Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1133: woodpecker

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The woodpecker's speed is very fast, turning into a rainbow-like light. However, his strength is indeed not enough to see, Pei Junlin stood still, the sharp paw of the woodpecker suddenly hit a layer of gas mask.

Reinforced claws caught Pei Junlin's golden bell and made the sound of iron rubbing, making people numb.

This time the woodpecker saw that Pei Junlin's defense could not be penetrated, and flew back to the branch again, and began to swear. All kinds of foul language, listening to Pei Junlin, you are dizzy and dizzy and Venus.

And this is the woodpecker that surprised Pei Junlin the most. This guy actually used all dozens of dialects on the whole land of the Dragon Kingdom, and all kinds of swear words and slurs changed people's eyes.

"Why scold me? Am I annoying you?" Pei Junlin calmed down, but there was a flash of anger in his eyes.

This strange bird is really unreasonable, not just to scratch his face when he first met. If you can’t catch it, you have to verbally swear and swear all kinds of swear words.

If this woodpecker is allowed to go to the street to scold the street, I am afraid that ten middle-aged women are not his opponents.

"Slag, what's wrong with scolding you? There is a kind of beating me."

The other was just the anger flashing in his eyes, but he was telling Pei Junlin that there might be another reason for this. Pei Junlin thought of the unscrupulous **** donkey in an instant, could he be implicated?

"You are wrong. Actually, the donkey and I are not friends. I and him are enemies. I told you before that, I am a friend with him, but I lied. In fact, I pushed that donkey into hatred. , I can’t wait to grill his skin and use it for roasting and eating.” Pei Junlin also pretended to grind his teeth.

Sure enough, after hearing Pei Junlin say this, the woodpecker skewed his head and face with a suspicious look, as if judging the authenticity of Pei Junlin's words.

But helplessly his brain capacity is really limited, and he cannot accurately judge the authenticity of Pei Junlin's speech, because Pei Junlin's acting skills are really superb. The sorrowful expression on his face, combined with the expression of teeth and teeth, really made this woodpecker believe it.

"What you said is true, you really know the **** donkey." The woodpecker looked at Pei Yulin half-confidently.

Pei Junlin nodded solemnly, and showed a sorrowful expression, scolded: "I was chasing Qianli for the unscrupulous donkey, and came here following his trail. My purpose is to cut his head Pull the skin off, then the meat is cooked and eaten. I hate him for getting into the bone, and I don’t share it with him."

Pei Junlin's **** tears and performances made this woodpecker completely believe that Pei Junlin and he were the same enemy. Suddenly stopped the curse on his mouth, his face also showed a happy look.

"The enemy of the enemy is a friend, and since you don't share the sky with that donkey, then the two of us are friends. When the friend comes and has good wine, I want to treat you." This woodpecker rejoiced and flew happily. The branch was planted, and a pot of wine was held in his mouth through a large hole in the trunk.

This jar is made of coconut shell, but the shape is still very unique. Although the shape is rough, but it can't stop the aroma of the wine inside.

Pei Junlin was a little shocked. He didn't expect that this time the woodpecker would make wine. Just when his face looked suspicious, the woodpecker suddenly embarrassed and said: "I can't make wine. I got this bottle from the monkeys. ."

Monkey wine! !

Pei Junlin was immediately shocked. This monkey wine is a good thing. Monkeys are good at making wine and they will pick all kinds of elixir spirits. This jar of wine estimates that the spiritual power contained in it does not need some panacea.

Pei Junlin was a little uneasy because he deceived this simple woodpecker. Ignoring his conscience, Pei Junlin uncovered the lid. A soaring wine scent made Pei Junlin almost faint. The spirit contained in it was too rich.

Pei Junlin didn't even think about it, and he took a big sip. The fragrant and fragrant flavor reaches the abdomen along the throat, and Pei Junlin feels a hot stream scalding very hot, flowing along the intestines and stomach to the limbs.

A violent energy swept the whole body, making all 36,000 pores of the whole body open. At this moment, Pei Junlin had a feeling that he was about to rise to immortality! so comfy!

The legendary monkey wine has a well-deserved reputation, which contains hundreds of elixir, and they are all produced in Kunlun Shenshan. Some of these medicines are comparable to great medicines. Take a sip and even break through.

Pei Junlin couldn't help but take a sip again, grunted down, and his mouth and nose spewed out glow, and even his hair began to fluoresce.

The woodpecker standing on the branch was stunned.

After two sips, Pei Junlin directly put this can into the interior of Jindou space, and he was not at all polite. But good things, how can you let go in your hand?

