Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1240: Valkyrie

Although Pei Junlin’s current ability is not limited to the strength of the Earth Fairy Array, he can also see a clue that the Earth Fairy Array is indeed full of holes.

In fact, in the final analysis, there is only one reason, that is, the energy of the formation is exhausted, and the thing that maintains the operation of the entire formation is a piece of fairy crystal.

And this fairy crystal has now become the size of the little finger belly, and the energy contained in it has been exhausted, so it can not maintain the demand for a huge formation.

According to Dantai Jingxuan, such a large piece of fairy crystal was hard to come by. At that time, the **** of war, the super hero, was sent to the earth to save the fire of the earth and fight for some prosperous time for the earth.

Pei Junlin didn't think that this thing was actually related to Wushen Wangchao, then Wushen Wangchao was Pei Junlin's inner idol, but he didn't think that Wang Chao was still alive, but also very powerful.

"The earth has existed for countless years, and the genius and power out of it should be countless. Now that the earth is in danger, can they not return and help the earth?" Pei Junlin questioned in his mind.

Characters like Wushen Wangchao, I am afraid that raising the finger and punching the whole Donglai Xingyu will explode. It is estimated that all Dragon Clan and Peng Clan are local chickens and dogs.

"What you think is too simple, the top characters can move the heaven and earth with every move. Their stage and level of confrontation is not just themselves, but the real confrontation with Dadao and destiny. Their small action is possible The butterfly effect is likely to bring the earth into a state of nowhere." Dantai Jingxuan was very patient and slowly explained to Pei Junlin.

Just as the two stood outside the earth and chatted, suddenly Xuantai Jingxuan frowned.

"It seems that you have offended someone before, and now you are in trouble." Dantai Jingxuan smiled faintly, with contempt in his eyebrows.

Pei Junlin has already searched for his enemies in his mind. The Dragon Clan Peng Clan and other extraterrestrial demon tribes are all Pei Junlin's enemies. It is not surprising that any of these races came to the door.

A handsome man appeared in the distance, with a halo above his head and extremely cold eyes. The hat on the head is also very peculiar. It is made of three beads that continuously rotate around the head, and is formed by the condensing of mana, which are water, fire and earth.

"Putuo Zhenjun!" Pei Junlin was taken aback.

Putuo Zhenjun was once invited by the Star Knight to deal with Pei Junlin, but then he and Pei Junlin had formed a grudge. In retaliation, Pei Junlin directly used the Yayoi Blood Curse to kill the Putuo Zhenjun's eldest son alive, and it was still broadcast live on that Thor platform.

The grievances between Pei Junlin and Putuo Zhenjun can be described as endless, and it is no wonder that Putuo Zhenjun blocked Pei Junlin here.

But now there is no fear in Pei Junlin's heart, because beside her is standing the planet's most powerful Jurchen Jun Tantai Xuan Xuan.

If Pei Junlin did not have a clear understanding of the strength of Dantai Jingxuan before, then now Pei Junlin has completely become the little fan of Dantai Jingxuan.

The pictures of the killing of Huanglong Zhenjun before Dantai Jingxuan are vivid, as simple as killing chickens. So when faced with Putuo Zhenjun, Pei Junlin did not feel any fear in his heart.

"Old undead old turtle, old monkey, what's the matter with the young man?" Pei Junlin scolded.

What is the status of Putuo Zhenjun?

In Donglai Star Field, he is highly respected and has strong strength. He opened up a dojo and countless disciples. It was just that Pei Junlin was cursed in this vulgar language, and immediately his face was as dark as the bottom of the pot, and he snorted coldly, and a ray of light instantly killed Pei Junlin.

"Little animal, let you pay down the blood debt today." Putuo Zhenjun sneered at Pei Jun.

The other party just snorted coldly, and a shocking light attacked him. Pei Junlin did not dare to carelessly, and looked at Dantai Jingxuan. But to Pei Junlin's disappointment, Dantai Jingxuan didn't have any intention to shoot, but instead seemed to laugh.

Pei Junlin regretted inwardly and took the tiger skin as a banner. Unexpectedly, he acted in vain. This Dantai Jingxuan was about to die.

A buzzing sound of the pure Yang fire bell levitated directly and enveloped Pei Junlin as a whole, and Pei Junlin always pointed out the fingers of the Great Buddha, exuding infinite Buddha light, and immediately directed to Putuo Zhenjun.

The Great Buddha's finger and Putuo Zhenjun sent out a ray of light that collided together, and the Great Buddha's finger collapsed instantly, but Putuo Zhenjun exuded that golden light, and its power was also reduced.

Everything just happened in an instant. Although Pei Junlin rushed out a cold sweat, but did not dare to neglect. He stretched out his hand again and shattered his palms and handprints, and flew out at the golden light radiating towards Putuo Zhenjun.

