Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1051: Bomb 1 boat

With teeth for teeth and blood for blood, Pei Junlin is going to sail to the homeland of the demon race this time.

It is impossible to let those demon races always put the battlefield on the earth, and let the spirits of the entire earth be charcoal. This time, let the demon races thoroughly taste the pain of the skin.

The tribes outside the region donated money and materials for the earth, but unexpectedly they were hit by extinction.

If no one comes forward for them, whether it is those human races outside the territory, or some powerful people on the planet who are recovering will definitely feel chills.

So everything that Pei Junlin will do next is crucial. Pei Junlin felt that all he did was not to show, but to have real revenge and walk out of the starry sky to deter those demon races.

Doesn't the demon like to refine human sacrifice sacrifice planet?

The Taihuang Shending in Wang Ziyu's hands can still be done. Even if one planet cannot be refined at a time, it is also a natural and easy thing to refine millions of people.


There is no mercy in the universe, no Confucianism, no saints education, and some are just the law of the dark jungle.

If you don't kill him, he will think you are weak. You kill him, he will surrender. It is the logic of those demon races, the law of the jungle, the logic of the beast.

But before leaving, everything on the planet Pei Junlin still has to arrange. He intends to let his incarnate **** monkey sit on the earth, cooperate with the old man Yuan Ping, and protect the tranquility here.

There will be no demon clan to enter the earth in a short time, but the traitors who originally stayed on the demon clan and some affiliated races on the earth still cannot be underestimated. There are even some defectors who are secretly planning rebellions in various parts of the earth.

Now the strength of the incarnation of the **** monkey body is not weaker than that of Pei Junlin. With the **** monkey sitting in the town, Pei Junlin can also be completely assured.

After everything was arranged, Pei Junlin took the **** donkey, Wang Ziqiong, Wang Ziyu and a group of brothers and sisters, riding Ling Yunzhou and heading for the East China Sea.

From the beginning, it was a teleportation array in the eyes of Taixu Sea, and found the hidden possession of Taixu Xianzun. With the help of this portal, Pei Junlin walked quietly around the back of the demon clan.

"Boss Pei, you see there is a big ship over there, what are they doing here?" Pang Yue suddenly stood on the deck and found a spaceship shuttle among the choppy clouds.

Pei Junlin's face was indifferent, his eyes narrowed slightly, exuding a kind of murderous air like a knife.

"It's demonish, I'm afraid some demon are wandering here, want to find some opportunities." Pei Junlin sneered.

With a swipe of the consciousness, you can feel that there are many demon clan on the big ship, at least there are hundreds of them. I really did not expect that there are so many demon clan hidden on the earth.

"Hundreds of demon clan? Oh my god, there are so many demon clan, such a huge part of the power." Everyone was surprised.

Only Pei Junlin remained indifferent and did not speak, and the harsh color in his eyes became more and more serious.

"Boss Pei, after catching these demon races and selling them, it is another piece of wealth. Do you want to do it?" Yuan Fei came over and looked at Pei Junlin.

As long as he ordered, all these brothers would rush out and head towards the big ship. Even if the other party has hundreds of masters of Yinshen Realm, no one will be afraid.

Everyone feels that as long as Pei Junling is present, it will never fail, and there will never be danger. Pei Junlin is everyone's Dinghai God Needle.

"It's just wealth, what you catch, you will all die directly." Pei Junlin's voice almost came from hell, full of strong murderous opportunities.

Everyone was shocked and felt the recent changes in Pei Junlin. Very few words, but full of killing intent. Even Wang Ziqiong was a little worried, if Pei Junlin went on like this, he might get into trouble.

Pei Junlin did get out of his way, and the lives of one billion people were completely destroyed and sacrificed overnight.

He hated it so much that he saw that the demon clan Pei Junlin had no reason to speak.

There is only one word in my heart, that is to kill!

Speaking to the demon tribe about benevolence and morality, they may not be afraid of you, but feel that you are weak. Only by killing them to bleed into rivers and killing them fart and urinating, can these demon clan be respected.


Pei Jun was born with a monstrous momentum, and a golden light swept across the sea.

Pei Jun, surrounded by five Lei Zhentian symbols, is surrounded by the body. He is bathed in crystal lightning like the thunder and lightning. Carrying the Red Lightning Sword of the Breaking Domain, the Pure Yang Fire Bell is suspended above his head.

Pei Junlin is like a demon coming out of hell, suddenly rising to tens of feet, stepping across the vast sea to the spaceship.

Without saying a word, the Sword of Breaking Domain suddenly cut in his hand and instantly cut the spaceship into two segments.

"Oh my God!"

"Are you dreaming?"

Seeing Pei Jun's approach like a thunderbolt, everyone was stunned. This trick is too cruel, too neat, and a sword cuts off the opposing ship, which is simply the rhythm to destroy the opposing team.

