Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1166: Someone in secret

He was full of mana all over his body, and the whole person was like a fairy road king with various breaths. The five emperors and great Yuanshen surrounded the whole body, and even the pure Yang fire bell was turned into a transparent protective cover.

Especially after Pei Junlin's body broke through to the ninth weight of the undead body, the strength of the body was simply amazing. In particular, Pei Junlin's current speed and power have increased more than five times than before. Before, Pei Junlin had only a thousand-headed dragon's power, and now it has directly increased to five thousand-headed dragon's power.

Coupled with the increase of the earth's magnetic light, I am afraid that even the body of this void crocodile will be punched a blood hole.

Therefore, Pei Junlin was fearless, and he didn't even bother to watch the man secretly.

Pei Junlin carefully observed this void crocodile, and found that he was not completely lost in consciousness after being cursed. On the one hand, he was resisting the curse and purifying the curse. On the other hand, they are also waiting to resist.

This Void Crocodile actually looks more like a pangolin, covered with semi-circular scales, each of which is as big as an umbrella.

These scales are tightly locked on the body, and no lines can be seen at all, reflecting the light smoothly and delicately, and even a trace of essence will not leak out.

Suddenly, the Void Crocodile turned his head suddenly, and the vicious fangs were killed towards Pei Junlin.

Each of Bai Sensen's teeth is as long as several meters, and the venom wrapped on it is extremely corrosive. If you are still dead after being swept by this kind of fangs, the corrosive liquid on it will instantly peel off the flesh and expose the bones.

Pei Junlin swept the broken domain sword in his hand, coupled with the pure Yang fire bell slammed into the head of this crocodile, with a click, he swept down an incisor directly.

The rolling mana condensed into a big golden hand in the air, and suddenly grabbed the tail of the void crocodile and even lifted the other party directly. The void crocodile, which was hundreds of meters long, was picked up by Pei Junlin and then ruthlessly. Slammed on the ground.

At this time, even when Jin Ye, who was hidden in the distance, saw this scene, he felt the power of Pei Junlin's mana, which was beyond his imagination. Even if he stayed with Pei Junlin all day, he did not expect that Pei Junlin's progress was so rapid.

Pei Junlin carried the broken domain sword and suddenly turned towards the back of the void crocodile. Jianguang flew to split the back of the void crocodile directly, and a long crack appeared.

It is undeniable that this crocodile is very strong, but the battle with the previous ghost creature has consumed most of his spirit. Now his spirit is muddled. Although his body is very strong, his speed has slowed down a lot. In front of Pei Junlin, he has no power to parry.

Seeing that Pei Junlin was about to pierce the head of this void crocodile and grab his primal spirit directly, at this moment a shadow suddenly rose into the sky.

"Haha, sitting on the mountain today is really wonderful. Humans, you are very powerful, but you cannot be denied, you are dead today." A skinny old man appeared in front of Pei Junlin.

The golden light radiated by Pei Junlin's eyes, using the fire eyes and golden eyes, immediately saw that the identity of the old man turned out to be a demon race. His race should be the silver-backed squirrel, which belongs to the wild and alien species, which is very remarkable.

No wonder the hidden Kung Fu is this way. Pei Junlin did not find it for so long, and finally Jinye found this person.

This is a pinnacle master at the later stage of Yangshen Realm. His strength is rather ordinary, but his racial talent is very strong. Swallowing squirrels is a wild and alien species.

Before Pei Junlin thought that this person had been hiding in the dark, it was estimated that the strength was weak and he dared not come out, but he did not expect that the strength was so strong.

Choosing to jump out and pick up the benefits at the most critical moment is almost hateful, and at this time Pei Junlin can only force himself to calm down.

Which powerful Void Crocodile has been almost cooked by Pei Junlin, dying, there is no ability to resist.

"You jump out and rob at this time, it seems not kind." Pei Junlin stared at each other coldly.

This rat monster didn't look at Pei Junlin at all, his eyes were extremely evil, and he stared closely at the hidden place of Jin Jin: "Knowing that you still have a companion, it should be an artifact of Chaos Lingbao. Haha, today the old man really It's a big profit, not only the Void Crocodile, but also a Chaos Spirit Treasure."

Pei Junlin looked at each other's performances coldly, and there was a disdainful look on his face. This mouse was too optimistic. The character hadn't been swept away, and it was pulled directly under his own name. dream.

Just when Pei Junlin was disdainful, the Rat Demon suddenly shot Pei Junlin, the speed was extremely fast, and suddenly turned into a huge mouse.

The speed was too fast, and the sound barrier was instantly broken, and even Pei Junlin did not respond. However, Pei Junlin was not a vegetarian in the ninth weight of the undead body. He suddenly made a hey sound, and the whole person sat down on the horse and exuded a pale golden light.

