Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1149: 0 Steelmaking

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Pei Junlin smiled faintly, and his body turned into a ray of breeze. Along the way, Pei Junlin felt that Wudang Mountain was heavily guarded, and a series of murderous intentions enveloped Wudang Mountain.

Some ancient Kendo masters who recovered from the ancient times sat on the rock for further study, but their eyes glanced around themselves from time to time. After some people recognized Pei Junlin, they naturally let go, and there was no obstruction. Pei Junlin went all the way without hindrance and came to the Wuding Mountain Jinding Taiji Sword Palace.

The palace is the latest to be completed, with awesome craftsmanship, but there is no trace of human carving, and it seems to be natural.

Pei Junlin was led by Dao Tong into the hall, and a huge red furnace was in operation. An old guru in a robe, sitting in front of the Nadan furnace.

However, when he saw the first glance of the old master of Taiji Jianmen, Pei Junlin felt that there was a huge wound in the opponent's body, which was difficult to heal.

"Old Master, are you injured?" Pei Junlin was surprised.

The old master of Taiji Jianmen woke up from sitting in a pan, stood up and acted lightly, and did not look like he was injured.

"Come on, sit down." The old grandmaster smiled at Pei Junlin, revealing a sympathetic look.

It seems to see Pei Junlin's desire to stop talking, but the old guru didn't have much to say. He slowly closed his eyes and seemed to continue to heal. Seeing this scenario, Pei Junlin is not easy to disturb, and can only temporarily bury the doubt in his heart.

The melodious morning clock came from Houshan, and the old grandmaster opened his eyes and stood up towards Pei Junlin, saying: "It's about time, this furnace is about to become. You come with me, let's fire together."

The huge dan furnace stopped working, a ray of light erupted from it, and several Dao Tong quietly retreated, leaving the dan furnace to Pei Junlin and the old master.

Grandpa Nao has a flushed face, which seems to be strongly suppressing his injuries. There was a long sword in his hand, and he swallowed the blue sword mansions. The old master dragged the sick body and started to dance around this Danlu sword.

Pei Junlin didn't say a word, it was inconvenient to disturb him at this time, but just watched quietly.

Pei Junlin can also feel that the old master's play of this set of swordsmanship is not meaningless, but it is related to the elixir in the Nathan Furnace, and the sword gas enters the Dan furnace between the sword fronts and seems to give the Nane Elixir again. Inject a magical power.

With the buzzing vibration of the Dan furnace, Pei Junlin felt as if there was life, and was bred in this furnace. This is something Pei Junlin has never heard of shocking things. How can the elixir have a life?

But everything that appeared in front of him made Pei Junlin really feel the mystery of alchemy.

As the old master's last sword fell, a black and a white carp suddenly appeared in the Dan furnace, which revolved around the Dan furnace, and finally formed a Taiji gossip figure, which was suppressed towards the Dan furnace.

At this time, the shaking of the Na Dan furnace slowly stopped, and the fluctuation of life began to become non-existent.

Between the opening and closing of the old master's eyes, a huge force instantly opened the lid of the red furnace, and dozens of golden lights flew out suddenly.

Before the old master told Pei Junlin to stretch out his hand, the whole sky was almost shrouded. The magical powers of the universe in this sleeve were displayed, and countless golden lights were captured by Pei Junlin in a flash.

"One hundred and eight panacea pills, fortunately it is not humiliating." Pei Junlin God has a golden panacea in his palm.

The old guru coughed violently, and there was blood spilling from the corner of his mouth. He took out a panacea from his palm and put it in his mouth. Slowly his face flushed and he breathed quickly, brewing in his body, slowly repairing the injury .

"I have been attacked by a wicked attacker. This time I am adventuring alchemy. I can't find anyone to protect the law. I can only take the liberty to invite Mr. to come." The old master was very polite.

"Mr. does not dare to be a prince. Seniors should never call me that. It is an honour for juniors to be able to do something for them." Pei Junlin is very humble and curious about palm medicine.

"This panacea is named Taiji Shangqing Wulongdi Shendan. I have only made this furnace in my life. I didn't expect to finally succeed and saved my life." The old master talked and started to explain this furnace. The elixir and alchemy needed for medicine.

The old master explained it in detail. Pei Junlin heard it fascinatingly, and some of the joints were clear at one point, and Pei Junlin gradually understood.

The old master of Taiji Jianmen is to repay himself and teach himself the alchemy technique in Taiji Jianmen.

Pei Junlin did not refuse with hypocrisy. After all, Yiduo did not crush himself. This alchemy technique stayed with him and might be useful in the future. In particular, injuries like the old master of Taiji Jianmen are almost fatal, but it is indeed magical to practice such a panacea to instantly resurrect.

"Old Master, the person who attacked you should be Zhang Yuanshan. I have seen this person's ambition for a wolf son very early, not a good person." Pei Junlin said lightly.

The old guru gave a sigh, and he seemed unwilling to say more.

