Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1076: Luo Li

Auras tend to gather around some planets, and auras are very rare in the real void. In addition to relying on elixir and mineral cultivation, it is difficult to absorb energy in the void.

The fact that these two men can practice to the present level shows that they have paid hardships that ordinary people cannot imagine.

Everyone is a human race, and each other put down their guards again. Luo Li and his wife soon integrated into Pei Junlin's group. With their lead, Pei Junlin finally found the correct route.

One day later, under the leadership of Luo Li and his wife, Pei Junlin everyone came to the periphery of the hub planet Yangshuo.

"Brother Pei, we will go advanced. There are some medicinal materials to be sold. But I want to remind you that this planet of Yangshuo is not simple, but it is the territory of the dragon family. The human race will be crushed when it enters the planet of Yangshuo, and it will be detained every time Coolie, you must be careful. "The two men and women of Luo Li kindly reminded Pei Junlin.

In fact, Pei Junlin also knew that there was no half-talk about what Luo Li said. In the universe of some huge races in the universe, this kind of behavior will indeed happen. The geese over-plucking hair, and they may even arrest people of other races to do brute force.

In this case, money is squeezed, it is simply a fairy treatment. No wonder these couples rarely enter this planet of Yangshuo and may have suffered a loss.

The status of the Terran in Donglai Starland is indeed a headache, and it also makes people sad and angry. Looking at the situation of the Luo Li couple, it makes everyone feel a bit sad.

After separation from Luo Li and his wife, everyone was a little silent.

"Boss Pei, are our human races really mixed like this in Donglai Xingyu? Like this couple, they didn't even dare to go to some planets and became a starry wanderer, which is too miserable." Sun Kai's The tone is a little low.

Everyone else has the same idea, a sorrowful expression on their faces.

"This is nothing, the human race is only temporarily in a trough period, as long as our group does not give up, it will rise soon. With the resurgence of the aura on the earth, the general trend of the rise of the human race is irreversible." Pei Junlin said to everyone .

After listening to Pei Junlin's words, everyone became vigorous and bloody. Only the **** donkey lipped his mouth and wanted to say something, but Pei Junlin's eyes were strictly forbidden.

The **** donkey wanted to say that Pei Junlin knew what he was going to say without telling it, it was just pouring cold water.

But in Pei Junlin's view, this kind of talk is still better. Young people like Li Tianpei and Ye Tianxing are mainly encouraged. If they are given a too pessimistic future, they may completely lose their confidence.

In severe cases, Dao Xin will also be damaged, and the state has been stagnant since then.

In order to avoid a group of people entering the Yangshuo planet at the same time, a large number of tolls are charged. Pei Junlin let all the others enter the Jindou space, leaving only him and Wang Ziqiong to play as the only human couple.

According to Luo Li and his wife, the Dragon tribe is very vigilant against foreign forces entering the territory of the Dragon tribe. Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong disguised as husband and wife, this can reduce the dragon's vigilance against these outsiders.

Moreover, Pei Junlin is going to go to Panlong Star, the core area of ​​the Dragon Clan, which is a forbidden place for the Dragon Clan. If there is no good reason, it would be harder to go directly to Panlongxin through Yangshuo.

Pei Junlin is ready to be troubled, but after entering the planet of Yangshuo, he still surprised Pei Junlin.

The planet Yangshuo is a relatively desolate planet. There are no businesses or other industries here, not even resident residents.

The reason why this planet is so important is because there are many important teleportation arrays on this planet. The teleportation array leads to the entire Eastland Star Field and connects everywhere.

At the same time, there are many chambers of commerce in Donglaixingyu, because this is a transit point for goods. A large number of goods need to pass through the portal to carry out and transfer.

From a distance, the Yangshuo planet is also full of lights, but it is not so prosperous. In addition to several huge inns, it is the residence of some chambers of commerce. The piles of cargo there are neatly packed, and from time to time, various non-ship spacecrafts land on the planet, vomiting cargo, and then leave.

The dominance and cruelty of the dragon clan is most vividly reflected on this planet of Yangshuo. Everyone who enters the planet of Yangshuo has to pay 10,000 Tianyuan jade directly.

There is another stall price, that is one million!

This is not everyone needs to pay, but only the human race needs to pay. In other words, Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong need to pay a total of two million Tianyuan jade.

"Without Tianyuan jade, Xiu wanted to transfer to other places through this hub." The two dragon men stared at Pei Junlin coldly.

