Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 109: Exit!

"Hurry up and see my husband !!!"

"Come out ... see your old man ... soon!"

"Meet my husband!"

"one sight!"


When the ancestors of Pei's ancestors contained the huge roar of the innate strong man Zhenyuan, echoing throughout the entire Maple Mountain range of tens of miles, in the villa's quiet room, Pei Junlin's alchemy reached a really critical moment!

At this moment, in front of him, the silver-white Dan furnace was exuding hot temperatures, the clouds were steaming, and the room was full of incense.

The strong medicinal scent covers the entire quiet room, and the clouds are lingering, almost condensing into water droplets.

These mists are the true essence. It is Pei Junlin who spends a great deal of effort on eating and drinking these days, which is the crystal of the refined elixir.

It contains a variety of precious precious medicinal herbs, such as the demon crystal of the skin-streaked leopard, elixir of elixir, millennium ginseng, thunderstroke wood, Polygonum multiflorum, Tianshan snow lotus, Cordyceps sinensis, etc., each of which is extremely valuable.

The sum of these herbs alone is a huge number, the value is estimated to be at least one billion yuan, and most of them are money that can't be bought!

If a warrior comes in now, just taking a sip of the scent of the medicine in the air is a great tonic. I am afraid that it will be improved immediately if I repair it. I don't know how many times it is absorbed outside.

"Pei Junlin, if you still want your woman's life, come out and see your husband!"

The bright voice of the ancestor of the Pei family came from outside. Pei Junlin heard it naturally. The hands that originally controlled the flame steadily trembled, almost letting the ghostly fire in his hand go out, and finally forcibly stabilized it!

He is now approaching the last step of alchemy-enrichment!

And it is nearing the end, the cloud steaming Xiawei in the quiet room, the strong fragrance of the room full of fragrant herbs is the best proof, he will soon be successful in refining Ziyun Marten Yuedan!

However, Pei Junlin couldn't wait for a minute, because the outside Prince Qiong had fallen into the hands of the ancestors of Pei's family. Who knows what would happen in a minute!

Compared to Wang Ziqiong's safety, no precious elixir can be compared with it. What's so much about Ziyun Marble Yuedan?

Under the turmoil of thoughts, Pei Junlin's eyes that were always lowered and closed suddenly opened, and two terrible flames burst out. The temperature of the whole quiet room soared, which seemed to represent his mood at the moment.

Just at this moment, there was a slight vibration coming from the huge silver furnace, indicating the perfect end of the last step!


Pei Junlin ended the state of flame transmission for eight days, and changed into a decisive skillfully with both hands. Suddenly, a huge swallowing force came from the inside of the Dan furnace, just like a huge suction fan. , Is exerting the greatest skill.

It can be seen by the naked eye that the original cloud steaming Xiawei, the full-bodied scent of strong medicine, turned into a mist dragon, all swallowed into the swollen belly of Dan furnace.

Pei Jun stood up and showed a thin body like a gun. In just eight days, alchemy, his body was 30 pounds thin, his eye sockets were deeply sunk into a layer, and the blue tendons on the back of his hands were prominent. The skin was pale as paper, without any blood.

But the momentum on his body was more and more sharp, especially those black eyes, like two sharp swords!

When Pei Junlin shook hands and lifted the lid of the huge alchemy furnace, purple rays burst out suddenly.

I saw the most central part of the Dan furnace, quietly lying with longan-sized purple pills.

One, two, three, four ... a total of seven!

On top of each Ziyun Yuedan, there are purple clouds flowing, so beautiful that they are comparable to the world's top art works!

Pei Junlin unconsciously admired his painstaking elixir, and grabbed it at hand. Seven Ziyun Yuedan had been grasped in the palm of his hand.

Pei Junlin took out a pre-prepared jade bottle and filled it with six. The last one was swallowed directly by his mouth.

The moment when this Ziyun Yuedan was in the abdomen, there was a sudden burst of powerful energy. This strength was unprecedented!

Pei Junlin quickly operated the Nine Turns of Ghost Power. Suddenly, the body turned over the river, as if there were tens of millions of waves crashing fiercely. At the same time, the naked eye can see that these days, due to alchemy, Pei Junlin has been suffering from both spiritual and physical blood. The body recovered with a horrible speed.

His originally sunken eye socket was quickly recovering. At the same time, the prominent blue tendons on his arm were not obvious, and his lean body was gradually recovering. A normal blood color gradually appeared on the pale face.

In the past few days, due to the consumption of all the alchemy losses in Pei Junlin, in just a few breaths, they have been completely replenished and even improved.

"It's time to break through the second turn of Nine Turns of Nether Gong!"

Feeling that the energy and blood consumed in the body were gradually being replenished, Pei Junlin murmured to himself. The reason why he refined this purple cloud mare dandelion this time was to break through the second turn of the Ninth Turn of Youling.

Only at the second turn of the Ninth Turn of the Nether Ghost, his practice was able to step into the real temple level, and since then he has the unique power of the practitioner—mana!

Mana, as the most fundamental thing for practitioners, is just like the true spirit and true element of today's warriors. It is lacking. It can communicate with the deepest power in this world!

