Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 149: Come and apologize?

? The atmosphere in the simple tent was suppressed to the extreme.

The refined man's name is Meng Tian, ​​but he is a real master of the nine grades. He has a very high position in Qinghongmen, and he ranks fifth.

Inside Qinghong Gate, the rules are strict, the steps are clear, the highest position is of course Ye Qingcang, and then there are two deputy gatekeepers, four defenders, twelve elders, and the next is Rudder-level figures like Montaigne.

Imagine that the top powerhouse like Master Tian of Jiutian can only be ranked on the fifth step of Qinghongmen. From this we can see how terrible the strength of Qinghongmen, a world-renowned super organization.

The largest organization in the Chinese circle is definitely a well-deserved reputation that can really change the existence of a small state power.

The power is spread all over the world, with countless members, like a dense cobweb.


The sound of sweat dripping on the ground came out clearly. Mengtian, the top master of Jiupin, had soaked his whole body. Even if the sweat beads had penetrated into his eyes, he felt sour, and did not dare to blink.

Finally, I do n’t know how long it took, Ye Qingcang sitting on the chair slightly moved his body. For a moment, the horrible pressure and snow and ice in the tent melted, and the situation was as if someone had been evacuated from an invisible mountain.

"Interesting! I didn't expect such a qualified evil genius to emerge in the domestic martial arts world!"

Ye Qingcang whispered: "Unfortunately, this seat is now at a critical juncture in the cultivation of [Dust Fate], and there is no time to split up. In addition, there are so many undead in the country that have always rejected me Qinghongmen, otherwise I really want to Come and meet the peerless genius of martial arts! "

"Meng Tian, ​​pass on the decree of this seat, and give the order of Pei Shuluo to the elders, let them handle it by themselves!"

"In short, in a word-my Qinghongmen's dignity cannot be violated by anyone!"

Montain bowed his arms and shouted, "Yes!"

Then he strode away from the tent, and his whole body was full of energy, and Ling's killing intention broke out.

Peixiu Luo, your death is over!

At this moment, tens of thousands of miles away in Huaxia Kingdom, Jiangnan Sioux City, and Pei Junlin have no idea that he has been targeted by the super power of Qinghongmen. At this moment, he is personally screening boxes of medicines sent by .

"Soucheng Yao family sent fifty precious medicinal materials, please Mr. Pei to screen!"

"The Gao family of Sucheng sent thirty-three precious medicinal materials, please Mr. Pei to screen!"

"Yangzhou Ji Family sent seventy precious herbs ..."

"Yangzhou Baiye Group sent a hundred precious medicinal materials ..."

In the spacious and bright hall, a group of people from the Jiangnan area sent a group of parcels or boxes in a respectful manner.

On a Taishi chair in the first place, Pei Junlin quickly screened the various medicinal materials handed in.

"It's just a common sagebrush. It's useless to withdraw!"

"This fennel plant is not bad. It may be useful. Barely stay!"

"This ... is just a common piece of ephedra, what use is it!"

"Well, I finally encountered a good medicinal material, a hundred years of wild ginseng, good!"

"This is ... Dendrobium officinale! Rare!"

Pei Junlin quickly screened out the herbs that were sent in, and those that were useful would stay. At that time, someone would naturally buy them at a fair market price, and those that were useless would be returned directly!

Because the workload is not small, Pei Donglai and Guo Shiyun also joined in to help, and the couple also have a great knowledge of herbs. This is very handy, and people are not animals that have been idle all the time. There must be something to do. Pei Junlin It did not stop it.

"Suocheng Guo's family sent forty kinds of precious medicinal materials, please Mr. Pei to screen!"

At this time, a loud voice suddenly came. In the hall, Pei Donglai and Guo Shiyun, who were originally looking down to distinguish a strain of medicinal materials, trembled, raised their heads, and looked into the place to see the station below. With a group of people, the head of the group is Guo Zhenhua, the head of the Guo family, and behind him stands Guo Jianfeng, Guo Shihan, Guo Jianjun, Guo Shichou, Guo Jianyu and others.

In the arms of these people, each holds a golden sandalwood box, but, unlike before, at this moment, the Guo family's face is no longer proud and proud, and it is replaced with a careful smile. It is full of tensions.

When looking at a group of people suddenly appearing below, the looks of the couple Pei Donglai and Guo Shiyun changed directly, full of all kinds of complexity. As for Pei Junlin, he didn't even lift his head, and still focused on the screen. A mountain of medicinal herbs.

When a group of Guo family arrived, Lin Qianmo, Lin Shukang, Lin Xianer and others in the hall also showed subtle changes in their appearance. They naturally knew the relationship between Guo and Pei's family.

So in one look, Lin Qianmo, Lin Shukang, Lin Xianer and others all retreated, and Pei Junlin's family and Guo's family were left in the large hall soon.

"Who told you to come here, you are not welcome here!"

