Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1220: Battle of Hengshan

This Fire Lin Feijian is the ultimate spiritual treasure, and it is only one line away from the Chaos Lingbao. The attack power is unparalleled in the world. After hundreds of years of cultivation by this old demon, I can see God killing God and meeting God.

Seeing Feijian straight at the door, the speed was incredible, but Pei Junlin was not panicked, and the Chunyang big bell that was lingering around the flame immediately blocked in front of him, and only heard the sound of the clang, and the Chunyang fire bell gave the Feijian Blocked.

The old demon of Hengshan was taken aback. He didn’t expect that there are treasures in the world that could block his flying sword. But when he looked at his face, he was surprised and happy. What surprised him was that there was Chaos Lingbao in Pei Junlin’s hand. The big clock looks imposing.

I am glad that after killing Pei Junlin, this big bell of flames may belong to me. I was trembling with joy at the thought of having a chaotic spirit treasure in the old demon of Hengshan.

Pei Junlin looked at the wonderful expression of the old demon of Hengshan in his eyes, and he showed disdain in his heart. I am afraid that the old demon thought it was too beautiful.

Stretching his hand, the Chunyang fiery bell suddenly became bigger, and instantly struck the old demon of Hengshan. At the same time, Pei Junlin held a mixed-life magic gun, and the gun flower fluttered with a breath towards the old demon of Hengshan.

The gunshot pierced by this mixed-world magic gun turned into a general skeleton in the air, these generals, holding long-handed sharp blades, roared one by one, just like the general standing on the market, rushing forward.

The old demon of Hengshan was forced into the Fire Lin Sword by Chunyang Fire Bell, and he even had to take the momentum of Chunyang Fire Bell.

Fire Lin Feijian is also a treasure of fire attributes, but encountered the pure Yang fire bell, that is the little witch sees the big witch, the ghost real fire in the pure Yang fire bell is the famous different fire in the world.

That firelin sword is usually cruel and easy to kill, and already has certain bloodthirsty attributes. Qiling Ling saw that the power of the pure Yang Fire Bell had to tremble, and the entire blade seemed to be creeping on the ground with a buzzing sound.

However, the old demon of Hengshan could cross the starry sky, relying not only on the Huolin Flying Sword in this hand. At this time, the Huolin Flying Sword was suppressed by Pei Junlin’s treasure, and the Hengshan Old Demon did not panic.

In his hand, a dark and quiet flag streamer appeared. When the air shook countless ghosts, he flew out of the streamer and rushed to the pure Yang fire bell.

The pure Yang fire clock was suppressed by the ghost, and the flame was suppressed. The whole body of the clock kept oscillating and seemed to want to break free from it.

K Pei Junlin frowned slightly. He did not expect that there was even a way to press the bottom of the box in the hands of the old demon of Hengshan. After his flying sword was caught, the power of this mob was not trivial.

However, this is also expected by Pei Junlin. The old demon who can be famous, how can there be only one or two means, without a little means of pressing the bottom of the box, it is absolutely impossible to become famous overseas.

Pei Junlin held a mixed-life magic gun and attacked the old demon body of Hengshan. As long as the old demon was killed, all problems were solved.

But the old demon of Hengshan seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and gave out a quack of laughter, his palms raised, and a stench of breath came towards Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin was shocked, his body suddenly burst into intense light, and a layer of light covered his whole body. The black matter sprinkled by the old demon from Hengshan was covered by Pei Junlin's body, and a blue flame burned on the surface.

The flame is like the gangrene of the epiphysis, constantly consuming Pei Junlin's mana, and Pei Junlin is to provide continuous mana to resist the corrosion of this thing.

"Sure enough, it is the old demon of Hengshan. I didn't expect that he should carry this rot bone sand with him. This is not an ordinary thing, but something that is formed after the bones of the Tianjun level demon disintegrate after the disintegration. The corrosion ability is extremely strong, generally The treasures will be lost by this thing even if it is spread spiritually." Jin Ye was surprised.

This is equivalent to fighting on the street. A person throws lime on the other's eyes, inserts his fingers in the other's throat, and lifts his feet to kick the other's crotch.

This old demon of Hengshan is completely a street bludgeon. There is no taboo, no taboo, all the purpose is to kill opponents.

That's right, Pei Junlin didn't feel disgusted, but the old demon of Hengshan took his appetite very much.

"After you get entangled with this thing, the mana will eventually be exhausted. All the treasures on you are mine. I think you will die today." The old demon of Hengshan grunted and laughed.

Pei Junlin did not speak, only took a pair of green eyes, and swept towards the old demon of Hengshan. The old demon Li Ji couldn't make a sound like she was stuck in her throat.

Pei Junlin’s eyes were like long hair, and the old fan of the horizontal fan was all trembling and extremely uncomfortable: “It’s all at this point, and you dare to be arrogant. Today, I will let you know what the old demon does. It’s called survival and death.”

After the old demon of Hengshan quacked, he extended his finger, and the fire sword suddenly cut towards Pei Junlin's neck.

