Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1126: Bottom draw

"This is an energy barrier, which is difficult to break and almost invincible." Someone whispered.

Many people's emotions have dropped to the freezing point. I think today's fairy fruit must be taken away by this unicorn man.

No one really went forward to **** that fairy fruit, because everyone was desperate. There is only one person, that is Pei Junlin. In the dark mist he wrapped, his eyes fell on the one-horned man.

Covered with a bright yellow light mask on this person, like a golden bell mask, Pei Junlin could feel the powerful defensive ability.

Pei Junlin looked down at his fist, a smile of evil charm appeared in the corner of his mouth.

If the Yuanmagic God Light is urged to the extreme, I don't know how many dragon powers can explode. When everyone looked at the invincible mask, Pei Junlin narrowed his eyes to the big ship in the sky.

In this world, there are quack doctors who know how to treat headaches and foot pains, but they don’t even know that there is a method called slamming the west, surrounding Wei to save Zhao, and getting paid at the bottom of the kettle.

A golden light rose into the sky, and Pei Junlin, who was dressed in white, rushed towards the big ship that appeared in the sky.

This Pei Junlin dressed in white is of course not Pei Junlin's deity, but a magical monkey, it is only then that the incarnation of this body appeared to attract everyone's attention.

The incarnation was holding Pei Junlin's iconic weapon breaking domain sword, and a terrifying electric light cut across it. The big ship was split in half from the middle, and the light mask on the shrouded silver-horned man shattered, and his defense completely disappeared at this moment.

At this time, Pei Junlin also seized the opportunity, with Yuanmagic God Light wrapped around his arm. The power of terror brewed again, punched out, and a scary black hole appeared in front of him.

The pupil of the one-horned man shrank violently, and a faint fluorescence radiated from his whole body. His body was suddenly torn apart, and he took the initiative to disintegrate into a group of silver birds.

The birds flew into the sky, avoiding the devastating blows by Pei Junlin. When these birds flew into the sky, they gathered together and regained the appearance of a unicorn.

But at this time the man's face was pale, and he was obviously hurt.

It was just this short confrontation that Pei Junlin had the upper hand completely. As soon as he turned around, he quickly flew towards the strawberry fairy fruit.

This fairy fruit exudes a strong breath, a fragrant and fragrant smell, which makes people feel that all pores are opened, which is very comfortable.

This extreme taste in the world makes people quickly secrete saliva, and many people show the look of longing. But when Pei Junlin reached out and grabbed the strawberry fairy fruit, countless people still shouted.

But after all, it was just anger. Pei Junlin shrouded in the black shadow, reached out and directly picked the strawberry fairy fruit, and then swallowed it without hesitation.

A huge amount of energy flooded Pei Junlin's body, causing him to explode its energy several times in an instant. The body that could only carry the power of two hundred dragons, now directly rose to a thousand dragons. power.

This strength is enough to contend with the masters of the real **** realm, making Pei Junlin even more invincible at the scene.

Pei Junlin did not expect that the role of this fairy fruit was so huge, and he directly raised the physical body tempered by his nine-day star recipe to a third level, directly to the third level of the undead body.

But at this time, the incarnation outside the body has successfully retired and succeeded in hiding, leaving only Pei Junlin shrouded in the black mist in confrontation with the one-horned man.

The unicorn man was seriously injured and Pei Junlin snatched the fairy fruit, his eyes filled with anger.

"Who the **** are you?" The male eyes of the unicorn have produced two vortices, among which the stars are born and died.

It is a kind of magical power, he is using this magical power to calculate the past and present life of Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin immediately felt that a star in the sky was constantly spinning, and his fate seemed to be fiddled with by a big hand. He had a creepy feeling. This unicorn man really had a back hand.

Can't let the other party completely calculate his identity, Pei Junlin's eyes showed a horrified look, and soon he turned into a black light and rushed towards the unicorn man.

The two again broke out in the midair, and to the surprise of Pei Junlin's heart, this unicorn could still have the power to fight.

The battle between the two erupted into a brilliant light. Shenhua diffused the sky, illuminating the entire sky, even exceeding the beam of light emanating from the small lonely mountain.

At this moment, it is difficult for Pei Junlin to stay unnoticed. All the countless lights are focused on the core of the battle. Everyone is speculating who the two of them are in battle.

The man with a one-handed horn knows it well, and it is obviously a demon from outside the region. Some recovery strongmen have recognized that this person should be a high-level demon.