The first thing I couldn't help was Pei Nianci. After all, she was the youngest and the most difficult to restrain her emotions. Then when she saw that a group of Guo family dared to come to the door with a brazen face, they were immediately angry, and ruthlessly uttered rudeness Frost.

In this regard, the Guo family was surprisingly without any anger, but the smiles on their faces became brighter and enthusiastic.

"Shi Yun, come here in the east. We know that you have suffered in recent years! Our Guo family did make a lot of mistakes, sorry for you!"

Guo Zhenhua's old face was full of guilt and remorse: "So, today, with all the direct lines of the Guo family, I am here to repay you!"

"We do not ask you to forgive me immediately, but only to give the Guo family a chance to make up, after all, what do you say? We are also a family! There is a common blood flowing in our bodies!"

"Don't! Don't be old!"

Just when Guo Zhenhua's remarks just dropped, Pei Dong, who was sitting on a chair above him, made a sudden voice and waved quickly: "Our Qingzhou Pei family is just a stubble that can't be used, and we dare not humiliate the bloodlines of the Jiangnan Guo family. , Holy reputation! "

"In the entire Guo family, in the eyes of my little Qingzhou Pei family, only Shi Yun and we share the same blood, because she is already an outsider who has been censored by your Guo family!"

"Mr. Guo, do you mean it ?!"

In the last sentence, Pei Donglai almost spit out word by word from the gap in the teeth. As soon as this word fell, everyone's face changed. The Guo family was embarrassed and embarrassed. On the Pei family, Guo Shiyun was low. With her face down, her fists clenched, Jiao's body trembling slightly.

"East, look at what you said. Shi Yun is also my biological daughter anyway. How can I abandon her regardless?" Guo Zhenhua said.

"Is that so?"

Pei Nianci sneered, and it was difficult to hide his anger in his smile: "Then I ask you, after my Qingzhou Pei family suffered a disaster, my mother took my seriously injured father and I went to your Guo family to ask for help, how did you deal with us? of?"

Guo Zhenhua's smile, which was originally full of smiles, immediately froze on his face, and he didn't know how to explain it several times.

The group of Guo family behind them also heard their heads bowed and did not dare to look directly at the sharp eyes above them. Three years ago, the Guo family really humiliated the Pei family who came to ask for help. This is an irresistible thing. The fact is also the most regrettable thing the Guo family has done so far.

It had long been known that the sons born by the Pei family in Qingzhou were so wicked. How dare they do that, as long as they offered to the gods and Buddhas, they offered to burn incense in the ancestral temple every day to pray for the heaven to be transported to the Guo family.

"This ... this, did we finally help and gave her 10,000 yuan ..."

Suddenly, a subtle voice sounded weakly and inaudibly. Although the voice was very low, it was still heard by everyone in the quiet hall at the moment!

Guo Shiyun's deep-headed Jiao body shook fiercely, while Pei Nianci was completely blown up like a little wild cat stepping on his tail, stood up in anger, and stretched out his fingers with an angry voice: "Yeah! Ten thousand yuan! I admit it! "

"But what I want to ask you is, my mother's knees, hands, and that wound covered with blood. Where did they come from?"

All Guo family members were silent, and they did not dare to look directly at Pei Nianci's angry eyes.

"Oh, don't you say?"

Pei Nianci could not help but laughed loudly, and the laughter was filled with deep grudges: "Okay! Then I tell you! All the scars on my mother were made by your Guo family, in order to seriously hurt me When my father saw a doctor, she knelt outside the door of your Guo's house alone, and endured the humiliation and insult of countless people from all ages, young and old!

"This kneeling is three days and three nights!"

"Nianci, what did you say ?!"

Pei Dong came wide-eyed, suddenly stood up, and a violent chill erupted throughout his body.

He was seriously injured at the time and was unconscious. He really did n’t know about it, neither his wife Guo Shiyun nor his daughter Pei Nianci. He had never told him about it. If it was n’t for today, he might Still being blinded.

Pei Nianci set his gaze on his father who was full of coldness, and said coldly, "Dad! This is what my mother wouldn't let you say!"

"It's them! It's their bastard-faced bastards. When my mother kneeled in front of the door and begged for help, they whipped with a leather whip, threw stones, spit, sweared, shouted bitch, **** ... ... "

"I saw it all in secret, even my mother didn't know that I followed her secretly ..."

"In the end, the Guo family seemed to be charity beggars and threw ten thousand yuan to my mother!"


Amazing explosions came suddenly ~ ~ with a blast of howling wind, countless drugs flying all over the sky, the brocade box shattered, and nothing was said. It's heartbreaking.

Even if it was not the first time to hear such a **** past, Pei Junlin still couldn't hold back his inner killing and anger!

Everyone's complexion has changed, especially the Guo family.

What they are most afraid of is this god!

Otherwise, given the urinary nature and pretentious superiority of the Guo family, would they take the initiative to make such an apology? !!

"Family Guo, you really **** it!"

Just like the piercing cold sound from Shura Hell faintly sounded, deep in Pei Junlin's eyes, I don't know when, there are already two turquoise flames beating crazy!

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