Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1537: On behalf of the sky

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Pei Junlin is now racing against each other. At the most critical moment, Pei Junlin escaped in the gap between the thickness of the hair.

That Chen Zhentian's sword technique can be said to be airtight, and the move just now can be said to have locked all the way for Pei Junlin to escape.

But Junlin Pei has become impossible. In the most critical and most overlooked place, a very small detail gives Junlin the possibility of escape.

Everyone thought that Pei Junlin was dead, and even the Demon King Black Wolf couldn't help but want to make a move, but at the most critical moment, Pei Junlin got out of trouble with his own strength, making everyone surprised.

"Brother Chen, what are you doing? Everyone is the same brother, why should we meet each other? Go back to the sect and let the elders judge." At this time, Leng Xiaoyun flew up high and stopped Pei. In front of Junlin, he used his flesh and blood to stop Chen Zhentian's pursuit.

Pei Junlin was very moved, because he was able to detect that Chen Zhentian wanted to seal all his retreat just now, and before he could catch his breath, he immediately resorted to a killer move.

However, the appearance of Leng Xiaoyun made Chen Zhentian throw a rat, and did not make a move, but stared at Pei Junlin with cold eyes.

"Leng Xiaoyun, do you mean I am not qualified to supervise the teacher brother?" Chen Zhentian stared coldly at Leng Xiaoyun's eyes with killing intent.

Leng Xiaoyun's body trembled slightly, it can be seen that the fear has reached the extreme, but he did not let go of his body, but stopped in front of Pei Junlin more firmly.

"Big brother, we don’t have to see each other with swords and spears at all. What's more, Pei Junlin has no capital crime. You can’t just condemn him to death based on an excuse or a few speculations and execute it immediately. If this matter is spread out , It is also harmful to your prestige, I hope you think twice before you act." Leng Xiaoyun continued to use emotions to reason, and wanted to persuade Chen Zhentian to give up the idea of ​​killing Pei Junlin.

But Junlin Pei knows that people like Chen Zhentian will be able to keep the things he believes, or the decisions he made, will never change easily.

At this time, Leng Xiaoyun jumped out, it was nothing more than an unjust dead soul. According to Pei Junlin's observations, all the people present on the scene are probably not Chen Zhentian's opponents. Even if a saint-level power comes here, he will probably be beaten to death by Chen Zhentian.

This person is too fierce, he is one of the most powerful people in Pei Junlin's life.

"Tell me once again you get out of the way, otherwise I will use your protection of instinct and chaos as an excuse to kill you in the same way. On Huangquan Road, you will be company with it." Chen Zhentian opened his hand, and a message appeared in his palm. If there is Ruowu's phantom, it slowly solidified and turned into a long knife.

The shape of this broad knife is extremely luxurious, with runes surging on it, and Pei Junlin can see a strong breath wrapped on it.

Even on this long knife, Pei Junlin felt the breath of strange fire. Because the tricks this knife used were so powerful that it could burn everything, there was actually a strange fire rooted in this long knife.

Pei Junlin could feel that the mysterious blue fireworks in his body was constantly eager to try, and seemed to be aroused by the strange fire of his opponent, and wanted to swallow it.

"Leng Xiaoyun, let me go first. This matter is a grievance between Chen Zhentian and I. I don't want to involve other people." Pei Junlin stretched out his hand to push Leng Xiaoyun away, and it belonged to Pei Junlin special. His true energy was input into Long Xiaoyun's body, making him unable to resist.

In the eyes of outsiders, Leng Xiaoyun was like a puppet. He was fiddled with by Pei Junlin, pushed to the side at random with his hands, and said nothing.

"Chen Zhentian, are you determined to kill me today? It's no use what I said, so we can only see the truth under our hands. I only hope that today's grievances can only stop with you, and we should not get involved. Many people." Pei Junlin stared at Chen Zhentian coldly, with a sharp light in his eyes.

Before Pei Junlin was pursuing the policy of keeping a low profile and bidding his time, but at this time he felt that this was no longer useful. No matter how he pretended to be a grandson, Chen Zhentian refused to let him go.

It seems that Chen Zhentian has already eaten the weight and is determined to kill himself here. At this time, it is useless to kneel down and beg for mercy. He can only stand up and confront the opponent.

In addition to the chaotic golden bucket and the mysterious earthen jar, coupled with the blessing of the soul umbrella, Pei Junlin felt that he might have the power of a battle, even if he could not defeat Chen Zhentian, it would not be a problem to escape.

If it's a big deal, I won't go back to the Great Thousand World, and I will just hide in this Heavenly Demon Realm for a period of time. When I find an opportunity, I will kill him again, and I will be ashamed.

