Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1082: Destroy the planet

The planet is cut open directly, then the essence of the planet will naturally be lost quickly. The reason why this array is unsolvable for Pei Junlin is that it continuously extracts the power of stars to maintain the stability of politics and law.

The **** donkey's move is a draw at the bottom of the kettle!

Pei Junlin thought that the **** donkey would definitely come up with some conditions to crack this formation, but he was wrong, really wrong. The **** donkey chose one of the most unpretentious methods, that is, the entire planet instantly destroy.

"I'm going, how did you do it?" Pei Junlin opened his mouth wide with a shocking expression on his face.

But the look on the **** donkey's face was a little lost, and when he asked Pei Junlin, he didn't say anything. Although the whole planet was divided into two, the main palace occupied by Pei Junlin was not damaged. Except for the damage caused by the large earthquake just now, the rest were not.

The formation in front of him was disappearing, and even the energy gathering tower that Long Yu prepared for himself was collapsing.

A ray of light soared into the sky, a dragon wrapped in a touch of divine light. The dragon exudes a light blue light, and it is hundreds of meters long.

There is a realm of real gods, a strong man's breath enveloped in it, which is mixed with endless anger.

Breakthroughs are interrupted by people, which is absolutely desperate for any practitioner. Besides, Long Yu did n’t know how many years he had prepared for today ’s breakthrough, but it was just a coincidence that Pei Jun came, just in time for the key moment of Long Yu ’s breakthrough.

He once spent hundreds of years preparing for this breakthrough. For this reason, he worked painstakingly, and prepared the energy gathering tower by thinking hard, and then arranged this formation.

I thought it was foolproof. How could I know that Pei Junlin was so magical that he blasted the entire planet directly, and his formation was completely destroyed.

And if Long Yu continues to practice at this time, it is to find death, which is equivalent to extending his neck to let others kill.

To wake up voluntarily is to break the process of cultivation. After that, it is no longer possible to break through, and there is no opportunity to enter into it after a lifetime.

Finally he was angry, he hated it so much! The anger in his heart almost burned the whole world.

Dragons danced and hundreds of meters of body swept across the Yangshuo city. The corpses ran across the field in an instant, and blood ran into the river.

The entire Yangshuo city was in chaos, and no one thought that the moment the city master went out, he would actually kill Yangshuo stars.

At the moment when Long Yu was interrupted by Pei Junlin, he had already caught fire and became enchanted. There was a mental problem. In other words, he was crazy.

The anger is not directed against Pei Junlin, because his consciousness has been lost, and it has completely reduced to an unconscious crazy creature. With the instinct to persecute and the massacre, in this way, the endless anger in the heart can be resolved.

Pei Junlin was shocked to see this scene, he did not expect the consequences to be like this. I thought I was going to fight against a strong man in the realm of the real gods. I knew that in the end, the whole planet would be destroyed without any effort.

The **** donkey accounts for most of the credit, and this dragon rain takes a small portion of the credit.

"Let's go now, if the portal is destroyed by him later." The **** donkey saw the situation clearly.

Pei Junlin naturally knows that the **** donkey is completely correct. The destructive power of this dragon and rain is extremely amazing. The entire Yangshuo city is estimated to be under ten minutes under his hands.

When the tail is swept away, a street becomes a ruin. Such destructive power is absolutely amazing.

People in the whole city were panicking, crying everywhere, some masters running desperately. Some people who can't run away are ashamed, standing and waiting to die.

Pei Junlin can no longer take care of these, he quickly ran to the inn to connect Prince Qiong and Xu Manying, and rushed madly to the teleportation array in the east of the city.

There are tens of thousands of thousands of meters of boulders, arranged into a huge teleportation array. These teleportation arrays do not lead to a place, but to the major planets in the entire southeast star field, some important areas have.

Although the planet of Yangshuo is a large and small transportation hub within the Dragon tribe, there are not too many portals, and there are only dozens of them in total. However, the hub connecting other transportations can lead to many places in the Southeast Star Zone. Pei Junlin chose the portal of the Dragon Star Zone with little hesitation.

The portal at the door was already full of monks, and these people couldn't take care of it in order to escape, and rushed to the portal frantically.

But there are too many people, and they are overwhelmed at all, and every time a teleportation needs someone to throw Tianyuan jade into the teleportation array.

Now the entire Yangshuo city has collapsed. The manager, the dragon guard of the portal, the one who has run has already run and the rest will not be loyal to the duty.

If a master of the true **** realm loses reason, the destructive power is absolutely amazing. To continue to stay on this planet of Yangshuo is definitely an act of death.

