Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1263: The real king comes

This is not a real comet, but the divine radiance from the real master of the realm. Pei Junlin knew that the things he had always worried about had finally arrived. I am afraid that the unexpected demon clan's counterattack would definitely come again.

Dantai Jingxuan, champion Hou and others rushed to the sky to block the dragon master, and at the same time, the major races outside the region made a comeback.

Pei Junlin also rose into the sky and rushed out of space again. At this time, the battle outside the atmosphere has been in full swing, and the extraterrestrial demon races as dense as bees have once again come to the demon races, and Pei Junlin also saw many alien races.

More than a dozen masters stopped Pei Junlin and attacked him, and even one of them was a strong man at the level of a true monarch. After losing Wang Chao's true soul possession, Pei Junlin's strength is now greatly reduced, but after possessing the **** donkey's crock, Pei Junlin will not collapse under the attack of the true Jun level strong.

A great battle is inevitable, Pei Jun Lin Yan fist, although Wang Chao’s doppelganger has left, but now Pei Jun Lin has also mastered a part of Wang Chao’s essence, but for those six reincarnation fist, Pei Jun Lin Yan Yan’s power will be greatly reduced .

But even so, Pei Junlin's evolved boxing skills are still very powerful for these general masters, and it is not even a matter of stopping a strong person of the true monarch level.

Pei Junlin saw Wang Ziyu astonishing him. At this time, Wang Ziyu rode this great wild **** trip, wandering in the void, and immediately chased after encountering an unexpected demon clan.

Wang Ziyu now looks a lot more mature than before, and his expression is even colder, but soon Pei Junlin noticed that Wang Ziyu was being stared at by a strong person of the true monarch level.

Pei Junlin hit the monkey and rushed towards Wang Ziyu, but he was still one step late. At the most crucial moment, Pei Junlin blocked his attack on Wang Ziyu with his body.

The body was pierced in an instant, even if it had a star holy body, Pei Junlin was also fatally injured at this time.

Pei Junlin coughed up golden blood, and his eyes exuded gray death. His vitality was passing away.

At this moment, a bronze voice stopped Pei Junlin, and a powerful momentum broke out to fight with the true level strong man.

Pei Junlin took a closer look and showed a stunned look, because this bronze figure turned out to be the old fairy of Ping Yuan, only the strength of the old fairy of Yuan Ping in the realm of Yin God was so powerful, I don’t know what happened, I could actually block a true monarch Strong level.

"Sister-in-law, are you okay?" Wang Ziyu panicked God completely, and seeing Pei Junlin's big mouth spurting blood, it felt obviously seconds.

The tree of life began to reverse the vitality, a large force of life rushed into Pei Junlin's body and mind, but the body still could not stop the spread of injuries.

The long spells recite in the mouth of Yuan Ping's old fairy, a halo rippled from the center of his body. Pei Junlin couldn't help but change his face when he heard the mantra chanted in a low voice.

Because he heard, the vague Yuan Ping old fairy wants to use all the blood of the Yuan family to exchange Pei Junlin's vitality.

"All the blood of the Yuan family..." Pei Junlin knew that this was the old fairy of Yuan Ping using the Yayoi Blood Mantra.

This is a way to use one's own blood sacrifice to honor the evil spirit in the void and achieve a certain desire. This time it was Pei Junlin who had no strength at all to stop it. He finally understood why the strength of teacher Yuan Ping's idea became so strong in a short time. This was burning the blood of the entire Yuan family for generations.

Pei Junlin feels that a mysterious power is quickly coming from the heart, and he starts slowly, as for his unhealable injury, and the vitality between the teachers on the other side of Yuan Ping is gradually exhausted, facing the strong man of the true monarch level No power to parry.

The body is like a yellow fallen leaf in the violent wind. The Pei Junlin sees this scene, and a tear is quietly dripped from the corner of his eye. He knows that this is the teacher Yuan Ping first used all the vitality of the Yuan family to exchange for himself today. Rebirth.

Pei Junlin stood up again, holding a mixed-world magic gun, and rushed up again, bursting with powerful force all over his body. The gray earthen jar irrigated by Pei Junlin's holy blood exuded a misty gray breath, and was suddenly sacrificed by Pei Junlin, hitting **** the true strong man.

Taking advantage of the blank period after the opponent's body was penetrated by the gray crock, Pei Junlin rushed up, and the mixed-life magic gun was stabbed fiercely in his hand. The breath, trapped the other's true spirit.

A monstrous breath spread, and everyone felt a shudder. A huge body, I do not know how many dragons exhaled a deep breath from the sky.

This huge wild dragon finally turned into a man in white. The white clothes are like snow, and the white hair shines.

The person who came to take the champion red was nailed in place and could not move. This is the power of the real king master.

At this moment, Pei Junlin was also unable to move. It could sense in all directions, and a large number of foreign monsters lurked towards his place.

