Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1100: Something happened to the Yuan family

It turned out that after the tiger wind came to the earth secretly some time ago, he began to visit the famous mountains and rivers, and entered some ancient ruins to find his chance.

Although there are small gains, for Hufeng, what he has obtained does not satisfy him.

Later, someone quietly went to the door to seek cooperation with Hufeng. The group claimed to hate the gimmick and wanted to cooperate with Hufeng to remove Pei Junlin in one fell swoop.

Based on what you have heard from Tiger Wind, I have no interest at all. There are more people killing him, and there are more people who hate him to accompany you. Pei Junlin can't count.

Not to mention the extraterrestrial sky, even on this earth at your feet, you have countless enemies.

Therefore, Hu Feng said this without any surprise to Pei Junlin, and even Pei Junlin didn't even lift his eyelids.

What disappointed Pei Junlin was that the source of this black substance was cut off. If the source could not be found, it would be difficult to determine the identity of this black substance. It would be very troublesome to help Yuan Ping's elders interpret it in a targeted manner. Too.

"Okay, okay, Hufeng has nothing to do with you here. My words have been asked." Pei Junlin waved his hand to open the golden space, as if to capture Hufeng once again.

It was Hu Feng who suddenly grabbed Pei Junlin's arm and whispered, "I can cooperate with you or even take refuge in you, but can you keep me and Princess Thirteen together?"

Pei Junlin was a little surprised. Why did this tiger wind suddenly change from a shy and shy teenager to a bold and hot suitor? He even asked to be locked with the thirteenth princess.

However, Princess Thirteen was not a prisoner of Pei Junlin. Princess Thirteen was a free body, but now she came to Pei Junlin's side willingly and was willing to be a maid.

In entering the space, the thirteenth princess is not in a state of imprisonment, entering the space is very large, there is endless space. And there are many strange formations. The thirteen princesses and the princess jade rabbit usually live in the progress space, and they are even more comfortable than the outside world.

The two of them practiced in the world without competition, and practiced quickly into the realm. It took the thirteen princesses such a long period of time, and it seemed that they would break through to the realm of Yangshen.

Except for Pei Junlin, this amazing speed of cultivation is almost impossible to find but the second one. It was these thirteen princesses who could catch up with Pei Junlin's pace a little, but it was amazing enough.

Pei Junlin hadn't expressed his position yet, and the thirteen princess suddenly said coldly, pointing at Hu Feng's nose and asked Pei Junlin: "Who is this person? Then what fresh ingredients did you prepare? When will it be eaten?"

In a short sentence by Princess Thirteen, the content and information contained in a year is too much, which instantly makes the atmosphere very embarrassing and the style of painting suddenly changes.

In the princess's 13th words, she didn't even know how to look like a tiger's wind. The poor tiger's wind turned out to be unrequited love, and the princess did not pay attention to the tiger's wind at all.

Hu Feng has always raised his chest, deliberately showing his proud figure, in fact, it is just for blind people.

"The princess can still remember that the tiger wind that once screamed the planet? You and I had a relationship there." Hu Feng took the opportunity to catch up with Princess Thirteen.

Pei Junlin originally came to visit Yuan Ping's old fairy, and now it suddenly turned into a large blind date program, which made Pei Junlin speechless, but looking at the tiger wind like this, if you want to forcefully stop this kid, you must die by touching the wall on the spot.

Tiger Wind ’s status in the lake is not low, and it will be useful in the future. Therefore, Pei Junlin did not forcibly stop Tiger Wind, so he and the thirteenth princess would not lose a piece of meat by saying two more words.

Just after Tiger Wind said this, Pei Junlin was also curious that Princess Thirteen could not really remember, can you remember the number of Tiger Wind?

Hu Feng even said the time and place. Maybe it really happened, and maybe there was a relationship between them.

"I don't remember no impression, I'm sorry." Princess Thirteen was indifferent for three times without looking at Tiger Wind.

Even Pei Junlin, who was a bystander, heard a heartbreaking voice, and his face was full of gloating smiles.

"Make tea for me next time, remember to use warm boiling water, don't use hot water to scald your mouth." You suddenly said to the thirteenth princess.

His face was indifferent, and the gentle princess of the thirteen princess of the dragon family suddenly showed a gentle expression on his face, and nodded toward Pei Junlin with a low eyebrow, but did not make any rebuttal.

This scene fell in the eyes of Hu Feng, letting Hu Feng grind his teeth at Pei Junlin, but there was no way. His heart was completely broken, and he couldn't stick it with glue.

Pei Junlin simply waved his hand into the space and directly absorbed the two of them. Sure enough, there are many farts between men and women. These two people are a waste of time here. Today's protagonist is the old fairy Yuan Ping.

"Lao Yuan, do you really think it's okay? In my opinion, this black substance has already invaded your body. If you don't treat it, it will be dangerous." Pei Junlin made his words as much as possible. Be gentle, and do n’t touch Yuan Ping ’s old fairy to read your self-esteem.

