Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 129: Just after easy break

Dong Donghu's tone was so straightforward and unscrupulous. As the words fell, the group of bodyguards who followed him also laughed loudly, as if laughing at Pei Junlin's innocence.

Around him, the workers hiding around also heard Dong Hu's unscrupulous and selfish words, and all of them suddenly flushed and clenched their fists.

But soon they were discouraged one by one, bitter and helpless!

Even if the anger is unwilling to stand up?

They are just one of the lowest level of people in this society. Many people have n’t even read a few more days, they do n’t know a few words. Except for a little strength, they have no skill at all!

In the face of powerful bosses like Dong Hu, who can only be bullied and squeezed, he will not even dare to resist, because everyone who has resisted will end up with a terrible result.

Coupled with wanting to take their own hard-earned money, workers can only get deeper and deeper, and in the end they can't help themselves, let the so-called boss knead ...

Pei Junlin also noticed the helplessness and injustice of the workers around him. In a moment, Rao Yi felt angry in his mind, not only because his father was also the victim, but because of some kind of conscience. And bloody!

Although the secular world may not be as strange and spiritual as the practice world, the waves are spectacular, but sometimes the rules of respect are the same, they are all weak and strong!

The strong can always bully the weak, and use the blood and bones of the weak to accumulate everything they need, but the weak can only have the fate of being cheated and crippled!

所以 "So, this is the excuse and reason why you can arbitrarily owe workers wages?"

The sound of Pei Jun's icy cold sound of **** sounded slowly. Deep in his black eyes, two clusters of flames were burning. He was really angry!

Dong Hu, who was standing opposite, didn't know that Death had stretched out a haunting rope towards him, and still stood there arrogantly: "Boy! I tell you, today you are finished! Not only you, but also the workers here, they Unless I'm in a good mood someday, maybe I can throw them a bone that I'm finished with, otherwise, don't even think about this life ... ah! "

The panic-screaming sounded suddenly, and Dong Hu, who was talking, suddenly found that his neck was pinched by a large hand like an iron clamp. I saw that when I did n’t know, Pei Junlin had appeared in front of him. Less than half a foot, each other can sense each other's breathing.

Dong Donghu clearly saw the strong killing intention contained in Pei Junlin's lacquered black eyes, could not help but scream!

"Release Brother Hu!"

"Boy, you are brave!"

A scream of exclamation sounded, and a group of bodyguards behind Dong Hu all jumped out and surrounded Pei Junlin in the middle. He clenched his weapons such as machete, iron ruler, dagger and so on, his face was fierce.

It ’s a pity that Pei Junlin has never seen it before. The murderous cold eyes stared coldly at Dong Hu who was blushing and getting more and more difficult to breathe, and said coldly: "Well ... dare to ask Brother Hu, now your Life is in my hands, and your life and death are between my thoughts! "

"I'm happy and maybe I won't kill you, but if I'm not happy, just pinch my finger gently, your neck will click ... break!"

"I'm not scaring you. The two bodies on the ground have told you everything, shouldn't you believe that I don't have that courage?"

Pei Junlin's voice was abusive. He suddenly found that he didn't want to kill directly. Sometimes, killing is too simple and not a good thing. He will lose a lot of fun ...

Dong Donghu's eyes showed a thick color of fear, and a strong sense of suffocation made him feel that the entire chest cavity was about to explode, and the whimpering beast roared in his throat!

Pei Junlin deliberately tortured and consumed the other party's will: "Are you still not convinced? Well, I will ..."

"Woohoo !!!"

Dong Hu was completely anxious, and his limbs were chaotic, shaking his head as hard as he could to **** the milk. Pei Junlin then released his finger and threw Dong Hu on the ground.

Just as it was just around a circle in Guimenguan, Dong Hu was lying on the ground, coughing and tearing his nose, and his nose and tears were flowing. It took him two minutes to recover a little strength, slowly raising his head and staring at Pei Junlin. With a face, his expression dreads: "Okay, this time I am Dong Huzhai ... kill me this bastard!"

Suddenly, the words suddenly changed on the way. Dong Hu's original fearful face suddenly turned into boundless fierce anger, and his voice did not fall. He has turned into a strong cheetah, and the lightning burst out!

A group of bodyguards who had been staring at him for a long time, heard the instructions, and were stunned. They held the weapon in their hands and flew towards Pei Junlin. Seeing that it looked like he was really preparing to send Pei Junlin to a thousand swords!

Pei Junlin suddenly sighed softly, and there was an undisguised mockery on that indifferent face: "It turns out that there are so many ignorant and stupid people in this world ..."

His voice didn't fall, he raised his foot violently for a moment!