One of them glanced around Wang Ziqiong unscrupulously. Obviously, the man was tempted by Wang Ziqiong's beauty.

This dragon man's insignificant look, Pei Junlin was very angry, he looked at the two with anger and said: "Why don't other races pay fees? We alone need to pay."

"Because you are a human race and the humblest human race. You are simply not qualified to ride the teleportation array. It is a gift to you to pay your fees. If it is usually the opportunity to pay the fees, there is no chance to pay the fees." Said coldly, the unabashed expression in his eyes mocked.

"Let us husband and wife discuss it, after all, two million Tianyuan jade, this is a huge asset." Pei Junlinqiang endured his anger and took Wang Ziqiong to the side.

When they heard that Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong were going to discuss, their eyes lit up. Originally they thought that Pei Junlin was just a poor ghost, and he couldn't get two million Tianyuan jade at all. The reason for raising such a price was to make Pei Junlin and Wang Qiong difficult.

Now seeing that Pei Junlin might be able to come up with such a huge amount of wealth, the two were immediately shocked and surprised.

I never imagined that so much wealth could be squeezed out by casual mention. Sure enough, the legendary human race is the best race to bully. They are smart and rich, and act as profiteers in the universe. This kind of human race does not squeeze white or squeeze.

"What should I do later? Wouldn't you really want to let the two pass?" The two guards stood aside and discussed in a low voice.

As everyone knows, the chat content between the two has entered Pei Junlin's ears. The two think they are very concealed. In fact, they can't hide Pei Junlin's eyes and ears.

In their eyes, Pei Junlin is now just a little monk in the realm of Yin and God, which is not harmful at all. How do you know that Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong both concealed Xiu Wei.

"What else can I do? Just like the men and women of the dog just now, the men killed, the women caught directly. The human woman is really beautiful and the skin is white and beautiful. The woman was just left by Jiang Lang, or else The two of us can also enjoy it. "The two dragon guards whispered to discuss.

But from the conversation between the two, a terrifying message was revealed, which made Pei Junlin clenched his fists.

He is almost certain that the two dragon clan guards the mouth. The human couple there must have been Luo Li. This was something that Pei Junlin hadn't thought of. Just a short while later, Luo Li and his wife were attacked by poisonous hands.

The information extracted from the conversation between the two dragon guards shows that Luo Li has been killed, and his wife has been captured by a man named Jiang Lang.

The human race is a bullied position in the starry sky, which makes Pei Junlin extremely angry. Moreover, before the Luo Li and his wife had offered directions to everyone for free, in a sense, if there was no way for the Luo Li and his wife to lead, Pei Junlin also reached this pivotal planet.

If it were not for their own troubles to lead the way, the couple would not be miserable. Thinking of this, Pei Junlin felt guilty in his heart.


Revenge must be given to this couple. The life of the human race is also life. It cannot be quietly trampled to death like ants.

"Husband, what should I do? I listen to you." Wang Ziqiong has seen the killing intention in Pei Junlin's eyes.

"Yangshuo Planet is a transportation hub full of portals. If the planet is directly destroyed, then the Dragon Clan will be paralyzed by half. Even if we sneak attack on the Panlong Planet, the Dragon Clan will not be able to quickly aid." Cold light.

Suddenly he changed his mind, and with a new idea, he simply did nothing, and destroyed the Yangshuo star directly.

"Did you two think about it?" The two dragon clan guards came over.

They released a strong breath and pressed towards Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong.

Pei Junlin smiled on his face, staring at the other side lightly and said, "Of course I have already thought about it."

Hearing the words of Pei Junlin, the two dragon guards smiled, and this time they could not only squeeze two million Tianyuan jade huge wealth from Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong.

And it is also possible to take this beautiful human girl as her own, which is definitely the most beautiful thing for them ~ ~ Responsible, but there is no worries about killing human races here.

The human race is the lowest race in the entire Donglai Starland. Anyone who sees it can be killed directly without any responsibility or fear of retaliation.

"Think about it and bring the money." One of the guards extended a hand directly to Pei Junlin.


A sword light flickered, and the dragon clan guarded an arm and fell directly to the ground. Pei Junlin carried the broken domain sword in his hand and looked at the two guards coldly.

The guard who cut off his arm seemed a little dazed, not knowing what happened. Looking down at the arm that fell to the ground, this revealed an incredible look.

"Dog stuff! Do you know where this place is? Dare to resist, you don't want to live anymore." The two dragon guards suddenly became angry.

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