Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1090: Dog food

A master of the true **** realm, even if it is sold to the slave market, it is also sky-high. At least tens of millions of Tianyuan jade, and regardless of the identity of this person.

In case there is a family behind this person, the value will be higher.

The most important thing is that this guy's status is definitely not low, and the person beside Long Qiu grabbed this person and was able to know some secrets from his mouth.

After saying these words, Pei Junlin was too late to explain with the **** donkey, and he stretched out his hand to pull the man out directly, but only half of the body was pulled out.

The remaining half of the body has been completely crushed.

For a master of the true **** realm, this is nothing. Pei Junlin directly suppressed this master of real realm inside the Jindou space, and he was relieved.

On the other side, that wild **** tripod stood like a high mountain in the desert, continually shaking and sending out various breaths.

This is Taihuang Shending's master of refining another realm of quasi-true gods, but this is not just the matter of the Taihuang God setting a person, and the other side of the moonlight treasure box, Xiaoyue, is constantly playing tricks.

This is a dragon race of the quasi-real **** realm, the spirit and blood are all equal. In the moment of Dan Cheng, the lid of that wild God Ding directly exploded, and countless Blood Dan fell like rain.

These pills are not for human consumption, but dog food devoured by Wang Ziyu's war pets.

The biggest benefit of this war was Wang Ziyu. The rest of them had basically no injuries except Pei Junlin. Generally speaking, in this battle, everyone's defense was successful.

After the war was over, Pei Junlin remembered that there was a person lying in the distance at that time. It was a **** pig with a golden light all over his body.

That Long Qiu was very rampant when he fled, and did not take the third pig. At this time, the third prince was still lying in the desert with a humming sound in his mouth.

Not wanting to get up, but not getting up, that Long Qiu put a ban on it before, and blocked all the strength of Prince Sanzhu's whole body. The third prince Tangtang had no power to stand up.

Pei Junlin walked around the third prince, and found a pale gold rune in the center of the third prince's eyebrows. It was this rune that made the third prince lose his strength.

Pei Junlin stretched out his hand and pointed on the golden rune, a powerful force burst out instantly, and the rune of Prince Zhu's eyebrow burst out.

The seal was lifted, and the third prince successfully recovered his strength. , He stood up from the ground and his body was still weak. After regaining his human form, he was all sweaty on his head.

"Hurry up, the earth is in danger. I heard that several races are organizing forces to enter the earth at this time." Prince San's face panicked.

This news is so important that Pei Junlin's face changed. This time he took everyone to the universe to avenge his revenge.

But the earth is his biggest weakness and his biggest concern.

Only through the portal above the Taisui star can you directly enter the earth. But now that the planet Pei Junlin is too old, I do n’t know how many kilometers there are. If I rely on the running speed of the Chaos Golden Fight, I am afraid it will take ten years to return to Taisui.

At this time, there is no need for Pei Junlin to say that everyone's eyes naturally fell on the **** donkey.

The **** donkey was so angry that his nose was emitting black smoke, but he quickly calmed down and looked at Pei Junlin and said: "I only have one request, that is, the dragon race I caught before became my mount. And I just Humanoid mounts must never be transformed into dragons. "

Everyone knows the hobby of the **** donkey. He has always had a obsession, that is, catching a pet, as a mount.

Fortunately, this time the requirements are not excessive. Although the dragon race of the quasi-true **** level master can be transformed into a human form, it is not a human race. For Pei Junlin and others, it is acceptable.

"Of course, this request can promise you, and I can give it to you now." Pei Junlin stretched out his hand, and then opened into the Jindou space directly.

A figure landed from midair, it was the master of the real **** realm that had been sealed by Pei Junlin. This is a master of quasi-real **** realm. In fact, the strength is still in the late stage of Yangshen Realm, and the gap between Pei Junlin is not very large, so Pei Junlin can easily capture him.

"Your seal is not good, he may break free at any time." The **** donkey said, lifting his front hooves.

The golden light emanating from his hooves was printed on the forehead of the Dragon Clan of the True God Realm, and a mysterious rune was printed on the forehead of the other party.

Suddenly, Pei Junlin felt that the seal he had left was instantly disintegrated, and after the forehead of the **** donkey's seal, there was a confused look in his eyes.

Although trying to struggle, it seemed a little feeble and even had a fear of the **** donkey.

"What's your name?" The **** donkey said involuntarily, hitting the other person's face with his hoof.

His forehead had been hit with a large bag by this person before, so he was angry, and now he had surrendered to the other party, and naturally had to torture him.

