Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 141: 0 directors

Under the gaze of radiant eyes, I saw the depth of the peach blossom forest, under one of the most lush peach blossom trees, and I don't know when there will be a long and tall figure.

This young man looks like a crown jade and a sword eyebrow. Even if he wears casual clothes that are very different from his temperament, it is still difficult to conceal the eye-catching temperament like the bright moon.

Some people are destined to be unforgettable for a lifetime, and the dazzling temperament will attract countless eyes even in the dark, and they will be born to be human.

No one saw how that figure appeared, especially the police sergeants who were guarding live ammunition around their guns.

Prior to that, they carefully searched the entire peach blossom forest and determined that no one had infiltrated before drawing the yellow line alert. However, this young man appeared in this peach blossom forest in this way, it was incredible!

"He's Pei Shura! It's him! Absolutely not wrong!"

When the eyes of the people gathered under the peach tree in the peach trees, the young people's looks began to sound.

After all, Pei Junlin is already a public figure now, and many people have really seen Pei Junlin's true content with his own eyes. Naturally, various exclamations have been raised.

Among them, most of them are beautiful women. After seeing Pei Junlin ’s handsome face like a god, like a figure cast by a golden ratio, many women in martial arts or the rich and beautiful ladies and noble ladies of the big family all have eyes. Big bright, one by one hot.

They have long heard that Pei Shuluo in this rumor not only explodes in force value, but also a rare handsome guy, who doesn't know where to be stronger than the so-called celebrity. Now, at first sight, she did not deceive me!

This Pei Shuluo is indeed the dream lover of countless women, but unfortunately, such a peerless man has already been swiftly settled and established his family.

Among the crowd, Lin Qianmo, Lin Shukang, and Lin Xianer naturally saw Pei Junlin. To be honest, even the mature female guru such as Lin Qianmo was also shown by Pei Junlin's splendid temperament, which gave him a severe stab. , With a short absence.

"Sao Bao, sao Bao, so many female satyrs screamed!"

Lin Xianer hummed, sour taste inexplicable.

"Xianer, although my Lin family is extraordinary, everyone in the family is like a dragon, but this Pei Junlin is a rare person in a century. Even if he is married, if you have a chance, don't give up! "Lin Qianmo turned to Lin Xianer and said.

This remark made Lin Xianer's eyes widened, and her face was incredible.

"Xian Er, your third aunt is right, a man like Pei Junlin is definitely something you can't meet, you can't give up lightly ..." Lin Shukang also made up his sword.

Lin Xianer's forehead has black lines on her forehead, and she almost ran away, but she only knew it. In fact, deep in her heart was really full of longing, but unfortunately, the flowers were deliberately flowing, and that guy was an ice stone.

At the same time, around the large peach blossom forest, the martial arts powers from the north and the south of the river also gathered their eyes on Pei Junlin. When he saw such a bright and dazzling youth in front of him, he stood there like the most dazzling pearl Many people's hearts are inexplicably raised a sense of smallness.

It is really that dazzling figure. Before seeing Pei Junlin himself, many people didn't take it seriously and thought that the rumors were mostly exaggerated and not worthy of the name, but at this moment, rare people lost their voice!

In the crowd of crowds of onlookers, several young men and women gathered together. Since Pei Junlin appeared, the faces and eyes of several young men and women have changed. It is a kind of fear as if encountering the devil. Blushing and panicking.

This group of young men and women is actually the sister-in-law who made Hong Tianlei interrupt one arm of each person when Pei Jun was in the former Lingnan Mountains.

Not far from this group of young children, there is also a pair of temperament, a transcendental combination, which is a vigorous young man and a majestic middle-aged man watching the upcoming war quietly.

Under the attention of many people in the Zhang family camp, many Zhang families blinked their eyes one by one. They also saw the true face of Pei Junlin for the first time. It was only at this moment that everyone in the Zhang family knew why Pei Junlin dared to do so. Bold!

The youngest congenital power in the past century is not comparable to that of ordinary martial arts.

But at this moment the arrow has been wound, and you have to send it if you don't send it!

Everyone can only pin their greatest hope on Master Shibai. Zhang Qiyuan, Zhang Qiming and others clenched their fists.

In the field, Master Shibai, who has just entered the Peach Blossom Forest, has the same brilliant eyes, staring closely at Pei Junlin's posture and praising: "It is indeed the youngest congenital power known as the youngest in a century. I'm a little bit convinced! "


After Master Shibai's words turned, the original ordinary face suddenly showed a peerless brilliance, dazzling, like a diamond wrapped in grit, and finally revealed its true features.

"Even if you are talented, you may be able to make a name for yourself in the next few years, but now you are just a young eagle who has just broken through the innate power. Do n’t blame me for bullying. You know the true innate. What is it? "

The momentum of Master Shibai is getting stronger and stronger, just like an angry volcano, the magma tumbles, and an astonishing coercion erupts, striding towards Pei Junlin.

"Do you know how to realize the laws of this world?"

"Do you know why our innates are called true dragons?"

"Do you know what the most important cultivation direction of the innate is?"