I know that Yuan Ping and Sun Xian just smiled faintly, with a holy light on his face. He looked at Pei Junlin and said: "You little guy talked to me and learned to bend, my own body, can I still not know? This black substance is not a poison, but a very evil in the universe Things I once saw in a Buddhist scripture called the source of evil. "

The source of evil?

Pei Junlin took a breath of cold air and all his hairs stood upright. He felt his back cold. Who was thinking about Yuan Ping's old fairy, who suddenly realized that this matter might not be so simple.

Yuan Ping Lao Xiannian is only a realm of Yin and God. There are not many ways to kill such an honorable old man, but the dark master in the dark chose this most stupid method, which had to make Pei Junlin thrilled. The reason is almost impossible to finish a book.

Like a butcher who kills chickens, this ordinary knife is not used, but a large knife is enough to cut the planet. The bewildered behavior is puzzling, but Pei Junlin does not think that the man is crazy. There is absolutely unexpected reason behind this.

If you do n’t speak, he is waiting for Yuan Ping ’s explanation. If the old fairy does n’t say Pei Junlin first, he wo n’t ask, because this is the basis of mutual respect.

Pei Junlin thought that Yuan Ping's old fairy would explain this matter clearly and tell himself, but in the end he found that he really wanted too much, and Yuan Ping's old fairy directly digressed.

"Do n’t be too self-blaming. I already knew what was found on the small lonely mountain. Even if it ’s not you, someone else will reveal this secret. Sooner or later, this treasure will happen one day, but only one day earlier. Just one day late, her light could not be covered. "Yuan Ping's old fairy and eyes flashed the light of wisdom, it seemed to see through everything, everything in this universe of red dust and thousands of worlds could not escape this pair of wisdom eyes .

Pei Junlin stared at Yuan Ping when he was lost in contemplation when she was old. Her mind was very chaotic. Suddenly he found a different thing. The ears of Yuan Ping ’s fairy seemed to be much larger than usual, especially the earlobes on both sides were almost hanging. To the shoulder.

Pei Junlin clearly remembered that the original face of Yuan Ping's old fairy was not like this, but why would the face of Yuan Ping's old fairy suddenly change in this direction?

With both ears and shoulders, this image Pei Junlin has seen too much, that is the most common image of Buddhist doors. There are some Luohan Bodhisattvas who attest to the Buddha's position, and their ears are often very large and their shoulders are fragile.

The big earlobe is in the Buddha gate, which is a symbol of successful practice, and some of the truths contained in it cannot be fully understood by Pei Junlin.

The face of Yuan Ping's old fairy suddenly changed in this direction, making Pei Junlin puzzled, and there was an uneasy emotion in his heart.

Buddhism has been destroyed in this world for countless years, and even the entire Buddhism is a taboo topic. So what does the existence of Yuan Ping's old gods have to do with Buddhism? Is Yuan Ping's old fairy a reincarnation of a Buddha or Arhat of Buddha?

Pei Junlin remembered that in the previous life, he heard Master Linglong Xianzun say one thing, that is, the Buddha did not die completely, but was temporarily hidden.

Since ancient times, Buddhism and Taoism have been said to be inseparable from each other, but the dispute between Buddhism and Taoism has lasted for countless eras.

In the last few epochs, Daomen finally gained the upper hand and completely suppressed the Buddhist door, even slaying it out and uprooting it. As for the Buddhist doors, they have completely disappeared in the last tens of thousands of years, and disappeared.

I only saw some aspects of Yuan Ping's old fairy, and gave birth to a Peijun's heart, but also gave birth to some speculation, and did not dare to ask directly. For Buddhism, this practice is a cause and effect.

Words cannot be asked casually, because cause and effect are entangled when asking questions.

The reason why Yuan Ping's old fairy diverted the topic ~ ~ didn't go on with this topic, maybe it was because of fear that Pei Junlin would be infected with unnecessary cause and effect.

Understand that the old fairy of Ping Yuan was really a kind-hearted and kind-hearted elder, and beside the old fairy of Ping Yuan, Pei Junlin had a feeling that he had not grown up. Compared with Yuan Ping's old fairy broad mind, Pei Junlin found that he still had a long way to go.

Even if his two generations were humans, there was still a sense of conscious littleness to accompany the king in front of the old fairy Yuan Ping. Although his current strength has stabilized Yuan Ping, the old fairy, but in front of Yuan Ping, when the two face to face, Pei Junlin still has the feeling that Yuan Ping is very mysterious and high above, There can be no blasphemy at all.

As the spirit of the earth recovers, ancient figures have shown that, together with the old spirit of Yuan Ping, who is a spiritual leader of the earth who is contaminated with the cause and effect of Buddhism, what kind of cause and effect is behind these kinds of reasons?

Pei Junlin suddenly felt disturbed, because he remembered what Master Lingling Xianzun once said to him, it seems to be suggesting that the older battle of Buddhism in the universe might be Originated from the earth.

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