Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1195: Tough Heavenly King

There was a cold hum in the starry sky, and a gigantic wave swelled from the entire outer space of the earth, and even a hole appeared in the earth's atmosphere.

The two cold eyes are like the moon hanging in the sky, giving a very cold feeling. Obviously it was a hot summer day, but suddenly the sky became dark, and the whole earth was covered with a layer of darkness. This is the power of the true monarch level strong.

A blood-red ray shone across the clouds and came directly to Pei Jun. It was a small meteorite with a diameter of about ten kilometers.

The energy brought by such a meteorite is almost ruined.

"No, Putuo Zhenjun actually used all his special skills." Someone in the live room immediately dumbfounded when he saw this scene.

"It's over, you are all right. Why are you stimulating him? This meteorite smashed over, I am afraid that a city will be wiped out in an instant." Jin Ye was speechless for a while.

Although Pei Junlin has now practiced the Star Eucharist and is not afraid of blows, the one-strike of the true monarch can still make Pei Junlin hurt, even if the person is not dead, but the entire earth will be hit hard.

Although this meteorite will not penetrate the earth, the huge shock wave and climate have great impact. The tsunami and natural disaster caused by the butterfly effect will make the earth into a lot of difficulties.

Pei Junlin stomped his body into a meteor, and even struck the falling meteorite in the past. He would directly destroy the meteorite with his body.

Countless people were stunned by this scene, and Pei Junlin even wanted to use a real body to greet a powerful person of the real level.

"Isn't this man crazy?" Someone in the live broadcast made a mocking voice.

But there are also many people who are worried because the gods and goddesses in their family are still in the hands of Pei Junlin at this time. If Pei Junlin dies, their outstanding descendants will surely be buried for Pei Junlin.

In the live room of the Thor platform, many people also scolded Naputuo Tianjun.

"If it is just a blow of the Tianjun level, your body can be fully caught, but this trick is different, which contains the scourge, if you reach for it, you will be hurt." A faint voice in Pei Junlin's Ringing in the ears.

This voice is elegant and solemn, giving people a sense of loyalty. Pei Junlin can't see people, but he can feel the kindness of the person who made the voice.

A pale gold leaf fluttered down from the sky, and eventually grew quickly, directly wrapping the falling meteorite.

Countless people were stunned when they saw this scene. They didn't know what happened, and even Putuo Tianjun standing outside the sky became very cold.

A middle-aged man appeared out of thin air and came to Pei Junlin's side. Ling Kong stood empty and Pei Junlin.

"Thank you senior for your life-saving grace." Pei Junlin's eyes shined, feeling the extraordinary middle-aged man in front of him.

A middle-aged man in a blue gown looks like an ancient Confucian. And it's the kind of talented, knowledgeable generation.

"The way the senior just did is really strange. The first time the younger saw it, it felt like a formation and a fu." Pei Junlin was very curious, even if he still echoed the scene just now in his mind.

A thin piece of paper can withstand the blow of the Tianjun level strong man. This is incredible for Pei Junlin. There is no spark and there is no earth-shattering. That putuo Tianjun Xeon's one blow was wiped out invisible.

You have to know that a meteorite with a diameter of 10 kilometers landed, carrying as much energy as hundreds of nuclear bombs. Such powerful energy was absorbed so silently. Some of the things contained in it made people shudder.

Either this middle-aged man is an extremely strong man, and his strength is far higher than that of Tianjun. Either he is a team leader, and he has reached the peak in this regard.

Pei Junlin himself is more inclined to the second kind of statement, because he suddenly felt that the man in front of him was the legendary genius king in the ancient times?

Of course, this is just an intuition for Pei Junlin. The intuition tells him that the person standing in front of him is the genius Wang Zhong, and the large formation outside the earth is also done by Wang Zhong.

"Actually, I have been observing you, but you don't know my existence. You are very good, a very good junior. I once deduced your fate for you, but that time I was injured and backed up for a full year, I just recovered." The green-robed man looked at Pei Junlin with a smile, like an elder from Pei Junlin, who inexplicably made people feel good.

"Oh, the seniors have been paying attention to the juniors for so long, so why not show up and guide?" Pei Junlin was somewhat flattered.

The Qingpao man shook his head, his eyes turned bitter. He looked out of the sky, and seemed to be staring at Naputuo Tianjun.

Soon Pei Junlin felt that the cold air that enveloped him slowly faded away, it seemed that Putuo Tianjun had already left.

