Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1114: Domineering

As soon as Pei Junlin's words came out, all the demon clan gods around made you all angry. Isn't this a robbery or something?

"The idol is great, I adore you." Tang Shaobai gave thumbs up to Pei Junlin, a look of envy and admiration.

The Peacock God Son heard Pei Junlin say this, but calmed down. This man's city palace is really unpredictable.

A faint smile on his face said: "I have long heard that there is a chaotic spirit treasure around you. It's so great to be able to store everything. Seeing today, it really deserves its reputation."

Peacock Divine Son was robbed of Yuanci Shenguang by others, and now he smiled because he was suppressing his inner anger.

Pei Junlin Yue saw that the peacock **** child barely squeezed out a cloudless and breezy look, the more disgusted in his heart, he reached out and grabbed, the Yuan magnetic **** needle was caught in his hand.

A powerful spiritual force broke through directly, and instantly wiped away the idea of ​​the peacock **** child who was left in this elementary magnetic light.

The peacock **** son's face was pale for a while, and there was also an incredible look in his eyes. He never expected that Pei Junlin would wipe out his mind in an instant, that is, from the moment just now, The needle has nothing to do with him.

"You! Pei Junlin, you are so deceiving." Peacock God Son finally got angry.

Metamagnetism is not an ordinary treasure. Although it is a superb spiritual treasure, its power is difficult to speculate. This thing is really not rich, or it was accidentally discovered by a peacock ancestor on a certain planet.

It has been handed down to modern times for hundreds of thousands of years. After the polishing and polishing exercises, the power of this magnetic divine light is unpredictable. Just now against Pei Junlin, Peacock Divine Son only used less than 10% of his power.

"I said, this thing is mine when I grab it. If you can grab it from me, I have nothing to say." Pei Junlin said flatly.

His eyes were blank, with a trace of indifference, and in the face of the peacock **** child, he even began to worship the yuan magnetic divine light.

This seemingly gray needle is very difficult to practice, but it is not a big problem for Pei Junlin.

Suddenly, Pei Junlin frowned, and saw that the gray magnetic light of the Yuan Magnet suddenly plunged into the palm of his hand.

This was a sign without warning. Suddenly it happened. Pei Jun was caught off guard and instantly felt a sharp pain in his arm. The Yuanqi Shen needle even ran along the blood vessel of his arm, directly towards the heart.

If this meta-magnetic needle is really allowed to circulate into the heart, it is estimated that it will directly pierce the heart.

Seeing Pei Junlin's complexion change, standing on the opposite side of Peacock God Son who accompanied him before his death, there was a faint smile on his face.

"It turns out that your furry bird's anger has always been pretended, the purpose is to attract my idol." Tang Shaobai immediately understood the cause and effect, and yelled at the peacock **** child.

Looking at Pei Junlin's face with a painful expression, the Peacock Godson's face instead showed a faint smile. He looked at Tang Shaobai and shook his head: "Your idol just said that this thing was grabbed by him by me What is the right to intervene in his sacrifice? If something goes wrong, I can't say I hurt him. "

Tang Shaobai was more angry than he wanted to rush to the ring, but was stopped by Lu Qinghou and Zhang Yuanshan at the same time.

"Competition in the ring, how can you allow you to speak up, if you go up now, then Pei Junlin is equal to losing." Xu Bingyue came and looked at Tang Shaobai coldly and said.

The two sides are now in a tie. If it is really judged that Pei Junlin lost, then humans will undoubtedly lose. Tang Shaobai's teeth are finally afraid to take the last step.

Can only stand under the ring and saw Pei Junlin standing there with a pained face.

This picture is directly transmitted to thousands of households through live broadcast. Countless people who are in front of the live broadcast see this scene with a big change in face.

"Sister, please come and see." Wang Ziyu burst into tears and yelled while sitting in the room.

Wang Qiong, who was practicing, was also directly alarmed. He quickly came to the room and saw the scene on the live broadcast. He was immediately as worried as Wang Ziyu.

This scene was also seen by many people familiar with Pei Junlin.

Yuan Fei's Yuan Fei immediately saw this live broadcast scene and immediately rushed into Yuan Ping's old fairy room.

"Ancestor, let's take a look at what is going on." Yuan Fei pushed the live video directly to Yuan Ping.

The old fairy just looked at it faintly, but there was a smile on his face: "I know this elementary magnetic needle is disastrous for others, but for Pei Junlin now, this is a great opportunity."

"Opportunity?" Yuan Fei was lost, and he didn't know what the old fairy Ping Yuan meant.

At the same time, countless viewers saw this scene on the Thor platform. Some people were gloating and others were flat and responded differently.

At this moment, in the eyes of Pei Junlin on the stage, a faint light suddenly appeared, and the trembling body finally calmed down.

