Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1097: Huluo Pingyang

A huge palm with condensed golden light descended from the sky and suddenly pressed down towards the position where Tiger Wind stood. With the overwhelming power, the demon clan around all made a trembling sound.

Knowing that this move is not aimed at them, but many demon clan is guilty, and some even paralyzed in place, the atmosphere is afraid to come out.

"Aboriginals who have fallen into the planet, why is it so strong? Which part of the problem is there?" There was a confused look on the face of some demon.

It seems that a giant whale predator grew out of a small pond, which is beyond the understanding of ordinary people.

The golden palm print suddenly fell on the top of the mountain, and Tiger Feng's body was extremely strong. He instantly transformed into a human figure and wanted to escape, but this golden light even locked him directly.

The golden palm print did not fall directly, but chased the tiger wind. Several mountain heads were even smoothed out by this huge golden palm print, and Hu Feng's mood at this time was also very messy. He did not expect Pei Junlin to be so strong.

He slammed a hand and made him so embarrassed, at this time his heart suffocated to explode. Think again about her goddess Princess Thirteen Dragon turned into Pei Junlin's maid, his mentality is even more unbalanced.

The tiger wind in the dodge is getting more and more intense, and gradually loses his mind. The blood irrigates the pupil, and the roots of the hair are standing like a fried hedgehog.


The tiger wind roared upwards like crazy, suddenly turned and rushed towards Pei Jun's golden palm print, and turned into a huge tiger, opened his mouth to bite toward the golden palm.


The golden palm was directly bitten by the tiger's blood basin, and the golden hand was condensed by Pei Junlin's mana, which implied surging power.

The Tiger Wind is naturally not weak. It is a master in the middle of the Yangshen Realm, and its mana is even more thorough. His mouth glowed with golden light, and his teeth even shone with a dazzling light. He wanted to crush the big hand drawn by Pei Junlin's mana.

"The kitten I said, you are not my opponent." Pei Junlin fell like a goshawk on the treetop alone.

He stepped on a leaf with one foot, his body swinging back and forth. Just standing on the treetop, facing the tiger wind across the sky.

At this time, Pei Junlin's right hand was raised, and it seemed that he was remotely controlling the large golden palm print. I saw Pei Junlin's five fingers suddenly making a fist, and the golden handprint that was facing the tiger wind in the distance was making a fist.

The golden hand grasped the palm into a fist, directly grasping the tiger's jaw. Pei Junlin's right hand suddenly went round, and the huge body of the tiger wind was lifted directly by the golden palm, hitting a mountain hard.

A hill hundreds of meters high was directly swept away by the huge body of the tiger wind, and even fell into the crust like a nail.

The game between the two was a collision of mana. In the end, the tiger style meter was hit by Pei Junlin directly on a mountain.

At this time, Hu Feng's face was lost, and an incredible look flashed in his eyes. He has recovered from the madness just now, and seeing his bruised body, it is difficult for Hufeng to accept this result.

Although it hasn't finally separated from Pei Junlin, the strength disparity between the two is already very clear. Tiger Feng, who has always been very confident in his own strength, has not only doubted his life at this time, he suspected that he had lived in a dream for most of his life.

I always thought I had few rivals among my peers, but this time I met an indigenous Pei Junlin on the earth, but made him disgraced and lost his face.

The goddesses of Zhao Siye have become maids who serve tea and pour water. This huge drop made Tiger Wind lose his sanity several times and almost went crazy.

"The maid who serves tea and warms the blankets is available. I am now missing a janitor's kitten. How is it? Are you interested?" Pei Junlin seemed to see that the tiger's emotions were already on the verge of collapse.

He continued to speak out, and the tiger wind he wanted to stimulate completely entered a crazy state.

But at this time, Tiger Wind calmed down completely, and turned into a human again, with a gloomy and determined look on his face. He and Pei Junlin stared at each other: "You are strong, but it does not mean that I am not as good as you. Missed, the horse has a misstep, today ’s World War I ca n’t represent anything, and it does n’t prove the strength between you and us. ”

Pei Junlin didn't expect that the tiger's face was so thick, and he was beaten up like this.

"Kitty, I really like you more and more. Forget it, since you refuse to take the initiative to submit to me, let me catch you." Pei Junlin smiled.

"I came here today to count one of my demon clan, don't even want to go one." Pei Junlin suddenly roared towards the mountains.

Those demon clan who were originally uneasy at this time, suddenly heard Pei Junlin's words, and all of them were suddenly scared. There are timid people who even go directly to the sky and want to escape.

Where did Pei Junlin willing to give them this opportunity, Chaos Jindou instantly radiated chaos. The bright and dazzling daylight was suddenly dark now. From day to night into the night, the black paint in the surrounding area stretched out his fingers, and even the stars in the sky were completely covered.

