Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1535: Chen Zhentian

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And Pei Junlin has now reached a strategic partnership with this devil, and the two are temporarily working together, but they are also unreservedly working together.

As long as Pei Junlin makes a request, as long as it is not too excessive, the devil will completely agree to it. After all, these things are not difficult for him.

It's like the matter with Leng Xiaoyun before, the devil-level powerhouse is just a flick of his fingers, it is not too simple for him.

Now Pei Junlin wants to find someone within a radius of thousands of miles in this demon world, which is not a problem for this demon king level powerhouse.

Soon a virtual picture appeared in front of Junlin Pei. This was a map cast by this demon-level powerhouse in the spirit of Junlin Pei.

This map is marked with some yellow dots, and these yellow dots are constantly moving, some are extremely brilliant, some are extremely dim.

"The vitality of those with dim brilliance is already very weak and will soon be swallowed. As for those with glorious brilliance, it means that they are still alive." The Demon King told Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin was really shocked. He didn't expect such a strong king to be so powerful, creating a biological radar in a very short time, and creating a holographic projection in front of his eyes.

With this map, Pei Junlin can clearly see the existence of the survivors. After a rough count, only half of the people survived.

When I came in, there were 30 core disciples, but what Pei Junlin sees now, including himself and Long Xiaoyun, there are only 14 people in total, and two of them have very dim light. There is a danger of extinguishing.

"I can sense that there are two people nearby who are dying and urgently need our rescue." Pei Junlin said with a frown.

After Pei Junlin said this, no one believed Pei Junlin's words, and even Leng Xiaoyun felt that Pei Junlin was bragging.

Although the masters of the true king realm say that the divine consciousness can cover thousands of miles, even the movement of an ant can be seen in the slightest, but it is impossible to remove the divine consciousness under the obstruction of the mist of the heavenly demon realm. The search scope has expanded so much.

"Brother Pei, don't brag. In this place, our city can only be surveyed for ten miles at most, and it won't work if it exceeds this area." Shuang'er stuck his tongue out.

Pei Junlin didn’t explain, he knew that these girls didn’t believe it at all, even he knew it, even if he wanted to cover such a large area, it would be impossible for him to find the whereabouts of these people without the help of the demon king. It's like finding a needle in a haystack.

Pei Junlin stretched out his hand, and a silver-white spear fell from the sky to the ground, instantly turning into a huge snow wolf. This Snow Wolf was extremely tall, just like a big truck. There was no mention of sitting on it. It was more than enough for everyone to sit down to thirty people and fifty people.

Moreover, the size and body shape of this snow wolf is completely controlled by Pei Junlin.

Everyone jumped on the back of the snow wolf, Pei Junlin still seemed to be trapped in the powder pile, surrounded by five girls on his left and right, even the pair actively got into Pei Junlin's arms.

Pei Junlin feels a little helpless. This is to save people, not to engage in other games. These girls are laughing and joking. Except for Leng Xiaoyun, the other four girls are completely optimistic and not shy at all.

Pei Junlin and these girls are like falling into a wolf's den. It is really painful not to face the harassment and manipulation of these girls.

According to the terrain on the holographic map in front of him, Junlin Pei quickly found the first girl. As expected, the girl was lying on the ground dying, and there was no demon around him, but Junlin knew that before he came, the demon here was already All escaped.

It is because these demon are afraid of Pei Junlin, but because these demon are afraid of the breath of the devil in Pei Junlin.

Seeing the girl lying on the ground dying, Leng Xiaoyun and others were shocked and inexplicable. They were shocked by Pei Junlin's accuracy and found the girl in a very short time.

Recalling that Pei Junlin didn't change his direction at all along the way, as if he went straight to this place, so that Long Xiaoyun and others finally believed that what Pei Junlin said before was not bragging about his divine consciousness, and could really cover the entire Celestial Demon Realm.

The girl fell into a coma, but she was consumed too much energy. When Pei Junlin commissioned a demon-level powerhouse to heal a little, she instantly became alive and well.

Next, Junlin Pei kept running to save the remaining people. Along the way, Junlin Pei didn't have any delay at all. It only took a very short time, and the remaining girls had all jumped on the back of the Wuji Wolf King.

Just when everyone was talking about it, the sky suddenly became chaotic, and a sword light split the sky. Feidu Novels

A strong man of the demon king level is fighting with a human youth, and this human youth is holding a long knife and is very mighty.

A girl who saw this handsome figure was all exclaimed, because this person was not someone else, but Chen Zhentian, the big brother of the Blue Bull Holy Land, was famous and fame.