But the Pei Junlin shrouded in the dark mist made many people puzzled and did not know who this person was.

"The man with a unicorn is very strong. The guy in the dark mist is probably not his opponent. Don't look at the fact that he grabbed the fairy fruit." Some people are cautiously optimistic about the battle between the two.

Obviously, the natural vision of the one-horned man is more eye-catching, and more people are willing to believe that he is very strong. On the contrary, Pei Junlin, who has been hidden in the black mist, never shows the mountains and dews, and no one even sees his moves even if it is shot.

At most, it's just one stroke and one punch, there aren't too many gorgeous moves to catch people's attention.

But at this moment, the man with a horn suddenly flew out, and the horn on his head was once again punched into the head by Pei Junlin.

Before, he broke a piece, but now he was punched by Pei Junlin on the broken corner, and directly smashed the broken corner into the head of the unicorn man.

Pei Junlin had to take advantage of the victory to destroy the one-horned man, but at this time a beam of light blocked Pei Junlin, that is a woman with long silver hair, it was the woman of the Raksha tribe.

"You are very strong human beings, but you have to remember that the superior demon clan is not something you can bully. If you anger some superior demon clan, then raise your hand and exterminate this star." The female voice of the Nasha It's cold, eyes high, watching Pei Junlin is like watching an ant.

Pei Junlin's previous life traveled through various universes. What scenes have not been seen, and what superior demon races are just some demon who make themselves like human beings.

In fact, these so-called superior demon clan, Pei Junlin knows their inner core. They were originally ordinary demon clan, but the mechanism that was eliminated through cultivation belongs to some specific things of the population.

It can be said that these superior demon races simulate the human meridians in their bodies, but they are still a long way from humans.

It's ridiculous that such a thing can't look down on human beings.

Pei Junlin raised his hand without saying a word, and his violent palms scraped away. A dark wind blew away the Raksha woman's knife instantly, and Pei Junlin's figure came behind the one-horned man with a flash of light. He punched the other body directly and smashed half of his body.

"My God! I'm not mistaken." It's not just the strong recovery that exclaimed.

Even a group of gods and goddesses from the demon clan were stunned, watching the battle scenes like the fireworks in the sky.

The unicorn man was exploded by Pei Junlin's half-fisted body, which turned into a group of silver flying birds. When he regrouped, his body became a lot weaker.

Although Pei Junlin's punch didn't kill the opponent's life, it made the opponent's body extremely weak and lacked the power of a battle.

"I'm going, this guy is amazing." Countless people stared at Pei Junlin hidden in the dark mist, his eyes showing admiration.

Challenge these top demon clan with your own strength, and do not fall. Putting this record on ordinary people is enough for a lifetime, but putting it on the guy hidden in the dark mist is not so obvious.

"This person is very low-key, you see that he doesn't even show his face, which means that he is not a person who sells fame and reputation." Some people seem to see through Pei Junlin's real body.

"This is obviously a human being. When did such a powerful presence appear on the earth, compared with his Pei Junlin, that Pei Junlin was a scum." The eyes of the Peacock's Divine Son revealed a horrified look.

He calculated through the Guijia Tianshu that this guy hidden in the black mist should be a human race, but he could not calculate his true identity.

I don't know what Pei Junlin will feel when he hears his words. He is obviously himself, why can he be inferior to himself?

"You are dead, humans remember you are dead." The unicorn man suspended in the air, staring at Pei Junlin coldly.

Even if his body was smashed by Pei Junlin in half, but at this time his mouth is still very hard, looking at Pei Junlin's eyes in addition to contempt or Pei Junlin has already looked away from this unicorn The monster's head was shifted away, and the other side's unicorn was directly smashed into his head, which was not a cause for concern at all, so Pei Junlin did not want to pay too much attention to the other side.

In fact, there may not be any stronger masters lurking in the dark, because Pei Junlin always feels a sense of crisis. If these masters did not fight for the fairy fruit before, they may be waiting for the final treasure of Xiaogushan to be born.

Just don't see rabbits and don't sprinkle eagles. In their eyes, fairy fruit is nothing. Their goal is the ultimate treasure.

At this time, the area is shaking, many people feel that the earth is cracking, and the treasure inside Xiaogu Mountain is likely to be born.

Countless powerful breaths soared into the sky, madly rushing toward Xiaogu Mountain. Like wind and storm, even Pei Junlin felt a huge crisis.

Suddenly Pei Junlin had a creepy feeling, he suddenly turned around and saw an arrow with a golden light flying towards his back.

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