Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1112: Old actor debut

What are the challenges in the ring, Pei Junlin will never be soft-hearted to die one by one in the ring.

However, some of the old guys in the Tonggu Alliance made Pei Junlin feel a little stressed. These strong people who recovered from the ancient times of the human race have not moved. They even sat there like sculptures. Their attitude is unknown. Let Pei There is no confidence in Junlin's heart.

"What if your human race loses?" The peacock **** son, with a smile on his face, almost smiled into an old chrysanthemum.

The two of them sang one harmoniously, completely singing double reeds, making other people fools.

Pei Junlin simply turned away and watched Tang Shaobai's endless beatings on the chasing god.

"If our human race loses, we will no longer talk about enemies with the demon clan, and the two clan will be merged. But you demon clan must promise to build a portal on the earth, so that the humans of the earth can freely enter the starry sky, and Starry sky does business outside, and does it communicate with each other? "Xu Bingyue talked.

When Pei Junlin heard it, he almost vomited. This woman simply avoided the weight.

Why did this demon clan come?

It is nothing more than the debris of the fairyland of the earth. Some of the fairy debris had been calculated, deep in the core of the earth. If you want to enter the core of the earth, it is necessary to drain the essence of the planet.

At that time, the earth withered and humans withered, and the whole earth would not grow grass. How can we talk about whether there is great integration in intercommunication?

Pei Junlin has figured out Xu Bingyue's brain circuit. This Xu Bingyue may have reached a certain agreement with the demon clan privately to jointly find the fairy debris and finally enter the gate of the fairy world.

These people, the carp leaping dragon gate, entered the immortal world. Whether the life and death of the general public on the earth, even if the floods are violent at that time, it does not matter at all.

"The shameful thing, roll it down for me." The peacock **** son suddenly stretched out his hand and a golden light suddenly flew out, instantly binding the wind chasing **** child.

The peacock **** child pulled back, and the wind chase **** child was pulled back directly.

"We lost in the first game, but you have to be careful in the second game." The Peacock's **** son had an arrogant look on his face.

"Idol, I will still play in the second game. I promise to win. If you lose, beat me." Tang Shaobai said towards Pei Junlin.

Even Pei Junlin couldn't understand this kid's fist, and even Pei Junlin felt that Tang Shaobai's strength was no less than his own.

"Remember, you must have a decent start, and click to the end." Pei Junlin looked at Tang Shaobai with a smile.

Tang Shaobai nodded, looked at the Peacock God Son, and took a hook toward the other party: "Little Peacock, are you playing against me personally?"

There was a sardonic smile on the corner of the peacock **** child's mouth, obviously Tang Shaobai and he were not in the same position. He waved his hand, and behind him came a dim son with a tinge of yellow earth.

"Your boxing technique is very good. Just beside me there is also a boxing master. You two can try it out. Remember to click here." Peacock Shenzi also learned Pei Junlin's appearance and said towards the **** behind him.

The tone of his speech was yin and yang, and he obviously meant something. The so-called point is so far. In fact, everyone knows what it means, that is, to kill dead hands and black hands.

This **** son is a praying mantis. His arms are long and he can drop down to reach his knees. And there are amazing bone spurs on his arm, which is extremely scary.

"It's really interesting, even sending a praying mantis to fight against me. Isn't it possible for the praying mantis to fist? Haha, try my tiger and crane shape." Tang Shaobai was eager to try, his face was excited.

The mantis **** screamed suddenly, and the clothes he was wearing exploded directly, revealing bronze muscles.

Around his body was a turquoise aperture, which should be some kind of body protection light he practiced. Able to attack and defend, should be a master, but Pei Junlin is not worried about Tang Shaobai.

The descendants of the King of Boxing King Chao, how could there not be a few means to press the bottom of the box.

Any one that comes out is the power of destruction. I'm afraid this mantis jumped onto the ring this time and it was difficult to walk down alive.

Although it has been explained in advance and the point is over, the hearts of the two parties have long been confessed, and it is clear what this point means.

The mantis **** son jumped more than ten meters high, and swooped down sharply towards Tang Shaobai. And Tang Shaobai seems to have already prepared for it, and it is actually a trick of back-fisting.

This kind of Tongbei fist and the fitness Tongbei fist circulating in the world today are not a concept at all. This is the Gupu boxing technique, the essence of which is still there.

The essence of Tongbeiquan lies in the spine. The spine is like a big dragon, and the whole body becomes a whip. From the back heel, the palm is the whip.

After practicing the arm punch of Dacheng Realm, you can slap the entire planet with a slap. At that time, when King Chao Chao just entered the starry sky after the enlightenment of the earth, there were many masters in the starry sky.

