Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1197: Scattered boy

There is Kunlun Mountain as a barrier here, but Pei Junlin does not worry about that Putuo Zhenjun took the opportunity to sneak attack.

"Hello everyone, I am the Demon King of Niu. I am now hosting this auction." The Demon King of Niu is wearing a shiny suit and combing his big back.

Wearing sunglasses, the majestic walk into the live camera.

This scene immediately caused a burst-like reaction in Pei Junlin's live broadcast room. Many people who came in for the first time didn't know what Pei Junlin looked like, and regarded Big Black Bull as Pei Junlin.

"It is said that Pei Junlin is a human race. Obviously, the demon clan and the demon clan outside our domain have the same root." Some people shouted in the live broadcast room, unknown.

With an auction experience, this time the demon clan is very familiar with Pei Junlin's auction routine, and actively took a large amount of money to invest his favor to redeem the clan who originally belonged to the clan.

But this time Pei Junlin raised the price higher, especially those female demon clan, they are only too beautiful. If you take out the auction, the buyer is not necessarily their original race. There will even be some secret buyers who will buy these women at a high price. As for the purpose and end, it is self-evident.

After one episode, Pei Junlin easily harvested hundreds of billions of Tianyuan jade, but this wealth is nothing to the current Pei Junlin.

The important thing is that these **** sons and goddesses who were auctioned by Pei Junlin have actually planted the seeds of obedience in Pei Junlin's heart.

His practice of saving people can even make people die in a short time. These people who have been auctioned by Pei Junlin have basically been convinced by Pei Junlin. It's just that Pei Junlin has restored their original wisdom, and even their own hearts may not know that they have already been controlled by Pei Junlin.

When these gods and goddesses return to their original race, it is Pei Junlin's natural eyeliner. As long as Pei Junlin wants to see everything they see, anytime, anywhere.

After the auction ended successfully, Pei Junlin came directly to Shenquanzong. Before the people of God Boxing Sect discovered that someone had invaded the area, a large pill of immortality fell directly from the sky and piled up in the yard to form two piles of hills. Everyone who saw this scene was shocked.

Tang Shaobai, the young master of the Shenquan Sect, flew out of the palace. After seeing Pei Junlin, he was relieved, but he was shocked when he saw two piles of immortality.

Even during the ancient times, when the earth was in the most material-rich age, these two pairs of immortals were huge amounts. In those days, people who could take out so many medicines were rare.

"What does this mean?" Tang Shaobai's face changed, and his voice was shaking.

"There is no other meaning, it is simply a series of doors to bring you a small gift." Pei Junlin smiled hey.

Immediately in the shocking look of Tang Shaobai and others, Pei Junlin was in the air for a while, stepping on the Baiyuxian Bridge under his feet, and disappeared in place instantly. When he appeared again, Pei Junlin appeared in the Yuan Family of the Nine Great Supreme Family.

This time, two large piles of elixirs fell from the sky and landed on the ground, which surprised the entire Yuan family. Pei Junlin went to visit Teacher Yuan Ping and saw the two narrate. After a while, Pei Junlin left directly.

The remaining eight supreme families Pei Junlin also walked through it one by one, and also sent a lot of immortality medicine, so that these supreme families will make rapid progress in a short time.

At the same time, the military personnel also received a large number of Pei Junlin's elixir gifts, this time more, full of two large warehouses.

The fact that Pei Junlin is everywhere to be a wealthy boy and gifting high-priced elixirs has spread to all directions, and almost everyone knows it.

As the food for the cultivator, no medicine dislikes it, and no one does not want it, but what Pei Junlin is doing now makes people feel that he is crazy.

So much wealth is spread directly, it is almost lifeless.

The joy of getting a panacea is naturally grateful to Pei Junlin. Those who did not get the panacea whispered in their hearts, and their envious eyes turned red. For example, some people in the Tonggu Alliance committed a whisper in their hearts.

There are some **** supporters of extraterrestrial monsters who dismissed Pei Junlin’s gift of immortality, but there were also some people who didn’t want to join in with other extraterrestrial monsters at this time. Many people are connected in secret.

These days Pei Junlin stayed on Kunlun Mountain and waited for the ancient master Wang Zhong to come to find him, but these days he was not idle, endless stream, and cultivators came to Kunlun Mountain to rush to Pei Junlin.

These people Pei Junlin did not ask about the past, the future, nor their strength. They were all gifts of immortality. They would be able to receive a large amount of immortality as long as they came here.

Pei Junlin can't even stop this wasteful behavior even if it is the Demon King. He feels that Pei Junlin is just a violent disaster. Whatever the so many medicines are doing, it is necessary to spread them all.