The earth exploded instantly, and a horrible energy burst out, spreading to the surroundings without distinction.

Those bodyguards who had originally carried their weapons and rushed to Pei Junlin were struck by lightning. No matter what weapon they were holding, they were clearly facing the direction of Pei Junlin, but they turned back in a stern direction, and they were all horrified in their eyes. In, they stabbed themselves!


Uh ...

The sound of the sharp blade coming into the body came out one after another. Some people hacked their foreheads with a machete, some stabbed their chests with daggers, and others held their heads in two with iron rulers ...

In short, a famous bodyguard widened his eyes, looked at the weapons in his hands, and fell to the ground, seemingly unable to believe that they would be killed by their own weapons, and they were killed by them. Myself!

Almost a blink of an eye, dozens of fierce bodyguards have not survived, all fell into a pool of blood!

This weird scene has scared countless people!

No one expected that the final outcome would be so!

连 Even Lin Xianer and Lin Chen, who had watched the show before, have widened their eyes and stunned!

As for Dong Hu, who just ran a few meters away, he was full of fear. He almost stumbled and ran to the Hummer car he was riding on, and then slammed the door with a cry, crying loudly: "Zhang Sir! Mr. Zhang! I beg you, I promise you whatever you want! "

The window that had been tightly closed suddenly dropped slowly, revealing a middle-aged man in a smart suit. His temperament was extremely elegant, much like a university professor.

At this moment, his face looked calmly at the outside with endless horror. Dong Hu was extremely embarrassed, and his voice calmed down, "Very good! After that, I want 70% of your Dong family property!"

Dong Donghu's body trembled fiercely, but when he saw Pei Junlin, who was slowly approaching, he immediately looked vicious and nodded: "Yes! As long as Mr. Zhang reported me the shame today ..."


The car door was opened, and a slender, elegant middle-aged man came out from it. It was very attractive, with bright eyes. It is definitely the type of mature uncle man that countless women and girls like in the world today!

When he was sitting in the car before, naturally he had already witnessed everything that happened outside, but he still dare to choose to get off the car at this moment, which proves that this mysterious Mr. Zhang is inscrutable!

Pei Junlin also set his sights on the face of this mysterious Mr. Zhang, killing so many people, his body was still spotless, his blood was not stained, and his face was still calm like water, but he said lightly: "You want to stop me? "

"Young man, your anger is too great! Although it is a good thing for young people to have a sharp edge, but just after the break, be careful to keep up!" Mr. Zhang taught the attitude of the younger generation.

Pei Junlin narrowed his eyes: "That's because the piece is just bad!"

Mr. Zhang shook his head and sighed, with a look of regret: "Since then, I can only shoot! It is a pity that such a young genius ..."

At this time, Pei Junlin finally couldn't help laughing and sneer, with a sneer on his face: "Don't put on your face, don't think I didn't hear your conversation just now, that 70% of the wealth is not so easy to take, be careful even yourself Lost it! "

"I have killed many people today and don't mind killing one more!"

Mr. Zhang's face finally changed slightly. I saw his footsteps move across the ground ~ ~ This seemingly casual movement, but when he landed, he hit the ground like a jackhammer, hard. The concrete floor was cracked, and at the same time, a strong breath burst out of him.

I was actually a strong master of three masters, surrounded by vigor and stern wind!

Dong Hu, who was watching from a distance, showed surprise and a sense of revenge. He seemed to see Pei Junlin's tragic ending. This man dared to hurt his baby son and killed many of his men in succession. This thing is not over today!

To know that he paid a huge price for this Mr. Zhang, named Zhang Yuanhao, who is from the Zhang family in Sucheng. The Zhang family is not only famous in this city, but also in the underground world of the entire Jiangnan region. Talk about the existence of color change!

"Young man, I said that you are too sharp, just after easy break!"

At the moment when Mr. Zhang Zhang was exposed, he was like a high-minded king, with a disdainful face, looking down at Pei Junlin, and his previous elegant temperament disappeared and replaced by a domineering of martial arts.

Immediately, he exhaled, his whole body muscles were agitating, like an inflated tire, he quickly swelled up, and finally punched out!

The punches are like a mountain!

The bang sound burst!

This gentleman turned out to be a powerful warrior who practiced the method of horizontal training. This fist really blasted out like a cannonball. The horror of true energy gathered into a fist print, crossed the air, and left a white air wave. Pei Junlin's chest!

Except for Lin Xian'er and Lin Chen, all the people gathered around him changed their faces, especially the look of Pei Donglai and Guo Shiyun.

Because ... they actually saw Pei Junlin as if frightened and stood still!

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