Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1249: Single-eyed giant

Seeing this scene finally happen, Pei Junlin's eyes suddenly shot a strong brilliance, its body was shaking, everything was acting according to the script.

The champion Hou saw a shocking look at what was happening in front of him. Obviously he didn't even know that there was such an ancient giant hidden here.

The huge fist carried a violent force and bombarded the ancient bronze ancient ship fiercely. The ancient bronze ship shook suddenly, only to hear a click, the ship was directly punched out a big hole.

Seeing this scene, Pei Junlin breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that the era of the ancient **** ship was over. The ancient giant was really powerful. He even collapsed the ancient artifact with a single punch.

A strong mental wave came from the cabin, it seemed that the master hidden in the cabin was also alarmed.

The big dry hand stretched out again and grabbed towards the giant underground. This time the giant did not flinch, but rumbling up.

Just like a mountain, it emerged directly from the ground. When Pei Junlin saw this huge figure, the whole person was trembling.

This is a one-eyed giant with a vague breath in his eyes. His arms were wrapped with chains, and he faced the withered big hand with no fear, shining light in his one eye, and the ancient **** ship was instantly pierced.

The withered big hand that was originally grabbing the Taikoo Giant seemed to feel a strong threat, and suddenly shrank back, followed by the Taikoo Godship exuding a gray air, filling all the loopholes, and then shaking towards the high Flying in the sky.

The Taikoo Godship fled, and the cyclops looked at the sky, seeming to sneer, once again shining out of the glory. A dazzling light flashed over, and the ancient ship in the sky was once again pierced and disintegrated.

In a trance, Pei Junlin saw a weird figure, shriveled like a hairy monkey, and suddenly turned around to look at Pei Junlin's position fiercely, then flew directly into the sky. Disappear.

At this glance, Pei Junlin was covered with cold hair, and his miserable eyes were hard to forget in his life.

"What the **** is that?" Pei Junlin shivered.

Although he defeated this ancient **** ship, but was stared at by your mysterious creature, Pei Junlin's situation is not optimistic.

The champion Hou looked so weird, he seemed to stop talking, but in the end he said nothing. Swire Godship has been defeated, the champion Hou did not stay, and once again rushed into the sky, he was going to lift the threat to Dantai Jingxuan.

After watching the champion leave, Pei Junlin's eyes fell on the Cyclops. At this time, the Cyclops had already taken the dragon's body in his hand and began to eat.

A huge dragon was gnawed bloody, and it was like a loach in his hand. The one-eyed giant's mouth, with sharp teeth, looked at Pei Junlin chilling, but the giant looked at Pei Junlin's gaze, but there was no cruelty.

"Senior! Thank you for saving again. The junior has disturbed you." Pei Junlin was uneasy and wanted to leave quickly.

This is a Jedi. This cyclops is a creature that has never been recorded on earth. Pei Junlin is also a little uneasy.

The Cyclops heard that Pei Junlin was leaving, and put down the dragon corpse in his hand, which seemed to be thoughtful. Looking at the black chain bound by both hands, there seemed to be a blank look in his eyes.

A wave of mental turmoil poured into Pei Junlin's mind. When Pei Junlin discovered that the cyclops had a rare sobriety, could it be because he swallowed a lot of flesh and blood, and then he was sober for a moment.

After the two people communicated, Pei Junlin realized that the Cyclops was originally a race called Cyclops in the starry sky.

In fact, this cyclops was not imprisoned here, but he imprisoned himself in this Jedi. The reason is complicated, just because the cyclops have a curse.

When this curse occurs, it will kill people indiscriminately and lose their mind, so this one-eyed giant traps himself here. Knowing how many years have passed, the cyclops are sometimes muddled, sometimes sober, and spent a long time in this way until Pei Junlin awakened him last time.

However, this time the Cyclops seemed to have made a determination, that is, not to survive, even if he could only live one day, he must live sober and refreshing.

"I'm going to open the chain and walk out of this world. Even if I can't find my future path, even if I'm going to die, I can't be stuck here." Cyclops Chuanyin told Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin nodded, he felt that the cyclops' choice was right. It's a mess here for years. It's really not as good as fighting a vigorous battle, even if the fireworks are gorgeous.


The Cyclops clenched his fists, and the muscles of his arms suddenly jumped, and the two chains broke directly. The sky roared, and the clouds in the sky were directly shaken away.

Then the cyclops rose into the sky and rushed out of the universe. Pei Junlin sighed. The Cyclops was going to leave, and he couldn't keep it. The Cyclops and Earth had no cause and effect.

