Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1176: burn one's boats

"What's going on? How did your hair turn white suddenly? Did you just hit a punch to burn life?" Jin Ye looked at Pei Junlin tremblingly.

"Yes, these five emperors and great Yuanshen have not yet practiced the avenue. It is very difficult to use the Heavenly Dao to fight the Heavenly Dao Shenquan. Only the burning life can provide this huge energy." Pei Junlin did not say anything.

There is a big crisis between life and death. At this time, everything can be abandoned. Even Su Shouyuan, once a person dies, all his Shouyuan will be emptied in an instant, and it will be useless by that time.

Pei Junlin is now betting on the treasure and sinking the boat. He put all hope on the tree of life.

Burning life now, using Heavenly Dao Fist, Heavenly Dao, etc. against Pluto relics, in the future may be able to use the tree of life to make up for Shouyuan's dead wood and spring.

Now Pei Junlin is equivalent to desperation, and there is no retreat. His Shouyuan has been exhausted. If he cannot break through or replenish Shouyuan within three to five years, he can grow old and die completely at any time.

Tiandao Shenquan punched the whole world and there was resonance between them. This is Tiandao leaning towards Pei Junlin.

At this moment, Pei Junlin mobilized the intangible attraction of heaven and earth to resonate. He was that Heavenly Dao became a part of Heavenly Dao. He punched out with a punch, and caused Heavenly Tribulation to split towards the Pluto Relic.

The **** lightning of the sky bombarded the two zombie kings, and the scorched black body of the body was dying, but the power of the Pluto relic shocked suddenly, and a gray breath fell down, instantly healing the injuries of the two zombie kings. Not only that, the strength of the two zombie kings went further, and they were full of energy.

Seeing this scene, Pei Junlin completely showed a look of despair. Can't the power of Heavenly Tribulation destroy this king relic?

Pei Junlin can see the massive sky-tribulation lightning slashing above the Pluto relic, even making the Pluto relic glory even more cruel.

At the moment when Pei Junlin was desperate, Jin Ye in the chaotic golden battle even began a long chant, and finally a hard and obscure spell came out.

When Pei Junlin was amazed at what King Jin was going to do, he suddenly found a portal flying directly out of the chaotic golden battle, which was the gate of hell.

After the gate of **** was sacrificed, the door slowly opened, and together, a breath of breath spread from it. The dry ghost hand stretched out suddenly, and instantly grabbed the Hades relic.

The ghost hand was dry and pale, and the wrinkled skin could be seen. Even a glance can make people feel terrified, as if all the world is covered by this ghost hand, for a time, the power of the Heavenly Tribulation above the sky has been dispersed.

Covering the sky is huge, covering a planet. The Pluto relic suddenly shook and wanted to escape, but unfortunately the ghost hand was even more powerful. Under the obscure spell of Jinye, the ghost hand seemed to have tremendous power.

A pale scent flew out of the hands of the celestial ghost, and immediately covered the Pluto relic. Although the Pluto Shouli was unwilling to shake, he was still caught by the ghost hand and dragged directly into the gate of hell. in.

At the moment when the gate of **** closed, the whole gate of **** suddenly shuddered and flew into the space of Jindou space.

For a moment, the sky was clear, and all the darkness outside disappeared, and the two zombies were also scorched by the body of the falling Heavenly Tribulation Force and could no longer resist.

At this moment, Pei Junlin did not hesitate, flew up, made a roar, and instantly stretched out his hand and grabbed two zombies, grabbed it, and threw it directly into the Jindou space to seal it.

"Haha, Master Jin, you are so powerful, what is the last move? What the hell's gate is so powerful, I feel that the ghost hand stretched out is difficult to resist the level of Tianjun." Pei Junlin's excited voice changed. .

But he suddenly found out that it was empty inside the entire Jindou space, as if there was no breath of Jin Jin, Jin Jin didn't even know where to go.

At this time, after the huge ghost dragon made a long roar, it fell to the ground.

"I'm here." Jin Ye's voice came weakly.

However, this sound came from the mouth of Nether Magic Dragon, which surprised Pei Junlin inexplicably, but he opened his fire eyes and looked at the soul of Jin Lord, and even entered the body of Nether Dragon.

"Just now I cast the gate of Hell to trap the relic of the Underworld Emperor. The consumption is too great to maintain the body shape, so I can only enter the body of the Nether Dragon to warm up the soul." Jin Ye explained to Pei Junlin .

Pei Junlin nodded his head, waved a large panacea, and landed directly into the mouth of Nether Magic Dragon. These are pure blood pill, one storehouse and one storehouse towards the Nether Demon Dragon Dragon Mouth Taoist Temple, the body of this first dragon that is cheap and cheap can stand up, although the body is still trembling, but at least able to move Too.