"I am Long Daorong of the Dragon Clan, and I will never die, you kill me." The Dragon Master of that kind of real **** realm showed a sturdy look.

At first glance, this person really looks like an iron-clad man.

"All you want is this sentence, shoot you directly to death, roasted into dragon meat and eat." The **** donkey's face showed a greasy smile.

The golden light radiated by the hoofs will be printed on the forehead of this dragon family.

The dragon master named Long Daorong saw this scene, and his face suddenly showed a look outside the sky.

In the previous words, he just talked casually. What kind of iron-clad man is there in him, but he is really afraid of death. The reason why he said such scenes is that he is accustomed to Yaowu Yangwei by following Long Qiu.

At this time, if he is allowed to bow his head to the human race, it is more uncomfortable than death, not to mention that the person who surrendered to him in front of him is still a dark and dark donkey, which makes him hard to accept.

"Grandpa, don't kill me. I've served it. There is an 80-year-old mother in the small one, and a 3-year-old child needs support. Don't kill me." Nao Daorong screamed like a pig On the ground, he suddenly tapped his head toward the **** donkey.

This scene shocked everyone around. No one thought that a dragon clan should be so shameless, even the thirteen princess of the dragon clan standing next to Pei Jun's face was so angry.

The so-called warriors can not be humiliated. Even if you want to surrender, you don't have to bend your knees to surrender. There is no dignity at all. The thirteenth princess had to kill this dragon Daorong in advance several times, but it was stopped by Pei Junlin.

Now everyone is pointing at the **** donkey to depict the teleportation method to return to the Taisui star. If this matter angers this stubborn donkey, then the consequences are unbearable.

"Long Daorong's name is familiar to me. Do you have a nickname called Iron Bone Zheng Long Daorong, which is still very famous among the Dragon Clan." The third prince of pig suddenly came over with a strange look Looking at Long Daorong.

Long Daorong finally found a person who had heard of himself, embraced the third pig's thigh, and wiped all his nose and tears on the leg of the third pig.

The third prince was spitting out all the things he hated, but he couldn't get rid of it. This Dragon Dao Rong, although the integrity is not very good, is ultimately a master of the quasi-real **** realm.

It was nothing more than the tears of Long Daorong's tears, his companion was really miserable.

In addition to Long Qiu's escape from the hands of Pei Junlin due to his high strength, another master of the realm of quasi-real **** who came with Long Qiu was directly trained by Wang Ziyu as a blood pill.

A living dragon was directly turned into a pill, looking at those fears in who's eyes. That's just killing chickens and monkeys. Long Daorong's pants haven't been scared to pee completely.

The master is also a dragon, with blood and flesh, and Long Daorong also has his own emotions and fears.

"Since you don't want to die, follow me to be my pet in the future." The **** donkey showed a smug look.

After Long Daorong heard the words of the **** donkey, and felt that it was better to die than alive, he knelt in front of the **** donkey and let go of the sound completely.

At this time, the **** donkey raised his hoof again and drew a rune on Long Daorong's eyebrow again.

With this rune, Long Daorong will be completely loyal to the **** donkey. If there is any rebellious heart, then he will be scattered by the **** donkey at any time.

As long as there is this rune, its life is in the hands of the **** donkey, whether it is life or death, only in one thought.

"You stand up." The **** donkey showed satisfaction and ordered toward his pet.

Long Daorong is actually a dragon, not a person, but in order to satisfy his evil taste, the **** donkey regards Long Daorong as a person.

He let Long Daorong turn around, the **** donkey stood up, and put two huge hooves on Long Daorong's shoulder. UU reading book Under the order of the **** donkey, Long Daorong rose up to the sky, carrying the **** donkey in a circle in the air, the **** donkey fell on the ground with satisfaction .

"Don't linger anymore, there is not much time left for us. I need to return to Tai Sui Xing immediately." Pei Junlin finally couldn't help but came out and urged towards the **** donkey.

The **** donkey satisfied his wish and was in a good mood. He was not angry when he heard Pei Junlin's urging. He raised his hoof directly and began to depict the runes.

Soon a dark vortex appeared in front of everyone. This is a portal that teleports across the star field. It can only be achieved by the existence of the **** donkey. Even Long Daorong was dumbfounded.

Although he is a master of the real **** realm, although he has just stepped into this realm, he has a lot of knowledge.

He has never heard of anyone who can characterize long-distance teleportation of wormholes with just a few runes. This kind of cultivation is really amazing.

"Third Brother, this time you go back, we are going to leave." Pei Junlin bowed his hand to Prince Sanzhu.

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