But there is never a shortage of warriors who are not afraid of death in this world. For example, this portal is now taken over by a chamber of commerce. After the chamber of commerce took over the portal, it began to collect high-value teleport tickets.

This is an undisguised robbery, but people who want to teleport can no longer care about it. Many people hurriedly left their wealth and walked directly into the portal, but more people who were unable to get wealth will be blocked. At the door.

"One million tickets, hurry up." The profiteer stood at the door and yelled around.

It was Pei Junlin who landed with a figure, and Long Yu quickly flew in this direction. It was only a few breathing times when the portal was destroyed.

Pei Junlin couldn't care much, and found the portal to the Panlong Star Territory and walked straight in. Suddenly a few figures flew out of the dark, trying to stop Pei Junlin.

"I want to go inside without paying the ticket, I think you are looking for death." Some people yelled loudly.

Pei Junlin has an impulse to laugh, and when is this, these people are still thinking about making money. I am afraid that in the end the result is that you have to earn money and die here.

Nothing to say, Pei Junlin's big hand opened his golden palm and instantly suppressed the audience. These people who blocked the training had not even touched Pei Junlin's clothing corner, they exploded into blood mist directly.

Almost instantly, Pei Junlin killed dozens of masters and killed the entire portal. People were panicked, and everyone was shocked.

Pei Junlin did not stay and did not speak, but turned into a figure and rushed directly into the new portal to Panlong. With a wave of his hand, thousands of Tianyuan jade flew out directly and fell around the portal.

The array method instantly absorbed the energy in the Tianyuan jade, and a wave of space tearing came. Pei Junlin knew that the portal had been opened.

At this last moment, Pei Junlin saw the figure of the dragon. At this moment, Pei Junlin felt that his eyes were dark, and when he opened his eyes again, he had reached the other end of the portal.

Pei Junlin's speed is very fast, and quickly jumped out of the teleportation array. At the moment he just jumped out of the teleportation array, the entire teleportation array exploded.

Obviously, the other end of the portal has been destroyed, and the other end has directly followed up to produce a chain reaction.

The people who hosted the portal on the side of the Dragon Star didn't even know what was happening, and they watched each other as they exploded.

While taking advantage of the chaos here, Pei Junlin turned into a dark shadow and left the portal instantly.

This is the most central area of ​​the dragon family, Panlong Star!

But Pei Jun came here not to invite guests to dinner, but to come here to destroy. As the hinterland of the Dragon race, the defense here is not so tight. On the contrary, the entire Panlong planet is full of desolate areas, and no people can be seen at all.

There is nothing else except a huge dragon temple.

The arrogant character makes the dragon clan feel that no one dares to come to the hinterland of the dragon clan to make trouble. Therefore, on this Panlong planet, the Dragon Clan did not even leave any defensive force.

After Pei Junlin left the teleportation all the way, his feet were all gray desert. The core area of ​​the dragon is also the ancestral land of the dragon. On the contrary, the environment is not so good, and it is even worse than the previous Yangshuo planet.

Almost all of the planet Panlong is desert, and you can't even see a drop of water, without any vegetation. The wind and the sand were blowing, the wind was rolling, and there were silent sandstorms everywhere.

Pei Junlin flew in this wild sand, looking for something.

For the Dragon tribe, the most precious thing is the remnants left after the dragon tribe died, that is, those dragon bones. However, after the death of ordinary dragons, their bones can't do anything, at most make some magic tools, aura, etc.

But after the death of these dragons, there is still the power of dragon soul in their bodies. This is the most important purpose of Pei Junlin's coming to the Panlong planet.

A skeleton that stretches for hundreds of meters ~ ~ lying motionless in the desert, this is a skeleton of a dragon. But after many years, the skeleton of the dragon has not completely corroded.

This dragon should be a master of the real **** realm, but after his death, his bones have not experienced the erosion of wind and rain, and have slowly peeled off.

A pair of eyes radiate golden light, and you can see a very precise golden energy hovering in the dragon's skeleton. This is the legendary dragon's soul.

It is not that every dragon will leave such a dragon's soul after its death. Only a very small number of them can be catalyzed by accidental conditions to produce this spiritual power.

The Dragon Soul is not the soul left in the body after the dragon clan died, but a pure dragon clan power. Without any nonsense, Pei Junlin directly released the Dragon Soul. A pale golden Dragon Soul flew past and swallowed the power of the Dragon Soul instantly.

After devouring this mass of energy, the power of Dragon Soul seemed to increase by one point. The pale golden light around the body also became more heated, which made Pei Junlin's heart reveal a look of surprise.

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