Pei Junlin's temperament suddenly happened, and he changed his flinching appearance and instantly became righteous and confident. He even dared to look at Chen Zhentian. 101 Chinese Network

Seeing Pei Junlin's entire temperament change as if he was a different person, no longer keeping a low profile, Chen Zhentian was also a little surprised.

"Very well, I suspected that you were a spy sent by the Demon Sect for a long time, and now it really confirms my opinion. It's fine if you don't hide it anymore. I suspect that you are a demon under a certain great emperor. Now it seems mine It is assumed that there is basically no difference between ten and nine. Don't quibble, and don't rush to deny it. When I am asked to arrest you, you will explain all the crimes by yourself." Chen Zhentian looked high as a king.

As if he was acting on behalf of the sky, punishing all the evils in the world, no matter what he said or did, he was justified.

As if in this world, he Chen Zhentian is the sky, that is the kind of arrogance that everyone in the first and second world listens to him, makes Pei Junlin disgusted.

"What plan do you disciples have when you enter this place? I have once again collected the passage of the Demon Sect. It has been more than 30 years. For the sake of the sect, you will make a loud noise as soon as you enter this place. Twitter denies my attack. I am looking for you to suppress them together, and wait until I return to the East Gate to be tried together." Chen Zhentian did not stop doing two things, and simply charged Leng Xiaoyun and others with a crime and prepared to capture everyone.

Pei Junlin showed a look of surprise all over his face. In his opinion, Chen Zhentian was crazy. How could there be such a person in the world who speaks the wrong theory as the right way, and speaks it in a high-sounding way, as if he himself believed it.

This kind of person is actually the most terrifying, because she believes in all her decisions and believes that everything she does is correct and just.

Putting one's own interests above everyone and treating everyone as slaves is the biggest characteristic of Chen Zhentian.

Hearing Chen Zhentian’s decision, a group of female disciples exploded like a beehive. They didn’t expect that the senior brother they respected in their hearts would have such a face, and they would be arrested if they were just charged with a crime. This is simply fallacy.

These girls wanted to resist, but they all showed a weak look. At least most of them gave up resistance, all of them begging God to let them go.

Pei Junlin originally planned to unite these girls to fight against Chen Zhentian, but now it seems completely impossible. Chen Zhentian is really well-known and powerful, and relying on her reputation has suppressed these girls and dare not resist.

"This person looks like a benevolence and hypocrisy. I look so disgusting. Later, the two of us will join forces to kill him. I will capture his soul and bake it with soul flame for ten thousand years. All the ugly things in her heart They dug them out and made them public, leaving him ruined, and living in shame every day." The black wolf chuckled in a light tone but said a terrible possibility.

As expected to be the demon king born among the heavenly demons, his heart was extremely gloomy, and his casual words made Pei Junlin's heart tremble and his hair stood upright.

Compared with the demon king among the demon, Pei Junlin felt that Chen Zhentian was even more terrifying. This person had already completely embarked on a crooked road, and he didn't even know it.

In other words, Chen Zhentian has walked out of a way that belongs to him. He regards this way as a standard, and treats all those who affect him as heretics, and punishes and destroys him.

"As a last resort, let's not act rashly. Once you are exposed, then I will no longer have a place in the human world. After all, uniting the demon against humans will never be washed away." Pei Junlin was cautious. Said to the black wolf.

His worry is not unreasonable. After all, in the human world, the demon is an extremely disgusting gift, and everyone shouts and beats. If it is with the demon horns, then this person is basically a waste, no matter where he goes. All will be pointed out by everybody, and everyone will swear.

Therefore, Pei Junlin would not use his hole cards as a last resort, because that would allow Chen Zhentian to catch some clues, I am afraid this matter is difficult to do well.

Nowadays, I have finally established my own cave mansion and encouragement in Qingniu Holy Land. With my own mountain and men, the residents are naturally reluctant to have everything they have now.

Therefore, Pei Junlin will not reveal his trump card without a last resort. But if Chen Zhentian wants to kill him, Pei Junlin will definitely resist. He is definitely not the kind of person who sits and waits.

"If you don't make a move, you must make sure to let him die as soon as you make a move, and you can't leak the slightest noise." The demon black wolf laughed in Pei Junlin's ear.

The blind self-confidence and blind arrogance of this demon really made Pei Junlin speechless. You must know that Chen Zhentian's leaked strength is only rare. Who knows how huge he is hiding under the water.

Pei Junlin had never looked at any enemy highly, but he would never underestimate an enemy. Like Chen Zhentian, he gave Pei Junlin an extremely dangerous feeling. This was completely intuitive.

"You kid, you refute everything I say, don't you think you are his opponent? I'm afraid you will die in his hands in less than ten strokes." After being refuted by Pei Junlin successively, the black wolf was a little unhappy. , Even mocking Pei Junlin.

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