"It's almost impossible this time, but the harvest is also huge. Let's count the harvest quickly." Jinye recovered a lot of energy and got out of the body of the Nether Demon Dragon, and he shouted with excitement.

Pei Junlin shook his head, feeling a little speechless, how to feel that Jin Ye's favorite is to deprive other people's wealth, and once the robbery gets something, Jin Ye is more excited than anyone else.

The two of them entered the Jindou space and counted the harvest. Sure enough, they found that this harvest was simply amazing. Two ends were thrown into the zombie king imprisoned in the furnace of flesh and blood, and there was the relic of the emperor.

The value of the relic of the Underworld Emperor is infinite, and even exceeds the value of the Golden Chaos of Chaos. It is now imprisoned in the gate of Hell. In the future, once Pei Junlin breaks into the real **** realm, he can use this one. Fairy Demon Body.

Absorb the devil qi in the relic of the Underworld Emperor completely and be absorbed by the King's Landing.

In addition, there is the Peng clan master of Yangshen Realm. He has a Lingbao in his hand, which is also not bad, and was swallowed by Jinye to restore his body.

Lin Lin calculated that this time harvesting at least 10 billion Tianyuan jade level, it was a huge harvest for Pei Junlin.

Jin Ye’s injury and weakness required a short period of rest. Pei Junlin did not disturb Jin Ye, but took Yang Chan directly out of Jindou space and landed on the planet again.

The peaceful planet has been completely smashed at this time, especially Pei Junlin's Heavenly Dao cut the planet directly into a deep gap, reaching thousands of meters.

A long rift was formed between the cracks, which stretched for thousands of miles, which was so amazing that even Pei Junlin felt a little stunned when he saw it.

"The place on the top of the mountain should be the place where minerals are stored. Let's take a look and maybe we can find something." Yang Chan said towards Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin was not indifferent. He followed Yang Chan and flew towards the top of the mountain. Sure enough, he found a huge palace here. As soon as he stepped into the palace, Pei Junlin heard a group of women screaming, which surprised Pei Junlin.

There are at least hundreds of women in this group. Each of them is beautiful and unusual, wearing a transparent veil and white and delicate skin. The entire palace is a place of hedonic enjoyment. There are such beauties everywhere, as well as some musical instruments, food, wine, etc., covered with thick carpets, giving off a lustful atmosphere.

Pei Junlin touched his nose with his hand, feeling a little speechless.

Previously, the Peng clan master in the later stage of Yangshen Realm did not expect such a luxury and desire, to this extent.

"Dear ladies, it's okay, you are free now." Pei Junlin said towards the women.

There are no human races among these women, but they come from the major demon races, and they are of all races. Pei Junlin has no interest in this vulgar powder, he came here to find the storage place of minerals.

This planet is a planet of Taiyi refined gold ore. Pei Junlin found these Taiyi refined gold mines, which will be of great use in the coming of the Alchemy Emperor Yuanshen.

"King, I can take you to find minerals, but please don't kill us." One of the women jumped out barefoot and said towards Pei Junlin.

The woman had a good appearance, but she was trembling when she talked, and she was obviously terrified. Pei Junlin used fire eyes to see that the other party was a Jade Rabbit.

Pei Junlin smiled slightly and waved her hand, and Princess Yutu inside the Jindou space was summoned by him directly. Princess Yutu was originally practicing, and was suddenly pulled out by a powerful force of space, but when she opened her eyes, she saw the scene in front of her.

Princess Yutu looked surprised when she saw the Peng tribe, but she came over to comfort her and whispered with the woman.

"She originally wanted to take you to a small mineral storage site, but now that she recognized me, she decided to say all the mineral storage sites of the Peng tribe here." Princess Yutu grinned at Pei Junlin. .

Yang Chan looked at Pei Junlin in surprise, UU read www. didn't expect that Pei Junlin was gambled right, summoned the Princess Yutu, and really opened the heart of the Yutu clan woman, and told all the secrets completely.

Pei Junlin is not nonsense, and she directly took Princess Yutu with the woman, and the four of them went on the road. A mineral storage site was quickly found. When Pei Junlin opened the inventory, a silver star shining brightly from the sky was brighter.

Pei Junlin saw thousands of tons of ore in front of him, and he was overwhelmed with joy. So much ore left behind can not only condense Yuanshen but also Jinye can directly devour and restore some vitality.

The interior of the Jindou space is simply infinite, and there is nothing that can't be installed. Pei Junlin waved his hand, and the thousands of tons of ore were instantly absorbed by him into the gold bucket space and stored.

Soon, several other mine storage sites, Pei Junlin did not let it go, after it was all opened, all the stocks in it were absorbed.

"You told him that this time all the Dragon Clan led the team to do it. In the future, the Peng Clan will track down and marry the Dragon Clan." Pei Junlin said towards Princess Yutu.

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