"When I'm leaving, I will help you solve some enemies, even if it's a gift I gave to the earth, it's also my gratitude to you." Yulin's ear suddenly heard the voice of the cyclops, and then Pei Junlin watched The body of a dragon's Tianjun was scrapped directly.

The dragon's true monarch is very strong, and has been besieging Dantai Jingxuan, but he did not expect that when facing the Cyclops, this true monarch level strongman did not even take a single move.

Then the Cyclops rushed directly into the Peng clan camp. The Cyclops radiated a fierce light and instantly penetrated more than ten Peng clan masters.

"Hahaha." The Cyclops laughed upwards.

No one stopped wherever he went. He waved the chain on his wrist and struck the demon outside the domain at once. Everything he passed was a blood mist, and Pei Junlin was dumbfounded.

The Cyclops just went out of space and entered the universe. No one dared to stop him. A slaughter of this cyclops also won a chance for Dantai Jingxuan champion Hou et al. The strong men of these human races fought **** battles without even a chance to breathe, but at this time, because of the chaos and killing of this cyclops, they were given a precious breathing opportunity.

"Several seniors, there is a panacea." Pei Junlin also rushed into space and took out a lot of panacea.

There were too many awakening masters of human races around, but many Pei Junlin didn't know it at all and had never seen it. In addition to the Golden Armor God, there were Fang Zhengqiu and Tsing Yi Xiusi.

In addition to these people, there are hundreds of masters. The breath of this master is like the sea, Pei Junlin can't see their realm at all, but in the battle with the demon clan outside the territory, these people are all colored.

And many people are all dead, obviously returning from the world of death, which makes Pei Junlin more and more shocked.

It’s a consensus that people can’t be resurrected unless they become zombies, but the changes in Fang Zhengqiu and the performances of the Golden Armor God of War Tsing Yi and others also made Pei Junlin doubt a bit about his previous knowledge.

Will people really return from death because of obsession?

What secrets does the earth contain? Why are these dead ancient characters resurrected during the Earth War today?

"Is that person Pei Junlin? Offended so many people from outside the demon clan, and dared to spread wild here, today the earth will be destroyed, he will definitely die." Someone on a big ship pointed to Pei Junlin to discuss.

Pei Junlin seemed to feel that someone was talking about himself, his eyes glowed with gold, and he suddenly looked towards the big ship. After watching a few young Junyan geniuses, they all showed shocked expressions, and some people even stepped back and took two steps, terrified.

Among the younger generation of extraterrestrial demon clan, Pei Junlin has a great reputation because Pei Junlin has kidnapped countless extraterritorial demon clan. Moreover, Pei Jun’s killing of the Dragon and Peng tribes is just like the killing of chickens and dogs. The monsters outside the domain have already spread. There are even pictures of Pei Jun’s fire roasting a dragon spreading outside the domain.

Today's Pei Junlin seems to be in his twenties, but his strength is comparable to that of a big brother, and some people have seen Pei Junlin defeat a Tianjun level strongman.

"When the battle begins, you must kill this person. Killing Pei Junlin will bring huge benefits, at least the reputation will not be reduced." There was a demon staring at Pei Junlin.

In the void there is still a pair of eyes staring at Pei Junlin coldly. The master of these eyes is Pei Junlin's life and death enemy Hua Qingyang.

But Hua Qingyang's expression at this time was more indifferent than gloating.

Today, Pei Junlin must be dead or alive with Hua From now on, it will not be based on Pei Junlin, because there is no value in fighting against a dead person.

However, Hua Qingyang also has some emotions in his heart, because he did not personally kill Pei Junlin, and his current strength is not to cultivate your opponent.

Wherever he walked in his life, there were flower pavements, drums and drums, and smiles everywhere. It was here in Pei Junlin. Hua Qingyang encountered Waterloo for the first time and was defeated by Pei Junlin, and suffered big losses one after another. This made Hua Qingyang extremely uncomfortable.

On the other side, several young top strong men of the Dragon clan also stared at Pei Junlin. The strong clan of the dragon clan broke their teeth. The matter has been found out. The contradiction between the dragon clan and the Peng clan has caused In the war, all the initiators were Pei Junlin.

The monster races outside the territory did not give Dantai Jingxuan and others much breathing time. Soon, the second wave of attacks struck again.

Dantai Jingxuan and others have a tacit understanding that intercepting the Yao people of extraterritoriality in space, if they fight inside the earth, the aftermath of the Tianjun level strong man's battle can destroy a city, so the loss of the human race is too great .

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