Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 154: Yuji regeneration Dan

? Boom!

Until then, the sound of a sound barrier breaking in the sky came like a thunderous thunderstorm.

It's just that no one has paid attention to the sound barrier, everyone's eyes are all converging on the knees, hands covering the crotch, his face is blue and sweaty, and the open sky long sweaty body, mouths are slightly opened, the eyes are open Tongue out.

No one can think of it. Pei Junlin will use this method to deal with the Chief of the Ming Dynasty!

One foot, one foot is completely done and the battle is solved!

How about a good technique?

What about our innate strength?

How can it be like a hooligan gang fights, the means are so shameful?

Watching kneeling down on the ground, covering his crotch with both hands, sweating the open air of the body trembling, Lu Qingkong, Lin Shukang and the innate strong man of the big man, the three men also felt inexplicably at the crotch The wind was cold, and Lin Qianmo's face was dark, and his head turned to look away.

"Little ... boy ... hello insidious ..."

Mingkong Dao held his lips long and stretched out his fingers softly. He was originally angrily scolding Pei Junlin, but he was full of girlishness and a touch of enchantment.

Pei Junlin seemed to have done a trivial little thing, and still looked indifferent like water. Not only that, he also stood down and looked down at the open sky kneeling on the ground with painful faces: "I am not insidious, but It's a lively lesson for you! "

"Do you know why today's methods are not completed?"

Everyone was stunned. Is there really a big name on that kick?

The director of Mingkong also stayed for a while, and then heard Pei Junlin say, "Everyone knows that the threshold of Taoist practice is much more difficult than martial arts, and the practice is slow. It is very difficult and unpleasant. There will not be much growth in five years, and close attack is very weak! "

Everyone was surprised, wasn't it? !!

This is almost a problem that has n’t been solved for thousands of years. The practice is much more difficult than the practice of martial arts, and there are so many things in it, the writing of symbols, meditation, One requires great perseverance to complete.

In today's impetuous environment, few young people are willing to do such boring and tasteless cultivation. More people will choose to enter the country faster, with more martial arts such as watching and pretending.

One punch broke the big stone, one punch penetrated the steel plate!

One more sentence that has been circulating for many years is widely known in the martial arts world. If the strong martial arts are in front of the martial arts, as long as the martial arts are close, it is like a seven-inch key snake, without any fighting power!

The martial arts strong is good at close combat, and the strong arts can communicate the power of heaven and earth, such as flames, thunder, ice thorns, etc., more suitable for long-range combat.

At this time, I heard Pei Junlin chilling and ruling Mingkong Dao: "Since you know the weak points of the strong man, why haven't you made any changes? Let me just launch a personal attack at will, and let you know Feet! "

Mingkong Road had a long mouth and was stunned, and immediately he suddenly recovered his soberness, and his face was extremely red. "Pei Junlin, you ... you said it simple, who do you think is the same as you in this world? Double cultivation, is it not human? "

"What we practice is the pulse of technique. The physical body is our weak point. If we practice the physical body, the practice of the magic method will inevitably delay time and lag behind a lot, so that it will become a high and low end! "

"In the end, you will be ridiculed by your peers!"


Before the Chief Minister of the Ming Dynasty had finished speaking, Pei Junlin coldly interrupted his words, and his face was filled with cold majesty: "Who stipulates that the strong man cannot practice the flesh? Who said that he has cultivated the flesh? Will it delay practice? "

"Everything is just an excuse for the weak! Since ancient times, the human body's mental strength and physical strength have always been very closely related. A strong physical body and full of blood are agile and thinking!"

"The two are a whole, and no one can do without it!"

"In the whole world, with the exception of a rare small number of talented people, how many weak and dying people are quick-minded and can be compared to others?"

The audience was silent. No one could refute a sentence. Sitting on the ground, the long open sky covering the crotch, seemed to have forgotten the pain, sitting there like a chicken, motionless.

"I said so much, not to ask how the magical practitioners work hard to cultivate the physical body, but as a magical practitioner, the minimum requirement should also have a self-protection force in the same level, so as to give himself a magical attack Get some time! "

"Like just now, I believe that the moment when the director of Mingkong exploded in speed, in fact, I already had a sense of evasion in my mind, and there were many ways to do it, but I could n’t keep up with my physical body. ! "

"If you have a certain physical foundation, then you can completely avoid my kick and give yourself a chance to shoot. Let us not talk about victory or defeat, at least the battle will not end so soon!" Analyze.

Mingkong Dao's face was flushed, and his face was ashamed. It was exactly the same as Pei Junlin said. It was indeed the case just now. When he saw Pei Junlin's outburst, he already had a sense of evasion. , And the method is very big, but the flesh cannot keep up with the consciousness ...

Snapped! Pop!

Applause sounded, Lu Qingkong stepped forward, and his thin face was covered with rosy light, and he looked very good.

"I did not read the wrong person! It is really a good idea to listen to Jun and read a book for ten years!"

Lu Qingkong gave a thumbs up to Pei Junlin: "These sharp comments, I don't know how many powerful men in the art world are ashamed!"

