Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1209: Empty field

"Are you all okay? Rest assured, none of you can go today, and all will die here." Pei Junlin's eyes were murderous.

He was careless before, and he didn't guard against the pot of refining the demon. The pot of refining the demon was not a treasure of great fame in the ancient times. Even if it is an imitation, there is something to learn from.

The reason why Pei Junlin was trapped in the demon pot for so long was not that he could not get out, but that he was studying some of the runes inside the demon pot, which consumed so much time and almost delayed the major event.

At this time, the mixed-world magic gun was in mid-air with the leader of the Tungu League, a fierce battle broke out, and a group of people on the other side looked stupid.

Especially the cattle demon king and the **** donkey, etc., all show their dumbfounded looks, they did not expect Pei Junlin only one weapon can block these people in Tonggu Alliance.

"What's the matter with you?" Pei Junlin's eyes were sharp, and he saw that there was a piece of flesh missing on the back of the **** donkey, bloody.

Pei Jun is dead and reborn, and the **** donkey is also extremely happy, but the feelings between men are not good at expressing.

"It's okay, it's just a small injury. If you come later, I will kill all these people." The **** donkey looked at Pei Junlin and smiled.

Pei Junlin did not dismantle the donkey's bragging, his eyes fell on the body of Liu Tongyun in the ancient alliance, his eyes turned cold immediately.

The four old antiques of the Tonggu Alliance were almost distressed and almost cried. The demon pot was crushed by Pei Junlin with one shot. Now their hearts are bleeding, and the loss of rice is too great this time.

Although the monster pot is only an imitation, it also belongs to the Chaos Spirit Treasure, but after being broken by Pei Junlin just now, it was not only destroyed by this treasure, even the wreckage was not left, and was instantly included in the Chaos Gold Fight.

The so-called empty realm is actually a space of time. It is a very peculiar rule. Only by touching the edge of the rule of time can we cultivate this kind of empty realm.

The realm of empty space is like an absolute area, so that the people hiding inside are absolutely safe. Then the leader of the Tonggu Alliance uses this method to protect the remaining old antiques and Xu Bingyue Duanyun and others.

The mixed-world magic gun can barely withstand the attack of the leader of the Tonggu Alliance, Liu Hongyun, but to defeat the opponent, it is not enough to rely on one weapon.

The mixed magic is very strong, but its own mana is not enough. Only Pei Junlin can exert its full strength.

Pei Junlin stretched out his hand, and the mixed-world magic gun returned to the palm.

The Great Destruction Palm was shot again, this time targeting the empty realm. Pei Junlin hated a few old antiques, and today he must let these old guys die here.

"I don't tear these old guys alive today, you are really sorry for your wife." Jin Ye's voice passed into Pei Junlin's ear.

The big shattered palm slammed into the empty realm. The empty realm was like a golden eggshell, which was instantly deformed by the ravages. But what is surprising is that this empty realm actually resisted Pei Junlin's big shattered palm and was not broken.

"Little bastard, you really think you are invincible in the world." Liu Hongyun, the leader of the Tonggu Alliance, showed a fierce look on his face.

Flying came and punched Pei Junlin.


With a thundering and throbbing sound, Pei Junlin looked up and saw a dark cloud on his head.

Thunder King Fist!

Then Liu Hongyun shouted a thick thunderbolt from the sky and slashed towards Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin sneered again and again, the mixed-world magic gun in his hand came out at once, and he and Liu Hongyi's fist strength banged together.

At this time Pei Junlin's eyebrows flew out a lightning rune, which is exactly Wulei Zhengtian Rune. After the rune flew out, it instantly absorbed the sky's lightning power. Almost in a flash, this **** king thunder and lightning fist was destroyed by Pei Junlin.

Seeing all this, Liu Hongyun's face showed a moment of surprise. Regardless of the thump, he punched and punched Pei Junlin on the spot.

Beware of this person's fraud!

Jin Ye's voice came, and Pei Junlin frowned, and immediately saw that Liu Hongyun's punch was not simple. It seems to be bare-handed, but it actually played a chaotic spirit treasure.

It was a golden glove with a golden rope attached to the fist. The glove was thrown towards Pei Junlin like a meteor hammer.

If Pei Junlin uses the body to pick it up, he will definitely suffer a big loss, and Liu Hongyun will give him a trick and one arm will be scrapped. This Liu Hong's use of the evil of his heart can be seen.

But Pei Junlin Mingming knew that it was not Liu Hongyun's meat fist that was mixed, but Chaos Lingbao, but he would like to greet this Chaos Lingbao with a tough attitude.

Pei Junlin opened wide and closed, and instantly transported that elementary magnetic light on his fist, and all his strength rushed into the fist, forming the body's light, and also measured on the fist. Almost instantly, Pei Junlin's fist was no less than one. The hardness of a chaotic spirit treasure.

Instantly bombarded with the Chaos Lingbao's gloves, shining a dazzling light.

Dahuang Shending received it for me!

Wang Ziyu saw this situation and immediately shot out to help Pei Junlin. Dahuang Shending flew out suddenly, enveloped towards the golden trap.