Many people bullied Wang Chao, but at first, Wang Chao did not fight back, nor did he fight. But then I don't know why the group of people angered Wang Chao. A Tianjun was slapped by Wang Chao directly.

At that time, Wang Chao used the trick of Datong Mountain in Gutong's back fist.

After the mantis goddess swooped down, he did not directly attack Tang Shaobai. Instead, a roar came out, a golden light spewed out of his mouth, and it instantly turned into a tiger head, which suddenly made a roar of the tiger.

Although the sound was not loud, it was deafening, and he pointed directly at Tang Shaobai. Tang Shaobai was there for a moment, and there was a short dizziness.

Pei Junlin frowned, he felt a little bad, the mantis godson seemed a little weird, he didn't follow the routine.

But soon Pei Junlin was relieved, because he saw a trace of cunning in Tang Shaobai's eyes. This girl was not really stunned by the hand just now, but pretended.

Sure enough, the praying mantis son was already fooled, thinking that Tang Shaobai had caught his own trick and fainted on the spot. Soon the mantis goddess rushed straight down, with a sneer in the corner of his mouth: "Is this your genius of the human race? It is not worthy to give me shoes at all."

The mantis grandson's hands were like a sickle, and he quickly cut off Tang Shaobai's body. The hands are constantly interlaced, and it is almost as fast as a gust of wind forming a phantom.

Everyone exclaimed, thinking that Tang Shaobai was going to become a pile of meat under this trick. But the mantis **** son finally threw a void, leaving only Tang Shaobai's phantom in place. Tang Shaobai's whole person suddenly appeared behind the mantis goddess.

The body was like a long bow full of arms, his shoulders were protruding forward, and his arm was like a whip, and he snapped on the back of the mantis god.

Suddenly fractured and broken, this mantis goddess had no power to fight back, and was directly beaten with blood by Tang Shaobai who was black in his hand, and almost exploded in the back of his head.

The head is the most vulnerable place for a person. Even if the cultivator reaches the state of Yangshen, the head is still a forbidden place that cannot be touched. This mantis goddess was really hurt by Tang Shaobai's stroke on the back of his head.

The mantis grandson is not a vegetarian. Although he was seriously injured, he turned around and suddenly a big spin came, and his arm cut like a sickle towards Tang Shaobai's lower plate.

Tang Shaobai was a master of boxing, and naturally saw the intention of the mantis goddess. He sat down on the horse and suddenly made a roar, slammed his right foot, and Kata chopped off an arm of the mantis godson.

The neat killing trick, the two played against each other, but in just a few seconds, the winners and losers were separated, so that a group of people around looked a little bit confused.

Except that the master can understand the mystery, the others didn't understand what happened. They only saw the shadows of the two groups, and suddenly they won and lost.


In the starry sky, an old man was watching the live broadcast. Suddenly, the table in front of him was directly separated.

The old man's eyes were red with rage and an angry growl. He is the current patriarch of the praying mantis family, and a master in the later stage of the true **** realm. At this time, he saw his son's defeat in the match against the earth human race.

At this time, the mantis goddess on the ring was lying on the ground, and a pool of blood spewed out from behind his head. Sure enough, it was only until the point, and this mantis godson had only one breath.

Pei Junlin now admires Tang Shaobai somewhat, and this kid is really black. Three strokes and two strokes abolished a **** son, which indeed greatly encouraged the morale of the human race and made everyone present have a long face.

"Good!" Pei Junlin applauded loudly.

The onlookers of the human race elites saw Pei Junlin applaud and applauded, with an excited look on their faces. At this time they finally understood that it was the human race winning two games in a row, leaving few opportunities for the demon race.

In addition to the excitement of Pei Junlin and Tang Shaobai, the rest of UU reading is that the big men of the human, political, commercial, and military circles are sitting there with a pleasant smile on their faces.

They whispered and greeted each other with a smile of admiration on their faces, especially when their eyes fell on Pei Junlin's face, the eyes of these people showed a heartfelt admiration.

With his own strength, he defeated the demon clan, and even even directly opened an auction to sell the demon clan back to the starry sky. This is the feat of Pei Junlin.

At this time, on the top of Taishan Mountain, Pei Junlin once again showed the strength of the human race, and defeated the demon race, which was extremely miserable.

"Idols, minor injuries can't go down the line of fire. Although I was quite injured, I can still play one game." Tang Shaobai didn't want to come down while standing on the ring.

Pei Junlin is completely speechless, and this guy is too shameless, even saying that he is not hurting the fire line, but he is not injured at all.

I am afraid that the injury in Tang Shaobai's mouth was the loss of a few hairs. In addition, the Divine Son did not see any wounds on his body, even if his nails were not broken.

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