"The large array outside the earth was indeed arranged by me back then, but after so many years, this large array has become unbearable, and coupled with repeated attacks by people with ulterior motives, it is now on the verge of collapse." The Qingpao man sighed.

At this time, there is no need to say anything at all. The identity of the other party is almost ready. Pei Junlin can almost be determined in his heart. This man's name is Wang Zhong. It should be the addition of an era of kendo genius in the ancient times. Characters of an era.

Looking at the pale-robe man in front of him, Pei Junlin couldn't help but have a kind of reverence.

"Some of the things above the formation, I intend to teach you all in the near future." The eyes of the man in the green robe looked at Pei Junlin's words with breathlessness and endlessness.

Pei Junlin didn't show too surprised expression on his face, he was just thinking about a question, why this Wang Zhong did not arrange a fairy array again.

"I still have the Great Earth Array in my body, although it is about to collapse, but I can also say that I will repair it now. I will come to you after a month, and I will take you to a place when this time. Time, do you arrange the matter at hand?" After leaving a sentence, the Qingpao man Wang Zhong disappeared directly in the same place without a shadow.

"This person should be a strong person at the level of a true monarch, but his strength seems to be falling sharply, and the fire of life is very weak." Jin Ye's voice passed into Pei Junlin's ears.

Pei Junlin nodded, and this time he was attacked by the Putuo Zhenjun. Pei Junlin had to think about some things. It seems that only Kunlun Mountain is the safest place at the moment, so Pei Junlin took the cattle demon king and the **** donkey and others back to the Wanlun Palace in Kunlun Mountain.

"Did you say that Putuo Zhenjun was real to die? Is there any other Yayoi blood curse sounding scary." The crowd just reached the Demon Palace, the **** donkey grabbed Pei Junlin and kept asking.

The donkey's revenge is still very strong, he takes Pei Junlin as a true friend. Earlier, I saw Pei Junlin fled in a hurry by a real monarch outside the region.

"Of course it is true, but it is still a bit difficult to curse the Putuo Zhenjun Pharaoh eight. It is simple to curse his children and grandchildren." Pei Junlin's face showed a somber smile.

The **** cow bull demon standing beside was not optimistic at this time. He shook his head and shook his huge cow head and said: "I know the Yayoi Blood Curse, it is a very vicious curse, even in the ancient times. It's an annoying change. But this curse has a fatal flaw, that is, it costs Shou Yuan. If you want to curse a person like Putuo Zhenjun, it will cost at least 100,000 years of life."

"Don't wait until the others haven't been cursed to death by you. You will consume Shouyuan and die completely." Niu Mowang left the yard with everyone, leaving only Pei Junlin and Big Black Donkey.

"Don't worry, brother, today you are bullied, and I see it in my eyes too. The old Putuo thing will catch him sooner or later and eat it in the pot." The **** donkey stretched out the big donkey's hoof on Pei Junlin's shoulder Patted on.

Pei Junlin shook his head and looked at the **** donkey: "You really don't believe me, believe that old cow, don't I have any credibility when I talk? I said that curse is naturally curse."

In a dark room, Pei Junlin directly opened the live broadcast of the Thor platform.

Some demon tribes outside the region saw Pei Junlin start broadcasting, and soon a large number of demon tribes were integrated into the live broadcast room. The explosion of the barrage was quickly brushed, some mocked Pei Junlin, and some expressed surprise that Pei Junlin could survive. More people are asking about Pei Junlin, some things about the arrested gods and goddesses.

Pei Junlin announced in the live broadcast room, UU reading www. will hold an auction three days later. At that time, those gods and goddesses will be auctioned at a certain price.

The news immediately caused a sensation among the demon clan outside the domain. Some families with gods or goddesses arrested by Pei Junlin were immediately ecstatic.

Then Pei Junlin announced the second news. He wanted to curse the descendants of Putuo Zhenjun on the spot.

Hearing this news, the entire live broadcast room was boiling. The number of people directly doubled in a short period of time. On average, every minute you receive a gift for a reward, you are soft. In just less than half an hour of live broadcasting, a billion yuan of Tianyuan jade was harvested.

The **** donkey looked round and stared, seeing so many Tianyuanyu's envious harazi flowing out.

"Everyone will work harder, the number will reach 2 billion, and the Tianyuan jade gift will reach 10 billion. Tonight, he will curse the descendants of Putuo Zhenjun." Pei Junlin spoke in the live broadcast room.

As soon as this remark came out, it caused a turbulent turmoil, and the entire live broadcast room was completely boiled. Gifts, cursing questions, and various bullets were flying all over the sky.

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