Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1202: Old monk

To say that this is a monk is better to say that he is a monk, because it comes from the West, and the faith is not exactly the same as the East.

It was an old man, wearing a costume similar to a cassock, and walked **** the snowy mountain. But around this old man, Pei Junlin felt an ethereal breath, like a snowflake.

"Old gentleman stayed." Pei Junlin walked up.

The old man turned his head and looked at Pei Junlin strangely. The two people couldn't understand the language at all, but Pei Junlin had already cultivated to the level of spiritual true god, and his brain developed far beyond ordinary people.

A language only takes a moment for Pei Junlin, so soon Pei Junlin can directly communicate with each other.

Soon Pei Junlin figured it out. The purpose of this person is to come to this snow mountain in order to worship, but to meet a kind of magical alien, that is, a fairy in Western legend.

"Young man, you should leave. Once people without faith set foot on this mountain, they will be attacked by snow monsters." The old man kindly reminded Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin is not a snow monster at all. It is nothing in Pei Junlin's eyes. Before entering Flame Mountain, Pei Junlin intends to go to this snow mountain to see if there are snow monsters and legendary elves.

Pei Junlin walked slowly, but left no figure on the mountain road. In the eyes of ordinary people, Pei Junlin stepped forward step by step, but in Pei Junlin's own opinion, he was shrunk into an inch. Ascending the snowy mountain, Pei Junlin only took a few steps.

Above this vast snow mountain, there is a temple, but this temple seems to be inhabited alone, but at this time no one is in it.

Pei Junlin had just stepped into the temple to find out. Suddenly he heard a roar. He turned around and saw a truck-like lion, scorpion and beast staring at him.

This lion scorpion looks like a lion, except that its tail is a poison hook. Legend has it that this lion, scorpion and beast are extremely vicious, and the people who keep it are often ill-mannered and misbehaving.

"Little Lion, your master is not at home? What do you want to do, grinning at my teeth, be careful that I pull out all the teeth in your mouth." Pei Junlin smiled and didn't care.

The lion, scorpion and beast like a small truck are actually similar to kittens and puppies in Pei Junlin's eyes. Humans and animals are harmless, and they do not pose a threat to him at all.

But this lion and scorpion obviously didn't think so. Pei Junlin's economic appearance was similar to that of an ordinary person. This lion, scorpion and beast regarded Pei Junlin as a weak bully. He stretched out his tongue and opened his mouth. There is an appetite in it.

"Good guy, you have a pair of eyes that are totally useless, and even treat me as your food. I warn you again, I don't want to deal with you. If you do it first, it is another matter." Pei Jun Lin smiled, he planned to leave here.

I was at this time, but the lion, scorpion and beast suddenly started, and suddenly lifted huge claws towards Pei Junlin and swept over directly.

If it was swept by this claw, even if it was a Pak Alchemist, I am afraid that it would be broken directly. Pei Junlin did not evade. He stood on the spot with a punch and hit the lion, scorpion and beast.

Only hearing a click, the huge paw of the lion, scorpion and beast was flew out with a punch by Pei Junlin, and was cut off directly from its leg.

The lion, the scorpion and the beast were abducted by Pei Junlin at once, and suddenly hurt. But he deserves to be a lion, scorpion, demon and animal nature. Although he was injured, he still rushed towards Pei Junlin again.

The body turned into a faint red light, and the huge tail came towards Pei Junlin like a spear.

The mixed-world magic gun behind Pei Junlin didn't wait for Pei Junlin to take action, he automatically made a trick, slammed through an arc in the sky, and pierced the head of the lion, scorpion and beast directly.

This huge lion and scorpion was instantly nailed to the ground.

"Let you not do it, you don't listen, die now." Pei Junlin was helpless.

This thing really doesn't depend on him. This lion, scorpion and beast don't know how high and thick they are.

"Someone came down the mountain." The mixed-world magic gun turned into a general in armor, standing behind Pei Junlin like a strong thug.

Pei Junlin nodded. He naturally knew that someone was coming down the mountain. I'm afraid he heard the fighting at the top of the mountain. Pei Junlin speculates that those who come from ten to nine should be the masters of the lion, scorpion and beast.

Sure enough, two men and one woman appeared in Pei Junlin's sight. One of these three people was an Eastern face, and the other two were white and blond.

However, these three people's bodies are very strong, at least the state of Yangshen. The moment Pei Junlin saw these three people, he converged, making his strength fall back to the realm of Yin God, so Pei Junlin's strength was not outstanding in the eyes of these three people.

