Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1230: Honghuang Puppet

The thing that understands the treasure most in the world is still the treasure itself. Jin Ye itself is the best chaotic spirit treasure, even higher in rank than Chaos Ling Bao, so Pei Junlin naturally dare not listen to Jin Ye’s opinions.

Chunyang Fire Clock slowly rises and falls among the tyrants, and this tyrant is constantly refining. Pei Junlin can hear the piercing fire dragon roaring and the sound of chanting scriptures.

It took another half a month to blink, and on that day Chunyang Fire Bell finally retired and flew out of Na Ba Ding. Pei Junlin carefully looked at the pure Yang fire bell and found that there was no change, but it could be felt in some subtle places.

If the previous Chunyang Fire Bell was an elaborate work of art by Pei Junlin, then the Chunyang Fire Bell that now accompanies Junlin's palm is more like an antique that has settled down over time.

There is even a hint of naturalness in it, which is not like artificial carving. The previous fire dragon was vague before, but now it is alive and even the lines on the scales can be clearly seen, completely like a living fire dragon.

There is also the golden bell jar. A faint phantom appears outside the entire pure Yang fire bell. The phantom constantly changes and flashes. There are even figures of Luohan Bodhisattva flashing in it.

Pei Junlin nodded, and suddenly a golden figure flew out of his back. This golden figure seemed to be composed of light, and there was a layer of flame all over him, but his appearance and movement were exactly the same as those of Pei Junlin.

After Huo De Emperor Yuanshen came out from behind Pei Jun’s presence, he reached for a finger, and the Chunyang fiery bell immediately flew over obediently, suspended above his head.

After doing all this, the Huo De Emperor Yuanshen walked alone into a corner and began to evolve the fist. The evolved boxing method is the Huo De Emperor Yuanshen's innate magical power, Huo De Emperor Fist.

And in the Huo De Emperor Yuanshen around the ghost fire, every punch can hit a pale flame. A flaming fist phantom smashed down, and there was flame everywhere.

Huo De Emperor Fist Pei Junlin rarely uses it, because its fire is not enough, but now there is enough time for this Huo De Emperor Yuan Shen to evolve the boxing magic power, enough to make this magic power to the extreme .

Pei Junlin snorted again and walked out from behind him four other primordial gods, namely, Jinde Emperor Yuanshen, Tude Emperor Yuanshen, Mude Emperor Yuanshen, and Water's Emperor Yuanshen.

These four primordial gods, like Huode Emperor Yuanshen, each walked into a corner and evolved their own natal magic powers.

Jinde Emperor Yuanshen evolved, Jinde Emperor cut!

Tu De Emperor Yuan Shen evolved, Tu De Emperor Seal!

The local spirit of the water evolves, and the water is imperial!

Emperor Mud, Yuanshen, is an evolutionary life technique!

In the void above the head of Namu De Emperor Yuanshen, a green sapling was suspended. The sapling was full of gleaming light and flickering from it.

And in the void, there is a continuous silky aura and various mana blended into this little sapling, nourishing Pei Junlin's deity.

And this tree of life is wrapped in a layer of emerald green gas, which is the moral virtue of Mu De.

The five primordial gods are all evolving magic powers, and Pei Junlin's deity is not idle. He reached out a silver metal ball from the chaotic golden battle with one finger.

A silver metal ball is exactly the ball of Geng Jin obtained by Pei Junlin at that Jin Luoxing auction. An ordinary piece of Gengjin can be valuable, and what is more valuable than Gengjin is the essence of Gengjin.

If a piece of ordinary iron sword is integrated into a little bit, updating this kind of thing can cut iron like mud and cut gold and jade. It is even harder to lack this kind of thing when refining the magic weapon flying sword. It is the sharpest thing in the world.

This essence of Gengjin is the essence of Gengjin, refining the ultimate spirit treasure, as long as it is placed a little, you can make this baby's power greatly increased sharp.

What is displayed in front of Pei Junlin is the ball of Gengjin, which is more different from the essence of Gengjin. Because it is difficult to renew this kind of thing to condense into a ball, let alone such a mellow metal ball, if there is no mother of Gengjin, it is difficult to achieve this state.

Among the **** of Gengjin, the most important thing is the mother of Gengjin. Pei Junlin stretched out his hand, the ball of Gengjin merged towards the Jinde Emperor Yuanshen.

The Jinde Emperor Yuanshen seemed to know Pei Junlin's intention, and a silver long knife came out in a wave of his hand. With a slash, a golden blade of light slammed across the ball of Gengjin.

This knife is not to destroy the ball of Gengjin, but when the light is integrated into the more advanced ball.

It was this light that merged into the more advanced ball, and it turned out to be like a mud bull entering the sea, without any response, and the Jinde Emperor Yuanshen tried to absorb and refine this Gengjin ball several times, and all failed.

Pei Junlin frowned as he looked straight. When he stretched out his hand, the goldfish peal flew out directly into a golden fish, circling around the more advanced ball.