Before using the power of Wang Chao, Pei Junlin killed the Quartet in the extraterritorial demon clan, and obtained many top supernatural supernatural powers, but at this moment these people all want to get close to Pei Junlin's blood to kill it in order to be completely assured.

Countless masters shot desperate divine light toward Pei Junlin and wanted to beat Pei Junlin into powder, while on the other side, Tantai Jingxuan and others were also controlled. Even if they saw Pei Junlin in danger, they could not shoot at this time.


Champion Hou suddenly screamed, his body glowed with dazzling light, and the regular force around him slowly began to melt.

The champion Hou who got his freedom came to Pei Junlin in one step. At this time, his momentum was very powerful, but his vitality was quickly lost. Pei Junlin's eyes were a little wet, because it could perceive that the champion Hou was burning life.

On the other side, Dantai Jingxuan also closed his eyes, seeming to recite some kind of mysterious mantra. As the mantra progressed, his momentum became stronger and stronger. However, unlike the burning life of champion Hou, Dantai Jingxuan seems to be unlocking a certain seal of his body.

The champion Hou stepped over to Pei Junlin and punched a punch. This punch turned into countless punches and rushed in all directions.

The opponent who originally wanted the wedding dress Pei Junlin instantly disappeared under this fist, and even the screams were not issued.

"What's the matter with him?" Pei Junlin looked at Dantai Jingxuan worriedly.

The real master of the dragon realm was quietly watching Dantai Jingxuan didn't shoot. His eyes seemed to have a look of recollection, but there was no emotion in his eyes.

"She is very strong, very strong during the Taikoo period. I just know that his strength is no less than that of the real king, but he is sealed. Now the seal is unlocked, which is his real strength." Champion Hou whispered Road.

Pei Junlin couldn't care about talking about Dantai Jingxuan, his eyebrows squeezed out a drop of milky white essence, and his head fell to the champion's eyebrows instantly.

The milky white light is the pure power of life, which can supplement Shouyuan, as expected, after absorbing such a mass of life essence after the champion, it immediately showed a shocking look.

In that mass of life essence, there is a thousand years of Shou Yuan, which is incredible for the champion Hou. He stared at Pei Junlin: "You gave me Shou Yuan, what do you do?"

"Let's all of us survive, no matter what happens today." Pei Junlin put his eyes on Dantai Jingxuan, and did not answer the topic of the champion Hou directly.

Dantai Jingxuan looks a bit unusual from ordinary time, because Pei Junlin feels that Dantai Jingxuan, whose strength is rising rapidly, her consciousness seems to be losing.

The soft breath that had originally become very cold now. When Dantai Jingxuan opened his eyes again, Pei Junlin saw a pair of emotionless eyes.

Dantai Jingxuan fluttered around without any emotion in his eyes. He glanced around, and the space would be frozen.

Pei Junlin only saw a figure flying into the sky, and he saw the masters of the two great kings fighting together. When the light of the two fighting was shocked, there were countless close masters falling. Pei Junlin had no choice but to go crazy away from the champion Hou and others.

"Haha, you finally woke up. Without you, I will not come to such a small and remote star field this time. I came here just to meet you for a while. I can overcome you, then my heart is complete, step on Entering the next realm is a matter of course." The dragon master of the real king realm laughed.

Dantai Jingxuan didn't speak, and overcame the world, and the entire sky was turned into chaos by the divine light, and some of the star planets around the life near the battlefield were broken directly.

The master of the Dragon King Realm tried his best, and the shadows directly exploded. It seemed that there were countless **** eyes in the void watching the battlefield.

Pei Junlin is very dignified at this time, because it can perceive the death energy of Dantai Jingxuan is very strong, which is not like the power of living people.

It seems that it was intentional. Natantai Jingxuan shuttled across the East Starland, leading the master of the real dragon realm. The battle between the two brought huge pain of the stars, the birth and death of countless desires, the demon cries.

In the eyes of the Dragon King Realm Master, even all the demon roots in the entire Southeast Star Territory are nothing. This is because he came to this star field originally not to save the dragon clan, nor to answer the call of the dragon clan, but because Dantai Jingxuan is here.

The battle between the two was unscrupulous, and there was no meaning to suppress fluctuations, so all the stars exploded wherever they passed, and countless demon clan, life and death fell into death.

The extraterrestrial demon tribes are desperately trying to deal with the earth, but they did not expect their own homeland to be destroyed prematurely. Countless extraterrestrial demon tribes have turned into unjust dead ghosts, and they do not even know what happened before they died.

At this moment, it is the real Abi hell, the disastrous scene of the world, the innumerable creatures disappear, and it reflects the sorrow of the weak, the helplessness of the weak, the anger of the strong, and the destruction of the spirits and the destruction of the planet.

"This Dantai Jingxuan is a bit abnormal, it seems to be the body of the legendary demon." The **** donkey rarely spoke, but when speaking, each sentence had a unique weight.

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