Pei Junlin let out a long breath, and his face looked strange. He felt that the Yuanyuan Shenshen needle was directly fused into his blood and did not reach the heart.

Where did that yuan magnetic **** needle go now? Pei Junlin could not make it clear.

When Pei Junlin was safe and sound, everyone on the stage looked different. That Xu Bingyue, Zhang Yuanshan and Lu Qinghou looked at each other, and looked at the Peacock God Son, seeming to question him.

Peacock Godson's face is also very strange, he did not expect that things will eventually develop into this.

Today's step-by-step design is for this step to directly kill Pei Junlin on the ring. But no one thought that Pei Junlin actually resolved this murderous opportunity.

Everyone's reaction naturally fell into Pei Junlin's eyes. How smart was he to understand all kinds of information, today. Metamagnetic Shenzhen is not a coincidence, but a well-designed trap. The purpose is to let yourself **** the Yuan magnetic **** needle.

At first, I am afraid that the Peacock Divine Son knew that he would **** the Yuan Magnetic God Needle, so some kind of mysterious thing was arranged in it, which made Pei Junlin appear to be chasing while practicing the Yuan Magnetic God Needle.

But no one thought that Pei Junlin did not know what method to use, and even melted this elementary magnetic **** needle directly into the blood, so that he did not finally reach Pei Junlin's heart.

Lu Qinghou, Xu Bingyue and Zhang Yuanshan's reactions Pei Junlin looked at them. It seems that these people are indeed wearing a pair of pants.

What surprised Pei Junlin was that Zhang Yuanshan, who came from the Tai Chi sword gate, turned out to be very different from his own school philosophy.

Several old masters of Taiji Jianmen have been disdainful about the demon clan, but this apprentice seems to be completely contrary to the master's concept.

On the contrary, he secretly came close to the demon clan, and even planned to kill Pei Junlin together.

Who is Pei Junlin? Revenge does not happen overnight, if you are angry, you will come out on the spot.

After being calculated by these people, how can he bear it?

Reaching out, Jinguang's big hand grabbed directly towards the peacock **** child. At the same time, the ring was stomped directly under the foot, and Pei Junlin destroyed the ring, indicating to the Peacock God Son that the ring contest has ended, and the next step is the life and death fight.

With the golden hand coming to the Peacock God Son, the Peacock God Son was caught off guard and his face was a little panicked, while Pei Junlin was soaring toward the sky, and rushed towards Xu Bingyue of the Tonggu Alliance.

Even this opponent did not expect this trick, but the ultimate goal was Xu Bingyue.

No one thought of this result. The audience watching all exclaimed, and even the top powerhouses who passed the league stood up in surprise.

"What does that mean? Pei Junlin is going to shoot against the human race, is he crazy?" Countless people questioned.

It was just that Tang Shaobai was not idle. The person flew directly into the sky and said aloud to the surroundings: "This **** woman Xu Bingyue and Lu Qinghou combined with the extraterrestrial deities to design my idol Pei Junlin. Everyone listens well, The Tonggu Alliance is the enemy of the human race. They have turned to the demon race, and the pure Yangmen is also a ravine. "

After saying this, Tang Shaobai yelled at the **** fist behind him without waiting for everyone's reaction: "Don't do it at this time, wait until when, and kill all the rebellions of these human races."

The strong men in the boxing of the gods also had the same personality as Tang Shaobai. When they started talking, they started. When the voice of Tang Shaobai fell, these people rose to the sky, and at the same time they rushed towards Lu Qinghou of the pure Yangmen. There are also a few strong men who killed the demon clan directly.

For a time, the entire summit of Mount Tai became a mess of porridge.

Some military gangsters sitting around just reacted at this time, and immediately arranged some masters to let these elite elites immediately retreat. At this time, under the chaos at the top of Taishan Mountain, these elite realms are not enough, and they may be wiped out by the whole army. .

While the current war is not yet fully launched, the evacuation may still have a silver lining.


Although Xu Bingyue is a beauty, UU reads www. but Pei Junlin started with no mercy, his fist pointed at Xu Bingyue's throat, trying to blow the woman away with a punch.

Xu Bingyue was not vegetarian, and after she realized the crisis of life and death, she let out a roar of hoarseness.

A colorful palace lantern was suspended above his head, exuding a pink glow.

The light radiating from the colorful palace lights instantly enveloped Xu Bingyue, generating a strong defensive force that directly blocked Pei Junlin's killing move.

However, this colorful magic lamp was knocked down by Pei Junlin, and it seemed that the damage was not light. Seeing this scene, Xu Bingyue's distressed face was green.

This was the most powerful treasure in his body, and he was almost blown away by Pei Junlin.

Xu Bingyue couldn't make a single blow, and under the protection of the colorful palace lanterns, he rushed directly towards the territory of Tonggu Alliance. There are more than a dozen masters of the Yangshen Realm there, Pei Junlin did not chase down the past.

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