Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1084: Man

"What are you doing?" Pei Junlin found that things were far beyond his control.

After absorbing the original breath of the dragon of this day, Jin Ye actually made Pei Junlin feel a strange sense, and the kind of connection between the two became nothing.

Although the expression on Pei Junlin's face did not change, his heart was full of shock. Pei Junlin understands the preciousness of this chaotic golden battle deeply. The origin is immense, almost beyond imagination.

If this chaotic golden battle is really going to be out of control, then he has no choice.

"What are you still doing? Come in quickly." Jinye seemed a little excited.

With a frown, the Jindou space suddenly exhaled powerful suction, and directly absorbed Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong directly into it.

As soon as Pei Junlin walked into the Jindou space, he saw that the thirteen princess of the Dragon tribe and the princess Yutu looked pale and seemed frightened.

The two women hugged tightly together without the prestige of ordinary days.

Seeing that Pei Junlin appeared, the two girls showed a happy look and wanted to walk towards Pei Junlin. But suddenly they saw Prince Qiong Qiong, who was surrounded by Pei Junlin's rich gods like a jade fairy, and they stopped again.

The look on their faces was very complicated. It was like a young man raised outside by a man who saw the lady in the main palace. She had a look of fear and jealousy.

Instead, Wang Ziqiong was very generous and looked at the two women with a slight smile and said, "Are the two sisters frightened? Don't be afraid, this chaotic golden fight is just a little out of order, it's a good thing."

All of Pei Junlin's attention is now focused on the changes of Chaos Jindou. Pei Junlin did not pay any attention to the reactions of Princess Yutu and Princess Thirteen.

The inner space of the golden chaos in the chaos has always been black, and the mist is very dull, but it seems that there are some differences.

There seemed to be some light throughout the sky. Although it was still gray, there was light.

Everyone stood in the space of Jindou as if appearing in a huge and endless desert.

Underneath is the dark mist, and the sky is white.

Pei Junlin continued to move forward and saw a hall. This hall is magnificent, far more than Pei Jun saw all the temples.

Such a hall, although splendid, is empty. It was quiet and terrible, even the sound of a needle being dropped could be heard.

The hall is several hundred meters high and contains various objects. When Pei Junlin thought that all of this was the illusion of Chaos Golden Fight, but he dared to feel that all this seemed to be true again.

"Look, husband, look quickly." Wang Ziqiong looked surprised, pointing to a huge statue in the middle of the hall.

The idol is very tall and powerful.

Standing there, it seemed that Hongmeng existed at the beginning of its opening, and it was an ancient **** with a huge breath.

When looking at the face of this **** statue clearly, Pei Junlin was surprised. Because the look of this face is somewhat similar to himself.

In other words, this statue was completely built compared to his appearance.

It's no wonder that Prince Qiong showed the surprised look just now, because the statue looks very similar to Pei Junlin, it's exactly the same, and even some of the details are exactly the same.

"Golden Master, what the **** is going on? Why did this hall appear?" Pei Junlin shouted into the void.

But he didn't get any response. Lord Jin seemed to have disappeared, and the entire Chaos Jin became abnormal.

In desperation, Pei Junlin could only come to the table in front of the huge god, and there was a book on the table. The book is large, with a touch of golden color, and it has three words on it-Do Ren Jing.

Pei Junlin stretched out his hand to open the book, but found that the first page of the book was very heavy, even if his current strength is still very difficult.

Pei Junlin exuded a faint light around him, and his blood was like a furnace, almost exhausting all his strength before turning the title page.

The moment the pages were turned, a golden light hit Pei Junlin's eyebrows. Pei Junlin stayed for a while, and seemed to be locked in place. His eyes closed, and he fell into a realm of **** and god.

The princess Qiong 13 and princess Yutu and others behind Pei Junlin were a little surprised. They didn't know what Pei Junlin had encountered.

Although Wang Ziqiong forced himself to calm down, he was very panicked to see Pei Junlin standing still.

A figure emerged from the void, a beautiful and handsome young man, dressed in white, very romantic.

This man is no one else, it is the golden man of this chaotic golden fight.

"What's the matter with him?" Wang Ziqiong asked with a hint of tone.

Because the relationship between Pei Junlin and my Jinye had a subtle change, she also felt it.

"Don't doubt me casually, since this Chaos Jindou recognizes him as the master, then he is my master. How can I harm him casually? Rest assured, it's a good thing." Jinye didn't explain, just his face There was a trace of recollection.

His eyes flickered, and he didn't seem to dare to see this huge palace.

What the heart wants is the past. Everything you see is a memory.