"No need to try again, Pei Junlin, on behalf of the Yanhuang organization you promised, I promise you!"

Pei Junlin bent his arms slightly: "Thank you, General Lu!"

Lu Qingkong said, "Don't thank me, these are all you deserve! I believe that your presence will bring us a glimmer of hope in the Chinese Xia Guoshu world!"

"Now what I want to ask you is, when can you leave the soonest? The Yanhuang organization is really scarce! And more than two months later, there will be a game about Huaxia Guoshu and the world of awakening. The international competition is about to start, so I don't want to wait! "

Pei Junlin wondered: "Awakener?"

He had just heard Lu Qingkong said the word, but he didn't care. He raised it again at this moment, and he wanted to play against Hua Xia Guo, which made him curious!

"You don't know the Awakener?"

Lu Qingkong noticed the confusion on Pei Junlin's face, and was surprised. The rest of them were also the same. Pei Junlin always showed a wide range of knowledge, as if there was nothing in the sky that he didn't know, but he didn't know the awakening?

Pei Junlin shook his head. He really didn't know what the so-called awakening man was. Why did he have to know?

Finally, under the explanation of Lu Qingkong and the crowd, Pei Junlin learned that the so-called awakening refers to some powerful players in Europe and the United States that are similar to Huaxia.

However, unlike the way of practicing methods in China, the awakeners in Europe and the United States are a means of awakening through the bloodline to improve their strength. Once the bloodlines are awakened, these awakeners will have various control over lightning, water , Fire, wind, rain, vegetation, etc.

This ability is very similar to that of Huaxia Kingdom, but it seems to be much simpler and faster than Huaxia Kingdom's practice method.

After listening to the explanations by Lu Qingkong and others, Pei Junlin finally learned what the so-called Awakener is a ghost. It turned out to be just a special constitution of some natural spirits, such as Wang Yinqiong's pure Yin body.

Unfortunately, the so-called awakening physiques in Europe and the United States are afraid that even the toes of Wang Ziqiong's pure yin body can't match, because Wang Ziqiong's pure yin body is rare in a thousand years. of.

I want to come to those so-called awakenings who are just born with special constitutions that are slightly sensitive to the elements such as gold, wood, water, fire, earth, etc., and then activated by some special means, and become transformed into so-called awakeners!

Such a constitution, when there were thousands of worlds, Pei Junlin didn't know how many times he had seen and how many he had killed. There were different names for people there, what spiritual root, fairy root, **** root ...

After learning about the so-called Awakener, Pei Junlin dismissed a smile and bluntly Lu Qingkong gave him a week's time, and after a week, he could leave.

In a week, he was enough to regenerate Yuji Dandan, and then his parents and sister were completely assured!

Lu Qingkong, the head of Mingkong Road, and the big-handed man left, and the two sides agreed to meet in Jinling City one week later.

On the same day, Pei Junlin chose to take his family back to Jinling City, and then he began to make jade muscle regeneration Dan at the fastest speed.

This time, Pei Junlin's jade muscle regeneration Dan is not even as difficult as Ziyun Mindan Yuedan. After all, his parents and sister are just ordinary mortal bodies. In addition to healing the scars on the face, it is to condition the three bodies. Mainly.

Three days later, when Pei Junlin stepped out of the still room, Yuji Zaidan had been completely refined.

Pei Junlin brought her parents and sister together, taught the three of them a special cultivation method, and then asked the three to swallow Yuji Dandan.

Two days later, when the three came out of the still room, the prince Qiong, Wang Ziyu, Wang Haishan, Qin Yan, Hong Tianlei, etc. who were waiting outside were all stunned.

Pei Donglai and Guo Shiyun are both more than ten years younger. The vicissitudes of their faces, scars and wrinkles are gone forever, and they are replaced by a young man with vitality and health, especially Guo Shiyun. Become a mature woman with a Jiangnan water village, raise her hands, and be decent, gentle and generous.

As for my sister Pei Nianci, she has become more energetic and youthful. All the ugly scars on her face have faded away, replaced by a delicate skin like a newborn baby. It is radiant, and it is completely a beauty embryo ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ Jiao's slender body is beautiful.

Everyone was stunned. If it wasn't for their own eyes, it would be incredible. This would be the legendary return to old age.

Even Prince Qiong's eyes were shining brightly, grasping Pei Junlin's arm tightly, shaking it constantly, and his eyes motioned to look at a certain place.

When Pei Junlin turned his head, he saw the longing eyes of his father-in-law Wang Haishan and mother-in-law Qin Yan, could not help but smile, reached out and took out a jade bottle from his pocket, and handed it to Wang Ziqiong.

He had already prepared for this. Wang Haishan, Qin Yan, and his youngest sister-in-law, Prince Yu, each had a lot of them.

When they knew that Pei Junlin had prepared the elixir for them, the three were very happy!

Only Prince Joan's eyes were full of sadness, because Pei Junlin had already told her about going to the Yanhuang organization to become the instructor of surgery ...

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