"You killed our lion, scorpion and beast?" The man with the eastern face roared towards Pei Junlin.

The remaining two white men and women did not speak, and took out their weapons directly, revealing the bloodthirsty killing intention in their eyes.

None of the three people are good at it, and Pei Junlin doesn't pay attention to it. He has psychological pressure to kill good people, but to kill such people who are full of shame, Pei Junlin does not have any psychological pressure.

"I say it again, it was this lion who started first. He wanted to hurt me, and I naturally wanted to return." Pei Junlin explained lightly.

"So what? If he wants to kill you, you just have to wait to die. Why do you want to fight back?" the three said almost in unison.

Pei Junlin chuckled, his face did not show any angry and angry look, but cold light had already appeared in his eyes.

The two white men, a man and a woman, rushed towards Pei Junlin. The two men carried an axe in their hands, while the other was a short knife.

"I'm too lazy to start working with these three people. You can solve them." Pei Junlin doesn't want to stay too much on this mountain anymore, he plans to go down once he turns around.

The mixed-world magic gun transformed into an armored warrior rushed up in response to the offensive of the three men. In an instant Pei Junlin heard the sound of broken bones, and the master in the middle of the Yangshen Realm was not an enemy of the magic weapon of the world.

Pei Junlin was about to step out of the mountain, and at this moment he heard a roaring roar again. The three who were fighting with the mixed-life magic gun suddenly changed their faces, and gave up the mixed-life magic gun and rushed towards the mountain, as if they heard something terrible.

Pei Junlin and the mixed-world magic gun did not know what happened, and stood in the snow. A tall monster appeared in the snow and roared towards Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin also saw this creature for the first time, but he speculated that this should be the legendary snow monster, the strength of the snow monster is very strong, but what surprised Pei Junlin most was that this snow monster showed a kind of body Cold air.

This is a water monster, surrounded by a mist of water. Not waiting for Pei Junlin to react, the snow monster suddenly opened his mouth and sprayed a stream of water towards Pei Junlin.

Facing a water column coming from the face, Pei Junlin did not dare to carelessly, because he saw that the water was not ordinary water, but heavy water.

With just one drop, it is as heavy as a lake. With such a water column suppressed, I am afraid that ordinary cultivators will be penetrated in an instant.

But Pei Junlin was different. Although he stood in the same place, his expression was a little shocked, but he still reacted at a very fast speed, his face showing a happy look.

At the moment when this stream of water was sprayed in front of Pei Junlin, Jindou space suddenly opened and directly stored this one-yuan heavy water into it.

The Snow Monster was dumbfounded, and never thought that someone could charge him a dollar of water and stay in place for a while, too late to react.

"Hahaha, today is really out of luck. This yuan of heavy water is very precious. Refining treasures and refining the devil's body are all useful." Jinye's voice came from inside the Jindou space.

Pei Junlin carried the magic weapon of the world, and stabs directly towards the snow monster. The speed was so amazing that it instantly penetrated the troll's thigh and nailed it to the ground.

This is not to say that Pei Junlin's quasi-head is not enough, but that he deliberately did it. The body of this snow monster contains one yuan of heavy water, and it is also a water demon. If such a thing is killed, it would be a pity.

At this moment, Pei Junlin heard another roar from the mountain, and a snow-white snow monster rushed from the mountain. It turned out that the two snow monsters were simply a couple.

Pei Jun's admirers refused, the big hand opened and instantly suppressed the female snow monster, and the two snow monsters were reunited directly.

"Stranger, where did you come from?" The two snow monsters looked at Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin smiled and didn't say These two snow monsters contain a very heavy dollar of water. If they are kept in captivity, they will be able to produce such treasures one after another.

I don’t know if I saw Pei Junlin’s thoughts, Jin Ye’s voice suddenly came: “Don’t think so beautiful, there is also a lot of one yuan of heavy water contained in the body of the two snow monsters. The jet of water just now was exhausted. The stock in the snow monster's body."

"Why? Isn't this heavy water a substance produced inside the snow monster's body?" Pei Junlin was also shocked, slightly disappointed in his heart.

"Of course not, can you grow various minerals in your body? This yuan heavy water should also be refined by these two snow monsters. I guess it should be formed after countless years on the snow mountain, but it was This snow monster has been refined," Jinye speculated.

Pei Junlin was a little disappointed, and looked at the appearance of the two snow monsters. He was also not good. After all, the two snow monsters had lost the value of utilization.

After all, the two snow monsters are amazing monsters. After seeing the murderousness in Pei Junlin's eyes, they immediately panicked.

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