The mysterious runes landed on this tendon ball to make the ball more advanced. The fluorescent flow began to appear like the waves of the sea, and various waves and waves were continuously formed.

After finishing all this, Pei Junlin reached out his finger, and the ball of Gengjin flew up suddenly, flying towards the Emperor Yuanshen. At this time, the Jinde Emperor Yuanshen opened his mouth, and the ball of Gengjin flew into the entrance instantly, making the Jinde Emperor Yuanshen slowly changed from the original gold to silver.

The endless gas of Gengjin merged into the Jin and De Emperor Yuanshen. The group of mothers of Gengjin landed at the heart of Jinde Emperor Yuanshen, forming a silver heart that was beating continuously, and the energy of Gengjin was continuously produced.

In the Jinde Emperor Yuanshen, it was originally to order all metallic elements in the world. This Gengjin Qi is even more metallic, and was immediately fused together after being inhaled by the Jinde Emperor Yuanshen.

At this time, the Jinde Emperor Yuanshen was like a mercury, and there was a continuous stream of light flashing on it. Pei Junlin tried to throw out a middle grade Lingbao. The silver knife flashed through, and this middle grade Lingbao was cut directly in half.

Although this Jinde Emperor Yuanshen does not currently have a metallic top spirit treasure, which can condense it to the highest level, but after being incorporated into the mother of Gengjin, it can still bring Zhengde Emperor Yuanshen to a very powerful state.

In the past, the Emperor Jinde had no effect on the battle of Pei Junlin, but now it is not the case. The power of the Emperor Jinde has greatly increased, and even more powerful than the Great Destruction Palm.

At this time, Pei Junlin's heart suddenly gave birth to a kind of enlightenment, he suddenly understood why he urged the power of great destruction will be greatly reduced.

The long-spoken Devil Emperor is the Devil's body, and the great destruction he shot is urged by a constant flow of magic energy, and the power is naturally extraordinary. And he himself is the great shattered palm of the Taoist practice of Qi practiced, and the use of mana to promote it is naturally far less powerful than the long-spoken Devil Emperor.

The power of the current Jinde Emperor has far exceeded the destruction. Under this sword, the world is destroyed, even if it encounters the chaotic spirit treasure Pei Junlin, it is confident that it will be broken under the sword.

Now Jinde Emperor Yuanshen, Huode Emperor Yuanshen and Mude Emperor Yuanshen, the three great Yuanshens have been all condensed by Pei Junlin, and their power is extraordinary.

Only the local Emperor of the Tude Emperor and the water are still in their original state. The two primordial gods played their natal psychic powers infrequently, and Pei Junlin simply couldn't look down.

But the five great primordial spirits are connected with the same energy, and the five elements of energy are endless. The five elements form a circle, and the invisible gas forms a beam of light, which penetrates the entire treasure space of the Devil Emperor.

If these five primordial spirits can all condense to the top state, the power of the five primordial spirits can be imagined.

At this time, when the five great Yuanshens were connected throughout the same period, Pei Junlin suddenly felt a tension rise from his heart.

The whole body was covered with cold hair, and his eyes looked around with vigilance. There seems to be a sleeping giant in the wilderness, awakened by the breath just now, which makes Pei Junlin feel extremely uneasy.

Pei Junlin instantly put away the five great primordial gods, and the Chaos Golden Fight even exuded a chaotic atmosphere, and wanted to bring the **** donkey into the chaotic space.

At this time, Pei Junlin suddenly found that the **** donkey was rooted like a foot, and could not be received into the space at all. Pei Junlin reached out and turned around hard, and found that it could not be pulled at all. This **** donkey is now like it is Like a mountain, it can't be shaken at all.

Even if Pei Junlin wanted to go now, he couldn't drop the **** ass, and put him in a dilemma. Soon Pei Junlin saw a figure coming from the darkness.

This is a bald man, exuding a faint atmosphere of flare, and at a glance Pei Junlin saw that this was not a person, but a puppet.

But this puppet is very delicate, and looks no different from ordinary humans, whether it is muscles and muscles, or some details around the is exactly the same as human Pei Junlin Fire eyes and golden eyes penetrated into it, and you could even see that the puppet's flesh was hiding an extremely delicate five-element organ.

His heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys have five special treasures to support their operation.

Liver belongs to wood, heart belongs to fire, spleen belongs to earth, lung belongs to gold, and kidney belongs to water. Inside the puppet, the five internal organs represent the five treasures and five elements of the treasure, and they are running together in the same breath, maintaining the vitality of this puppet.

The puppet was staring straight at Pei Junlin and wanted to see through Pei Junlin. It seemed that the five elements of breath just alarmed him.

"This guy should be disturbed by the breath of the five elements of your five emperors and great Yuanshen and woke up from a deep sleep." Jin Ye's voice passed into Pei Junlin's ears.

"It's just a puppet, what are you afraid of?" Although Pei Junlin said so on his mouth, he was extremely panicked.

This puppet's breath is too powerful, so that Pei Junlin feels lack of confidence, and the threat posed by the other party is even stronger than that of the previous Tianjun.

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