Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1261: The secret of reincarnation

Pei Junlin seems to know some secrets, maybe this black vortex absorbs the soul and Wang Chao's trace of avatar has nothing to do with it.

But every time a large number of souls appear, or when a large number of people die, this kind of soul vortex will appear.

It turns out that there really is a soul in this world, but the soul is dead, and no one knows where to go. For thousands of years, even some cultivators did not know.

There is a saying among the practitioners that it turns into gray ashes after death. The so-called gray ashes should be the unknowable situation.

In fact, the legendary underworld and **** are related to death, but it is not the return of the soul.

Reincarnation is a mysterious topic and an ultimate secret eye. After watching the black vortex disappear, Pei Junlin breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that the shadow over his head had finally dispersed.

Thinking of the monster that protruded from the black vortex, the big mouth was like some kind of anteater, and like the mouth of a crow. In short, Pei Junlin did not see what it was.

The ancestral court of the dragon race was destroyed, but the dragon race was not completely destroyed. The entire Dragon race, sitting on hundreds of planets, large and small, and the population of the Dragon race is not large.

At the moment of destruction of Long Zu Ting, Pei Junlin also rushed into the dust. He launched his consciousness to search for some fish in the net. As expected, some top masters did not die in this collapse.

On the contrary, the dragon clan retained most of its vitality, and the dragon clan's ancestral court was completely destroyed.

Pei Junlin evolved his fist in the air, and a dragon-level true junior strongman was injured and wanted to escape. He was hit by Pei Junlin and fell from the air.

And more dragon races are running in one direction. The orientation is another planet, which is also the oldest celestial burial planet of the dragon races. From Pei Junlin, he once visited the above, and obtained the bones of the dragon races of the Tianjun level.

This planet belongs to the cemetery level for the dragons. Some ancient dragons are buried on it, which is the place where Pei Junlin wonders. Why did the dragons run towards the cemetery when they are in danger?

Is there any secret on that heavenly burial planet?

The time is getting more and more urgent, and the time left for Pei Junlin is only minutes, seconds, seconds, Pei Junlin no longer hesitates to open directly, and the wormhole instantly falls on this heavenly burial planet.

The remains of countless dragons have been buried on this planet, but at this time, Pei Junlin felt a strange breath. It seems that there is a powerful existence that is crossing the dimension wall to reach here.

The most worrying thing still happened, the dragon clan finally summoned the master of the ancient dragon clan.

In a desert, Pei Junlin saw a huge altar where dozens of dragons were performing some kind of sacrificial activity. A bright vortex appeared in the sky, and there seemed to be something to cross the space and come here.

Without any hesitation, Pei Junlin directly yanked his fist punches. Wang Chao’s power was exerted to the extreme by Pei Junlin at this moment. He wanted to prevent the arrival of the dragon masters at the most critical moment.

With the ultimate evolution of boxing skills, Pei Junlin turned into a golden light, like a round of the sun, suddenly shrouded towards the altar.


The golden sun came down suddenly, and the altar was torn apart, and hundreds of dragons around it also blew out in a flash, and the hot light turned into smoke instantly.

What happened is too fast. Unexpectedly, very few people of the Dragon family can escape. They are painstakingly alone. Setting up the space-time altar here is to summon some Dragon family strongmen in other star regions.

After the altar was destroyed, Pei Junlin discovered the fact that the portal appeared in mid-air and was not closed, and the breath of some kind of big people still slowly spreading.

Only half of the sun on the sky is going to set completely. On the disappearing horizon, Pei Junlin glanced at the sky and knew that his time was running out.

Once again, the fist punching towards the huge portal, Wang Chao's power was weakening, but Pei Junlin had to grasp this tail.

Just as Pei Junlin and Huawei's tai chi pattern crashed into the portal, a hand suddenly came out of the portal. With this hand pressed down, Pei Junlin felt that the strength of his body was slowly passing away, and the whole person seemed to be stuck with something.

At the critical moment, the **** donkey sacrificed the earthen jar, and the earthen jar exuded a misty atmosphere, and immediately wrapped Pei Junlin. Lord Jin also made a roar, and Chaos Jindou suddenly opened the space to absorb Pei Junlin and the **** donkey, as well as the Golden Beast.

The **** donkey was a wormhole portrayed in advance. At the last moment when the sun was setting, everyone got into the wormhole and left instantly.

"Let's not go back, run away." The **** donkey grunted with two eyes.

Jin Ye also had the same opinion. In the end, the Dragon Clan was not destroyed, and the Dragon Clan summoned the power outside the domain. This shows that the end of the earth has come.

