and the war between him and God of the Silkworm was started. The **** silkworm has completely unblocked the power of the Yangshen realm, and with the help of the body of the real **** realm, he is so powerful that he can turn the river and the sea at every turn.

Even a large ship thousands of meters away will move back and forth in a single action. The two men's battle begins, the sea is rough and the waves are violent.

On the other side, Li Tianpei, Ye Tianxing and others, also fought with the gray robe man Liao Hua, and Xuan Tianzong's Chen Chuyi and others.

The surging energy and dazzling light almost evaporated the entire sea water.

Not only at this time in the live broadcast room of the Thor platform, all the demon races outside the domain have seen this scene, even the earth elites who can stand on the big ship are dumbfounded.

They have never reached the state of Yangshen, nor do they know how powerful this state is. At this time, seeing the battle between Pei Junlin and the **** of silkworms, you can really feel the pressure of this realm.

Everyone's body is chilling. This is a terrifying force. Even the aftermath of standing in the distance can make some fragile people split directly.

Pei Junlin landed on a small island, but then the **** silkworm hit with a punch, this small island instantly rolled on the sea surface and collapsed among the raging waves.

A big fish seemed to be attracted by the battle on the sea, but the body immediately exploded into a torrent of blood rain when it appeared out of the sea, and the whole sea was stained with blood.

Unexpectedly, until the present war, it has caused a massacre on the sea. The violent aftermath directly shattered the fish on the sea, forming the Shura slaughterhouse.

But these fishes have no wisdom and can only converge towards this place with **** smell, but they will soon be shattered by the aftermath of the violent killing.

The **** silkworm suddenly opened his mouth to devour the world, and the endless blood on the sea and the crushed flesh and blood were all swallowed into his mouth.

Thousands of creatures were swallowed by him, and then turned into rolling spirit. With the boiling of essence and blood, the power of the supernatural power that devoured the heavens and earth was also increasing, and even a huge force was separated to directly entrap Pei Junlin.

The **** silkworm wanted to devour Pei Junlin directly, but obviously his abacus was wrong. The Pure Land Lotus Platform appeared at the foot of Pei Junlin. The whole person was suspended in mid-air, and the eight winds did not move.

The magical power of the **** silkworm shines in the world, but for Pei Junlin, he is indifferent. The broken domain sword in his hand suddenly split through the darkness, and a **** thunderlight circulated towards the **** silkworm.

The huge sword light instantly cut off the body of the **** silkworm, and the bright red blood irrigated towards the sea like the flood of the dike.

No one thought that Pei Junlin was so horrible that he cut off the body of the **** silkworm with a sword. In the live broadcast room, the barrage is rolling wildly, and many demon races outside the realm of consciousness are really the first time they have seen the power of humans on earth.

In the eyes of them, the indigenous people on the earth were wild and uncivilized civilians. There was no deterrent at all. They came to the earth to search for treasure, just like they came to an uncultivated wild land.

But now, whether Pei Junlin displays magical abilities or moves, far exceeds the imagination of these demon races in the extraterrestrial stars.

Today's live broadcast is tantamount to completely subverting their common sense of the earth, and really attaches importance to it.

The blood of the **** silkworm is not ordinary blood, which contains huge energy, and immediately attracted the attention of some mysterious creature in the sea.

A huge whale like a hill appeared on the sea, opened its mouth and began to devour the blood.

The body of this huge whale is faintly golden, and its eyes are like a black vortex. The terrifying strength made Pei Junlin feel a little shocked. He didn't expect such a powerful creature in the ocean on earth.

But this creature does not seem malicious, just want to pick up some benefits in the war.

The body of the **** silkworm was cut off, and the second half of the body fell directly into the sea. The huge whale opened his mouth and tried to devour half of the **** silkworm. At this moment, the **** silkworm responded, and gave out a roar of shock.

A golden ray of light flashed over, and Princess Silkworm became humanoid again, and a faint blood stain appeared on his waist.

