Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1048: Suppression of the **** silkworm

A hundred dragons!

Two hundred dragons! !

Three hundred heads of dragons! ! !

This power was raised to the strength of the five hundred dragons, and then it stopped.

This is an absolutely terrifying force that can easily tear the space and even enter the turbulent flow of space.

Pei Junlin opened his body and moved to the **** silkworm's side almost instantaneously.

The space impacted by the huge force shattered. At the moment when the **** silkworm turned around to escape, Pei Junlin grabbed the **** silkworm's shoulder.


The **** silkworm was directly torn by Pei Junlin's arm, and blood spattered directly, staining the large sky.

But Pei Junlin didn't keep his hand, directly punched it down again, and beat half of the body of the son.

"How is it possible? How could your power be ..." The **** silkworm was shocked, and an incredible look appeared in his eyes.

The **** silkworm with only half of his body still did not give up his escape, and the incomplete parts of his body bloomed.

This is a means to strongly prevent the loss of sperm from the body. Bombyx mori's body burns like a meteor, and begins to shuttle madly.

Pei Junlin bite hard and did not let go at all, so that the **** silkworm didn't have any chance to escape. In desperation, he could only tear the space and turn into the chaos of space.

The powerful of the real **** realm enters the turbulent flow in space. Although it will not be crushed by the turbulent flow, it is easy to encounter some unpredictable dangers in it, and the chance of being alive is not large.

The **** silkworm is also a helpless move. Only by entering the turbulent space can Pei Junlin's pursuit be prevented.

Seeing that the **** silkworm escaped into the turbulent space, Pei Junlin's face became extremely cold, and after a little hesitation, he suddenly got into the turbulent space.

"I'm not mistaken, he is just a little cultivator in the realm of Yangshen. He even got into the turbulent flow of space. Doesn't he want to live?"

In the live room, all kinds of barrage are frantically brushing, and many people have shown an incredible look.

After all, the cultivators below the real **** realm simply cannot bear the violent tearing power in the turbulent space. Normally, when a cultivator below the level of Yangshen enters the turbulent flow of space, his body will be completely torn.

Such a move by Pei Junlin seems to many people to be suicidal.

But at the moment when Pei Junlin entered the turbulent space, the live broadcast on the Thor platform stopped. Even if it is the fairy of the Dragon Thunder God platform, it can't enter the space turbulence to track and live broadcast Pei Junlin.

Everyone can see that there are people in the torn space cracks constantly rolling, it seems that Pei Junlin did not die immediately, and in the turbulent flow of that space, he started a war with the **** silkworm.


A lot of blood oozed from the cracks in that space.

From the live broadcast picture, it seems that there is a blood rain in this space. The blood seems to appear out of thin air, seeping through some dense cracks in the void.

No one knows whether the blood belongs to the **** silkworm, Pei Junlin, or the two.

No one can witness the battle between the two in the crack of space.

"It seems that the Chaos Lingbao on Pei Junlin's body is really amazing, the atmosphere of chaos wraps around him, and he can survive the chaos of space."

There are also highly acclaimed masters who have seen the key to Pei Junlin's ability to survive the turbulence in space.

"So what? Once encountering the Void Beast in the turbulent flow of space, both people will die." Some people also issued a barrage to mock.


A huge crack in the space appeared on the sea, and immediately a **** figure fell out.

This is the figure belongs to the **** silkworm, but it is already very weak, beaten with only one head.

As soon as the **** silkworm appeared, he was killed by a monkey with a golden light on his body, and the whole body was completely deserted. Then the golden light flashed the monkey to suppress the head of the **** silkworm directly.

Immediately after that, the monkey's eyes gleamed with golden light, shot into the cracks in the space, and led Pei Junlin to Pei Junlin, guiding him in the turbulent space.

"What is the origin of this monkey? Are there two realms of Yang God on this indigenous planet?"

In the air of Thor's live broadcast platform, many people in the live broadcast room are puzzled. I don't know what the origin of this monkey was.

No one can perceive the breath of the **** monkey through live broadcast footage alone, and no one can see that this monkey is actually a Taoist.

After a quarter of an hour, Pei Junlin still did not come out of the crack in the space. At this time, the monkey was anxiously scratching his head.

"Haha, I think this time Pei Junlin is so fierce and ill-fated. The realm of Yiyang God has even entered the chaos of space. This is not what it is to find death, even if there is a chaos Lingbao body protector?"

There are demon tribes outside the realm that look noisy, and make a sound of gloating.

In the distance, Ling Yunzhou flew into the air, watching Pei Junlin fall into a crack in the space, and sisters Wang Ziqiong and Wang Ziyu were crying anxiously. Pei Junlin's group of friends are also anxious to scratch their heads, but there is no way.

