Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1200: Earth guardian

"The so-called guardians of the earth, that is, the guardians of the planet, have inherited from generation to generation over the years, but the guardians are extremely mysterious and their identity is unknown to the outside world." Wang Zhong's words also solved the final doubts of Pei Junlin.

The two walked along the lake. The lake was full of fallen leaves, and they stepped on these yellow leaves, making a crunching sound.

Pieces of leaves fell from the sky, and Pei Junlin's mood was also ups and downs. Ears accompanied by something from Wang Zhongsuo said, let Pei Junlin experience many ups and downs in his heart.

It seems that Pei Junlin is gradually fascinated, and only hears Wang Zhong's words in his ear: "Would you like to be the guardian of the earth?"

These words kept echoing in Pei Junlin's mind, and Pei Junlin also tortured himself. Once he accepted the title of Guardian of the Earth, it also represented a responsibility.

If everything that Pei Junlin did before was spontaneous, then the appearance of Wang Zhong directly gave Pei Junlin a moral support. If Pei Junlin took over the earth to guard this banner, then he would exhaust his life I'm afraid they are entangled with the earth.

"I do." Pei Junlin's eyes fixed on the distant treasure house, and finally said such a sentence.

As soon as the words fell, the Wang Zhong in front of him disappeared, replaced by a deep channel, which was a miniature wormhole. Without any hesitation, Pei Junlin jumped in directly, only feeling that his eyes were dark, and soon came to a desolate planet.

"Go, to be a guardian, your way is difficult, I can't help you, it all depends on you to accept the inheritance." Wang Zhong's voice passed into Pei Junlin's ear.

It was Pei Junlin who actually saw a strange sight, and the clothes on Wang Zhong's body began to burn gradually, as if there was a surging energy squeezing towards him.

"I'm running out of time. I'll try to explain you something. I have repaired the fairy array outside the earth. According to my estimation, there is no problem in insisting for another year, but after one year, there is no way." Wang Zhong He watched Pei Junlin's tone lighter and weaker.

At this time, Pei Junlin discovered that Wang Zhong's whole body was burning with flames, and those runes gradually disappeared, and the place where the runes disappeared was where Wang Zhong's body turned into dust.

With Wang Zhong's last word falling, his body finally disappeared completely, and disappeared between heaven and earth. Pei Junlin could feel that Wang Zhong's soul also disappeared, or that he went to another plane.

Pei Junlin clenched the fish-shaped jade in his hand. He felt this was something that Wang Zhong left to himself. Wang Zhong will not easily hand over something as ordinary as himself. This jade pendant definitely contains some secrets of that Wang Zhong, but he did not say so directly.

Pei Junlin opened the star map, but found that it could not be located at all. Here, even Raytheon’s star chart cannot detect it, locate it here.

Where is this planet? Pei Junlin did not know, but only knew that she came here through a wormhole, watching all around, all desolate.

In addition to stone, it is a vast universe.

Pei Junlin walked on the surface of the stars without feeling any fluctuation of life, and finally he saw a palace. The shape of the palace is extremely rustic, like a cone-shaped house of the primitive tribe.

"Open a passageway to the far distance of the starry sky..." A low voice came down to Pei Junlin's ear.

But Pei Junlin was not surprised. Time passed by like a shuttle, and the entire planet was in a solid state. It was like a giant phonograph. It is not surprising to hear some sounds.

On the contrary, the only tall palace in the eyes, Wang Zhong said that the inheritance should be in that palace, Pei Junlin walked towards the palace, step by step.

Underfoot is a substance similar to volcanic ash, showing a very fine powder, but when you step on it, you feel a soft feeling.

Pei Junlin Pei Junlin walked toward the huge hall step by step with a pilgrimage mentality. Eventually came to the front of this hall, it took a full hour.

Mottled scores, scribbled handwriting.

On the outer wall of this palace, Pei Junlin saw many things left by civilization. These are all known by the words Pei Junlin, and there are chapters of teachers and teachers portrayed above, as well as prospects for the future.

These things should be left behind by the guardians of the earth. Pei Junlin looked up at the plaque on the huge palace and said that he guarded the hall.

Pei Junlin never hesitated anymore. Since Wang Zhong died, he has no retreat, only to move forward and accept the inheritance.

One step into the hall, Pei Junlin seemed to have come to another space. This hall is very old, among which some saints of the human race are among the three emperors and five emperors, as well as some ancient figures, which are impressively listed.