Those with sharp eyes have seen it, and a strong blood mist has burst out of the big ship. I do n’t know how many people will die in this sword.

"Is the boss confused? These are all money. A demon clan is worth at least 100,000 Tianyuan jade. It's a pity to kill like this." Sun Kai was reluctant.

It's a pity that so many demon clan in his eyes was the wealth that was so tumultuous.

"The boss said, let's do what we say, don't question it. Look farther, these demon races are just small heads, it's nothing." Yuan Fei's eyes radiated golden light.

Everyone nodded their heads, agreeing with Yuan Fei.

At this time, Ye Tianxing also stood up and said: "Since the boss wants to kill all these demon clan, then we will help the boss from the side. Form a circle around the periphery, and don't miss a fish that misses the net."

However, these people had not moved yet, and they were immediately stunned by another movement of Pei Junlin. I saw that after the big ship was cut in half in an instant, countless demons planned to rise up into the sky and fled in the wind and waves.

But Pei Junlin pointed with one hand, a large cloud was directly suspended over this big ship, and countless lightnings instantly covered the entire area.

Countless demon cries screamed and died in thunder and lightning, while more demon clan hid in the abandoned ship, and they dared not come out.

Seeing this scene, everyone was chilling. This method was so brutal, and it was just killed without asking.

This cruel picture was broadcast directly to the Thor platform by Pei Junlin, which has caused a huge response. Some demon clan shuddered at this scene when they saw this scene, and others gritted their teeth with hatred.

However, Pei Junlin didn't care and reached out with a stroke. The pure Yang fire bell suspended above his head instantly became infinitely large, and the two halves of the spaceship were directly buckled in it at once.

The huge flames started to reverse, and even the entire sea area was steamed to dryness. The intense heat caused the screams of burning the demon clan.

A sea of ​​water exudes a burning smell, more demon clan is directly refined.

Pei Junlin kept his eyes hard and hovered there coldly, his face as if it was a hard ice that would never change, without any expression.

The space of Jindou opened, and countless treasures rose directly into the sky. These things are all treasures carried by the demon on this ship.

But basically they are some inferior spirit treasures. In Pei Junlin's opinion, they are not worth mentioning at all. They don't look at them and let Jindou space refine instantly.

Dozens of lower-grade Lingbao were instantly swallowed by the Golden Dou space, and after being crushed and smashed into the large array inside the space, it instantly turned into a rolling essence and nourishing chaos.

"If so many Lingbao can be swallowed every day, then I will recover soon." Chao Ling Jindou's Qiling laughed.

He has not been full for a long time, this time Pei Junlin let him directly support. After eating so many Lingbao at a time, the rolling essence will take at least two days to completely refine.

At this time, the pure Yang fire bells had turned into blood red, and the flesh and blood essence contained in them almost dripped out. These flesh-and-blood spirits are of no use to Pei Junlin, and all belong to these demon clan.

Wang Ziqiong saw Pei Junlin's eyes stretched out, and the six-winged centipede flew out.

The Chunyang Fire Bell spit out a huge blood ball, which contained a powerful flesh and blood essence, like a sea like a deep sea. He was directly hugged by the six-winged centipede and sucked on it like a cockroach rolling a dung ball.

After all this, Pei Junlin directly closed the live broadcast screen. This shot is to give a response to those outside the territory. Human races can't be bullied. They destroy the lives of one billion human races outside the territory. Then Pei Junlin will have to pay back his teeth. Killing more demons will make them feel pain.

"Look for death!" Long Qiu's face was indifferent.

At this time, within the Peng tribe, there was a strong man of the golden-winged Dapeng clan who saw the live broadcast and was trembling with anger.

The sharp wings suddenly incited, and a hill in the distance was flattened directly.

"This human must die." The Peng clan master cursed Pei Junlin coldly.

At the same time, countless monsters outside the domain hate their teeth. ~ Pei Junlin directly killed hundreds of monsters this time. The shock for them is too huge.

This fierce means itself is a kind of deterrence, which makes the demon clan feel upside down. I never imagined that human beings would be so strong, and they would use such fierce means to deal with the demon clan.

In the eyes of the demon clan in this star field, the human race is inherently a slave, and it is the cheapest race. It's just that no one ever thought that the human race would also rebel in this way. In their eyes, this is a big injustice. The following violations violate the laws of the universe.

The human race must be eradicated and extinct.

"Shen Mouying is determined and has the ambition to smooth the world!"

The universe stretched out, and a mysterious existence saw a live broadcast and gave dull comments.

"Ancestor, why do you value this person so much? If this person is really dangerous, why not eradicate it now?" A childish voice asked.

But the ancestor did not answer, it seemed to fall into silence.

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