Chaos Jindou directly enveloped the surrounding mountains for hundreds of miles. Among them, the demon clan was instantly trapped by the Heavenly Master's enchantment, and then absorbed into the space.

This time the demon race with at least a hundred heads of Yin God realm was directly sucked into the Jindou space.

These demon clan were transferred directly to the other side of the hall at the moment they entered the space of Jindou.

In the face of Pei Junlin, who is like a **** above, these demon are dumbfounded.

Suddenly, the buddha statue shot a gleam in his eyes, his lips fluttered slightly, and he read an ancient verse.

This scripture is exactly that man's scripture. With the lips of Pei Junlin moving, a scripture was chanted and passed into the ears of the demon clan of the Yin God Realm.

If the whole hall on the other side is not big enough, it will be instantly burst by these huge monsters.

The solemn hall on the other bank seems to have turned into a zoo at this time. After all kinds of monsters have turned into their original forms, they will expand at least a hundred times than before.

After these demon clan heard the Duren Sutra, their eyes flashed from confusion. Some of them will be straightened out quickly, and some will struggle even if they have strong mental will.

However, in just a few minutes, these demon clan all became admirers of Pei Junlin without exception, and were directly saved.

The power of them can be borrowed by Pei Junlin at any time, and the power of hundreds of masters of Yin God Realm is instantly injected into Pei Junlin's body.

Suddenly, an amazing divine light was shot all over the body. Pei Junlin's body seemed to be inflated. The body made a crackling sound like lightning, and then the body expanded indefinitely.

In a blink of an eye, Pei Junlin's body reached hundreds of meters. Standing in front of the huge tiger wind body, he was more than twice as tall as the tiger wind.

The huge tiger wind was already scary enough, but now Pei Junlin's body is like a god. Hu Feng stood in front of him like a house-keeping puppy.

Seeing the tiger wind in this scene, I almost thought I was dreaming. Half of Pei Junlin's body was in the clouds. This powerful and godlike body made Tiger Wind tremble, and at this moment he suddenly felt the gap between him and Pei Junlin.

Although Pei Junlin is also the realm of Yang God, I am afraid that this huge mana may even directly exceed the realm of true God.

Without any room for thinking, Hu Feng directly turned and fled towards the distance, but before he escaped, Pei Junlin directly reached out and grabbed his hind leg, and raised it directly.

Allowing the tiger wind to let out a weak roar, Pei Junlin did not let go. Tiger Wind can only struggle in the hands of Pei Junlin, just like a rabbit caught by a lion.

"I said, I want you to be my pet, if you don't agree, then there will be only one in the end, that is, become my food." Pei Junlin smiled faintly, his eyes glowed coldly.

There is no need for mercy for these demon races, because these extraterritorial minds are venomous and do not deserve sympathy at all.

Therefore, in the eyes of Pei Junlin, these demon clan outside the realm are delicious on the table.

Hearing the words finally spoken by Pei Junlin, the tiger wind shuddered with horror. At this time, the pride of the Tiger clan disappeared, and some legends about Pei Junlin suddenly appeared in the mind.

Hu Feng once saw some photos and videos. The pictures of Peng Shanhe and Peng Hai of the Peng tribe were grilled and eaten directly by Pei Junlin, which flashed in his mind and instantly scared him to shrink into one. group.

The demon clan treats the human clan as food, but the human clan can't gobble up these demon clan in turn, natural selection, survival of the fittest, the universe is originally the law of the dark jungle.

Hu Feng wanted to succumb, but he couldn't let his face down. He is a tiger race, a cosmic race alongside the dragon race Peng race. Bend your knees to a human race, if you spread it, not only will your reputation for life be destroyed, but I am afraid that the entire tiger family will not be able to raise their heads in the future.

When Tiger Wind struggled ~ ~ Pei Junlin was already impatient. He carried Tiger Wind's hind legs and suddenly slammed towards a mountain.


The main peak in Xiaogu Mountain was suddenly hit by Pei Junlin's tiger wind, and he stopped with a click. The giant peak of more than two thousand meters in height, in front of Pei Junlin, was like a piece of stone, and was interrupted.

The huge movement on Xiaogu Mountain has already attracted the attention of the human world. In fact, several satellites have long been aimed at Pei Junlin, and all the pictures here have been rebroadcast.

At this moment, countless netizens saw the pictures of Pei Junlin through the live broadcast, and all of them were stunned. Pei Junlin turned into a giant of thousands of feet, and his half body lifted a tiger that was hundreds of meters in the cloud. interrupt.

This power across the gods is beyond human imagination.

Even the most daring novels of gods and demons dare not describe this situation in this way, even in dreams.

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