Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 118: Eastern Taiyi Formation

? After Lin Qianmo, Lin Shukang and others left, Pei Junlin immediately ordered the Pei family garden to be blocked and all visitors were banned!

Because, he is going to make an unprecedented transformation to this Pei family garden, so as to benefit everyone who follows him!

The so-called transformation refers not to civil engineering such as decoration and renovation in the mundane, but to a transformation that is only for practitioners-arraying!

Arranging arrays is actually setting up arrays. For a practitioner, simple alchemy, refining, and arrays are the most basic things. This is like the nine-year compulsory education in the mundane world, which is basically necessary for everyone. What you must learn, not any of them, will be laughed at by your peers!

Once in the thousands of worlds, Pei Junlin has seen too many, too many similar formations, as small as a personal hole in heaven and heaven, as large as a mountain gate ... There are formations!

Some superblocks even cover the entire planet!

The full name of these formations is the large mountain guard. The existence of formations not only can gather the aura of heaven and earth, improve the cultivation environment of the practitioner, but also have super powerful defense, warning, and attack functions.

Once the powerful formations are arranged, they can seduce the power of the heavens and the earth, and they can blast some giant monstrous figures into residues, showing the power of formations!

With Pei Junlin's current strength and resources, a powerful matrix method is naturally inadequate and inadequate. You can arrange some simple basic matrix methods to improve the environment, spiritual power, and so on of Pei's garden.

After all, this Pei family garden is the foundation that Pei Junlin has already identified, and it will soon become his home base. Therefore, the action of arranging formations is urgent!

"What? Sir, how should he arrange the formation ?!"

When the butler Hong Tianlei, Yuan Molong and others around him heard Pei Junlin's words, they just stared at each other and stayed where they were.

Although they have long accepted the terrible talents of Pei Junlin, alchemy, etc., but now they have the ability to arrange arrays, they are almost shocked.

Today in martial arts, there are fewer people who can arrange formations than alchemists. Among the 10,000 martial arts, it is unknown whether one or two will arrange formations.

Pei Junlin pointed at the Pei family garden in front of her and said: "My formation will cover the entire Pei family garden, improve the environment here, and the aura of heaven and earth, and make it a blessed place. From then on, this garden is my home base ! "

"The entire Pei family garden ?! Blessed place ?!"

Hong Tianlei, Yuan Molong and others who were already shocked once again scared their heart for a half-beat!

The entire Pei family garden has a total of 2,000 square meters. What is the concept of 2,000 square meters?

Three football fields are so big!

Such a huge place should be covered by the matrix method, which is simply an unthinkable thing, shocking!

There is also a heavenly blessing in this cave. This is simply the place in the legend, is there such a place in reality?

"Well, don't be so surprised. From now on, use your power to help me quickly buy twenty pieces of jade, remember! It must be the kind of best! Then help me find the year, at least it will take a hundred years. The above green pine and cypress are better than a thousand years old! "

Pei Junlin began to talk lightly, and then reported the items needed to arrange the array method, such as some ores, rare metals, crystal stones deep in the sea, etc., which must be prepared within three days.

After Hong Tianlei took command, he immediately turned around and strode away.

"Ah, wait a minute!"

Pei Junlin shouted at the other side, and in Hong Tianlei's surprise, he took a purple cloud marten Yuedan from his pocket and threw it to Hong Tianlei.

"This is my recent refining elixir called Ziyun Min Yueyue Dan. It can help you break through to the realm of master eight grades and even nine grades as soon as possible. Swallow it if you have time! It was the last time you found the spirit. The reward of medicine! "

Hong Tianlei grabbed the elixir quickly and chaotically, and the excited hands were at a loss, let alone the eyes of Yuan Molong and others, full of envy and jealousy.

After Hong Tianlei left quickly, Pei Junlin turned to Yuan Molong and said, "You don't need to be envious. Whoever does great work in the future, I will naturally give you a great reward!"

In fact, he still has a person to reward, that is Aoigawa, but Aoigawa is not present at this moment, and can only stay in another day!

Hong Tianlei's efficiency was extremely fast. In the afternoon of the same day, twenty pieces of jade jade were quickly bought back, and then he left in a hurry after leaving jade. small!

Pei Junlin locked herself in a beautiful courtyard and began the preliminary work of arranging arrays.

He needs to engrave these twenty pieces of jade, one by one, to cast the spell that supports the operation of the entire formation. This is like building the main beam frame of a house. Without these things, the house would be difficult to build.

As for the formation method, Pei Junlin has already decided. The name of the formation method he is about to arrange is-Oriental Taiyi Formation!

The origin of this formation method comes from that Ogi longevity formula, which is a relatively good set of wooden system exercises, which also contains three small formations, which are the spiritual formation, the vine formation, and the most Evergreen array outside.

