Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1217: Hengshan Old Demon

Pei Junlin's face sneered constantly, and the woman next door bid, this time Pei Junlin directly bid: "I'm paying 10 billion."


The entire auction site was completely messed up, and no one thought that the owner of the No. 7 box would immediately hit ten times with a shot, and even increased the price directly on the basis of the price of the old demon in Hengshan. Isn't it a face-slap?

And being able to shout out the value of 10 billion astronomical figures at once, is definitely a master, so this auction is destined to be a *, many want to sell, the buyer has also collapsed on this matter.

After all, although the ball of Gengjin is rare, life is more important, offending the old demon of Hengshan, the end is naturally self-evident, the strength of the old demon in Hengshan is extremely arrogant, and it must be reported.

Although the old demon of Hengshan is not a strong monarch, he has a fiery flying sword in his hand, nothing is broken, and he is indestructible. Few opponents can survive in front of him.

Hearing Pei Junlin shouting a high price of 10 billion yuan, the woman in the next room sighed. And the old demon of Hengshan gritted his teeth, glared at him, his eyes were burning, and wanted to see through the box and see who Pei Junlin was.

Unfortunately, he did not have such flamboyant eyes as Pei Junlin, and he could not see who was behind him in the seventh box.

After being silent for about thirty seconds, the old demon of Hengshan bid again, but this time it was not directly doubled, but out of 10 billion.

This price is only 100 million higher than that of Pei Junlin, it is entirely up to Pei Junlin to give him face.

"10 billion plus 50 million." You have no hesitation.

This time the old demon of Hengshan did not do anything, but pulled out the flying sword from his waist. As soon as the flying sword came out, the whole box was as bright as the day, shining brightly in the eyes.

A **** air spread from the sword, and the whole venue smelled the sky's murderous intention. Pei Junlin also felt a fine layer of goose bumps on the entire skin. This old fan of the horizontal fan was indeed powerful and full of killing intent.

But Pei Junlin's eyes narrowed, his eyes turned green, and his face had a non-smiling expression.

"Old guy, I think Shou Xinggong's life is too long. Let's kill him after we go out from here." The **** donkey also smiled and didn't care.

This Gengjin Ball has extraordinary significance for Pei Junlin. Although it can't replace the Five Elements Lingbao, it can also greatly enhance the strength of Jinde Emperor Yuanshen.

If this root pursuit is directly integrated into the Jinde Emperor Yuanshen, then the power of the Jinde Emperor will be increased by ten times.

Soon this treasure was sent into Pei Junlin's box. Pei Junlin stretched out his hand, and the more advanced ball flew directly to her palm. After observing for a while, Pei Junlin directly changed hands and temporarily put away the ball of Gengjin.

Pei Junlin got two valuable things in succession, and his mood was very good, but his eyes were a bit irritable, because the experience of this matter inside the Jindou space, because of the lack of the chaotic spirit, is roaring.

It's already difficult to shoot a chaotic aura again at today's auction venue. Pei Junlin simply took a chaotic spirit treasure and threw it directly into the golden chaos of the chaos, allowing King Ye to devour it directly.

"The next treasure to be auctioned is a Chaos Spirit Treasure. However, this Chaos Spirit Treasure is only a semi-finished product. If anyone has the ability to complete this treasure, it can be photographed. The starting price is 50 million Tianyuan jade. "With Li Ji's words, the red cloth slowly uncovered, revealing the contents of the tray."

If you see such a thing, Pei Junlin's eyes are a little surprised, because this thing looks too much like a spaceship, like an alien UFO, should be a flying treasure.

Sure enough, after this thing was revealed, Li Ji began to introduce. After entering a mana, this chaotic spirit treasure began to grow, but Pei Junlin can see that it is indeed a semi-finished product, because there is no description of the core formation.

But what surprises Pei Junlin is that this chaotic spirit treasure contains a large amount of chaotic aura, which is even ten times richer than the previous gourd chaotic aura.

"To buy this thing, I need the aura of chaos in it." Jinye's voice was hoarse, his eyes red, and he seemed like a bloodthirsty monster.

Pei Junlin calmed Jin Ye while looking at the flying spirit treasure. This thing is really useful if you buy it. If you hold it in your hand, you can directly extract the Chaos Aura, and if you have the opportunity to save this treasure in the future, you can also refine it and turn it into one. A chaotic spirit treasure flying machine.

The following has begun to bargain, and soon the price even directly reached the price of 4 billion Tianyuan jade. This value is far from the value of this aircraft. According to Pei Junlin's estimate, it can reach at least 12 billion.

Sure enough, when the woman next to the standard box, the sixth box, shouted a price of 13 billion yuan, the entire auction was silent, and no one bid again.

