Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1540: Holy Lord Bai Fan

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The most dangerous moment is equal to a gambling, the slightest carelessness will lead to death on the spot.

At this time, Chen Zhentian also seemed a little weird. He realized that Pei Junlin was not resisting, which was beyond his expectation. Facing a non-resisting person, Chen Zhentian hesitated a little bit, but soon, there was a stern look in his eyes.

He killed Pei Junlin and there is another most important secret, this secret cannot be told to anyone. Because he once heard someone say that there will be a person in the Blue Bull Holy Land in the future, that person is his nemesis of Chen Zhentian, and everything he has now will be completely lost because of that person's arrival.

According to the calculation of the previous person, the nemesis of her fate is Pei Junlin, so Chen Zhentian will kill Pei Junlin anyway.

At the moment when Pei Junlin faced his death, a whirlpool appeared in the void, and a young man in a moon-white robe seemed to appear out of thin air.

Gently grasping with the palm of his hand, the entire space was like a piece of cloth, and it was directly wrinkled. Then all Chen Zhentian's attacks were blocked by the twisted time and space.

Pei Junlin's eyes widened. It was the first time he saw such a strange sight. The scenery and all the objects in front of him were randomly distorted like a rag, grabbing it as if everything in front of him had become A picture painted on a piece of cloth.

At the most critical moment, this person grabbed the space in front of him and immediately wrapped Pei Junlin, and all the dangers were eliminated invisible.

Jin Ye's prediction has been fulfilled, and Pei Junlin also breathed a sigh of relief. He was betting just now, but this time he won the bet. As for who is coming, Pei Junlin has some hunches in his heart.

The core figure of the Qingniu Holy Land is also the Qingniu Great, not the current Sect Master of the Qingniu Holy Land, but the true sovereign is someone else.

It was just a smile, without the slightest mood swing on his face, but the moment he saw the man, Chen Zhentian's expression suddenly changed.

Without any hesitation, Chen Zhentian directly knelt on the ground, with a look of horror on his face.

"Get up, all of you are from the same sect, why bother to do this evil hand. This time I know you are discussing, but there is no next time." When the young man spoke, a majesty was revealed invisibly, oppressing for a moment Pei Junlin, his whole body creaked, and he couldn't help but kneel down.

But in the end Pei Junlin withstood the pressure and stood still and did not move, but looked at the young man with a strange expression.

The young man just glanced at Pei Junlin lightly, and a message entered Pei Junlin's mind. There was no communication or fluctuations in spiritual consciousness, so Pei Junlin knew who this man was. He knew exactly what his name was. This feeling was extremely weird, as if someone had put something in his mind. Something that belongs to me.

It turned out that this young man turned out to be the current holy lord of Green Bull Holy Land. He has a name called Bai Fan, who looks very ordinary and doesn't show up.

"Junlin Pei, I know that after you entered the sect, your performance has always been very ordinary, but you made a blockbuster and won the first place in the core disciple promotion competition of the sect. Our sacred land, we will need it from now on. For a talent like you, I hope you will continue to work hard and learn from Chen Zhentian." When Bai Fan spoke, he was high-sounding, but it was not annoying.

Pei Junlin suddenly realized that Bai Fan was afraid that this time Pei Junlin who had come to rescue him had a strange feeling in his heart. It seemed that everything he had done before could not hide from this person's eyes.

Even Pei Junlin was able to feel that Feiyue old man's affairs were clear to Bai Fan, which made Pei Junlin feel a sense of fear in his heart.

"Thank you for the Holy Bishop!" Pei Junlin quickly arched his hands towards Bai Fan without hesitation.

On the other side, Chen Zhentian saw all the performance of Pei Junlin in his eyes, and his heart was extremely angry. At this time, he was the only one in the audience kneeling on the ground, while Pei Junlin was standing and talking to Bai Fan. This caused a gap in Chen Zhentian's mind.

Knowing that in the entire Green Bull Holy Land, Chen Zhentian is a giant-level figure. Even so, he still needs to kneel down to see Bai Fan, but Pei Junlin is not expensive, and Bai Fan did not show any unpleasant colors. , This is favoring one another.

At the same time, Chen Zhentian also knew about this, and Bai Fan's beating on himself was considered a warning.

"It's time for the demon of the demon world to beat it! And Pei Jun is on your body quietly lurking a demon-level monster, I will help you confine him now!" Bai Fan has a pleasant smile on his face. , Just like sunshine.

At the moment before Bai Fan's voice fell, Pei Junlin could feel the anxiety of the black wolf demon. This demon head of the Demon King level lurked in the soul umbrella in Pei Junlin's body, trying to enter the human world to cause chaos, but at this time it was actually seen through by Bai Fan. 120 novels

Before Pei Junlin felt that the moment when Bai Fan appeared, the Demon King Black Wolf seemed to have been greatly shaken, and quietly lurked down, becoming silent.

