Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1067: 3 days fast

"Can't you buy it? Don't buy it and go quickly. You guys are here to delay me from doing business." The eyes of the man of the mouse family turned, even a look of love to buy.

This is the words of the business. In fact, it is to catch people on the surface, but secretly it means that their things are not worried about selling, creating a very popular atmosphere for consumers.

Pei Junlin just smiled indifferently, took out the savings card and touched the mouse man to take out the card, and 10,000 Tianyuan jade was directly transferred to the other party's savings card.

The transaction was completed easily, and Pei Junlin reached out and took the book in his hand.

"Brother Pei, it's not me who said you, this old liar has been here for some years. I have never seen anyone buy it. I'm afraid you are buying his only one today, and it is also his first opening. Three years of achievement Jun, who believes this? "Crown Prince Pig chattered, looking a little excited.

He is a shrewd businessman, so he doesn't look down on such a bad scam, and he never expected that Pei Junlin would be fooled.

"I don't think you're talking nonsense. My brother-in-law has his own reasons for doing this. Let's take a look at what is written in this book." Pei Junlin's sister-in-law Wang Ziyu couldn't stand it anymore.

At this time, everyone looked at Pei Junlin and saw that he opened the yellowed book. From the point of view of selling alone, this thing really looks like an ancient item.

"Boss, the thief-eyed guy just now seems to have run away." Ye Tianxing's eyes were sharp, and he saw that the stall on the street corner had disappeared, leaving only a gray figure disappearing into the crowd.

At this time, the secret book in the hands of Pei Junlin was also opened, but everyone looked dumbfounded because it was empty and there was no word.

However, if you look closely, you can still find some symbols similar to earthworms, and nothing else.

"I was deceived. This dog liar must be killed alive after he catches it." Li Tianpei and others immediately exploded.

Although Ten Thousand Yuan Yuanyu said that it is not a big sum for everyone, it is definitely not a small sum.

In this way, tens of thousands of Tianyuan jade were deceived, and everyone's heart was really unacceptable. However, Pei Junlin did not react, and his face even showed a faint expression of excitement, which made everyone puzzled.

"Silly fork, this book is a rune. The things recorded on it, I am afraid that most people don't even know it." The **** donkey finally spoke.

This guy usually has a cold look. Although he walks among the people, he rarely speaks, but this is the ironic tone. It is really not acceptable to ordinary people.

"Runes, formation?" Everyone was stunned.

Does Pei Junlin seem to be deceived, but he still bought the real thing?

"I don't dare to determine the value of this thing now, but I can be sure that this tens of thousands of Tianyuan jade is definitely not wrong." Pei Junlin finally spoke.

If he didn't speak anymore, these people might be unable to control their emotions and turned to find the mouse to settle the bill.

After Pei Junlin said this, he was most surprised by Prince San. He didn't expect to lose to Pei Junlin again this time, and looked away.

"Boss Pei, you really think this is a good thing, but I know you have always made a lot of achievements in array research." Hua Muzi said with a smile.

Generally, when Wang Ziqiong is present, these girls rarely show closeness to Pei Junlin, this is to avoid suspicion.

It's just that Huamuzi is different. He has always treated Pei Junlin as his brother. His character is very straightforward. What do you say? Lei Xuan, Yang Xue, and Baili Feiyan were more concerned about these girls. When Wang Ziqiong was present, these girls rarely made jokes with Pei Junlin.

Even if you are talking, you will pay attention to your tone and expression, and you won't get people wrong.

"Mistakenly hit it, in fact, I'm not sure what this thing is, but I haven't seen the rune above, I don't know it, maybe it should be a good thing." Pei Junlin turned his palm over , Just collected this ancient book.

Everyone continued to move forward, and with Pei Junlin's lesson in front of them, everyone also widened their eyes, hoping to pick up the leak.

Everyone released their consciousness one after another, scanning back and forth on some old objects, hoping to encounter something that could make them feel or have something to look at.

This time everyone has money in their pockets, at least 20 million Tianyuan jade, so they are generous in their shots, and they usually buy things when they see what they like.

Men and women have different concerns. People like Li Tianpei and Ye Tianxing are very interested in weapons and armor and some things about fighting.

But the girls are different. Especially, what makes Pei Junlin feel speechless is that Lei Xuan actually spent 900,000 Tianyuan jade and bought a Zhanyan Dan.