When the woman in the No. 6 box felt that no one was competing with herself, when Li Ji on the stage was about to drop the mallet, Pei Junlin suddenly said, "I want 15 billion of this stuff."

As soon as this remark came out, the woman in Box No. 6 frowned. But this time, the woman said nothing and shouted the price again, which was regarded as the default to give this thing to Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin smiled as if he had received this favor. Later, if the woman wanted anything, Pei Junlin felt that she could make it.

Immediately preparing to drop the hammer, Suddenly the old demon of Hengshan in Box No. 12 said again: "I have 30 billion Tianyuan jade for this thing."

As soon as the voice of the old demon of Hengshan came out, the entire auction venue was in an uproar, because the value of 30 billion yuan has far exceeded the value of this chaotic spirit treasure. After all, it is a defective product, or a semi-finished product, far reaching Less than the current price range of 30 billion.

But everyone knows why the old demon of Hengshan had to fight with Pei Junlin, just to see that Pei Junlin was bound to win this semi-finished product, and then he came to raise the price, just to revenge.

When bidding for the ball of Na Gengjin before, Pei Junlin considered the old demon of Hengshan, so he made this old demon grudge, and now he caught the opportunity and ran out to bite Pei Junlin.

"It's really a dog thing that must be reported." Pei Junlin narrowed his eyes coldly, and even the **** donkey sitting next to him felt upright.

"Since this predecessor wants this, let me give you, 30 billion, hey, you really made it." Pei Junlin's tone was full of sarcasm.

At this time, Jinye inside the Jindou space had reached the extreme of his desire for chaotic aura. Seeing that Pei Junlin did not take this chaotic spirit treasure, he immediately gave a roar of disappointment, but Pei Junlin could not let Jinye completely disappointed, he Take out a Chaos Spirit Treasure again and throw it directly into the Chaos Golden Fight, so that Jin Ye temporarily quenches thirst.

"Hold on for a while, just now that the old demon of Hengshan wants to **** me. The value of 30 billion yuan is really worthless. If you don't be restless, I will immediately take a more abundant chaotic spirit for you." Pei Junlin Zhao Master Jin comforted.

Jinye no longer made a sound, and completely decomposed a chaotic spirit treasure that Pei Junlin put in, completely eating all the materials, and all were integrated into the Nahe Bridge.

Baiyu Xianqiao transformed into Naihe Bridge, and before the change of the fairy fluttering breath, it became very gloomy, the ghost gas was deep, and there was a breath of death flowing on it, but there is no doubt that the breath of this treasure has become more Powerful.

Pei Junlin directly pressed the button on the table. Soon, Jiajia took a maid into the box.

"Mr. Pei, may I help you?" Jia Jia said with a smile at Pei Junlin.

"I need chaos aura right now, I have all you have to give me as much as you have in Duobao Pavilion." Pei Junlin frowned at Jiajia and said.

Then if you wait to go to auction from the auction house, it is too lucky to buy directly from Duobaoge.

"Oh, I'll arrange this to be delivered to you right away." Jiajia has become much cleaner than before.

Sure enough, the purse swelled up and the whole person became temperamental, confident, and charmed.

Pei Junlin didn't say much. He tapped slowly on the table with his fingers. After about ten minutes, two strong men in black walked into the box with two big gourds in their hands. .

"Sister Li Ji specifically instructed that this gourd chaotic aura will be sold to you at the price of 5 billion Tianyuan jade." Jia Jia said towards Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin reached out and weighed it a bit. UU reads The chaotic aura contained in this gourd is more than the one he took before, and both of them cost only 10 billion yuan, which is also for Pei Junlin. Very cost-effective, he immediately took out the card and handed it to Allison.

After Jia Jia left the box, Pei Junlin instantly put the two gourds into the golden chaos of the chaos. Then Jin Ye was instantly infused with a large amount of chaotic aura, and he immediately roared with excitement. The Xingyue flows violently in the entire Jindou space, and the Nahe Bridge is just a conflict between right and left, exuding a grayish atmosphere.

"Pei Junlin, once the Neihe Bridge is completely and completely formed, it will be the most powerful formation in the entire Chaos Golden Fight. It will not be as good as the hair of the Neiqiao that is on your body." Jin Ye's voice came out directly, in front of the magic weapon of the world.

The mortal demon will lie peacefully behind Pei Junlin and sleep. When he hears this kind of words, he is angry and angry, and he feels a sense of crisis in his heart.

His strength has not yet reached the point of Chaos Lingbao, but the power is definitely much stronger than the general Chaos Lingbao. Now this Jin Ye even said so, and also made the spirit of the Lingshi Magic Gun feel a trace of threat.

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