A series of four powerful questions have fallen. Master Shibai has stood opposite the Pei Junlin less than three meters away. His whole body momentum has reached its peak. It is like a volcano erupting and mighty, under the coercion of the innate power. Covering tens of meters, the wind screamed and the trees trembled.

Countless people are dazzled, looking at Master Shibai's eyes full of worship and awe!

This is especially true for everyone in the Zhang family, showing intense heat and excitement.

Master Shi Bai is worthy of being an innate powerhouse who has been famous for many years. With these innate powerhouses to help his Zhang family, this Pei Jun will die!

Maybe Pei Junlin is really strong and talented, but as Master Shibai said, his age is too young, and he has just broken through the innate. How can he be Shibai in terms of innate level of perception and strong real yuan? Masters have been known for many years as innate rivals?

Under the peach tree, Pei Junlin looked at the magnificent master Shiba, and could not help but be a little bit surprised. He was a mighty warrior, and the supreme existence of thousands of worlds, was just half a foot into the innate 2 The person who taught the product taught that he did not know how to cultivate ...

Pei Junlin couldn't help crying or laughing, the original so-called master was just that!

"So what? You said so much. Today, you are preparing to kill Pei Shuluo here with your half foot just entering the threshold of congenital second grade!" Pei Junlin asked.

Master Shibai stood proudly with his negative hand: "Of course ... huh? How could you ..."

The original proud Master Shibai's face changed sharply, and his pupils contracted sharply, because Pei Junlin said his current practice, but he could not see the practice of Pei Junlin. This is for any warrior. , Are a great taboo.

"Don't talk nonsense, come on, let me Pei Shuluo take a moment to have a few pounds or two for your master!"

Pei Junlin was too lazy to continue peeling off with the other party, the voice did not fall, there was a sudden sound of thunder in his body, and the momentum suddenly changed, like the same awakened divine residence.

The master Shibai's face also changed, and he was no longer arrogant and disdainful. He was replaced with an unprecedented dignity, exhaling, a rough burlap without wind, and hunting.


It seemed that the ground was cracking at the feet of Master Shibai, and an extremely dense vision of blood and blood was emerging from the top of his head, which exclaimed the audience. It is indeed a famous master of foreign powers. Few rivals!


At this time, Master Shibai took the lead in moving, and his shot was his fame and skill, Xingyimen's artillery!

His fist is like a cannonball blast, fast and incredible, beyond the sound barrier, thunderous!

Pei Junlin's look remained the same, his fingers crossed the claws of the void, as if slow and fast, and the lightning fell.


When the fists met, the horrible energy erupted instantly and swept out. Around the two people's bodies, a violent squall was set off, a peach tree was uprooted, and the flying sand was in the sky. Energy, horror!

"What a powerful physical body, are you also a master of foreign practice?"

Master Shibai felt that Pei Junlin was not worse than his physical strength and was surprised.

Pei Junlin shook his head: "I have never deliberately cultivated the flesh!"

His words are true. After practicing Jiu Zhun Gong Gong, Pei Junlin's only goal is to find various treasures suitable for the breakthrough of Jiu Zhun Gong Gong. What kind of physical practice he has never really deliberately practiced.

That is, recently, after practicing the Otogi Changshengjue, I can barely temper the flesh, after all, the life attribute of that method is too strong!

But in the ear of Master Shibai, he felt that Pei Junlin was sarcastic, thinking that it was difficult to practice foreign exercises, and he became angry and angry, and the attack became more severe.

Xingyiquan's artillery boxing, collapse boxing, split boxing, and cross boxing are presented one after the other, and they begin to blend together. Sometimes the antelope hangs its horns, and sometimes the tiger goes down the mountain. The name of the master!

However, Pei Junlin saw the move, and there was a faint green light entangled on his body, which is a sign of the operation of Ogi's longevity strategy. This practice is only recently practiced by Pei Junlin. Everything is not very familiar. It can also be considered as an opportunity to add Honed.

"Tiger crane double!"

"Cross Dragon Tiger Fist!"

"Bashu Tan legs!"

"Rohan butterfly wings!"

"Zhenwu ladder is vertical!"

"Songshan Hongquan!"

"Ancient Thai boxing!"

"Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu!"


Master Shibai did his best to learn everything ~ ~ It's really like the legend of the outside world. He brings together the best of hundreds of schools and is proficient in hundreds of schools of learning, sometimes like a tiger, a thunderous thunder, a mighty match, sometimes a white crane Bright wings, a snake out of a hole, an agility into a monkey, as fast as lightning!

The entire battlefield is full of Master Shibai's figures. Due to the high speed, these figures often do not dissipate in mid-air, and they have reappeared on the ground. This cycle is repeated, as if there were hundreds or thousands of Master Shibai, attacking Pei together. King's Landing!

Many people are dazzled outside looking straight, and the color of awe in their eyes is getting thicker and harder to worship!

ps: ask for a wave of fire support, thank you guys! <(https: //) "Rebirth of Shura Return" only represents the author ’s viewpoint of Langya No. 1. If it is found that its content violates national laws, please delete it. The position of https: // is only intended to provide Healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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