The gathering of spirits is the core, and its role is to arouse the heaven and earth aura within a hundred-mile radius of the entire Pei family garden, to gather together, thereby improving the environment of the entire Pei family garden.

As for the vine array, it is an array method that disturbs the enemy's sight and confuses the opponent to attack. The vine here is not the ordinary vine, but the vine that has been blessed by Pei Jun's mana. Each one is as tough as cowhide and has strength Once it reaches a certain level, if it breaks in without permission, it will be attacked by the vine array instantly, and eventually it will be trapped or even killed.

The last evergreen formation is a kind of formation that can keep the ten thousand evergreens in the formation, but it also has the function of locking the aura of the formation and preventing leakage as much as possible!

In the quiet courtyard, Pei Jun came to the sky with five hearts, sitting quietly on the ground cross-legged, and in the mid-air in front of him, a green jade lingering in the midst of the air, as he used his finger pen, mana as ink, and hook silver. The action quickly drew an unusually complicated spell in midair.

In the last moment of the spell formation, Pei Junlin exhaled and injected powerful magic into the mid-air floating jade.

Two days later, all twenty jadeite jade pieces were all spelled out by Pei Junlin one by one. At this moment around Pei Junlin's body, the jadeite pieces are no longer pure green and crystalline, instead they have a sense of sacredness. There seemed to be a dragon flying in it, turning clouds and rain.

At this time, Hong Tianlei had not yet returned to collect the materials needed for the other formations. Pei Junlin was not in a hurry. He got up and took twenty pieces of fine jade and walked out of the yard. Where the array is suitable, he buried the superb jade deep in the ground.

After the last piece of the finest jade was buried, Pei Junlin suddenly exclaimed with five fingers and exhaled, "Get up!"

Suddenly, around the originally peaceful Pei's garden, there were 20 turquoise green lights with a little sacred air, reaching more than ten meters, and finally gathered together in the air.

When the twenty rays of light converged, the energy was reflected again, showing an umbrella-like posture, completely enveloping the entire Pei family garden, completely forming a transparent light curtain, and the scenery was beautiful and magnificent!

At this moment, everyone in Pei's gardens and all around them, when they saw this miraculous scene, no matter what they were doing, they froze in action, their faces were incredible.

When some ordinary people saw such miracles, they bowed their heads and bowed their knees, murmured in their mouths, and the gods came!

Even this scene fell outside Pei's garden. In the eyes of the spies from all parties, it was reported directly to the scene, and once again shocked the entire Jiangbei area.

For more than a minute, this miraculous scene only slowly dissipated. In the garden, Pei Junlin felt a lot of spiritual energy gathered in this short moment, nodded slightly, and the effect was not bad. !!

After all, this Eastern Taiyi Formation, but the heaven and earth aura that gathers in a circle of hundreds of miles, even if there is no aura between heaven and earth, such a large range of plunder will instill a place, it will have a great effect.

Now the materials of those formation methods purchased by Hong Tianlei are sent out. Once they are completely replenished, the power of this Eastern Taiyi Formation will be even more exciting!

When the third day came, Pei Junlin was practicing in the courtyard, and suddenly stopped moving, a satisfied smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and Hong Tianlei returned!

Not only that, but in just three days, Hong Tianlei's strength broke through to the realm of Grand Master Bapin, apparently swallowing the Ziyun Yuedan.

Behind Hong Tianlei, there was also a group of horses and horses. Everyone carried a large pile of things in his arms, or simply carried a large piece of thick wood on his shoulders.

Pei Junlin, who detected all this in the consciousness, twitched slightly at the corners of his mouth, but he forgot to tell him that the wood does not need to be so long ~ ~ It only needs to be about one foot long.

Not long, knocking on the door, Hong Tianlei's respectful voice came: "Sir, I'm back!"

Pei Junlin shouted and the door was pushed open. Hong Tianlei led a group of people into the courtyard, and said fistfully, "Sir, I'm lucky! Everything has been purchased, and it will cost you ..."

Pei Junlin reached out and interrupted Hong Tianlei's words and smiled, "It's very good! This time, everyone who contributes will be rewarded with one hundred thousand Chinese tokens. As for you, in the past few days, you should stabilize your master. Make repairs to Bapin! "

Hong Tianlei heard the words, his eyes looked more awe at Pei Junlin, and nodded excitedly.

After everyone left, Pei Junlin got up again, stood in front of a pile of arrayed materials, waved his hand, and opened each package, exposing various colorful arrayed materials ...

"After three days, the Eastern Taiyi Formation will be completely successful!"

"The era that belongs to my Pei Shura will gradually begin ..."

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