Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1500: Yang Du

The question he has to consider now is that once he enters the core disciple sequence, will it be too garish? After all, his time to enter the Blue Bull Holy Land is too short. If he progresses too fast, it is likely to arouse suspicion by others.

Being stared at by someone with a heart, it will be hard to say at that time, coupled with the things of the old man Feiyue, it makes Pei Junlin really reluctant to show his face and attract too many people's attention.

"Do you really have the confidence to pass this core disciple's assessment? You know that there are only ten people who can be promoted to core disciples each year." Zhang Huizi's eyes are bright, looking up at Pei Junlin like a hero. .

For him to be promoted to a core disciple was simply a lifelong dream, and he would never think of it with his current ability. So when he heard Junlin Pei said that he could pass the assessment easily, Zhang Huizi was almost completely shocked.

"By the way, didn't He Yundong say to kill me in the ring? Then I will kill Liwei in public tomorrow and see who is still in the holy ground and dare not provoke me." A murderous aura flashed across Pei Junlin's face.

This murderous intent made Zhang Huizi, who was sitting across from Pei Junlin, feel that her whole body was getting chills. He deeply understood that Pei Junlin's murderous intent was not talking, but really planning to kill chickens and monkeys. He Yundong came to sacrifice the knife. .

"One punch is opened, lest there be hundreds of punches, He Yundong seems to be killed, but whether this person has any background in the sect, if it affects other things because of killing it, it would be bad." Pei Junlin frowned, looking forward and backward.

After all, this He Yundong is not a starry sky wanderer like the Promise Wolf King Double-headed Gorefiend. He has a background, and it is likely that he is deeply rooted after all. Killing a He Yundong is tantamount to offending the huge power behind him, and there will be endless disasters.

Hearing Pei Junlin’s inner question, Zhang Huizi frowned suddenly. Thinking of something, Zhang Huizi reached out and grabbed Pei Junlin. His face was a little pale and said: "I forgot to tell you that He Yundong must not kill him. There is a brother called He An is one of the top ten existences of core disciples, and belongs to a giant in our Green Bull Holy Land."

Zhang Huizi hurriedly finished speaking incoherently, only to realize that she had said a lot of things upside down, but the general meaning had been made clear.

In the Blue Bull Holy Land, the status of the core disciples is not inferior to that of some elders, so He An's status and status Pei Junlin can roughly guess that the position in the whole Blue Bull Holy Land may not be inferior to Zhang Huizi's master Li Qiubai.

If he kills He Yundong rashly, it is really possible to offend a small giant behind this, and then it will be really troublesome.

Pei Junlin groaned. After a while, the killing intent on his face did not diminish. He gritted his teeth and said coldly: "There is no eye on the ring, if He Yundong is looking for death, I will not keep my hand. It depends on how he behaves tomorrow. "

Pei Junlin smiled coldly and didn't seem to put Na He An in his eyes, but with this performance on Zhang Huizi's face, he felt that Pei Junlin was a bit too crazy.

It's fine if you don't put He Yundong in your eyes. Now you don't even put the existence of the top ten inner disciples in your eyes, which is a bit crazy.

In the early morning of the next morning, the appraisal of the inner disciples officially began, and those who signed up for the appraisal Pei Junlin also flew towards the central arena one after another.

In the center of the Green Bull Holy Land, there is a huge ring called Zhenwu Ring. Jingwu arena is a dedicated venue for events held within the martial arts, and in ordinary times, disciples can challenge each other and even initiate life and death duels.

Here, the inner disciple will be promoted to the top ten existence of core disciple. And once you are promoted to a core disciple and get the top three rankings in this competition, you will get some generous rewards from the sect.

But there will be a huge amount of medicine, and even the first one will get a special thing that is a chaotic spirit treasure provided by the Zongmen.

Even for Chaos Lingbao, a master of the real king realm, it can only look up to ordinary existence, which is impossible for ordinary people. Therefore, such a treasure naturally attracts countless eyes, and this time it is natural to enter the assessment of core disciples. Also tense.

On the surface, these inner disciples compete with each other and strive for a win-win situation, but behind it is the constant competition among the major forces. There must be a huge strength behind the people who are in the ring, and there is simply him who is empty behind like Pei Junlin.

"That person is Yuan Jingkong, the first inner disciple after Chen Hengshan's death. This time he entered the sequence of the core disciple. It is a certainty." Zhang Huizi stood beside Pei Junlin and introduced to Pei Junlin in a low voice. something.

Pei Junlin stayed behind closed doors after entering the Blue Bull Holy Land, so he didn't know everything about the outside world, and Zhang Huizi's explanation at this time also gave Pei Junlin a rough understanding of his opponent.

Zhang Huizi explained the opponents that will appear or encountered in today's ring from beginning to end. Obviously, he has done his homework and has broken his heart for Pei Junlin to be successfully promoted to the core disciple Zhang Huizi.