Several times, Prince Qiong was about to enter a crack in the space, and he was pulled by the person beside him. When the Yin and Shen realm enters the space crack, then the direct death will not help.

After a little hesitation, Wang Ziyu sacrificed the six-winged centipede directly. The centipede, which was covered with golden light, had evolved again after swallowing the dragon for the last time, and its body was no less than that of a real god.

At the risk of losing this darling, Wang Ziqiong let the six-winged centipede enter the space turbulence to find Pei Junlin.

After a minute passed, the six-winged centipede could not hold on to resist the turbulence in the space and could only escape from it.

Everyone was desperate and fierce in the chaos of the space. After Pei Junlin entered, he completely lost the news. Everyone felt that Pei Junlin was in danger this time.

"Since his incarnation is fine, it means that Pei Junlin is still alive. It's really troublesome, and he has to get the old man to shoot." The **** donkey walked out of the crowd and spit out his cigar.

He turned into a beast again, and turned into a black donkey with four-hoofed golden light.

Under the eyes of everyone, the **** donkey rushed directly into the space crack.

"What is the origin of this donkey? It even burst into the cracks in the space." Various barrage in the live broadcast room are also madly brushing.

The scene of the **** donkey selling cigars and sunglasses before, left a deep impression in the eyes of many viewers outside the region.

Many people felt incredible when they saw him transform into a beast shape and entered a crack in the space to rescue Pei Junlin.

No one in this donkey can see through his realm, but can feel his breath is not strong.

"Jinye, where are we now?" At this time in the turbulent space, Pei Junlin was not as dangerous as the outside world imagined.

On the contrary, in the chaotic atmosphere wrapped in him, he walked in the chaos in this space.

"Your incarnation is directing you with that flaming eye and gold eyes, don't you see it? Don't delay the time, go out quickly." Jinye was a bit sad.

It turned out that Pei Junlin was not trapped here, but he did not want to go out. There are too many benefits in the space crack, Pei Junlin is frantically grabbing wealth.

Pieces of translucent crystals were picked wildly by Pei Junlin. The Jindou space opened, and instantly hundreds of tons of space stones were absorbed. Space stone is the material used to forge space treasures. It is extremely precious on the outside, and the price is definitely higher than those of the demon.

The value of a ton of space stone can reach tens of millions of Tianyuan jade, no wonder that Pei Junlin did not even care about his life for his wealth.

There are two golden lights unaffected by the turbulence in this space, just like the light from the lighthouse on the foggy sea surface, that is the golden eyes of the fire from the **** monkey.

Pei Junlin followed the two golden lights as if stepping on the golden light avenue, while picking various space treasures, while running towards the exit.

At this moment, Pei Junlin suddenly felt something strange, and there was some tickle behind his back. Suddenly, Pei Junlin was shocked.

Hundreds of transparent tentacles have actually pierced the skin of his back and are sucking blood from his body.

It is a transparent creature, like a jellyfish in the sea, with countless tentacles growing, making people feel scalp numb at first glance.

Void Beast! .

Pei Junlin didn't expect that he would encounter this kind of creature, and he felt a little bad.

The Void Beast does not specifically refer to a particular kind of creature, but it is a general term for the creatures in the entire Void Turbulence. The Void Beast can have a variety of forms. This jellyfish form in front of them is just one of them.

This kind of void creature is still relatively mild. When attacking, it is moist and silent. If you encounter that kind of fierce void beast, this time it will be troublesome. At this time, Pei Junlin was also unwilling to pick more void minerals ~ ~ He madly ran along the two golden lights towards the exit.

Behind the roaring sound, Pei Junlin turned around and saw several transparent leopards, rushed from the void and began to bite towards himself. Pei Junlin radiated golden light around him, and the pure Yang fire bell instantly covered him.

Soon Pei Junlin felt that Chunyang Fire Bell couldn't carry the turbulent flow of this space at all. I am afraid it would disintegrate after five minutes. In desperation, Pei Junlin can only withdraw the Chunyang Fire Bell, and can only resist these Void Beasts with his flesh alone.

Pei Junlin continued to make some seals to resist each other's bites, and at the same time his body accelerated towards the entrance.

"Your real trouble is here." Jin Ye's voice rang in Pei Junlin's ear.

Soon Pei Junlin saw a thick and transparent tongue wrapped around him, and wrapped his body at once.

This should be some kind of giant void creature, Pei Junlin has a feeling of struggling. The domain-breaking sword in his hand shone with the sky-tribulation lightning, and his tongue was cut instantly with a hiss.

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