The two strolled on Wudang Mountain, and the entire top of the mountain was filled with colorful cherry blossoms. Various kinds of **** birds flew from time to time, making people feel relaxed and happy.

"The world is going to be in chaos. You must anticipate the dangers in advance and find a place to take shelter." Sergeant Taijian Jianmen pointed to some poultry in the mountains and the wild.

Previously, there were no such couples on Wudang Mountain. It was only after Taiji Jianmen settled here that these birds flew here to seek refuge.

"Old Master, why should Zhang Yuanshan hurt the Master's door? Is this good for him?" Pei Junlin still had to figure out why.

"This wicked person is just bewitched by the monsters outside the region. I don't want to join in with the demon clan, and they will get rid of it naturally." The old master said the key point.

"They will definitely hit the killer again if they don't hit you. You must take care of the old master. In fact, pay attention to the people close to you. They may be bought by the enemy and suddenly start like Zhang Yuanshan." Pei Junlin repeatedly told the old master.

A big man like Taiji Jianmen Old Master, who can stand on Pei Junlin's side, moved Pei Junlin very much.

The scum of the pure ancient gate of the Tonggu Alliance has already stood with the demon race.

"If the old man alone is not willing to be contaminated with the river of the demon language and will not be assassinated by them, there is actually a deeper reason. That is that the Taiji sword gate has an undisclosed secret since ancient times. "The old master of Taiji Jianmen suddenly looked at Pei Junlin with a scorching eye.

Pei Junlin hasn't spoken yet, but something has been felt in his heart. The old guru of Taiji Jianmen seems to deliberately impart this thing to himself.

"Don't make it. The juniors can't afford such a big responsibility." Pei Junlin quickly shook his hand.

"I have been fighting abroad all day, and I like to attack, and countless enemies. If the future is unpredictable, it will be passed down." Pei Junlin said sincerely.

But the old grandmaster looked at Pei Junlin lightly, smiling without a word with his beard. The old grandmaster said for a long time: "I watch your life, and I can bear this inheritance."

The old master made Pei Junlin completely dumb in a single sentence, and the mysterious and mysterious fate really made him unable to refute.

It was at this time that Lin Zhong suddenly heard a slight footstep. Although he had concealed the disciples of Tai Chi Jianmen from the mountains and the wild, he could not conceal Pei Junlin.

The old master of the Tai Chi sword gate was seriously injured, and he was not fully recovered at this time, nor was he aware of it.

"Someone." Pei Junlin snarled, and immediately gave out the pure Yang fire bell, trying to protect the old guru.

But at this moment a dazzling golden light forest flew out, and the speed was incredible, and in a blink of an eye came to the old master.

Pei Junlin finally understood that someone wanted to assassinate the old master. Would rather let the inheritance of the sword gate of Tai Chi be cut off rather than be inherited.

Suddenly Pei Jun Lin Hanmao stood upright, he didn't understand what secrets were there in the old master of Taiji Jianmen? It's actually making people so crazy.

If you don’t get it, you will have to destroy it. Why is this happening?

Pei Junlin wanted to step forward to protect the old master, but at this time he felt his feet were trapped. A young man is holding a scripture and chanting.

Strange runes flew out of the entered text, and Pei Junlin was imprisoned in an instant, and the golden light had come to the old master of Taiji Jianmen at this time, only half his distance from his chest. Meters away.

Pei Junlin's eyes cracked, and a violent thunder surged around him, breaking the rune's imprisonment in an instant.

The erupting power in an instant is like a volcanic burst, and a colorful light suddenly flew from Pei Junlin's body, instantly covering the old guru of the Taiji sword gate, which is the Yuan magnetic divine light.

The golden light met the Yuan magnetic divine light, suddenly became very heavy, and finally fell on the ground, turned out to be a feather arrow.

"That's a chapter written by the saint." Facing the assassination, the old guru was very calm, but instead recognized the source of the scripture in his hand.

Pei Junlin was also surprised when he heard the old guru say it. It turned out to be a chapter of the saint. No wonder he has such a powerful power that he can imprison the human body just by reading it out.

Everything happened between electro-optical firestones, and Pei Junlin instantly blocked the peerless long-cherished peerless move, leaving the young man with the scriptures dizzy.


Pei Junlin didn't wait for the other party's second-hand and took the initiative to stab out, and the fire around the forest explosion exploded into the sky.

The hilltop is like a volcanic eruption, surrounded by various energy elements.

The young man's eyebrow flashed with a rune, and suddenly emitted a purple light towards Pei Junlin's chest hole. The scripture in his hand continued to chant, wanting to imprison Pei Junlin on the spot.


Pei Junlin instantly felt that his body could not move, and his whole body was trapped by a golden cage, watching the purple light stabbing towards his chest.

Hundreds of steel-making are all destroyed, a ray of blue smoke around the fingers...

At the moment of imprisonment, Pei Junlin suddenly blessed his soul, and it seemed that he had received some essence of punching from the statue of Wang Chao.

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