Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1108: Xu Bingyue

Pei Junlin's attitude is very peaceful, and his emotions are very restrained. If according to his previous methods, he has already shot this morning, some of these **** sons may have fallen.

Pei Junlin killed a black dragon as soon as he played, and he didn't want to use the sword soldiers anymore.

Because there is actually a question in Pei Junlin's heart, why didn't the Dragon Clan play today?

The dragon family is the head of the ten thousand people in the Donglai star field.

It is absolutely impossible to only send a black dragon who can only speak big words to confuse people among the clouds. Why didn't the Dragon Son appear?

There is no doubt that this extraterrestrial starry sky, all the demon clan has completely attached importance to the earth, and the most important characters in the clan are also the successors in the future, and the gods and goddesses have appeared.

These gods and goddesses represent the future of the starry sky. They are in charge of the future power of the major demon clan in the starry sky and are the successors in the future.

Sending them to the earth at this time is enough to prove that the movements on the small solitary mountain of the earth have caused the entire East Starland to be alert.

The reason why Pei Junlin did not do it is to listen to his words and actions, to see the attitude of these extraterrestrial demon clan, and their purpose.

There is another reason why he did not do it, because Pei Junlin cares about the face of the Tonggu Alliance people.

Pei Junlin of the Tonggu Alliance took a closer look. There were no less than ten masters of the Yangshen Realm. These are the big men who recovered from the ancients. They formed such a huge giant power as the Tonggu Alliance.

The strength can reach the state of Yangshen, it is impossible to surrender to the demon clan directly with the inner slave Yan Yan. The reason why the Tonggu Alliance was established may also have their purpose.

At this time, if you hurriedly disturb today's Taishan Conference, the significance of today's Taishan Conference will be directly destroyed, and there will be no discussion.

And if Pei Junlin deliberately stirs up the situation, it may also push this Tonggu alliance directly to the side of the demon clan, so many masters of the Yangshen realm, but a huge force, and they come from the ancient times of the earth ’s native land The understanding of the earth far exceeds that of Pei Junlin.

If the group is completely pushed to the opposite of the hostile, then the consequences will be unbearable.

In general, the Tonggu Alliance is a loose organization, but it also has a backbone, and some masters can also affect the thinking of most people.

"My name is Xu Bingyue. It was Miss Xu's family in ancient times. But Xu's family has long disappeared, and my old lady is just like a grass on the roadside. No one cares anymore." A woman walked by Tingting, holding her hand goblet.

The woman was wearing an antique costume and looked a little antique. In the hand, the goblet symbolizing the modern meaning is indeed in the end, which really makes people feel a contrast.

Pei Junlin did not speak, he was observing the girl named Xu Bingyue. But with the appearance of Pei Junlin, among all the women, Xu Bingyue could reach the top ten.

The woman's facial features are not very delicate, and the white jade is flawless. But it was that temperament that revealed that it was unforgettable. It seems that all the good things in this world can be connected with this girl.

Golden light appeared in Pei Junlin's eyes. He blinked and slowly sobered up.

This Xu Bingyue beauty is actually practicing a certain charm technique, which can charm people's hearts. Pei Junlin was a little surprised. He just couldn't help but fell into the pit and was pitted by this woman.

Seeing that Pei Junlin had a faint cold light on her face, Xu Bingyue was also slightly surprised. She didn't expect to perform the charm technique herself, but even let Pei Junlin avoid it.

This person is really unfathomable, and indeed no one under the prestigious reputation.

"Miss Xu, you are serious. In the ancient times, Xu Jia was a giant family, and some of the strongest ancient archeologists were the slaves of your Xu family after the recovery. Among the strong recovery now, your Miss Xu is a response. , Yingying Yingcong. "A man with a long face came over and slapped Xu Xuyue.

The man Pei Junlin also had some impressions, it was the godfather who had offended him before. There was a cold light flashing in Pei Junlin's eyes. The **** son of the Chasing Wind family just offended Prince Qiong. In Pei Junlin's mind, the **** son of the Chasing Wind family was already a donkey.

Now seeing the flattering look of this chasing alien **** son to Xu Bingyue is enough to prove that this person is a wicked ghost, not only talks indecently, but also disgusting.

However, from the mouth of the goddess of the chasing wind family, Pei Junlin also learned a news, this seemingly charming Xu Bingyue has a great future and a great identity.

There was no big family in ancient times, and it has long been lost in the dust of history, which is nothing. But if this Xu Bingyue really has a reputation among the powerful recovery, then this person is also a character.

"A big event in the world, a long time must be divided, and a long time must be resolved, but who can make it clear? Whether it is good or bad, no one can make a final conclusion." Xu Bingyue came over to face Pei Junlin and picked up the wine glass to touch Pei Junlin Had a drink.

