Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1518: Bait

These low-level demon heads are like headless and brainless, without any consciousness. They are just chasing the breath of the holy blood of Jun Pei, moving with the wind.

At the moment when these demon heads thought they could swallow Pei Junlin, the end of the chaos suddenly opened, capturing hundreds of thousands of demon heads in an instant.

These demon heads are equivalent to small-scale demon or larvae of demon. After being caught into the chaos progress space at once, they were immediately put into a huge pill furnace.

Pei Junlin sank his consciousness into the chaotic golden building and watched the process of alchemy with his own eyes. Hundreds of thousands of little demon heads were placed in the Overlord Cauldron, and the cauldron kept rotating and purifying.

"How many pills can this furnace produce this year?" Pei Junlin said with some expectation.

"It's good to be able to make 10,000 pills. This very low-level little demon doesn't have much mental power at all." Jin Ye told Pei Junlin regretfully.

Hearing what Jin Ye said, Pei Junlin was also a little speechless. She originally thought that a demon head could be made into a Heaven Demon Pill, but now it seems that her thinking is too simple.

"I also saw your Soul Umbrella. Some of the formations are mysterious and need to be driven by the Heavenly Demon." Jin Ye told Pei Junlin.

Hearing what Jin Ye said, Pei Junlin aroused interest instead, he immediately opened the soul umbrella, and his divine consciousness sank into it. Sure enough, there are countless prisons in the Soul Umbrella, which is equivalent to a hell.

The heavenly demon can drive the rotation of huge roulettes. After these roulettes rotate, they can activate the formation and transform into the source of power of the soul umbrella.

"The greatest function of this soul umbrella is to warm and nourish the soul. It is impossible for the true spirit to wither inside, and it can live in it for a period of time. Moreover, after encountering a mental attack, this soul umbrella is very useful and can even make You are protected from divine consciousness." Jin Ye began to introduce the role of this soul umbrella.

For Pei Junlin, the soul umbrella in his hand was still very unfamiliar to him, and he got the big umbrella from Hengshan.

At this point, this treasure is extremely difficult.

Pei Junlin opened the Soul Umbrella, and the endless demons rushed towards Pei Junlin in an instant. The demons attracted this time were stronger than before. A head of demons were no longer the demons and charged, but the real demons came in an instant. Hundreds of them.

Pei Junlin turned the primordial soul umbrella in his hand, and those heavenly demons were easily knocked into the primordial soul umbrella.

As soon as these gods entered the primordial soul umbrella, they found that they were imprisoned and began to roar and struggle frantically, but gradually discovered that they could not escape from here, these gods began to kill each other frantically.

Now Jun Pei is coming, and he has just captured hundreds of heavenly demons. In the blink of an eye, they became only hundreds of them, almost half of them died after a few breaths.

The struggle between these heavenly demons was extremely fierce, swallowing each other, mercilessly, without realizing that the heavenly demons were of their kind.

A few demons that had swallowed the same kind became extremely powerful, but more demons were completely swallowed into food.

Pei Junlin was frightened to see it, and at the same time, there were some pity that he could not easily catch these demon, but he died in an instant.

"If Jin Ye these heavenly demons swallow each other, let them swallow endlessly, will the devil be born in the end?" Pei Junlin said worriedly.

"Of course it is possible to give birth to a demon king, but you can rest assured that you can control a demon king in the formation of the soul umbrella. It is simple, you don't need to worry about other things, you only need to capture the devil in large quantities." There seemed to be a trace of greed in his voice.

The capture of the devil, Pei Junlin, has this intention, but according to the previous statement of Jin Ye, one cannot catch too much in the same place, so as not to attract the attention of the devil.

So Junlin Pei had his own ideas, constantly changing directions in this area, and whenever he went to a place, Junlin would sacrifice his own blood to attract the demon.

Such a demon was seized by Pei Junlin in the chaotic golden battle and refined into a pill, and some other powerful demon were sent directly into the soul umbrella by Pei Junlin.

The entire Soul Umbrella became a sea of ​​heavenly demons, continuously swallowing each other and becoming stronger. These celestial demons are constantly attacking each other, swallowing them, and constantly expanding their power. Some weaker celestial demons have directly become food.


The Soul Umbrella gave out a pitch black aura, as if it were about to cover the world, this **** umbrella finally exuded its own power.

Under the full urging of 10,000 heavenly demons, the power of this primordial soul umbrella is extremely astonishing, not even weaker than the magic spear of the mixed world. Residents used the sacred body and blood of the stars to attract a large number of demon heads, but in the blink of an eye they were swept away by the Soul Umbrella, all swallowed cleanly.