However, Pei Junlin was not a selfish person. He didn't want to treat the woodpecker badly. He flipped his palms and took out a lot of immortality from Jindou space.

These elixirs are not necessarily very powerful, but they have a different taste. When Pei Junlin sent these immortals to the woodpecker, the woodpecker looked at Pei Junlin with a ridiculous look, and seemed to disdain.

Pei Junlin was a little embarrassed in an instant, and it was indeed a bit shabby to use these elixir to change the monkey's wine for the other party, not enough friends.

Some scratched his head and scratched his head for a moment, and suddenly his eyes lit up. This woodpecker is afraid of being a carnivore. I am afraid that the tree trunk was just destroyed to find insects.

"Brother, wait a minute." Pei Junlin took out a large piece of monster blood directly from the storage ring in Jindou space.

This time I saw it in the woodpecker, and immediately glared with two eyes, screaming: "Is that dragon meat? And also the dragon meat of the real **** realm."

Pei Junlin smiled and threw a huge dragon claw directly on the ground. The huge flesh and blood of the dragon flesh, the lure of the woodpecker lured in two eyes, drooling. Without waiting for Pei Junlin to say anything, he flew directly from the tree and fell on the dragon claw to start biting.

An hour passed, and this time the woodpecker showed a contented look, and the dragon claw, which weighed more than a dozen tons, was eaten by him for more than half.

Pei Junlin was dumbfounded, but he didn't expect this woodpecker, who was not very big, to eat so much food that he ate more than three times the size of his body.

"Brother, you are too loyal, I like you, and I want to be your lifelong friend." The woodpecker waved his wings towards Pei Junlin, all with satisfaction in his eyes.

Pei Junlin feels guilty, it seems that this is a woodpecker is still very real, but he made a lie to deceive him.

"By Brother Bird, what hatred do you have with that **** donkey?" Pei Junlin suddenly mentioned the matter, but he wanted to find out why.

If the hatred is not deep, you can be a mediator with you.

Speaking of this matter, the woodpecker seemed to be caught in violent anger, and his mouth began to chatter, which was mixed with some embarrassing dialects and swear words.

Pei Junlin also extracted a useful message from his chattering language that his wife was abducted by the **** donkey.

That information Pei Junlin was simply stunned. As the saying goes, the hatred of killing his father and his wife are not common. Unexpectedly, the **** donkey did such an extraordinary thing and abducted the wife of the woodpecker.

No wonder the bird hated him so much that he gritted his teeth, smelt seven cigarettes, and scolded him for three days and three nights.

"Are you sure that the donkey abducted your wife? He is a donkey." Pei Junlin emphasized this matter, he was a little skeptical.

Even the woodpecker's head was tilted, and there was a suspicious look on his face.

"I don't care, anyway, my wife was abducted by him. When I came back, I saw that guy was talking to my wife. I called my wife, and my wife didn't agree. Then, Huahua followed him away. "" The woodpecker shed tears when he said this, and began to choke.

Pei Junlin is speechless. It seems that the bird is very affectionate, but why did the unscrupulous **** donkey abduct his wife? This matter remains to be discussed.

"Brother rest assured, I will help you get your wife back." Pei Junlin quickly waved at the woodpecker.

The woodpecker fell into the light immediately after hearing Pei Junlin's words.

He stretched his wings and wiped his tears. He looked at Pei Junlin and said, "If you can really help me get Xiaohua back, then I must be grateful. Rest assured, I won't let you lose, I know you guys What is the purpose of human beings coming to Kunlun Mountain? You are looking for some treasures. I know there are treasures in a place."

Hearing this, Pei Junlin was about to turn away and stopped. He watched the woodpecker's eyes shine: "I seem to suddenly know why the donkey abducted your ~Does your wife know the location of this treasure?"

The woodpecker suddenly realized, and screamed: "Don't the donkey just let Xiaohua take him to dig for treasure?"

"It should be like this, you should rest assured that it is impossible for a donkey to fall in love with a bird, not at all." Pei Junlin immediately seized the opportunity to comfort the bird.

Sure enough, the woodpecker's anger subsided a lot, and his wings exuded a multicolored light, signaling to Pei Junlin, and let Pei Junlin jump onto his back.

At this time, Pei Junlin suddenly discovered that the suppression in the Kunlun Mountain seemed to be useless for this woodpecker. This woodpecker flew in front of his eyes before, and did not care about the suppression of Kunlun's divine power.

Without any politeness, he jumped directly on the back of the woodpecker. The flapping wings of the woodpecker quickly flew up.

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