Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1135: Spatial overlap

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The group of monkeys must have revenge for the monkey's wine. The hateful thing is that the old thief woodpecker ran the fastest and threw the pot to Pei Junlin.

This group of old macaques is very powerful. The first old macaque is in the real **** realm, which makes Pei Jun look dumbfounded. At what time, this monkey in Kunshan is also so powerful.

If I hadn't run fast just now, I am afraid that the monkeys would be caught up in the end.

The monkey of the real **** realm really made Pei Junlin look dumbfounded. He felt a little more awe of Kunlun Mountain in his heart. How many secrets are there in this **** mountain?

Invisible, Pei Junlin had a little more expectation of the Kunlun Shrine in his heart. If he can really find this Kunlun Shrine, he may really be able to unlock the secret of the homeland of all gods.

"Stop it, running like this should be exhausting." Pei Junlin directly patted the **** donkey.

The **** donkey stopped and gasped. It seemed that the group of monkeys really scared him.

"Oh, what's your favorite." Pei Junlin suddenly remembered something.

The **** donkey shook his head: "That guy has long slipped."

The two parrots did not know where to escape, only Pei Junlin and the **** donkey were walking on the mountain road. Pei Jun temporarily took out the map from time to time to observe around and check some mountainous and geographical veins.

It is not difficult for Pei Junlin to find the correct way to Kunlun Shrine, but why the couple didn’t find Kunlun Shrine in those days was a mystery. Maybe the road would be dangerous.

The mountain road is winding upwards, and the pine trees and cypresses are beautiful. As he stepped up, Pei Junlin found that the snow was slowly melting, showing signs of green.

"Look over there, a big lake." Pei Junlin pointed to the **** donkey in front of him.

But the **** donkey shook his head and looked at Pei Junlin with a surprised expression.

He stopped and stopped moving forward, his face showing a confused and surprised look.

"What's going on? Keep going, are you afraid of water or monsters in the lake?" Pei Junlin said nothing.

The **** donkey shook his head desperately. One mouth bit Pei Junlin's sleeve, making Pei Junlin unable to move forward.

"What's the matter?" Pei Junlin finally found out that something was wrong.

The donkey's cold hair is standing upright, his muscles are tight, and it seems tense. Is it really dangerous in the lake?

"Did you really see a lake?" The **** donkey looked dignified.

Pei Junlin nodded his head seriously: "Of course, don't you see it? Your eyes are not good? Such a large lake can't be seen by blind people."

But what shocked Pei Junlin was the **** donkey but shook his head: "What I see is not the same as what you see, all I see is a prairie."

After listening to the **** donkey, Pei Junlin was completely blinded.

The two people stood together, and the scene they saw was completely different. What does that mean?

"The legendary Kunlun Mountain, there are a thousand Kunlun Mountains in the eyes of thousands of people and thousands of people. Everyone who comes here sees a different scene." The **** donkey began to wander beside it, with words in its mouth .

But Pei Junlin scoffed at the claim of the **** donkey. What is called a thousand people and a thousand faces, but it is just an illusion.

Pei Junlin grabbed a stone from his side and threw it desperately towards the lake water, thumped the stone into the lake water, splashing a large splash of water.

This time Pei Junlin, you were completely ashamed, because he felt that the lake water should be real, why wouldn’t the real **** donkey see it?

Either the donkey is lying, or he is hitting evil spirits.

"Did the stone I threw out just now? Can't you really see it?" Pei Junlin looked at the **** donkey in confusion.

But the **** donkey shook his head: "The stone was thrown into the grassland and killed a field mouse."

This time Pei Junlin completely blinded him and the **** **** to completely enter the two dimensions. Is it true that this Kunlun Mountain is really an endless overlap of dimensions?

Pei Junlin remembered the name of the earth celestial sphere, the legendary earth is a springboard into the infinite world. It now appears that this may be the realm of the Kunlun Mountain's pantheon, it may really be an overlapping dimension and overlapping area.

Countless big worlds overlap on this Kunlun Mountain, and this place is the hub to enter countless worlds...

Pei Junlin seemed to understand something, he pulled back the **** donkey. Can't go any further. It's very dangerous. If you fall into another dimension, it will be difficult to come back.

According to Pei Junlin's understanding, in Kunlun Shenshan is actually a space folding area. It may take a certain method to enter some spaces, but there are also times when the space is unstable. For example, the place just now, if you accidentally stepped in, it may be another world.

At the same time when the two were talking, Pei Junlin suddenly discovered that the lake he had just seen suddenly disappeared. The original place became the original cliff, and the area that the **** donkey saw before was gone.

This shows that this area has returned to normal, and is no longer in a folded state.

