Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1259: Luofengpo

The two landed one after the other, like a shell, leaving a big pit on the ground, especially when Pei Junlin landed on the ground, the whole area turned upside down, and the ground seemed to collapse.

The man in the gold robe had only half a sentence, but after being transformed into a humanoid figure, he still had all his tail. At this time, the golden robe man's face was extremely pale, he had lost too much blood, and his eyes were extremely bitter.

Pei Junlin is chasing after him, he wants to get the other party after all, otherwise it will be a scourge sooner or later to stay. With less than half a day left, Pei Junlin was also very panicked, so try to kill some dragon masters.

The man in gold robe saw that Pei Jun was desperately chasing him. His heart was obviously very angry, and he turned around and pinched his hands, and the mana condensed into a green jade bottle in the air.

The jade bottle was suddenly overturned, and the astonishing essence of sunflower water washed towards Pei Junlin. Pei Junlin saw this scene with a shocked face, and then his face showed a happy look, he reached out and waved the water emperor Yuanshen to fly out, and instantly absorbed the essence of sunflower water.

The man in Jinpao's face was even more ugly when he saw this scene. He originally wanted to use these sunflower essence to stop Pei Junlin. How could he know that it would become Pei Junlin's loot, he was taken away at once.

"This should be the long-lost Aquarius seal. Your lotus seal was originally of the same kind." Jin Ye, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly said, obviously this Aquarius seal surprised him.

The dragon clan has a long heritage and integrates the strengths of hundreds of schools. Many magical powers are very mysterious. For this treasure bottle seal Pei Junlin is naturally coveted.

Catch up again to evolve the fist and slam the opponent. Fang Tian's halberd in the hand of the golden robe suddenly slammed towards Pei Junlin. Pei Junlin stretched out his hand and grabbed two Fangtianhua halberds and was caught in his hand, but the weight of the two Fangtianhua halberds surprised Pei Junlin.

As heavy as a thousand pieces, as heavy as a mountain, I did not expect the other party to lift weight as lightly as possible. As you hold Fang Tianhuajian, you catch up again.

Repaying him with his own way, Fang Tianhua halberd smashed a golden light fiercely, and suddenly hit him on the shoulder of the golden robe, directly cutting off his body by a third.

The man in the golden robe was less than half of his body, watching Pei Junlin, and turned to face a deep ancient mountain again.

"Every forest does not enter, every mountain does not enter, this mountain is strange." Jin Ye warned Pei Junlin, even the **** donkey should stop.

However, Pei Junlin was a little hesitant, and the bottle seal and the lotus seal were originally a kind of supernatural power. Now the printing method on his hand is not complete. If the cultivation method of the bottle bottle seal can be obtained, it will undoubtedly allow burning The Silent Seal and the Lotus Seal regain their radiance.

Pei Junlin gritted his teeth, still following the man's body of the golden robe, rushing towards the mountains, and as soon as he entered the valley, Pei Junlin heard a broken voice.

The force of tyranny descended from the sky, pressing against Pei Junlin's back like a big mountain. Pei Jun Lin immediately understood that he had counted, but he did not panic. Instead, he turned and punched his fist. He evolved a complicated world to fight this force.

In the air, there is a young girl in white, her body is crystal clear, and she reads ancient scriptures. Immediately after Pei Junlin felt, there seemed to be a heavenly dragon staring at himself in the ancient times.

"Dragon Race's curse, you must be careful." Jin Ye was a little nervous, I wonder if Pei Junlin can resist this wave.

At a critical moment, Pei Junlin once again hit six reincarnation punches. This fist really suppressed everything. The curse power in the midair was smashed by these six reincarnation punches, and the sky became clear and clear. The surrounding mountains began to collapse.

"Useless, if you enter this area, you are destined to be destroyed here. This mountain is called Luofengpo. You are also a generation of masters, and you will be worthy of you if you die here." The girl's voice is not fast, no Any resentment and anger seem very ethereal.

The more this is, the more Pei Junlin feels when the dangerous dragon clan appeared such a girl who turned against the sky. At a young age, he mastered such a thorough magic, especially the recitation of the ancient scriptures, In the middle of the sky, an ancient temple, a huge heaven, and a lot of divine light were formed.

Pieces of red maple leaves fell down, forming a rotating blade around Pei Junlin, each of these maple leaves was extremely sharp.

Pei Junlin's current derivation fist, walking in the thousands of flowers, Pei Junlin, whose leaves are all around, Xuan Zhixuan evaded.

"Useless, useless, don't be in vain, your final ending can only be death." The woman looked at Pei Junlin's eyes and showed a trace of pity.

Pei Junlin only noticed that this valley is a bit unusual at this time, because there are many things. First of all, Pei Junlin saw the corpse of a strong person of the true monarch level.