At the same time, the altar slammed a punch into the sea, took it to pick up the cheap golden giant whale, and half of his body was suddenly rotten.

"A fish also came to provoke me, and when I killed Pei Junlin! At that time, all the creatures in this sea area would die." The **** silkworm screamed with terrified looks.

His eyebrows began to split a gap, and a golden light emerged from the gap. Gradually, in Pei Junlin's astonished eyes, the head of the **** silkworm began to crack.

This horrible scene shocked everyone around, and even Ye Tianxing stopped the war and looked at it in surprise.

A pale gold butterfly flew from the head of the **** silkworm, and the **** silkworm's body now seemed to turn into a human skin, split directly into two halves.

Broken cocoon into a butterfly?

Seeing this scene, Pei Jun's back was chilling, and he knew that the real means of the **** silkworm came. Swallowed the butterfly fruit, I do not know what kind of magical power will be conceived.

Princess Silkworm turned into a butterfly, and her momentum seemed to weaken a lot, just like an ordinary butterfly.

At the moment when he flapped his wings, Pei Junlin finally felt a terrifying breath. The wings of the **** silkworm began a strange vibration, which was constantly increasing.

The tiny power is constantly doubling and growing, and the speed is turning up in a geometric multiple. It almost turns into a violent force sweeping the world in the blink of an eye.

Pei Junlin, who is closest to the **** silkworm, was the first to feel the powerful and terrifying power.

Pei Junlin's current strength is only ten dragons, but this violent hurricane is full of hundreds of heads and thousands of heads of power, and is still growing.

It was his undead body, and his body began to crack. Pei Junlin couldn't run away at all, a burst of violent force burst out of his body, instantly pushing Ye Tianxing and others away.

Ling Yunzhou in the distance received Pei Junlin's order directly, and began to flee towards the distance with full horsepower.

This is a violent amount of violent destruction of the world, and the whole sea area has become a huge storm eye. The seawater was directly siphoned up, forming a huge water column and rushing towards the sky, all the creatures were crushed and torn in this huge water column.

Ye Tianxing, Li Tianpei, Yuan Fei and other Pei Junlin's friends were shocked by Pei Junlin at the last moment and escaped their lives. Everyone who had seen this horrific scene standing thousands of meters away was also discolored.

Wang Ziqiong's fingernails pierced his palm, and he looked worriedly at the violent power, his inner taste was unclear.

No one in this violent force has ever seen it, and ordinary people can't confront it at all. No one expected that the situation would change sharply. That **** of silkworms had such a powerful means.

"Sister-in-law will definitely be fine, don't worry too much." Wang Ziyu took his sister Wang Qiong's jade hand and whispered comfort.

Anyone knows that this time, Pei Jun was far and away, the **** silkworm was too powerful, and such a powerful supernatural power was brewing invisible, which was simply unpredictable.

At this time, Pei Junlin, who is at the heart of the storm, opened a gap in UU's book All his blood essences began to escape into the air.

Waiting for the final destiny of Pei Junlin is to be crushed, but Pei Junlin cannot resist in this violent center.


Pei Junlin instantly swallowed tens of thousands of Tianyuan jade, and his body finally settled in this storm again. The cracked skin began to heal slowly.

This can only be maintained for an instant. Ten thousand Tianyuan jade can only allow Pei Junlin to save his life moment. In just an instant, the mana in the body was exhausted again.

Pei Junlin opened his mouth again, this time directly swallowing 100,000 Tianyuan jade. The Tao Yun contained therein directly repaired Pei Junlin's injury, and made his body move like a Dinghai **** needle, in a violent storm, to find the body of Princess Shenmian.

To resolve this storm, we must first find the body of the **** silkworm, but Pei Junlin slowly despairs. The body of the **** silkworm is only a small butterfly the size of a palm. It is even more difficult to find each other in this violent storm. ,

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