Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1185: Devil's Treasure

Only then did Pei Junlin really feel how powerful the Tianjun level characters are. This is only a half-step Tianjun, and he can lose all his strength with one finger. If you encounter a real Tianjun, I am afraid that you have no chance to even do it.

A sense of frustration struck and made Pei Junlin feel deeply insignificant. After all, he felt uncomfortable because he spent a lot of hard work before finally finding the treasure of the long-spoken Devil Emperor, but at the last moment he was taken away by the character in front of him.

The previous thousands of efforts made wedding dresses for others, which made Pei Junlin feel uncomfortable.

"Your body is not good now. You have to go into Shengxianchi to practice it before you deserve the old man. Let's go, little boy." The black shadow smiled.

Pei Junlin felt that his body was being dragged by a force, following him behind him.

Dark shadow seems to be familiar with the road here, constantly changing direction.

"Hehehehe, there is still a lot of preparations for Changer's Lao Er, is it for the test to choose a successor?" The black shadow issued a non-vocal laughter, which was horrifying.

Only then did Pei Junlin discover that what was standing in front of him was a water-like portal. It is difficult to pass through this portal unless it has different strengths.

But this shadow is not ordinary, half-step Tianjun's strength.

A claw hit, the sound of ghost roaring between the sky and the earth instantly, a gust of wind blowing over it, as if standing on the sea.

Pei Junlin saw that the water curtain wall in front of him was torn open, and then the black shadow grabbed Pei Junlin and said, and he led Pei Junlin into it in an instant.

Pei Junlin was shocked. If he was allowed to face this water curtain wall, he had absolutely no power to get in. This water curtain wall needs at least 20 million dragons to tear.

"Isn't my mind balanced now? The emperor who hates forever is not an ordinary person. The successor he chooses is mediocre. It's absolutely impossible. You don't have the strength. Even if you can get here with the gate of hell, you can only stare." Jun Lin's thoughts gave a cold smile.

Pei Jun was silent, he knew that what he said now had no meaning, he had become a veritable puppet.

In other words, in the eyes of Guizun's dark shadow, he Pei Junlin is a pair of skin bags, just like a piece of clothing. After waiting to enter the fairy pool to improve his physique, he will be directly taken away by him.

Lord Jin was silent at this time, as if he had fallen into silence, and he had a very good understanding with Pei Junlin.

Soon another portal was blocked in front of him, but in the eyes of the shadow, it was not a problem at all. After grabbing the sky, it was a ghost. This portal was blasted again by violent dismantling.

Pei Junlin is also shocked in his heart. After all, Tianjun's strength has reached this point. If he is a real Tianjun, how strong can he be?

Even a breath can blow down a mountain.

After passing through this portal, the black figure gave a smug smile again, pointing to the broken gate behind him and saying, "Don't look at me, I broke the portal with a punch. If it's impossible for someone else to come in, even if It is impossible for a character of Tianjun level to want to enter this portal, hehe, only me..."

Speaking of what seemed to be a fear of losing some secrets at the end, the shadow did not go on.

Soon the third level came again. This level shocked Pei Junlin very much. It turned out to be a piece of yellow sand, but this piece of yellow sand was not simple. All the yellow sand was suspended in the air, forming a sand fog barrier. Densely spinning continuously.

The sand floated in the air and flowed continuously, like a golden glow.

At this moment, the black shadow faced this piece of sand, but his eyes were extremely dignified. Pei Junlin could feel that the shadow was nervous for the first time.

"I didn't expect that Chang Heng Lao Er had penetrated the power of time and space and prepared a door to time and space again. Don't look away, these suspended things are not sand, but the power of time." That ghost shadow cold Sneered.

When the palm of his hand turned over, a lower-grade spirit weapon appeared in the hands of ghosts, and he threw the spirit treasure into the sky of yellow sand.

Soon within the range visible to the naked eye of Pei Junlin, that piece of Lingbao gradually lost its brilliance and finally fell to the ground. And it began to decay at a rate visible to the naked eye. In less than half a minute, this inferior Lingbao turned into a pile of dust.

"I'm afraid that the time inside is a few thousand years in an instant. The speed of time passing is our normal time and space. The speed of the time and space of Xuanhuang World is countless times." The black shadow seemed to be told to Pei Junlin, and it seemed to show himself Know a lot.

Pei Junlin was very shocked when he heard it. He didn't expect that the elder hatred Demon Emperor had arranged a space-time vortex before him.

If ordinary people get into it by mistake, I am afraid that Shou Yuan will be exhausted in an instant.

The most powerful weapon in the world is time. Nothing is immortal. Even if you are trained to the level of a Tianjun, Shou Yuan is limited and cannot live forever.