Immediately after Pei Junlin saw a huge phoenix wing, this creature of the true spirit level actually died in this valley.

Pei Junlin's expression slowly became horrified, because the ground was full of various purple blood and colorful. There are also a variety of gods and beasts lying dead in this valley, which makes people panic.

The girl finished her seal, and a treasure bottle was shrouded towards Pei Junlin. Pei Junlin looked up and saw that the heavens and the earth were gradually getting darker. The world around him seemed to be packed into a square. He wanted to break free, but he always felt that this world of earth had become unusual.

Pei Junlin evolved six rounds of reincarnation, fist wanted to break the imprisonment around, but it was like playing on a ball of cotton. A dazzling light appeared in the sky, in which the voice of the dragon and fairy clan chanted some kind of sacrifice.

Pei Junlin felt a severe pain in his heart, and then he felt a vague force corroding towards himself.

"What the **** is this place? Did I really put it in the bottle of aquarium? Will my body be corroded after staying here for a long time?" Pei Junlin was so shocked that he wanted to break through here.

Master Jin was silent, and seemed to be caught in some kind of fear. It seems that there is something unusual in this valley of the dragon race.

In the initial fear, Pei Junlin slowly calmed down, because he suddenly felt that this corrosive force could temporarily cause no damage to its forming body, and Pei Junlin slowly sat down and began to comb Wang Chao The ray of distraction.

Wang Chao is a genius figure who suppressed the ages in ancient times. Such figures are divided, and the power is definitely more than that. Before Pei Junlin just hurriedly mounted the horse, he didn't take advantage of Wang Chao's distraction.

It was he who dived down to realize the details, and soon felt a lot of things. It is indeed Wu Sheng's understanding of dance. Sure enough, it can be said to be the origin of the stone.

Pei Junlin opened his eyes and began to regenerate his fist skills again. This time, he did not use six reincarnation techniques, but another set of fist techniques. This set of boxing methods is Wang Chao's self-conscious set of boxing methods, named Wushi Wang Boxing.

A set of boxing techniques evolved, and Pei Junlin felt that the surrounding world seemed to turn into chaos. There is no clear turbidity or yin and yang qi here, everything is chaotic, just like the beginning of heaven and earth. As Pei Jun Lin's fist evolved, a huge axe condensed in the air.

As Pei Junlin evolved this set of boxing techniques to the extreme, the axe suddenly radiated a beam of light, like walking through a bend and suddenly appearing in a narrow valley. A bright light came in, and Pei Junlin opened his eyes, just as the world first opened.

After all, the Aquarius seal was still broken. Pei Junlin evolved Pangu's earth-shaking scene, evolved the Pangu Axe, and split the Aquarius seal at once.


Pei Junlin rose to the sky, the girl in white was originally suspended in midair, when she saw Pei Junlin rising to the sky, she could not help but reveal a shock.

Pei Junlin was able to get out of the Aquarius seal, which seemed far beyond his expectations. Facing the monstrous divinity, he rushed towards himself, and there was a slight confusion in the look of the white girl.

A jade ruyi appeared in the girl's hands, and suddenly a colorful light hung down from the sky like a curtain.

Immediately afterwards, I felt this colorful light everywhere in the whole valley, blocking his sight, so that Pei Junlin could not see anything. Moreover, the screams of Wang Ziqiong came in the darkness, which made Pei Junlin lose his mind.

"All of this is an illusion. Someone has to be confused. You have to be careful." Jin Ye's voice came out.

Pei Junlin opened his eyes, and the fire-eyed golden eyes radiated two golden lights visible to the naked eye, looking towards the colorful light. Pei Junlin wanted to find the whereabouts of the girl in white, and killed him by the way.

But unfortunately, Pei Junlin found that even the fire-eyed gold eyes seemed to be What the fire-eyed gold eyes saw was only a murky gray.

Under the eyes of fire and eyes, it seems that the surroundings have become a world without color, everything is gray, only black, white and gray.

"Try it with a crock." The voice of the **** donkey came.

At this time, although the **** donkey and the golden swallowing beast were hidden inside the space of the golden bucket, but what was happening outside was clearly seen. Seeing that Pei Junlin was in a dilemma, the **** donkey immediately sacrificed out of the jar .

The earthen jar floated over the top of Pei Junlin’s head, and there was a gray breath scattered. Pei Junlin immediately felt that the surrounding scene had changed, that the illusory light had become clean, and the surroundings were no longer one. valley.

Looking at the mountain is not the mountain Pei Junlin, only to find out that he came to a Jedi. There are bones under my feet, and the springs flowing down the mountain are all purple-red blood.

A few small white flowers, you grow on the barren yellow soil swaying in the wind, a faint scent emanates from the white flowers, making people dizzy.

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