Even the whole body will be tempered again, completely reborn and reborn!

For a simple example, if Pei Junlin, who is the first turn of Ninth Nether Ghost, can resist bullets, then after entering this second turn, even if an armored bomb strikes, it can also resist!

This is the essential difference!

What's more ... After breaking through this level of realm, Pei Junlin can finally practice the Nine-Turn Ghost Skill separately. The benefits are beyond words ...

God can also get the best exercise and become stronger!


At this moment, Pei Junlin's body is undergoing earth-shaking changes. As a Shura warrior who once swarmed the world, he re-trained once. Pei Junlin is simply the return of the old horse. Everything is so familiar and long-lost.

Just as Pei Junlin was breaking through the second turn of the Ninth Turn Nether Gong, outside!

The ancestor of the Pei family waited a long time after shouting, and found that the large villa floor had no movement except in some places, and couldn't help a face glooming.

Just then, there was a shouting and killing in the distance. It turned out that the people in the Pei family and Pei Junlin were chasing each other because they were worried about the results.

Behind these people, they even followed some brave men and women in secret observation!

Extraordinary from the entire Jiangbei region, some of the leaders of the power, the Tang family is also present, the Lin family is also there, in addition to the Jiangbei area, the golden retriever lion, one-eyed, black dog king, etc., there are many rich people .

These people are here to find out the latest news. After all, this World War I was too much involved. It may be related to the power structure of the entire Jiangbei region ...

Pei family ancestors, the face is completely gloomy like water!

What kind of character is he?

As early as several decades ago, he was already a famous figure. With the cultivation of the master Jiupin, he swept the Quartet and killed countless enemies. He even established a strong family like the Jiangbei Pei family in one hand, and was worshipped by the strong in all directions. .

Not far away now, to meet a younger junior, first of all, I encountered the embarrassing situation that people had to walk into the mountains to force them into a embarrassing situation, and was hit by a young female doll without fear.

In the end, he simply grabbed the female doll and exerted her unique skills to go up the mountain alone. However, she still did not expect to see the young man named Pei Junlin.

All this is enough to completely exhaust the few patience of Pei's ancestors.

"Daughter, you are so sincere in giving it, even your husband can't help but treat you differently! Unexpectedly, the so-called man in your mouth doesn't care about you at all!"

Pei's ancestor said to the prince Qiong next to him.

Who ever thought, Wang Ziqiong slowly shook his head, and when he glanced over a building inadvertently, a bright smile appeared on that pale and pale face, shaking his head: "Old man, you don't understand me and his Feelings, so you are not qualified for evaluation! "

what? !!

The ancestor of the Pei family felt that he had heard the wrong ear. He had lived for nearly a hundred years. It was the first time that he heard someone say that he was not qualified to evaluate a certain thing, and this sentence was still spoken from the mouth of a little girl.

This is simply a glorious world!

"You two young juniors really irritate me! Also, since the clumsy does not appear, then the old man will use you to practice your hands first! It's been a long time since I killed someone, and I'm about to forget what it really feels like ... "

The ancestor of the Pei family said without expression. During the conversation, the palm of his hand was lifted with lightning, and he was ready to take a slap against Wang Ziqiong's head.

And at this moment, Prince Qiong just stared at a building in the backyard of the villa tightly, two lines of tears left unconsciously!


I love men!

At this moment, she realized that in her mind, Pei Junlin's figure had long been ingrained and imprinted on her heart, and she could no longer tolerate anyone!

Unfortunately, she was too late to realize that she didn't even have time to say the simplest three words to that man!

At this moment, Prince Joan's eyes were suddenly staring round, his face was incredible, his eyes were staring at somewhere!

That position was the place where Pei Junlin closed the alchemy. I saw the sky above the villa building, suddenly there was a rolling thundercloud condensing rapidly, and the wind was roaring, accompanied by a huge thunder.

The loud voice attracted everyone's attention, and everyone couldn't help but stop the movements in his hands and looked up. The palms of Pei's ancestors also froze in the air, and their pupils tightened.

"what is that?"

"How suddenly it changed ?!"

"Look at it, there is lightning consolidation! Lying down ~ ~ This lightning is so strong!"

"The sky is blue, the sky is falling, the thunder clouds are rolling, the lightnings are staggered, this ... This is the scourge of heaven that can only be possessed by those who have achieved innate strength!"

Suddenly, someone shouted incredible at this time, and the voice was filled with incredible color!

As for the strong men of the Pei family, their faces have changed completely!

They once saw the vision of the calamity when Pei's ancestors became the innate strongman, and they knew very well what kind of scene it was.

But why are the thunderclouds and lightnings appearing in the sky at this moment, both in terms of scale and intensity, more powerful than the calamities of their ancestors ...

When everyone was in a state of uncertainty and shocked!

At this moment, the roof of a building under the rolling thundercloud and lightning suddenly exploded, and a peerless figure with a dazzling light rose into the sky!

With the physical body, I directly penetrated the terrible rolling thundercloud lightning in the sky!

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