Pei Junlin did not dodge, but reached out and grabbed the Fire Lin Sword directly from the air. He radiated a strong starlight throughout the whole person, which was dazzling in the stars. At this time, Pei Junlin’s body temperature reached thousands of degrees in an instant, and the temperature of the bone rot was instantly covered up, and the intense high temperature instantly burned. It became white smoke.

The old demon of Hengshan widened his eyes, with an unbelievable look on his face. He never thought that Pei Junlin should pick up his flying sword with his flesh, which was quite a surprise.

You should know that this firelin sword is not an ordinary thing, but it is forged from the bones of the ancient **** beast Qilin, and it is extremely sharp. Above, it is the natal flame around the fire unicorn.

It was just that Pei Junlin stretched out his hand to grab the Fire Lin Sword and struggled constantly in the air, as if he wanted to break away from Pei Junlin's restraint. Pei Junlin let out a cold hum, a strong breath that swept through the inside of the Fire Lin Sword instantly.

The old demon of Hengshan was not calm at this time. Seeing that the treasure of life was about to be taken away, he finally went mad and yelled, and the black flag streamer in his hand flew out of the wind, and a demon head flew out of it.

The devil has a snake tail, a big mouth of blood, and two black horns on his head. Holding a mace drum stick, majestic and majestic, with a height of tens of feet, it is extremely oppressive.

The old demon of Hengshan had a word, took a large piece of flesh from the storage space, and put it directly into the mouth of the demon head. The devil head chewed the blood dripping down, and his expression was gradually excited.

Follow the command of the old demon of Hengshan, and head towards Pei Junlin directly. The force of destroying the mountains and the reclamation carried by the huge drum stick in his hand was smashed towards Pei Junlin.

If you are hit by this stick, you will be crippled even if you don't die. You will even be crushed directly. Even if Pei Junlin had trained the body of the stars, he didn't dare to shake the monster.

"The old demon of Hengshan has some means. I don't know where I actually got a real demon and raised it with flesh and blood." Jin Ye was surprised and made a strange laugh.

Pei Junlin grabbed the Fire Lin Sword, the figure retreated, and the Jindou space opened, and the two zombie kings flew out instantly. These two zombie kings are also very different, they were once caught by Pei Junlin on the planet of the Peng tribe.

The Jindou space has been warmed up for so long, and its power has been very powerful, and it is more powerful than the original one level. The two zombie kings flew out of the Jindou space, and immediately the whole space was filled with gray breath of moisture, corroding everything, and rushed towards the demon head.

The two zombies, a man and a woman, cooperated with each other. They were extremely powerful. The five black nails with sharp blades in their hands were suddenly clawed and instantly penetrated into the demon's body.

The devil roared with pain, carrying a drum stick in his hand and hitting the zombie, but the zombie was as hard as iron.

The two zombies are fighting with the real demon, and Pei Junlin is temporarily relieved. If it is according to his ordinary combat power, killing the old demon of Hengshan is only a blink of an eye. The reason why the struggle is so long, in fact, Pei Junlin has another plan.

Pei Junlin’s consciousness is different from ordinary people who are very sensitive. He senses that someone is peeping at it not far away, and Pei Junlin can sense that breath is very familiar. It was the green robe that had put Liangzi on the auction floor before. Confucian and the crown prince.

These two people were ambushing in the distance, and there were six master archers beside them. They hadn't shot, maybe they just wanted to benefit. Pei Junlin does not reveal his unique skills to save his strength now, just to fight these people in the future.

Poor that old demon of Hengshan, thought that Pei Junlin had only such a means. In fact, Pei Junlin only needs a thunder blow to kill him, and immediately changes the old demon head in a different place.

However, this firelin sword is a good thing, and it keeps jumping in the palm of Pei Junlin, just like an irresistible fire horse.

I don’t know where the old demon in Hengshan got this kind of unicorn fire, this kind of thing is not a chaotic spirit treasure, it is simply a loss.

The top materials fell into the hands of the old demon of Hengshan, and were even refined into the ultimate spiritual treasure, which is simply a violent disaster.

After hundreds of years of cultivation, the material of the fire sword of UU reading has been matched with the breath of the old demon of Hengshan. It is very difficult to refinish it.

At this time, Pei Junlin narrowed his eyes and looked towards the battlefield, only to see that the two zombies had forced the demon king to the dead end. The demon king was beaten with scales, and he kept roaring.

Hearing how the old demon of Hengshan waved the flag streamer, the demon king was finally timid and dared not come up to fight. The angry Hengshan Demon scolded his feet, his eyes glowing green.

"This person's strength is definitely more than that, and the old demon of Hengshan is just the toy on his palm." In the distance, the Qingpao scholar introduced to the noble son beside him.

"Zi Lu, why do you care so much about such an unknown soldier? It takes seven days to spend his hands and feet here to squat him, and tell me to kill the person directly on the Jinluo star." Gui Zhou The son didn't take it seriously, and didn't even bother to look at Pei Junlin.

The relative status of the imperial family is extraordinary, but it is the nineteenth prince of the emperor. There are thousands of crown princes in the entire dynasty. He is ranked 19th and his status is unusual.

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