"You have only three or five years left in Shouyuan. If you fall into the vortex of time and space, I am afraid that you will completely rot and die in the blink of an eye." The ghost seemed to be a little bit troubled, and was thinking about whether to give up Pei Junlin.

But in the end his eyes flashed, and he didn't seem to be determined.

"I have been observing your skin for a long time in secret, and countless luck has enveloped it. In the whole world of Xuanhuang, you are the son of several destinies. If you can take your house and occupy your destiny, I will definitely All the way smoothly, it may even break through to the fairyland." The dark shadow muttered to himself.

In the end she seemed to have made up her mind and reached out with a finger to Pei Junlin's eyebrows. Soon Pei Junlin felt that her Shouyuan was rapidly increasing. In just a blink of an eye, Shou Yuan was completely full, and the old face also regained the vitality of young people.

After doing all this, the black shadow no longer hesitated, and a magic weapon flew up into a snail shell. A snail shell was extremely wide, and it did not seem too crowded to carry Pei Junlin with them. The two hid in this pair of snail shells. The snail shells turned into a dark light, and rushed into the vortex of space and time without hesitation.

Pei Junlin, who had been destined to destiny, could not help but feel tight at this time. The terrible vortex of time and space was that Pei Junlin had seen it. If there is no certain strength in it, I am afraid that he will die instantly.

But at this time, the treasure brought out by this ghost did not know whether it could hold back time?

"What are you worrying about? Since the old man dared to jump into this vortex of time, he was completely sure. Don't underestimate this pair of snail shells. This is a treasure made by the shell of the space-time snail, which can resist the corrosion of time. Ordinary people wear it This snail shell, Shou Yuan can be stretched at least ten times, and cultivated in it for ten years, only one year outside." This ghost image is showing, and it seems to be showing off.

But Pei Junlin was completely shocked when he heard these words. Putting on this snail shell can slow down the speed of time ten times. Doesn't it mean that Shou Yuan directly magnifies ten times?

If you have an enemy, then wear this snail shell and practice for a hundred years to defeat the other party, that is not a problem at all.

Pei Junlin silently looked at this forged baby with a time-space snail shell, and his heart thumped.

"Do you know what is the most important role of fairy tools? It is to reverse the time and space. In some fairy devices, the time flow rate can be controlled by yourself. This is the power of fairy devices." Black Shadow kept talking nonsense with Pei Junlin when he was shuttled. Seems to dispel his own inner fear.

Suddenly, this snail shell violently oscillated, a glimmer of light floated in and fell on Pei Junlin's body.

Pei Junlin immediately felt Shou Yuan's rapid decline, and even Shou Yuan was half-folded in an instant.

The black shadow also noticed that something was wrong, and suddenly shouted, and a black air rewrapped Pei Junlin and rushed toward the vortex of time and space.

In the blink of an eye, Pei Junlin felt that the power of time outside seemed to weaken a lot.

"Haha, I hate the old man, you didn't think that the treasures you collected all your life and painstakingly would finally be cheaper for me." The ghost put away the snail shells, and there was a proud look on his face.

Pei Junlin squeezed a sweat in his heart. If he hadn't encountered this ghost this time, I'm afraid he wanted to enter the treasure of the Devil Emperor, which is unlikely. The gate of **** is just the key to open the gate, and he can't get through the levels inside.

Appearing in front of Pei Junlin is a magnificent hall, the degree of magnificence is hard to express in words. All kinds of magic qi, all kinds of statues are unbearable.

There is a large bone throne at the top. UU reading is exactly the same as the bone throne used by the former Nakku Demon. More than ten thousand times more powerful.

The imagination is full of materials, and the scene of Tianyuan jade did not appear. The interior of the entire hall was empty, and Pei Junlin could not help but feel a little disappointed. This is far from the legendary treasure. The style of painting seems to be a bit not right.

"What kind of person do you think the Devil Emperor has long hated? How can ordinary treasures get into his dharma eyes, if he left you with some things, magical artifacts, and other things, he simply humiliated his identity. Tell you, this Devil Emperor In the treasure, there will never be the kind of low-level baby you think." The Mo Ying seemed to see Pei Junlin's thoughts and reproved.

Pei Junlin is now soft, even walking is a problem, floating like a puppet behind this magic shadow, it is naturally impossible to speak, even if he wants to speak.

"The most important thing here is the supreme magic power of the devil, these things are the things that the hate devil emperor pays most attention to, and each of them is extremely powerful. The legendary big shattered palm is the magic power of the long hate devil emperor. One Palm down, the sky is going to punch a hole." This dark shadow seems to be extremely yearning, with a terrifying light in his eyes.

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