There seems to be something that King Ye is unwilling to touch. Because that reminded him of an ancient memory, he couldn't bear it.

Pei Junlin slowly opened his eyes, and a book reflection appeared in his pupils in his eyes. The light of countless wisdom flashed in it, and Pei Junlin seemed to benefit greatly from this book.

"How are you? With your current strength, this book can only open the first page. But even one page of wisdom is enough to make your strength a higher level." Jinye looked at Su Xing Pei Junlin, the look on his face was calm.

Pei Junlin closed his eyes again, and it took a few seconds before he opened his eyes. At this time, the strange color in his eyes had completely disappeared and replaced with a look of ecstasy.

Pei Junlin nodded toward Wang Ziqiong and gave Wang Ziqiong a reassuring look. At this time Wang Ziqiong quietly let out a sigh of relief.

Then Pei Junlin came straight to the thirteen princesses of the Dragon tribe, and looked at each other with a faint expression in his eyes. Princess Yutu unconsciously gave up a position backwards, so that Pei Junlin and the thirteen princess of the dragon family stood face to face.

There was a confrontation between the two. The thirteenth princess of the dragon family was unwilling to show their weakness, and naturally raised the slender neck and looked at Pei Junlin.

While Pei Junlin was smiling, with a calm and peaceful look and looked at the thirteen princess of the dragon family.

Finally, the thirteen princess of the Dragon family could not bear it, and took the initiative to anger toward Pei Junlin: "What the **** are you talking about? What does it mean to look at me like this?"

Pei Junlin still did not speak, but some runes flashed in his eyes. The thirteen princess of the dragon clan showed a surprised face, but with a cold smile, a powerful momentum suddenly broke out around him.

A secret symbol appeared in her eyebrows, with a faint silver light flashing, seemingly resisting the rune light in Pei Junlin's eyes.

"I've thought about it. The photos you took for me before cannot be used as a reason to threaten me. Those things are nothing, you just publish them." The thirteenth princess of the dragon family seems to have figured out many joints There is no fear in Pei Junlin's eyes.

Like a little bird determined to leave the cage, don't die if you are not free.

It was Pei Junlin who kept silent, and the 13th Princess of the Dragon Clan gradually felt the force of oppression. The silver symbol in the eyebrow flashed violently, and seemed to be under great pressure. Finally, at a certain moment, the silver mark exploded and collapsed.

The thirteenth princess uttered a scream, and did not seem to expect such a result.

"Being convinced by mouth is for conversion. You used to be orally disobedient. You have been secretly annoying me in your heart, and even thought about poisoning me." Pei Junlin looked at the dragon's thirteen princess plainly.

The face of the thirteen dragon princess was surprised, because all that Pei Junlin said was what she thought. At this time, Pei Junlin's eyes seemed to be full of wisdom to see through everything, even the hearts of people.

This made the thirteen princesses of the Dragon tribe feel a little scared sincerely, and even had a fear in their hearts. In her eyebrows is the imprint of a powerful dragon clan, but it was broken by Pei Junlin unexpectedly, which made the thirteen princess of the dragon clan more uneasy.

"Why should I convince you? You defeated me by vile means and threatened me. Do you think I would be convinced?" The thirteenth princess of the Dragon Race raised his head bravely and peered at Pei Junlin.

The rune power flashed in Pei Junlin's eyes, and the eyes of the thirteen princess of the dragon race gradually became confused.

"I ask you a question, is the behavior of the Dragon Clan in UU reading www.uukanshu.comm brutal?" Pei Junlin's voice seemed to contain an ethereal power.

The thirteen princess of the dragon nodded unconsciously, and the voice was full of trust: "Yes, the dragon clan is arrogant and self-respecting, atrocities, cruel, and obscene ..."

Like the peas, the thirteen princesses of the dragon clan listed a dozen major sins of the dragon clan. Prince Wang Qiong and Princess Yutu both opened their mouths in surprise. I do n’t know what happened to the Dragon Princess. Is it enchanted?

"Pei Junlin, I am convinced of you, you are the true **** in this world, you are the sun that never sets in the world. Everything you say is truth, I believe everything you say." With Pei Junlin, his eyes glowed with fanaticism.

The faint golden light in Pei Junlin's eyes disappeared, and he felt a little emotional. It is the power of this man's sutra that can forcefully transform others, make people believe in themselves, and convert themselves.

The thirteenth princess in front of you is an example. Although the thirteenth princess of the dragon family became the maid of Pei Junlin, but he was convinced, and he had been brewing a vicious plan in his heart. .

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