A punch hit the mouse's head, and Pei Junlin wanted to use straight fists to cut off the opponent directly. The light of Yuanci Shenguang is attached to the fist, which makes Pei Junlin's fist strength ten times larger and punched out with a punch, like an iron hammer like a mountain.

The sonic boom that was worn continuously was deafening, and even the surrounding rocks were shattered in the sonic boom, just like the powder. Even within a hundred meters of Pei Junlin's body, an oval deep pit appeared.

Canglong three types!

Pei Junlin merged the dragon's superb skills into the boxing skills of Sacred King Chao. The body skills are unusually quick and the boxing skills are extremely sharp.

The figure is constantly changing, suddenly changing several positions, each punch is printed on the body of the rat demon, hitting the other party's bones directly broken, the sound of cracking bones spreading in the air.

The mouse punched Pei Junlin's body with one punch, and Pei Junlin was immobile, and another claw wanted to scratch Pei Junlin's skin, but unfortunately no skin scratches appeared.

The mouse was completely desperate, turned around and wanted to escape, but Pei Junlin grabbed his tail, punched him, and flew directly into the sky. When he fell, he was kicked by Pei Junlin to the void crocodile.

"It's really amazing. The strange wilderness of the late Yangshen Realm was beaten by you with no power to fight back. You are looking for teeth. Pei Junlin, you are getting more and more amazing." Jin Ye hided and looked at him Wonderful, with red light on his face.

Seeing Pei Junlin fight with others has a pleasant aesthetic feeling, the waist is not sore, the leg is not painful, and the breath is also smooth.

Jinye recently discovered a problem, that is, after accepting the tradition of the God Boxing Sect, Pei Junlin seems to have a feeling of mastery in the boxing technique, and he wants to be promoted to the level of Grand Master.

Even Saint Chao, the King of Boxing, had heard it before. In ancient times, it was a character who is almost shimmering. There is no one before the ancients and no one to come before. Pei Junlin accepts his inheritance, in the boxing style and the moves on it. There are also great changes.

At least I don’t want to stick to one move and one move, but I can use it casually.

It is also a combination of sword, fist, palm, and mind. The shadow of Pei Junlin's boxing technique was even seen in the shadows of Otsuki's longevity tactics and small life skills, which simply shocked Jin Ye.

"Some great emperors may not have this kind of style when they were young. However, it is not a good thing to show the sharp edge of the head," Jin murmured to himself, and there was a trace of worry in his eyes.

The last time Pei Junlin was spotted by some powerful people outside that domain, Hua Qingyang entered the earth to assassinate Pei Junlin. This is evidence. It shows that Pei Junlin has been stared at by someone, and he wants to cut off the way it rises. It is quite possible that someone has already seen through the heavens and figured out that Pei Junlin will be a character from the past.

Those who have been involved in ancient and modern times will inevitably be unable to help to cut off the growth path of Pei Junlin.

At this time, Pei Junlin on the battlefield has progressed to the point of fierceness with the rat demon. The rat demon is very strong, but Pei Junlin is stronger, almost fighting against the rat demon.

"Little beast, I didn't expect you to have some means, but today, when you meet the old man, everything is in vain. Let you know that walking in this world is all for giving everything to the old man today." Chihong smiled at Pei Junlin.

The demon took a violent breath, his stomach began to swell, his belly suddenly bulged like a big ball.

What is the other party doing?

Pei Junlin was a little uncertain, but looking at the bulging belly of the rat monster, he felt a little afraid that his belly could not bear the pressure and exploded instantly.

I'm obviously Pei Junlin's worry is superfluous. This rat monster's belly looks like a big ball, far more than the volume of his body, and finally he wants to have a big mouth, a violent airflow towards Pei Junlin Blowed over.

These airy grays are so hard, like steel. UU reading

"This is not a general breath, but gang qi. It seems that this mouse does have some means that it can even exhale gang." Jin Ye's surprised voice came.

Pei Junlin flew out the flame of Chunyang with both hands, and enveloped him. The Chunyang Fire Bell can not only attack but also defend, and the defensive ability is even more amazing. The rolling gangue all struck the Chunyang Fire Bell and made a terrifying sound.

Pei Junlin even stood up against the pure Yang fire bell and wanted to catch the mouse. But at this moment, Pei Junlin suddenly discovered that the mouse had inserted his right arm into his mouth and snapped his arm with a click.

Seeing this scene made Pei Junlin feel a little creepy, he did not expect this person to be so vicious, even he did not let go. After biting off one arm, he didn't even frown.

Just when Pei Junlin guessed what the mouse was going to do, he saw that the mouse suddenly knelt on the ground and began to bow to Pei Junlin.

"No, this is the King of Hades! Quickly avoid." Jin Ye voice came again.

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