At the same time, Pei Junlin's hand-held mixed-life magic gun suddenly attacked the golden light. After the consumption of the big handprint and the big shattered palm, this golden light has been consumed a lot. When colliding with Pei Junlin's mixed-world magic gun, Junlin only felt that a great force came from him. Can hardly hold it.

But in the end, Pei Junlin finally stopped the killing of Putuo Zhenjun, but it also made Pei Junlin feel discouraged.

Putuo Zhenjun is just a small test, and even one-tenth of the power has not been used, but Pei Junlin has exhausted all his efforts.

Both sides are stronger and weaker, and the verdict is high.

Putuo Zhenjun also did not look at Dantai Jingxuan, it seems that Dingtai Jingxuan would not shoot, he looked more stern after he was relieved.

Putuo Zhenjun's fingers flew toward Pei Junlin with a green light, like a long ribbon, one end was in Putuo Zhenjun's palm, and the other end chased towards Pei Junlin.

Once penetrated by this green light, Pei Junlin naturally knows what the consequences are, and I am afraid that his Yuanshen will be imprisoned, and his body will also be taken by Putuo Zhenjunju, unable to survive, not to die.

Putuo Zhenjun's son died in the hands of Pei Junlin, and he would not let Pei Junlin die so simply. He would take Pei Junlin alive and then torture after going back.

"Escape is useless." Dantai Jingxuan said lightly.

Pei Junlin seemed to realize something from it, reaching for the pure Yang fire bell and suddenly blocking it towards a green light. It's a pity that this green light didn't know what secret method was practiced by Putuo Zhenjun, and even bypassed the pure Yang fire bell and directly penetrated one arm of Pei Junlin.

Just in an instant, Pei Junlin felt his life force disappeared quickly, and Shou Yuan was rapidly consuming it.

Pei Junlin was not flustered, his eyes calm and calm, the tree of life suddenly sucked in, and the green silk thread started to turn back. The rolling life essence entered Pei Junlin's body through the green silk thread.

These are not ordinary Shouyuan, but real Shouyuan, which belongs to a Tianjun level figure, rather than pure life force, Pei Junlin feels his Shouyuan is increasing rapidly.

Pei Junlin, who was originally only 1,800 years old, Shou Yuan increased to 3,000 years in the blink of an eye, and continues to rise. On the other hand, Putuo Zhenjun's face changed greatly, desperately trying to struggle.

The green silk thread was cut off, and Putuo Zhenjun's face slowly recovered, but after losing so much Shouyuan, he was uncomfortable, and his eyes looked at Pei Junlin like a ghost.

The incarnation appeared silently behind Putuo Zhenjun, and the stick in his hand slammed towards Putuo Zhenjun’s head. Unfortunately, Putuo Zhenjun had already been guarded. .

Pei Junlin did not panic, because the **** donkey was also lurking in the dark, and the gray clay pot was suddenly sacrificed, and it smashed **** Putuo Zhenjun.

This time, Putuo Zhenjun was smashed into the front, suddenly screamed, and his body was smashed into a hole. The **** donkey quickly withdrew with a stroke, but Pei Junlin was filled at this time, and the mixed-life magic gun in the vacuum hand suddenly pierced into a huge black light.

"It's all waste, just a few ants." Putuo Zhenjun roared.

The fire element in the three groups of elemental brilliance surrounded by the head suddenly exploded, and the fire and rain fell from the sky, and a huge fireball could melt everything and attacked Pei Junlin instantly.

"Pure Yang Fire Bell will take me." Pei Junlin shouted.

The fire dragon flew out of Chunyang's fiery clock, suddenly opened his mouth, and swallowed the huge fireball in one swallow.

Then Putuo Zhenjun stretched his hand again and grabbed towards the **** donkey. The earthen jar of the **** donkey can only be used once. He has escaped rashly, but he still can't escape the palm of Putuo Zhenjun.

"The gate of hell." Pei Junlin shouted.

Stepping on Naihe Bridge and slamming towards Putuo At the same time, the black dry hand of the gate of Hell once again shot, fiercely caught Putuo Zhenjun.

With a click, Putuo Zhenjun's arm was torn directly, and was pulled directly into the gate of **** by the dry big hand. Pei Junlin stepped on Neho Bridge and appeared beside Putuo Zhenjun. The mixed magic gun in his hand was stabbed with a single shot. At the same time, Neho Bridge slammed into Putuo Zhenjun.

But Putuo Zhenjun was not hurt this time, and there was a trace of confusion in his eyes. All of them suddenly burst into light yellow brilliance, making a horizontal and vertical space around.

The moment Pei Junlin's mixed-life magic gun pierced Putuo Zhenjun's head, he was directly rejected by the force of this space.

Pei Junlin was almost unbelievable. He didn't expect that he was confronting a real junior figure directly, and he didn't fall behind.

It seems that Putuo Tianjun is extremely powerful, but in fact it is not good. It seems that the strong men at the level of the true monarch are also superior.

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