But for Pei Junlin, it's not too big a thing. He now has the tree of life, practicing the five emperors' magical powers, and the blood pot melting pot to continuously consolidate the panacea. There is no shortage of such things.

"That Pei Junlin spreads the panacea everywhere, it's nothing more than buying people's hearts. This panacea can be taken by others, why can't we take it? Or let's go to Kunlun Mountain and try our luck." The strong of the youngsters showed a greedy look.

Seeing that more and more people are getting the pill medicine, these people are not calm, they are eager to try, and they want to go to Kunlun Mountain to ask for some pill medicine, after all, these pill medicine do not take nothing.

"When ordinary people go to Kunlun Mountain, I asked, the average person can only get 10,000 Tianyuan jade. But it is also a wealth of wealth for our practitioners, but I feel that it is far from enough. A big event, a fierce knock on Pei Junlin." One of the young men with long faces was full of breath with his hands, and should be the leader of this group of young people in Tonggu League.

"Brother Jin, what's your opinion? Pei Junlin is very powerful, but don't spare a side, if you want to grab something from him, it's death." Several other people quickly came over and persuaded.

The face of the man named Brother Jin changed, and there was an unhappy look on his face: "Who said I was going to grab something from that Pei Junlin, I just want to sell him a message, as for this news? Hey ."

Seeing Brother Jin's face with a faint smile, several young people in the Tonggu Alliance knew that this Brother Jin had always worked hard and was known as the poisonous Langjun.

What this person is most good at is to use various poison schemes to design and frame opponents. In the Taikoo years, countless people died under the poison of Jun Lang Jinyuan, and they were all killed by him.

"Haha, I believe that Brother Jin and King Jin are ready to take it, even if it is Pei Junlin, as long as Brother Jin is willing to shoot him, he will be pitted to death. I heard that Pei Junlin has a large sum of wealth medicine, and even a fairy. Fragment, if we can get these things, then it must be rich overnight." The young man was excited.

It seemed as if there was a golden mountain and a silver mountain before them. Ren Ping and they went to dig.

"Several cannons came down from the mountain. I had to meet you and said that there are important secrets to tell you in person." The **** donkey was very upset and unhappy.

Although Pei Junlin handed over the control of a large amount of wealth to him, but after a long time, the **** donkey also found that this was simply a chore.

To receive the endless stream of people who are going to receive the Elixir, it is simply a boring job. Many people refused to leave after taking the medicine. They even wanted more. Some people even stupidly sold them. Others wanted to get it for the second time. The **** donkey was also exhausted these days, and it broke his heart.

"There are some secrets to tell me, bring them in." Pei Junlin waved his hand towards the **** donkey.

These two sisters Wang Ziqiong and Wang Ziyu have also come to Kunlun Mountain these days. Wang Ziyu has successfully broken into the realm of Yang Shen. However, Wang Ziqiong is only one line away, so these days Pei Junlin is explaining to Wang Qiong Qi some confusions about cultivation and helping him to break through the bottleneck, and Pei Junlin also collected some spirits to help Wang Ziqiong refine a furnace medicine.

Brother Jin took five people into the hall where Pei Junlin was located. When he saw Pei Junlin, Brother Jin showed a somber smile on his face.

"A few of them are from the Tonggu Alliance? I haven't seen many people on your side recently. I heard that I'm old and have no food to eat." Pei Junlin smiled.

In a single mouth, I gave Brother Jin a few people to dismount, and as expected, after Pei Junlin said something, Brother Jin couldn't hold his face, and the rest of the Tonggu Alliance's recovery strongmen were all furious, very angry.

"If you want to get some panacea from me, don't be so aggressive, you are obviously asking for food and pretending to be a protagonist. Remember, your current strength is in front of Not shit. I can kill you all with just one finger." Pei Junlin stared coldly at Brother Jin and others.

Several Tonggu Alliance recovery powerhouses were swept away by Pei Junlin's eyes, and the **** body immediately seemed to be frozen, standing on the spot and trembling.

This is the coercion of the real **** realm, Pei Junlin even exceeds the normal real **** realm by a large section.

But Brother Jin was indeed a character, deserved to be the name of poisonous Lang Jun, but with a smile, he quickly got rid of the coercion of Pei Junlin.

"Tonggu Alliance is not close to the extraterrestrial demon clan, there are many people who just want to defend the earth, Pei Junlin, I know you are spreading panacea like this, I want to improve strength in a short time." Brother Jin said through The purpose of Pei Junlin.

"This matter is well known to everyone, and I didn't hide it. What do you mean?" Pei Junlin stared at each other coldly, making Brother Jin a little embarrassed.

He just wanted to show off his cleverness, even if he knew that Pei Junlin wouldn't buy it at all, he wouldn't even bother to do so.

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