The attitude he said was very vague, and he couldn't hear whether he agreed with or opposed the integration of the human race and the demon race.

"I think Miss Xu you misunderstood, there is no division and integration, the human race has always been with the demon. The meat we eat on the table every day is not the ancestor of the demon? It's just that they didn't practice." Pei Junlin Haha smiled.

As soon as Pei Junlin said this, the demon **** sons around you were all very stiff, one by one very embarrassed, and some people even glared at Pei Junlin.

The originally harmonious atmosphere was broken by the words of Pei Junlin, which made these demon clan embarrassed. They were originally some beasts who practiced Taoism. Today, Pei Junlin exposed his identity in person to avoid embarrassment.

"I think you make a difference. How can those ordinary beasts and animals be compared with the demon clan? The demon clan who cultivated in Dao, whether congenital or acquired, is far weaker than human beings and even more than the human clan." Xu Bingyue shook his head gently , Seems to be refuting Pei Junlin.

Before Bing Junlin continued to answer the question, Xu Bingyue continued: "Do the human race and the demon race have to go through bloodshed to bleed? The creatures are charcoal, which is not good for anyone, and the things they get in the end are just something outside. I Having experienced the wars of ancient times, I knew more about the cruelty of wars. "

The words spoken by Xu Bingyue are very real, and there seems to be true feelings in it.

Pei Junlin did not think that this woman was in a pretentious manner. It was indeed that kind of cruel war. Many people were reluctant to experience the apoptosis of their displaced relatives in their lives.

"But it doesn't have to be an enemy. For example, I have a good friend, a demon clan, and his deity is a pig, but I have never thought of her." Pei Junlin smiled, his eyes shot at him.

Wherever he saw his eyes, these gods and goddesses were divided in return to Pei Junlin. In their eyes, there was a gray light and Pei Junlin stared at each other, competing against each other for strength.

These gods and goddesses are more powerful than ordinary demon clan, not only the gap in strength, but also the gap in mind.

These gods and goddesses are in perfect harmony and full of confidence. In their eyes, they may really feel that the status of the demon clan has exceeded the human clan.

"It's your pleasure to have a demon friend. It's just that I didn't think of a pig demon. I actually fell in love with a lowly person like you." The godfather of the chasing wind clan was very unkind, and Pei Junlin is diametrically opposed.

Pei Junlin is not angry, he has already seen that the role played by the **** son of the wind chasing family today is a role of arching fire.

"If the human race is really as cheap as you said, then why do you demon abandon the original body to cultivate human form, what is it for? Are you willing to fall from your own way?" Pei Junlin chuckled.

At this time, not only the demon clan goddesses and goddesses around were embarrassed and speechless, but even the celebrity clan goddesses could no longer refute Pei Junlin.

The human race once taught the world that these furry and horned beasts and animals flow into cultivation.

I have taught the apprentices to starve to death, and these apprentices have developed rapidly due to the large number of people. In the end, they have in turn killed the master and split the earth and divide the treasures on the earth.

If it wasn't for the heart of the human race, why do you try your best to be a human figure? These demon races have an inferiority and arrogance in their hearts, which is really ridiculous.

"It is no longer meaningful to say these words. Smart people will only say the result, not right or wrong." Xu Bingyue came out to play the round.

A man and a woman come together, the man is handsome, the woman is beautiful.

But the temperaments of these two men are also carrying noble and flattering colors, it is that Huayang Shizi and Huayang Princess.

"Pei Junlin, UU reading said it was true. In fact, I have always admired you in the mind of this world. If you put it in the ancient times, you are a pillar of the court and you can fight on the battlefield General. If you are under my command, I will definitely give you enough identity and status. "Huayang Shizi said in a dare, he even reached out and patted on Pei Junlin's shoulder.

Pei Junlin smiled and looked at Huayang Shizi. I'm afraid he was still living in the glorious era of the Huayang dynasty during the Taikoo period. He thought his dynasty was still there.

In fact, the Huayang dynasty was long over. The ridiculous thing is that this son of Huayang and Princess Huayang are still dreaming of the restoration of the dynasty. They thought they were really Shizi and princess.

Pei Junlin was unconvinced, and even disregarded Huayang Shizi and Huayang Princess, and did not talk at all.

But that Huayang Shizi's face was extremely thick, as if he hadn't seen Pei Junlin's indifference.

He said to himself: "Actually, the final dream of us cultivators is nothing more than to enter the fairy world to achieve fairy tales. These mortal beings on earth are either ordinary tribes on extraterrestrial planets. They and we are not at all For a class of people, we are the elites in our respective ethnic groups. "

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