"Look at that breath should be a top master of the true king realm, came down, swept the entire Donglai star field without any problem, even those of Tantai Jingxuan will be overthrown and suppressed, let's go back now It's just looking for death," said the **** donkey.

Pei Junlin hasn't spoken, but suddenly Pei Junlin spoke, and he said towards the **** donkey and Jin Ye on the side: "I have no right to ask you to die with me, now you two can leave, no matter I have to go back."

The **** donkey and Jinye looked at each other, their eyes filled with embarrassment. It is obviously not enough to leave at this point, and this Chaos Jindou and Pei Junlin have long been harmonized and cannot leave at all.

"Forget it, I don't think you are like a short-lived person. My old **** just bet on this one. It really doesn't work. I know there is another pure land on the earth, that is, Kunlun Mountain, there is absolutely a real king on the top of the mountain. If you are willing to shoot, the earth will be saved." The **** donkey also said his heart.

Everyone agreed that Pei Junlin decided to rush to Kunlun Mountain immediately, as long as there is Kunlun's divine protection of the earth, there may be a first-line student. But now, the first thing to find is Dantai Jingxuan and Champion Hou. These people, Pei Junlin, want to tell them about the arrival of the real master outside the realm.

The **** donkey portrays the long-distance portal, and the target is the planet where the Peng tribe is located. Jin's speculation that even if the real king realm is coming, it will take a few days. At least it will not be too easy to get out of the portal, so there is still time for Pei Junlin and others, but only Just a few days.

A vortex appeared, and Pei Junlin, Dahei Don and others walked in. When they came out again, they came to the planet of the Peng tribe, but now it has become a Shura battlefield.

As soon as Pei Junlin appeared, Dantai Jingxuan was fighting with a top Peng clan master. The two played with great difficulty, and they were constantly evolving in the midair.

Various tricks and immortal techniques were exhibited one after another, and the whole sky was shrouded by Shenhui.

"Pei Junlin directly borrowed the gray crock of the **** donkey, and suddenly shot a grayish atmosphere to cover the past. The master of the Peng tribe was caught off guard and was instantly put in place.

Dantai Jingxuan spotted this opportunity and used his magic. Pei Junlin only saw a flash of light, and the wings of the Peng clan master were directly broken.

This is a strong man of the true monarch level. His body was nailed, his wings were broken, and he was seriously injured. And the champion Hou in the distance also saw this scene, and suddenly a punch hit, the master of the true junior level immediately fractured and broken, and the true spirits were tied up.

Pei Junlin's sudden cut broke the balance of the entire battle and caused some kind of magical change. Originally, the two sides fell into a kind of balanced battle and collapsed in an instant. The human race has an absolute advantage.

The masters of the Peng tribe were swept away, and the entire sky was full of falling masters of the Peng tribe. However, no one feels that this scene is cruel. If the human race is defeated, the Peng clan's means will only be more **** and cruel.

"How is the Dragon Race over there?" Dantai Jingxuan looked at Pei Junlin with concern.

Pei Junlin gave a bit of a bitter smile. This matter also blamed him for his ineffectiveness, which gave the dragon clan the opportunity to summon the master of the real king realm, but it is too late to say anything.

After hearing Pei Junlin's narration, the people fell into a state of sluggishness, the master of the real king's realm came, and the dragon clan was already unstoppable.

"This thing is not to blame him, after all, Wang Chao's ray of avatar is not enough to reverse the universe. It was during the battle between the human race and the extraterrestrial demon race, there were some emperor-level characters who predicted today's situation." Dantai Jingxuan broke the sky.

" At that time, mankind had the top strong man predicted today, but man will not perish, but the strong man said very vaguely." Champion Hou also thought about it.

"Although it will not perish, but it must also bleed into a river. This is the catastrophe of the human race." Tsing Yi sighed with a long sigh.

Everyone's emotions are not high, although they have just experienced a victory. In the unified planning of Dantai Jingxuan, the most important thing that everyone should do now is to transfer some elite figures of the human race. Don't wait until the earth is really destroyed, then the bloodline of the human race will be completely cut off.

"The earliest origin of the human race in the universe is the earth. The earth can be said to be the birthplace of the human race in the entire universe. It can't be destroyed here, and the earth has such a big secret that it has a certain direction in the future of the human race." Dantai Jingxuan said solemnly. .

Today, this pretty woman carried the banner of the human race and the blood war of the demon races outside the region, and she did not let her eyebrows.

"The Kunlun Mountain is said to have the Kunlun Jingu Shrine. Is it the key to the human race's reversal of the universe?" Pei Junlin also took the opportunity to raise his own doubts.

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