But these are sculptures, not real people.

The whole hall gave Pei Junlin a very solemn feeling. When you enter here, your hard work seems to be burning, your scalp is numb, and there are human tragedies in your ears.

The whispered whisper seems to be telling of the unyielding resistance of the human race, and some people read the history of blood and tears rising step by step.

"Candidate, do you want to accept the guardian inheritance? Please confirm!" A voice resembling a machine came.

Pei Junlin was not surprised. Wang Zhong was already dead, indicating that there is no real life on this planet. This statement is most likely a mechanical life left in ancient times.

"I'm sure, accept the guardian heritage." Pei Junlin's tone revealed an undoubted emotion.

With Pei Junlin's voice, the scenery in front of him gradually changed, just like the transformation of time and space, a holographic three-dimensional picture immediately appeared around him.

A huge stone monument was erected in front of Pei Junlin, with countless runes carved on them, which, like tadpoles, continuously radiated a faint golden light while swimming.

When Pei Junlin's eyes fell on the stele, he could no longer move away, because he knew this was the most mysterious guardian heritage.

What does the guardian use to protect the earth?

Of course, the formation method!

That Wang Zhong can use the mortal flesh and blood to set up the fairy formation, must rely on the guardian heritage.

Before Pei Junlin did not know this secret, but now everything is relieved, maybe only this guardian inheritance can have such a huge magic power.

The things written on this inscription, Pei Junlin gradually realized the depth, these runes one by one turned into extremely interesting things in Pei Junlin's eyes.

His eyes are getting brighter and brighter, and all the spirits and spirits are integrated into this stone tablet, as if Pei Junlin is a more ancient stone tablet on the front.

Pei Junlin is like a dry sponge, desperately absorbing some of the knowledge that has been spread. His spirit was shaking, his mood was resonating, every inch of flesh and blood was cheering.

This one-by-one rune is integrated into your body, and the mind and spirit make him seem to have a strong resonance with the stele.

"Guardian's Book." Pei Junlin finally mumbled to herself, she knew that the stone tablet was actually a book.

Some of the things described above can be described as the ultimate secret of this universe, and the reason why Wang Zhong can use the runes to fight death is also to use the runes inherited on the stele.

I don’t know the most mysterious secret of this heaven and earth to the distant past, it inherits the heaven and earth material, this most simple kind of structure. A simple rune can form a formation, using the power of heaven and earth to exert great power.

In the past, Pei Junlin felt that he had made some achievements in the formation, and had some understanding of the formation, but when faced with the face, Pei Junlin suddenly realized that he was too naive and too small.

Seeing those formations is like one plus one in kindergarten, it's not worth it. The thing on the stone tablet in front of him made Pei Junlin feel the deepest secret, and seemed to have seen something.

Gradually, the stele was shrouded in a layer of light, and Pei Junlin seemed to have entered a time and space. In a word, you have entered the real **** realm, and you have a certain understanding of time and space, so now he can feel that the speed of time in this space becomes extremely slow, and staying here for a year outside may be only a moment.

Without the influence of the passage of time, Pei Junlin can study more here with greater concentration and peace of mind. He sits on the ground and closes his eyes. The runes in the stele flow like tadpoles in the air, and finally get into Pei Junlin. Eyebrows.

One year passed, ten years passed, a hundred years passed...

Sitting there alone is like a piece of dead wood, his beard hair gradually growing out. Dust covered Pei Junlin, and the dust gradually solidified, making Pei Junlin look like a stone carving.

Pei Junlin is deducing and practicing in his heart, and countless arrays are in his mind like a supercomputer.

Pei Junlin opened his eyes and shot a fine light in his stone carving on the body surface slowly cracked, and Pei Junlin stood up.

"I'm leaving here." Pei Junlin said, looking up at the boundless starry sky.

The voice of mechanical life came again, without any emotion: "Guardian inheritance is only once, are you sure you want to leave here? Once you leave here, there will be no chance to arrive, the second time."

"I'm sure." Pei Junlin did not hesitate, his eyes filled with firmness.

Because it can be determined that all the inheritance here is understood by him, and now he is already a qualified guardian.

"The guardian will get a weapon reward, you choose it." The voice still does not have any emotion.

Immediately after Pei Junlin felt an impulse in front of him, he returned to the hall, and at this time eighteen weapons appeared in the hall.

Each of these weapons is extremely powerful and exudes a strong breath.

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