Now Bai Fan broke through the existence of the black wolf and immediately panicked the Black Wolf Demon King. Pei Junlin could even feel the flustered emotions in the demon's heart.

A black mist appeared from behind Pei Junlin, and the Black Wolf Demon King stared at Bai Fan coldly, with a look of fear on his face.

"Bai Fan, why did you shoot me? You have to know when the Heavenly Demon Realm is here. I didn't go to the human realm to make trouble. You have no reason to kill me." Obviously, the black wolf is showing weakness.

This Bai Fan didn't give him too much opportunity to speak. He felt a little bit deeply. Pei Junlin could only see that a strange light shrouded in an instant. The demon king Bai Fan had no resistance at all, and his body was instantly bound. After that, even mental fluctuations could not be passed on.

In just a short time, Bai Fan thoroughly purified his spirit and will from the Demon Lord Black Wolf, and was completely defeated, leaving only a group of pure demon energy.

A series of extraordinary operations made Pei Junlin look silly. He didn't expect that the unattainable Demon King in Bai Fan's hands turned out to be like a toy in Bai Fan's hands. The power to fight back.

This was terrifying, seeing that the wolf demon king turned into a pure heavenly demon energy, this made Pei Junlin startled inexplicably. At this moment, Chen Zhentian, who was kneeling on the ground, saw that the spirit of the Black Wolf Demon King was defeated, leaving only a pure demon body, and a look of greed suddenly appeared in his eyes.

You must know that this is a devil-level demon body, immediately after refining it will turn into a second clone. Being an incarnation outside of the body, undoubtedly possessing the strength of a demon, this is very powerful, and it can even invade the opponent's mind and hit the opponent by surprise.

In other words, the demon body left after the spirit of the Black Wolf Demon King was defeated is simply a priceless treasure.

"Pei Junlin, the first time I met, I have nothing to give you, this demon king's body will be given to you." Bai Fan's words made Pei Junlin stunned on the spot.

A small black ball ran towards Pei Junlin, Pei Junlin reached out and caught it, and found that it was heavy. This thing is heavy in the hand, weighing at least tens of catties to the touch.

Starting this thing is like a glass ball, but Junlin Pei sees a black energy flowing continuously in it. The purity of this energy is unprecedented before Junlin Pei, holding it in his hand is like holding a ball. The same with nuclear bombs.

On the other side, Bai Fan easily gave the body of the Demon King to Pei Junlin. His eyes were cracked and his whole body was stunned.

You must know that before Pei Junlin appeared, he Chen Zhentian was the most eye-catching pride of the entire Blue Bull Holy Land. Almost all the resources were leaning toward him in the sect. The elders respected him, even before Bai Fan. High hopes are placed on him.

Today's matter is indeed too weird. Bai Fan, who was in retreat, broke through, constantly breaking through, and weirdly appearing in the Celestial Demon Realm to prevent him from committing a poisonous hand to Pei Junlin.

Synthesizing all the information, Chen Zhentian felt that something was not good, and even Bai Fan had already doubted himself.

Some things Chen Zhentian did operate secretly, but he could ensure that no one would know about this, but now a series of actions by Bai Fan made Chen Zhentian a deep crisis.

"What are you doing on your knees? Get up quickly. Your brothers must be in harmony with each other, especially when the blue bull holy land is now turbulent. The newcomers are full of blood and it is understandable to fight each other for time, but remember not to hurt your lives. "Bai Fan's whole body is as gentle as jade, and when he speaks, he is gentle and drizzle, completely converging the strong and atmospheric aura before.

Nowadays, Bai Fan is standing there like a big brother next door, but Pei Junlin can feel that Bai Fan is like the sun on which everything grows, with a faint light radiating from his body, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com makes people feel a positive emotion in their hearts.

Pei Junlin inferred Bai Fan's strength in his heart, but he could not figure out what extent Bai Fan had reached after exhausting his life.

Could it be that Bai Fan had reached the realm above the legendary Great Sage, thinking of this possibility, Pei Junlin's whole body was erected.

A storm disappeared invisible, and then Bai Fan brought Pei Junlin, Chen Zhentian and others to the sealing location. This so-called sealing site is actually quite ordinary, it looks like a huge pond, with a stone monument in the middle of the pond.

A deep well was suppressed under the stele. When the stele was removed, the figure appeared in front of Pei Junlin, Bai Fan and others.

What made Pei Junlin feel strange was that it opened. After this application, the surrounding lake water could not enter the well, and there was no water in the scene, just a faint black light curtain.

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