Pei Junlin, holding a mixed-world magic gun, instantly trapped Liu Hongyun. The two of them broke out in the midair, the smoke was thick and the surrounding mountains were collapsing.

"Do you think my things are so easy to handle?" Liu Hongyun sneered and stretched out his hand, and the golden rope instantly brought the glove back.

The wrist shook again, the golden glove suddenly slammed out, and Jin Guang bombarded Pei Junlin's forehead. Pei Junlin did not shy away from the mixed-world magic gun in his hand, and also exploded with a shocking glow and hit the fist together.

If the two tigers compete, they will be injured. One of the two chaotic spirit treasures will be damaged if they collide.

The mixed-world magician simply didn't know what it was called fear, and suddenly a huge momentum burst out, draining the mana in Pei Junlin's body in an instant.

The mixed-world magic wall is like a dark long dragon screaming violently, instantly biting the golden fist and violently tearing, Liu Hongyun couldn't grasp it at all, and the golden rope in his hand instantly flew out of his hand.

As soon as Pei Junlin stretched out his hand, he grabbed the golden fist in his hand. This glove was worthy of Chaos Lingbao. Among them, Qiling Ling presided over the large array. The boxing gloves caught by Pei Junlin kept struggling, as if to break free and return to Liu Hongyun's hands.

But how can Pei Junlin give him this opportunity?

A powerful breath erupted throughout the body, and a golden light in his eyes shot into the glove instantly. Hearing a scream from the glove, the spirit was destroyed in an instant.

A chaotic spirit treasure was destroyed by Pei Junlin in this way. Looking at Liu Hongyun's eyes, he was about to bleed. The Niu Demon King and the **** donkey and other people standing beside them also showed shocking expressions. You must know this scene. Battle Pei Junlin has destroyed two chaotic spirit treasures, this is not a waste, it is a violent disaster.

Seeing that his treasure was destroyed, Liu Hongyun was almost mad. This was not just a loss or a face slap. If Pei Junlin could not be killed today, then he would no longer need to be mixed within the ancient alliance in the future, and his prestige would be lost, and he would never be convinced.

That Jinye was refining the house's demon pot. At this time, he once again had golden gloves and was admitted to the Jindou space. It was a pure chaotic aura. He suddenly made Jinye busy, and his mouth was laughing and crooked.

"Comfortable and comfortable, it's really comfortable, today is a good day." Jin Ye laughed inside the Jindou space.

And Liu Hongyun, who was standing opposite Pei Junlin, almost turned his nose upset. In his eyes, Pei Junlin was just a little baby who was still sour.

It was an old antique that lived to this day in the ancient times. A little baby who ran out of milk and dared to dare to challenge herself. This made Liu Hongyun feel a humiliation, and now he also suffered a big loss, and the inner gap was even more intolerable.

"Ah, Pei Junlin, if I don't kill you today, I won't leave here alive." Then Liu Hongyun roared with a vicious oath.

The mysterious rune was portrayed in the air by biting through the fingertips, and a blood-red eye appeared in the void.

"You have to be careful, he is burning a mysterious creature in Shouyuan." The **** cow is well-known and naturally sees Liu Hongyun's means.

Pei Junlin frowned, holding a mixed-life magic gun, and bombarded the past towards the empty realm. This Liu Hongyun hid in the empty realm and burned his life, offering sacrifices to evil spirits, I am afraid to strengthen his strength, Pei Junlin naturally He cannot be allowed to succeed.

Mixed world magic guns, bombarded in the empty realm, instantly hollowed out the empty realm.

However, this gun did not completely pierce the empty field, just a depression, but the depression quickly recovered.

Pei Junlin is not disappointed. Just now he only used 10% of his strength. This time he was sure to blast open the empty realm in one fell swoop.

The rolling spirit rushed into the chaos magic gun, UU reading this magic gun burst out a powerful strength, the Yuan magnetic magic light of the Pei Junlin center was shrouded, plus the blessing of the star body, he The gun can shoot at least 100,000 dragons.

One shot pierced the sky and the world changed color, the empty realm burst, and was pierced by Pei Junlin like an eggshell. A few old antiques didn't have time to escape, and the powerful breath brought by Peng Lijun instantly turned into debris.

A primitive **** wants to escape, and the chaotic golden battle hidden in the void will naturally not sit idly by. The gate of **** opens instantly, and a few golden primitive gods are instantly absorbed in it, even the screams are not made.

"Ah, what the **** are you, Pei Junlin?" An old antique of the Tonggu Alliance awakened and survived under Pei Junlin's gun, but only half his life was left.

His primordial spirit is extremely unstable, and the crazy disorder swings and seems to be wiped out at any time.

This antique is really extraordinary, it seems to be chanting some kind of mysterious mantra, and then his Yuanshen directly exploded, opening up a channel, then the emperor body Duan Yun and Xu Bingyue and some other young elites of Tonggu Alliance He took advantage of this opportunity to drill into the tunnel instantly.

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