The following Lu Pei Junlin and the **** donkey walked very hard. The two stepped into a camp, and each step had to be explored. After they were safe, they would continue to climb up.

"Look what the **** is up there." The **** donkey suddenly widened its eyes, and the two eyeballs exploded more than twice than usual, looking at the top of the mountain like two lanterns.

Pei Junlin looked up along the eyes of the **** donkey, and really saw a group of buildings appearing in a misty place on the top of the mountain.

A feeling of surprise filled Pei Junlin's heart. He felt that this should be the Kunlun God Palace in Kunlun Mountain. If this area is really found, it is really too much for creation.

"It should be the Kunlun Shrine, let's go up quickly." Pei Junlin did not hesitate and climbed directly towards the mountain.

The **** donkey was faster than him, the four-hoofed gleaming gold shone, and rushed towards the top of the mountain.

When it was good, the donkey ran faster than anyone else. Pei Junlin frowned, but he did not want to be outdone. He climbed the pedals and quickly surpassed the **** donkey.

"Stop, stop, stop now." A sharp voice came.

Pei Junlin suddenly stabilized his body, and saw the big woodpecker he met before, squatting on a rock in front of him, and in the distance was his wife, the female woodpecker.

Pei Junlin thought these two birds had disappeared, but did not expect to wait for himself and the **** donkey in the road ahead. This gave Pei Junlin a strange feeling in his heart, and the two birds were a little weird.

Why is it also the demon clan, the **** donkey was suppressed by the divine power above the Kunlun Mountain, and these two birds were not suppressed at all, which is the biggest doubt.

"Can't go any further, it's dangerous in front." The male woodpecker told Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin didn't believe it at all, and thought that this woodpecker was in front of Fooling Himself, that is, Kunlun Jingu Shrine, and if he got there, he would definitely be able to reap a lot.

But the **** donkey stopped, snorting with his eyes to signal that Pei Junlin also stopped.

"I feel a little abnormal. This woodpecker may really not harm us." The **** donkey whispered.

Pei Junlin shook his head, somewhat reluctantly. The building in front of it must be the legendary Kunlun Shrine. Maybe he could see the fairy in it, and if he became enlightened, he would fly into a fairy.

"Don't you have a good relationship with the female woodpecker? Why don't you go and explore the tone, if I remember correctly, the female woodpecker should be called Huahua. The relationship between you and him should not be difficult from him Look for the wind in your mouth. Pei Junlin smiled vaguely at the **** donkey and took a shoulder on the **** donkey's waist.

The **** donkey looked at Pei Junlin, and he looked a little embarrassed. How could he confuse a donkey with a bird?

"I'll give it a try." The **** donkey gave Pei Junlin a look and even walked past.

Pei Junlin was shocked. He didn't expect this donkey to really play. Is he really having trouble with the woodpecker?

It's so powerful, so exciting...

"Little Flower Girl, come over and I have something to tell you." In front of the male woodpecker, the **** donkey said awkwardly.

Before he could speak, the male woodpecker began to yell.

But the female woodpecker hesitated for a while, or flew its wings and landed on the head of the **** donkey. The two whispered, and outsiders could not hear what was said.

Soon the female woodpecker returned to the male woodpecker, and there was a look in the eyes of the **** donkey.

He returned to Pei Junlin and whispered, "Someone wants to count you, right here on the Kunlun Mountain. And in front there is no Kunlun Shrine, the real Kunlun Shrine, how could we find it so easily, This palace should be called the Hall of Ten Thousand Beasts."

Pei Junlin was also blinded. Unexpectedly, the **** donkey really got such awesome news. No wonder these two woodpeckers were twitching. Dare to love these two birds, also from the Wanlun Palace in Kunlun Mountain, and the demon races in the Wanyang Palace should be one.

But these two woodpeckers are also interesting enough, half of the matter is not said, and the female woodpecker also told the news, so that Pei Junlin has a new there is a Wannian Palace on Kunlun Mountain, And there are demon races. "Pei Junlin was surprised inside.

In fact, he knew very early that not only there are demon clan outside the territory, but also there are demon clan in the earth, but the demon of the earth's native is very hidden.

Could it be that the demon races on earth this time, like those of the ancient recovery powerhouses, have recently lifted the seal and slowly recovered?

Now that the two woodpeckers are not choking, the two woodpeckers say everything they know about bamboo pour beans.

It turned out that Pei Junlin was right in his guess. There are really a lot of demon clan recovery on Kunlun Mountain. In Wanxian Palace, it is a holy place of demon clan in ancient times.

According to the two woodpeckers, there are four demon kings in Wanxian Palace. They are the Devil King of Ox, Snow King, King of Goshawk and King of White Deer.

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