"I don't want to listen to these things anymore. I only need to defeat any opponent directly." Pei Junlin waved his hand to stop Zhang Huizi from continuing.

"In the first game, Pei Junlin confronts Yang Du." The inner disciple assessment has already begun, an elder announced.

Pei Junlin was a little stunned. He didn't expect that he was the first to play, which made Pei Junlin feel a little surprised.

Pei Junlin jumped onto the ring without hesitation, only then began to observe the surroundings. Facing the gaze of thousands of pairs of eyes, Pei Junlin didn't panic at all, not stage fright at all, standing there was as relaxed as he was visiting a market.

A golden shadow fell from the sky, it was a man wearing very luxurious clothes, it was Pei Junlin's opponent Yang Du. Yang Du looked like Young Master Pian Pian, and he belonged to Duo Jin.

The weapon in his hand is a folding fan. When the folding fan is closed, Pei Junlin can't see the mystery, but can feel the very cutting edge of the material, which should be at least the best spirit treasure.

Pei Junlin didn't plan to take out weapons in this game. He planned to defeat this rich young man named Yang Du with his bare hands.

"Show your weapons, let's fight it out." Yang Du raised his chin, as if he didn't put Pei Junlin in his eyes, but there was a kind of ridicule in his tone.

Seeing that Pei Junlin was unmoved, he frowned again after seeing no response, looked at Pei Junlin with disgust and said: "You are the strength of you to provoke He Yundong. Fortunately, it was the first time I met him. Kick you out, so you don't have to be beaten to death by He Yundong."

When Yang Du spoke, the voice of a condescending savior was like Pei Junlin was extremely upset. He looked at this Yang Du coldly, feeling a little bored inside.

Have you finished talking? This time I didn't bring weapons, I could defeat you with my bare hands. "Pei Junlin said coldly, but Yang Du was stunned.

Fighting people with bare hands, isn't this looking for death or something? Everyone knows that the weapons that you carry with you in battle play a huge role.

To be precise, if you don't have a weapon in your hand, your strength will be discounted, which is totally unfair. Hearing that Pei Junlin didn't plan to show off his weapon at this time, Yang Du actually showed an angry look, because he felt that Pei Junlin underestimated himself.

"I'll say once again to show your weapons." Yang Du coldly emphasized.

Fei Junlin had no choice but to turn over his palm and added a pure sun blazing fire bell shining with flames in his palm.

An astonishing crack appeared on the pure sun burning clock, and the fool also saw that this treasure was damaged by heavy injuries, and it was an incomplete treasure.

If this kind of broken treasure is taken out from the enemy, it may not have any effect, but will drag it back.

"Never mind! You are so poor, you can't get a complete weapon, then I will kick you off the stage quickly, lest you continue to be ashamed and insult the limelight of my Green Bull Holy Land disciples." Yang Du has been unable to bear it. Up.

The folding fan in his hand turned towards Pei Junlin once, and Pei Junlin felt a blade of wind cut towards him.

Although the wind blade is an extremely simple attack method, in the hands of a master like Yang Du, it can also turn decay into a miracle. Sure enough, every piece of wind blade is shining with blue light, and its cutting ability is amazing.

The wind blade almost cut the space open, and a black space crack appeared between Pei Junlin and Yang Du.

Pei Junlin is not simple, the pure sun burning fire bell in his hand blocked the wind blades as soon as he flicked. These wind blades slashed on the pure sun burning bell in Pei Junlin's hand, and immediately caused the crack on the pure sun burning bell to expand a lot in an instant.

This damaged treasure, which was already in danger, seemed even more dilapidated at this time, and it might collapse at any time.

Seeing Pei Junlin’s pitiful appearance, everyone in the audience burst into laughter, even the face of He Yundong who stood in the crowd showed a trace of Pei Junlin dared to sign up. The appraisal of the inner disciple, and want to be promoted to the core disciple, this kind of person is simply a shame to the sect.

Countless people are discussing this matter, looking at Pei Junlin's eyes full of contempt, but at this time Pei Junlin's opponent Yang Du's face is extremely cold.

The move that didn't hit Pei Junlin just now made Yang Du feel very shameless.

At this time, Yang Du was anxious for success, and the folding fan in his hand opened, but he actually painted a green hill on the mountain. With a sudden wave of the folding fan, a piece of blue light flew out of the folding fan, and turned into a green mountain, and came to suppress Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin felt a little surprised, but he didn't expect that there would be such a novel treasure. The rockery painted on this folding fan can turn into a real body, and it is full of magnetism, and its weight is shocking.

The folding fan in Yang Du's hand was really extraordinary, but Pei Junlin was not in the game either. When this mountain was suppressed, Pei Junlin roared, his body was shining with crystal light, and his hands were lifted up, and he directly dragged the green mountain.

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