Even Leng Xiaoyun's eyes showed a look of confusion and infatuation. Even if he knew that Chen Zhentian was extremely cruel and an careerist, many girls still fell involuntarily.

The twins who were hiding in Pei Junlin’s arms wrapped their hands around Pei Junlin’s waist, and whispered in a low voice, “These sisters are really boring. They know that Chen Zhentian is a hungry wolf, but they can’t help him. Good impressions are really hopeless."

Chen Zhentian's charm is indeed unclear, after all, even Pei Junlin was surprised by the demeanor of Chen Zhentian.

It's not an exaggeration that I am simply the spirit of Zhong Tiandi, not to say how handsome this layer looks today, but this person's temperament can't be imitated at all.

The aura of domineering, ambition and determination, and so on are mixed together to form a unique masculine aura.

Let Pei Junlin use four words to describe it, that is, perseverance, Yuan Ting Yue Zhi!

Chen Zhentian's hair is very long, but it is a bit naturally curly. Loosely draped over his shoulders makes him look extraordinarily tall, like a lion.

At this time, Chen Zhentian and the demon-level powerhouse fought so dimly that even Pei Junlin felt a sense of fright.

The demon-level powerhouse is equivalent to a saint, but Chen Zhentian is here, and he is very happy with the demon-level powerhouse, and can even stabilize his head, while the demon-level powerhouse roars again and again, trying to escape several times. Can't escape Chen Zhentian's knife.

"Chen Zhentian, don't be too arrogant, this king doesn't want to be familiar with you today." The devil roared and seemed to be driven to despair.

But Chen Zhentian didn't speak, staring at the demon lord with a pair of eyes, with a sneer from the corners of his mouth.

"Devil Tuoba, I have been fighting with you for no less than 30 years. During this period, I am not able to kill you, but use you to sharpen the knife. The funny thing is that you always thought I didn't dare to kill you. If I have the ability to kill you, I will be able to kill you ten years ago." Chen Zhentian's eyes were filled with pride, and he stood there even taller than this demon king.

"This human being is indeed a bit unusual. If all of the human races were such people, then our Heavenly Demon Realm would have been destroyed long ago." The Demon King hiding in the Soul Umbrella quietly told Pei Junlin.

"It turns out that your demon also has a name, this demon king Tuoba of the demon sect, then what is your name? Say your name and let's get to know it." Pei Jun was busy, and unexpectedly went with the demon in the soul umbrella. Started talking.

Having really seen the power of a strong man at the level of the devil, Pei Junlin knew how terrifying and nerve-wracking what he had done before.

Inadvertently, she not only escaped life and death, but also persuaded a demon king to act as a thug by her side.

Could it be that the battle between Chen Zhentian and the Demon King also made Pei Junlin frightened, because he found that even the powerhouse of the Demon King level, it seemed that he couldn't see enough in front of Chen Zhentian.

Facing the unpredictable predicament of life and death, Pei Junlin was in a state of confusion, and fell into contemplation like a puppet.

"You can call me a black wolf. Don't worry. Although Chen Zhentian is fierce and mighty, it is very difficult to kill you from my hands. As for the mop demon, it is just a small character, his strength Not 10% of mine." The Demon Lord Black Wolf said coldly.

Pei Junlin's mind gradually calmed down. Now the Soul Umbrella had a small part of the control power, and most of the control power in the hands of the demon lord Black Wolf was in the hands of Lao Wu.

As long as Lao Wu does not rebel, UU Reading billion heads of demon at the same time will be able to blast Chen Zhentian with no scum left, so Pei Junlin is not worried about his safety.

What I am worried about by Pei Junlin is that these Heavenly Demons like the Primordial Soul Umbrella cannot form combat effectiveness in a short time. After all, it is a problem for a Heavenly Demon to manage these Heavenly Demons, not to mention letting them drive the formation, which is even more difficult.

Unless the Essence Umbrella is given more authority to the Demon Lord Black Wolf, if the Demon Lord Black Wolf has the initiative of the Essence Umbrella, it will be difficult to recover it later.

Pei Junlin realized that his worry just now was completely unnecessary, and he quietly breathed a sigh of relief, but after letting go of this breath, the worries that followed followed.

The question Pei Junlin is now worried about is, after he leaves the devil world, what means will he use to suppress the demon lord Sirius? At the beginning, it was said that the demon king Sirius was brought into the world, but it was actually a temporary idea of ​​Pei Junlin, just to stabilize the opponent.

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