With Lei Xuan taking the lead, several other girls naturally followed suit. The face is permanent, this is too much for the temptation of women, and 900,000 Tianyuan jade is not expensive for everyone now.

Pei Junlin can even see a look of envy and eagerness in the eyes of Wang Ziqiong beside him.

In fact, if you practice to a certain level, you don't need these immortals to stay in the face, because cultivation itself has the function of staying in face.

But women are still very interested in this immortality, after all, this kind of thing is just a psychological effect. No matter what level of woman you go to, you can never escape this level. In Pei Junlin's view, this kind of presence in Yan Dan is actually *, which has little effect on practitioners at all.

With his current state of Yangshen, he has already cultivated into an immortal body. Even if the body is broken into pieces, it can be repaired at any time, let alone staying young forever. You can even change your face, whatever you want, you can do whatever you want.

Picking up leaks on the street is harder than finding a needle in a haystack, unless you have a keen sense of touch and a clever vision.

Except for Pei Junlin, this is not available to everyone, so in the end everyone agreed to go to some big firms to see the high-end goods inside.

At this time, Pei Junlin thought of buying a flying spirit treasure. Ling Yunzhou was so regrettable that he couldn't do it at all.

It is not always possible to use the wormhole array method portrayed by the **** donkey to fly across the stars. After all, others have it, not as much as they have.

But Pei Junlin thought of the Chaos Golden Fight, it also has the ability to fly, and the speed is not slow at all. He wants to buy a flying spirit, but he really wants to give it to his own wife, Prince Qiong.

Once something dangerous happens, you can use this treasure to escape quickly at any time, so that you can save your life and save yourself.

Wang Ziyu also accompanied Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong. As for the natural interests of others, everyone walked around the entire business.

"Brother-in-law, I want that, you can buy it for me." Wang Ziyu is not at all polite, pointing out the slim and delicate jade pointing to a relatively simple little tripod in the cabinet.

This thing Pei Junlin glanced at, and found that there were ancient Chinese characters on it.

But the clerk looked a little less enthusiastic, with a slight sneer on his face. It is difficult for the human race to receive a grand reception on this planet. After all, the status of the human race is very low in the Donglai Starland. In the eyes of these people, I am afraid that the status of the human race is equivalent to the miner.

"Take this thing out for me, I want to see it." Pei Junlin's tone was undoubted.

He showed a little bit of coercion in the state of Yangshen. The shop assistant was sweating and looked at Pei Junlin's eyes full of doubts and fears, because he had never seen a human face look so confident. , And even with such a powerful coercion.

The clerk who had been negligent towards everyone immediately took it up, and no longer dared to have the ridiculous look on his face, but became respectful.

This is a treasure that does not seem to be of grade, saying that it is a magic weapon or a spiritual treasure. It looks very weak in itself, and even has some damage.

But the material made Pei Junlin feel very different, because Pei Junlin had never seen this material for forging baby.

There are some flaws in the formation, and Pei Junlin does not feel any trace of the spirit.

"This is a broken little tripod. My host thought it was a bit interesting here. It has been left here for at least tens of thousands of years. No one wants to sell it. Well, buying it back may not be useful at all. "Out of respect for the strength of Pei Junlin, the shop assistant took the initiative to explain.

Pei Junlin nodded, and his eyes fell on Xiaoding in his hand again. This thing really exuded an unspeakable taste, but Pei Junlin could not see any clues in it for a while.

After Wang Ziyu took this small tripod in Bai Nen's palm, Xiaoding even exuded a faint green light. This light was extremely small, and besides what Pei Junlin could find, even the clerk didn't notice anything.

"How much? I bought it ~ ~ Pei Junlin said almost without hesitation.

He is almost certain that this thing must be related to Wang Ziyu, and this little tripod is definitely not simple.

"This thing, fifty thousand Tianyuan jade ..." The clerk hesitated.

"It's just a broken thing, it's useless at all. It's not bad to take it back as an ornament. Twenty thousand yuan Yuanyu, if you want to sell it, I will take it directly." Pei Junlin began to bargain.

This operation, even Wang Ziqiong beside him felt a little surprised.

Is it possible to buy something in the universe?

"Don't look too high-end here, you can bargain anywhere you buy." Pei Junlin explained to Wang Ziqiong.

The clerk's face showed a look of excitement in his eyes, but his face was embarrassed. He looked at Pei Junlin and said, "This guest, you really embarrass me like this. This Dong, ... hey, Forget it, since you like it so much, I will sell it to you. "

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