"If you can't catch millions of heavenly demons, you can even shake the demon king-level heavenly demons." Jin Ye saw the amazing power of the **** umbrella sacrificed by Pei Junlin, and he was frightened.

To capture millions of gods, it's not easy, Pei Junlin has struggled, and only tens of thousands of them have been caught.

I was arguing at both ends for Pei Junlin to sneak over. Pei Junlin turned around and found that it was a demon dog, followed by some small demon dogs. The Sky Demon Dog exudes amazing magic power, with sharp bone spurs on its back, which looks extremely scary.

However, Pei Junlin was in danger, and he didn't even take out the weapon and flipped his palm. The Buddha's anger red lotus flew out instantly and enveloped the **** dog.

The red flame shrouded, and this monster of the true demon world quickly turned into a dust, disappearing endlessly.

"How many people are you coming in this time?" At this time, in another area of ​​the Heavenly Devil Realm, a tall man was asking a man in a blue shirt.

The tall man has a burly figure, sword eyebrows and star eyes, and his whole person seems to be arrogant, showing amazing self-confidence in every move.

The man he questioned was shrinking, looking at the man in front of him with an unbelievable face and said in shock: "I didn't expect you to be stationed in the Heavenly Demon Realm, guarding the most important back door for the sect. This is a sect. The door sent 30 new core disciples to come here to strengthen the seal and help the big brother."

Hearing the man’s respectful report, Chen Zhentian showed a faint smile on his face: “It’s good for you people to enter here and be alive. Help? You can’t help at all.”

Chen Zhentian naturally does not look like these core disciples who are just getting started. For him, the role of these core disciples is cannon fodder. In fact, Chen Zhentian felt clear about why Zongmen sent these people who had just been promoted to core disciples here.

The role of these people is not only to be used as cannon fodder, but also to be used as bait. That is to say, none of the people who entered here can go out alive. As long as they reach the central area, all of them will become Chen Zhentian's trump cards and the key to the battle between him and the devil.

Of course Chen Zhentian would not tell these people the news, there was a rope of vicissitudes on his face. Cultivation is cruel, and the safety of the sect requires someone to sacrifice these new core disciples of the sect, which is the first batch of cannon fodder.

At this time, Pei Junlin was walking through the vast snowy field, opening the identity jade badge from time to time to check location information. Pei Junlin planned to go to the place prescribed by the martial art first to see if he could help, because the information on the jade card of the martial art clearly stated that as long as the seal was strengthened, he could return to the original world.

But along the way, Pei Junlin had a lot of thoughts in his heart, what exactly is the school going to do? If it is simply to strengthen the seal, then why let the core disciples enter here?

The super elders of the school are all saint-level figures. Enter here at random, isn't it easy to get it done? Why let these disciples enter here to take risks.

Moreover, entering here is not considered an adventure at all, it can only be said to be sent to death. Pei Junlin has the body of Buddhism, and naturally he is not afraid of the intrusion of these demon. But the rest of the disciples are different. Entering here is likely to cause more than half of the casualties.

Pei Junlin, who was on the way, suddenly heard a quack in his ear. Soon, a black whirlpool appeared in front of him, and a man walked out of the whirlpool.

"What a strong body, such a strong blood, if I swallow you, then I will probably be able to be promoted to the existence of the Heavenly Demon King in one fell swoop." The man's face was extremely pale, but he stuck out his scarlet tongue and looked at him with salivation. Pei Junlin.

It does not feel good to be treated as food, let alone a powerful demon.

"Why both of us fight to death as soon as we meet, you are going to eat me, I agree that there is no opinion, as long as you have the ability to eat Pei Junlin is not nervous, just watching this indifferently The head monster.

After dealing with the demon for a long time, Pei Junlin also gradually discovered a secret. The wisdom of these demon seems to be far higher than that of human beings, and the demon are not creatures without any feelings and memories. These demon all have their own memories. .

However, these gods are inherently cruel and deceitful. They never practice, they just seize the way and practice of others to strengthen themselves.

"You are a stranger. Those ordinary disciples were so scared to pee their pants when they saw me. I didn't expect you to be so calm." The demon looked at Pei Junlin with his head that day, and seemed a little surprised at Pei Junlin's reaction.

"Who has stipulated that humans and demons cannot coexist peacefully. Do you have to fight to death when you meet? I am different. I want to be friends with you and share some information with each other. I can tell you other human information, but Please also tell me some secrets about the demon." Pei Junlin smiled, and even started talking with the demon.

The demon also made a quack, and seemed to think that Pei Junlin was a little funny: "You, a human being, are even a little reluctant to eat you. You are indeed an interesting human being. Then, let me capture you as my book. With a pet next to you."

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